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PAULINE: Hello Philippines and hello world

Gene: Good afternoon everyone, welcome to DZ TALK. We are your host for today I’m gene

Pauline: and I’M PAULINE

Gene: Is everyone doing great this afternoon? I hope so and thank you for joining us today to
witness and learn about the topic.

PAULINE: where we will talk about Factors affecting the biological and physical development

Pauline: with the help of some personalities we will be able to understand the factors that might
have an effect in biological and physical development.


Before anything else let’s all welcome Them … doc. Mayumi guimay ,Ma’am Karen and sir
Brian Matammu.

A pleasant afternoon ma’am and sir

HOST: We would like to introduce our young professionals, first we have here is [maam Karen ]
can you please tell us a little about yourself maam

Karen: name and work

Host : our second guest here is [Dr. mayumi guimay] can you also please tell us a little about
yourself maam


Host : And our third guest is Sir brian matammu a parent volunteer can you also tell us a little
about yourself sir


Thank you maam and sir for coming in today’s episode and we also know that you are all bc but
still napaunlakan niyo ang aming inbitasyon

Gene: What is it that determines what you are up to? What can be a sign that you will have a
sound personality in the future? Do you right away know who you are becoming right at that
moment you were birthed?

Pauline: Are your smart parents the same smart kid you are? Is the rich family you’re born
from, a predictor of your future wealth?
Gene: ito ung mga tanong ng palaisipan parin sa marami ,madalas narin nating itong
naririnig because of curiosity

Pauline: what are your insights about this maam Karen

Karen: According to Taylor & Becket (2019), there are visible and invisible reasons as to how
and why we grow and develop who we are and the way we actually are.
Environment is just one of them (elaborate this statement state also experience)

It is very true that environment be it physical or social can really affect the child's growth and

In physical environment which includes nutrition, exercise and good place of living will not only
support the physical growth and development of a child but also his cognitive and socio-
emotional development. On the other hand, social environment consists of peer group and drugs.
Both of those aspects can influence the child's behavior and emotion. Aside from that a child can
also discover his character and beliefs through social engagements. Either of the two, what's
important is the child's foundation because later on it will affect their belief, principles and

HOST: What Factors Affect Physical Development in Childhood?

Biological factors that affect physical development in childhood include heredity, genetics, and
ethnicity. Illness and physical abnormalities greatly influence a child’s physical development.
Nutrition plays a large role, as well, and includes not only the child’s nutrition but also the
prenatal nutrition and the health of the child's mother. With regard to heredity and ethnicity, the
physical attributes of a child are largely determined by his or her parents. For instance, if there is
a family history of short stature, chances are the child will not grow to be very tall. Similarly,
ethnicity often determines developmental factors such a skin or hair color. This not only includes
obvious characteristics, such as hair color and height, but can also include “hidden”
characteristics, such as a child’s predisposition toward weight gain.

Host: Why nutrition plays a huge role in physical development?

Answer: Nutrition plays a huge role in physical development in childhood. If prenatal nutrition is
lacking, an infant is likely to demonstrate developmental delays. Similarly, if a child does not
receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and other nutrients in his or her early years, the body
will not be able to grow properly. This is a tremendous problem and readily apparent in parts of
the world plagued by malnutrition.

Early Attachment question(parent)

Host: Why is early attachment important in childs development?

Answer: Early attachment is one of the foundation of the childs socio-emotional development. It
is important because it will have a huge impact in the childs later development. For instance, if a
child establish a secure attachment with his primary caregivers then later on he can be able to
adapt and feel safe with the other people around him.

Promoting child development question -

Host: Now that our society is changing from customary to being innovative, how do you
discipline or protect your child in consideration of our changing society.(parent)

Answer: As a parent, establishing a good parent-child relarionship where there is trust, love and
honesty is a must. With this, I can assure that my child is open to me about his needs, feelings
and experiences. Being creative with my parenting style is also a plus like acknowleding my
child's inputs or feelings toward something or letting him feel sadness or pain.

Pauline: THANK YOU for our guests in today’s episode in answering some sort of questions
that our netizens would like to addressed.

Gene: that was indeed informative right?

Pauline: you’re right gene I think this afternoon’s episode is really set things up

Gene : it literally gives every single viewer, take home knowledge today… with that thank you
for staying and watching developmental zone or DZ TALK

This is gene and I’m Pauline

Pauline and gene: until next time ka dz talks

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