Current Electricity 7

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New Doc 211 2 << @ Cimbintin a betes. o Ganges (isyun) Gn = Cav en> OD Series Combinahm oh > — Guta Ceqany & fa Gor ist 5)-m = Sev fre WATE eR lo @it mn ident col beers | rowan parmty ty ame otinec tien Enna = 78. Gm Cn Com > Ye = I. iz mt mntR Sap 7 P12 bereny ik Revered 9 (0-D PoHnian in ame interme ond 2 "Cos, evn) = —— Bottey in Revie Cony Peg) in oe on sinmronn sme seven / Jeur-« E= @-20 Moy = K. y= bt deross ony barony Boece 7 iclenhel battery ’ « é. ae “ e he : 0 tasemo) : Nye Nees 4 any mumbo oe botteniea Qe Connecter (wa) unit, Polarity in Bame tenet Iw 105, havey 20 ew ternal Retr Bierce, fd Crreth On baer =o Xo “GB Ken) Sberce, Bed Octeth tom bacrery = =f én of — - Ont fd eoyes ony bottery =O ny betory pe Low pt aun “@ on Y I] Zoey e i een a, wy au % ny = SE- £8 28. My = 4K . a f= 28 i" ce me “ — Pd ACroks A Cartcnareng) Y= é-54 2 % = Fs bet > Wa= etm = G» eee o =z ® Paral Comb — © tf n ’ idence! batons ane Connect) ih Fee Plater 7 en Connected \ errs * \ 1 to Eanes 2 meee | Eo Yaa) Tee ye \ 7 —\ a @ Seca coy: Ef only 2 borenio ae in Met. O + terme Connected to7ether @ +e oF om if Connect _te —ue @ Oren Gu Mou) (i: = v Gar) Gun) Nok :~ fn 2 cote Nee 2 tne pramity 9 Resulting ba nery 2 prtering are ik in the yn, toro £ it be. OP Paki 2 Pte Conene wil Fs im enters) Re Bik tance Polen ty W50 ne Ccconag : vg Gey ee * AGB -C- tay 2 rp O69 gan “@ on lop — 2a. +20 -fo~ 26 =O dev 2 2at+2b2-10 —@ Or wrt lep@ - 5 Ca-v) bab tm =o Zo 2a - S(e-6) =O 3 Sate S -7a +5b+20=0 —D Oxr + @xz tp@ ~ #9 2b Sow =0 “2 Sa.-76 -soz0 -@ 2ye = - Ie +60 Ors+ O@r@ 3s @ le syn 2 yO - 246 -1s0 Per in @ be 2S 4 2b= -1w + Fe - 2258 p20<0 e Tz be ese Q= -25 es Fre & fing corent in 6-2) a, Bae ES » 6 Sa a - 25 _ 25 | (nF = oe Zov LP O se C4ev) t “Si, +40 -67 =o: —@ ae el 20 - 40Mh) + 5i,= 0 3 20- 81451 TSI, co > 20-2) +97, =0 —© @x«2-@ Go- si Fibi) — Csi, Hue ~ 6 = 2tico > 2 i= Ze Be 5 Vy = Ya @ Mined _gmoping bp 4 Va ennca@ Paemes in BA bronce, 2m brenaes in Pool. Me, wn) Gey an oun xR fin_mew mum pew z » je ome iN ex pommel Gin wit ny A. x n > a * @ 24 metnie_cingwitt sapoht A rape w 0 oman C 3 10 AC containing R and y gous to AE cortining 2R- Pat ate yoo Sa et ts eocmanre By jncton rl tC; a euronty gosto COB, = ype CE mw oreee LY) bine me VPltete- Bymmetiy — © Symmetie Circuits The abore Iara jut shes an Hen sbeutemet,. Syrmety in act creat i vey ae sde P= compbsstd rbloms wh 0a. “The folowing sategy wl be ust mst prctlens. 1. ne Sno of ym te chet 2 Aeply 2 pon ference (cy, tp the conoemed pots | Dietbut the cra nh cout apn ni at fe cibton of trent wil ao be eymmete aczoding tthe eymenety of reson. 4. Ont (delat) te ranches in ic thr is no cure Now identity te parse! and series combnans of esis any) ad repae them by equate resetance, te mien Dn tg ast Solution: ‘Curent erbuton shal be ryrmetic bout he Ines of symeety. it acuran x goes in AC, ton 8 cues x ato gos AD. jpn eymmay Co <3) z Sim st at a cman x come sng FB, ae sane cent lng GB. Ts oes Sst cae Yvon Ae gone ES at ‘ua, caret ny 2 cman a CE, gost EF end Fo DE to £9. ‘he uncon at Ei a, The rel an be earaged 8 ine [TOM the tre Pro i Cos tp ie ahvide te Gin cok inte 2 Gwe elegy Imete. pont free tome Prrerne| Soran ttte cmacntememen BE oso Ean 32 Fb oa f= 28 oe. “srateqy: (1) Remove CH end HF snc hy ar ate sare plato symm rete 2) Fd to equal resistance betwen A ad etn cena Serene ted Rag 08 Aah Ton 8, Pa at, New Dus TD PRON ATES ‘Seanned by CamScanner eter conned extnaty betwen pots A and Cio detain he equivalent resistance ‘eten Aad C. eth ren ied Rep nak Tw, 8, Psa Rd New Debs 008 on aT ‘Soanned by GamScanner Example 36 Seatagy: etre fii of above example fed equivalent restore Between pits 8 ard O- To fnd Rap connec a btay between pois B and D. (1) Remove the resistances betwen 1,2 ard 23 soe Ris syne notre, 2) Fr Rae nen AT ‘Scanned by CamScanner 1 398 Guret Bectiy Inte ftowing cut, fd teva of Ray 8S cunrenr By meer & (1) The symmetry auagets ht cant owing from to G wil be equal © cient flowing tom C10 E (2) Remave te node C and change to cre a ols and fd ‘Scanned by CamScanner Esrthing or Grounding in anolctical iret, Wheastone bridge, Equivalent resistance] oteomplex networks De a 6 2r04R © Ga 1 len2a-2b=0 a 1 2b 20-204) =0 (an on ‘Soanned by CamScanner 38. The | scurertmstane beta Aan Bin owra o® Rennie batartyd 268 2 2 aa Re a a “3 er m as of 57. tna ratoc res, wha oud be abe oy sh at tev reastanes betwen ps | on = Fk @ and b does not change, = - Bosarcend wv iB 0 0% ©) seowy betoncey ose 7m @5m am oem 120, Inthe net of 6 wes, each at same eeccal onductanoe equ C. The elec resistance between ‘ana Babe ‘ 1 + 3% @x 1 4 OF Oe cn tawatgnal Saves United Pe Of: Ala Tow 8 Puss Rad, New Dai oon pane ness By CamScanner [Eesti artes, chs tem Dapentce of rattane on tenth of eon] By peerincrntessanscekiccne netomat nme | M4 | Town at et races mae oe mel ra od a cane ee aad fier teca cine oan re ‘sphere of radius 10 mm that caries a charge of 8. nC = 8 x 10 Cig atached atthe end of an insulin sting and is whe incl. The rtaton roquacy i100 are de (0 Wate ae xine carina lenge? 2 == EES ® /™ Fe 0) What na en os gc eet? ‘2 apa tr ow tr cnr ihn 110% actos perme. Wats et awa tee = Ney. Gane whe (0) 125 m8 2 125000 ms are 01 9 18m 125" 10% ms w= te2Y oe oot nt sh a 23) 29 et tng ie ny ae pan spec mensint ion bem able soe one eee ttn @ thm be ore 21 to tee ee & “Two copper wires have the same length but the second has metric tha fhe fist. the resistance ofthe fests 2 chs, the resstane a the eacond is te Lame 1 am aia #= Le asa @) 8a ©. Avie of estan Rand of aus Io i Ain liane Rand a i comeraznd back acer wo rae 2; ne ese we A A> 4 hmw z as Go pew om 4 a ob es Erm! ‘Scanned by CamScanner ‘arent 2A fe owing Oogh a contr ef lance 8 Fd the cial ereyy ranma ease . = “vs = jPRE PR at aH are given he power nd the poten! Geerce across me reacgh, 0 we sae eK (vn P= 40 W and V= 12, an ong for Rw clan vo im oF mn BERS. port Tite caro nan saci bub decrees By 05% Don Row wl powar te ub change? Tre power P= PR TG poe > Of. 204 se changes ae very ame hance we cn te irene now” P= (218 \ Edens Services Lime - ge Os Aakash Tower, 8, Pus Read, New Oar 0005 PRON) ‘Scanned by CamScanner 12 caren eecriy Bed re RT pesuring Resins same, Here dPis vry-ery smal change in power P and sna very anal change ln lc cae | ra Btoetatne bx 988)-M% Tu por decreases by 1 2 en terneme gH rangi 117A 00 Wests Bob and 0 W hast oper ota rated votge arn of ub] a nates # mich Hote tamper as compared to ht ote heat. The most apes res iss tw rnc nthe malate ensontestyo ats, being citrate rites ar nat 9.0. | ‘The os peep reason i tat he arnt of Bubs have flr raion. Ese Ite power consumed be same, emperor bb wl be larger because of mach sealer mas. i Example 12 Lani and os-ocona areas of fur pocos of crane wir a Al fl, A) 28) 4g snd 28) apc te sare poten Vi aplad arse hs, wich of to wis wl gt ated Pate soy 0? Sotdion : The we having (24 wi conse maxim Power P=! ‘Scanned by CamScanner Lees «Lape mpc ane me bxample 1 ea [wa 2 90 Find te restores across AB Bouton : From gure ts clara trina Aa pint 2 are common point and termina 8 and pot 1 ‘re common pt 0 resroning he aga we have sa “Nt too 50. ie Now, 6 0 10 sd 15 ae in par oetcve rectance is Lake) a0" ‘ramp 187 nthe arangament shown, the pall of pot AsV, and that of pont Bs V, Cade epee pat eT ay $ ‘ayy ‘ Soutien: tacment rfowgtom awe, Ye Mes Sauce oo Ge pene baat Mov = vet ‘Scanned by CamScanner [Example 47 Solution : TReisa Current! trough Ris trom Ato B. "Network is siple sais natwrk. Total esetance = R+ r= (18 +5)0=200 « _10v coment = Eo = OE Potential difrence across AB, V=Vj-Vp2 R= 054)" 180=75y 2~ 205A ‘A cell of emf 10 V and intemal resistance 5 1 Is connected across a resistance 15 92. Find ote diference across AB. ‘Scanned by CamScanner Fae In wy 1B Te os pl ci ofl. ; it ata [2 KY 4 wv 12 conan Ato = $= Acumen 9.2 Bs Polenta erence 9038 AB, Vy = (TAYE 2) = 8 410.0 and 15 aco In parallel across AB. So, potential difrence across both of 1 z we” find Rone > To Be CcuentYom N01 = = Hye wry wa" — et To fe (Aye 0)= 6 across AB. So, patent! difrence across both of Potent ornce 20s AB, VY 40 0 and 15.0 are in paral thom = Vag = 8 Vy. 6Y rt 0, r= Mito 8Y 088 = Curent tough 100, f= Hat = SZ =08 A “Wan By Se cnc 0S @ ot Fe wad, tan Be ress ample 19 cof bub goes on decoasing Extn. Solution: 11 ee f theca «ands tral eine i tan cent rough he Bub ot resitance Ris 1= = tof ho coe = V,+ Vs he afernee of chica pot of eeodes, whieh & crm nt ra gen col ends indpendant fee Te Troma estan fe sts vray proprio he on ety neler, srry sl propia oa deat) We psa fe of won So avenge es fa ges on reer Tse cae SY the bub goes on cece ‘Scanned by CamScanner lample 20: Fgues (A) and (8) show wo rosso wih resistances R, and R, connected in parallel and in Ogg, mee Te btm ta a emalvotign of Bote 4 8 win 2 Be qo my 4 |! TI w ® Suppose R, and R, are connected in parallel (@) Find he power dosvered to each reir. (2) Show tet te Sum of he power used by each resistor le equal to tho the bate, lsh Edueatlona Seve Limited - Rope Oe: AalaehTowe 8, Psa Road, New Dehif0008 Ph ovaries) ‘Scanned by CamScanner fn = (6) *4 = £ bef lee “bee = rons Pou trove bearny which moans thatthe par ‘auivalent resistance of two resistors connected in [Etecticslenergyandpowa, Combination ofresistors-seresand parallel] aragraph for Question Nos. 151019 oid Paragraph for Questor abrhth +e ‘consi th cat gram shown and anger the quests based on enacion ue mae pow Ti 1 conocer i alae le ha Wthre= 2 a= gn Merve ¥ To a ° 15. What isthe equivalent resistance of the th in the above figure? a v= we 0a @90 2 ose O48 y= 8 16. What isthe current drawn from the cell in the circuit? ~ 3 (oa 24 on ae 1. ati be curt ugh 200 esto be tt 8 Va ne gee? 1 2 ob 58 ae ist te 3 03h waa 18. Whatis the volage cop across the the resists onthe leo he 6 V colin the pre? oF oa a 18. What the curent trough the 10.0 resistor onthe ight of he 6 V callin the gure? 5A eat @ a ‘Scanned by CamScanner b. 1800 aan heats consrucea apa a 18 (0 Whe ib te corn ena 0) hash rss of he natn eat? (©) How many kdocaloies are generated in one hour by the heater? & hive toe resistors of eistances RR and Ry (meine onal rnsnes? P. Awe teste Rs ion ag prs. Tae par en onan par The ease how should they be connected t (a) maximize {esistance of the combination will be ~~ ay 4 k dé a &e Rn £ om hf as a : ® — a os ea ‘A.copper wire of resistance Ris cu into ten parts of equal length, Two pieces each are joined in series and _ ‘hen five such combination are joined in parallel. The new combination wil have a resistance (slan fre 22 8 on Bo~ af r Se ee a a af A — |. wns man 2 crt ac be win ct amps Hn [| the resistance is increased to hm, the cures 025 amperes. The risralretance of cl i (05a @10 @ 150 20 ‘Scanned by CamScanner Example 22 Fad conti he 10. arenas 9 a love Ena = > ty- 2 Sie aa Tee wav raed TAN | Vay 2 2 sein: pec Aat Bn es pet to ten ereamn as | + et a 2 L | aa ic = e "tampa 22> Fura ach of ent E and ama relance rar cnmeced nse fo Tam a bop ASD. L pte cternce acs (1) AB, @) AC. : Fe ‘clare connected comet a ete, sone emt Eg = 4 Net inomaletance r= So, curt abo eet Sotaion ‘eS Aaa ‘Scanned by CamScanner — ‘Example 47 A co an 0 W GSSOSO EST Wi potter ‘rample 24: cal of ons coneced oan extemal reasanceR. Femina! poser tere {he col urd to be Vd te item restance ote ol Soliton: Gin Y= Vyev | my tg Using vn ACOA, 9 sethein=0 1 cree . pres Yyot ‘ee ee a Vee-reR ‘Example 25: When acl is connected oan extemal resistance R, caret though Ks, When be came ‘lis conectd fo an extemal reactance Ry care Oreugh ils), Calne the on snd summa sesame: api ane 0 =o eer Bene mares ees . From (1) & (2), oO ic ee we ly one aa = Bt eto Bibs es =a ae © Iy . = ‘Scanned by CamScanner Setuton ¢, 4 a = 9)A2 408 ‘Etampie 27? rte nwo avn ur nd, fad . sa ke» | ev Sotaion: Appjing Kho juncton eto orf feheh ‘Aephing oop noo abla “ah 84h 44h 20 = 5-34.95 o ‘rato op eo abdeo -a-21-1+8*0 eayes 90,1) 3f,= 8 (Using easton) = 34 +6,28 uation (i) «2+ Euan (8 we get 0 = 8h +34 #64 = 1048 = 1,218 ois ating vl fn uation (we ot ‘Scanned by ae Solon; Resistance of bach 40 «(6 +5) 15. Resistance of ranch ADC = (10 +5) = 150 Both branches ae paral cos ect 3 V caret rough both tances ae oY, isa Feet tence ares 20 Va Mo * We Ma* Yao) =, +104 w-scdoond ty 27 ond [Gala ot and internal reietanc, Cla insries and parle Krehhot ra] 25, Which of he folowing equations eKits rt as pple the cot ven blow? ws vo pao . a icneyeo aenrenes feaenee vnc tern coed nt ah ce bs co F (yen ty osteo t-4-m0,+m,00 0-6-2040 (9-4-20,-20100 a wraebevenct ston sot) 7 446 ora za (aca enol Sree Ud Fag OR Aah Tove. 8 Pak Rand Ni Oh nine vt ens! ‘Seanned by CamScanner 1F29h for Question Nos. 28031 Conse the ftowing combnaon of cal (A an) wich ar suppyng cent. ‘eta esi Xt i arnt ef ght fetwitentamia @orvunewmmn ta fev ovterdwmeisa — Wenaunmemoe erat tote om a shea (ae ecw only i ai 2a aan oe Teco lao He 28 eae fae Wien woof four cleus gan below are Mena wh respect th cont Rough esr? ot see or «i ce a Law —| a " errno on onoNone meer. cme aor pnt an eel Gas sorb pst nh a Coat ong coal H-45) hen nly one point is grounded thers no tc on cern inte ret Using Kv in ABCOEA, -a1- 81-14 1080 ‘Soanned by CamScanner ao ita Now, Vo 0 (because Cis rounded) Using KVL, Vp == Vp oe Wp Vet Si Vye3V Silay Ve~ 81 Vp Feat = ye Hence, eating pont gives us the referenes oval, 260 potenti: Potent of diferent pit can py be cleatod using tis efeerce, Short Cleut a Fo poten a crt ae connects by @conducing wie (or resistance path) tis called shot cng The petal erence betwen the vo pons becomes zr (0) ShortGtretng a rsistance : Conse a par of some cul. The points Band Care connec ie, Har shor creed. (Toei resstanoe between Band C becomes za +> ——_ ew tity La j BrBed > ghee = herd ‘ t eo > Efctv esiance betwuen A and De + Ry aL = fs Taree sn etn pm gh ena non wae ietgstaaminangenn P= Soe Short Cireuting of a cell: The tain! A and D fa ct ‘connected bya connecting we BC of oo restance, sng HL In ABCDA, +e = 0 = cree inf, Tein poenal diteroncs aro th els Yao 0 a am a BD RTT FSO] Hai - ® Soutton : When switch is open: toner eased Using KVL in ABCDA, i+ ae —T -R-irse=0 ate lo +4. = an beso an - ory In tis stun, no curent ows trough (as is shored) Using KVL In ABCD orteso “Fs | Example 30; Into loctial cic shown pots Band Core eared. Fd tho potential of port A and D. = Curent through 0 ls zero. et joy - a 1 Using Ln cd op AREA nueoed-tai 180, ots = vy canned by Camscanner 5

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