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The Effectiveness of Jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus ) Peel's

Sap as a Main Component for

Organic Glue

Sabio,Rhodel Pepito

Project Adviser
Mrs. Sonia Lincuna Annang

The Effectiveness of Jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus) Peel's Sap

as a Main Component for Organic


Sabio,Rhodel Pepito

Project Adviser
Mrs. Sonia Lincuna Annang

Caloocan City Business High School


The completion of this research could not have been possible without the help of

people who believe in my capability in performing my research. Their contributions are sincerely

appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. The researcher would like to express his deep

appreciation particularly to the following:

Foremost, I want to offer this endeavor to our GOD Almighty for the divine wisdom

He bestowed upon me, the strength, peace of mind and good health in order to finish this


To my Subject Teacher in Capstone, Mrs. Sonia L. Annang, I would like to express

my special gratitude for her support, understanding and for guiding me to accomplish this study.

To my fellow researcher, who help me in finding and gathering data and helping me in

the capstone paper.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved family for the

encouragement and for their full support at all times. They serve as my motivation and

inspiration to finish this study.

Rhodel P. Sabio


Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a fruit mostly found in a tropical country

like in the Philippines. Jackfruit are full of nutrients and minerals so that it produces so many

products, but the peels of jackfruit after using it will thrown. The researcher made a study on

how the jackfruit peel sap can be recover, the researcher decided and come up with making the

product of organic glue. The organic glue was made from the sap of jackfruit, wheat flour and

water, a pure organic glue was produced. The researcher employed an positive type of

correlation research design. The researcher perform an controlled experiment involving the

Jackfruit peel's sap as a main component for organic glue and the commercially-made glue (

HBW white glue ). The researcher want to prove to this study that organic glue have a high

possibility to become an alternative glue.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 3

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter I.......................................................................................................................................... 7

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 7

Background of the Study ............................................................................................................ 7

Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................................10


Significance of the Study...........................................................................................................10

Scope and Delimitation of the Study.........................................................................................11

Definition of Terms....................................................................................................................11

Chapter II


Research Design.........................................................................................................................13

Locale of the Study....................................................................................................................13


Research Ethics..........................................................................................................................13

Research Instruments.....................................................................................................................13


Chapter III......................................................................................................................................15

PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA ................................... 15

Presentation of Results .............................................................................................................. 15

Chapter IV ..................................................................................................................................... 16

COCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 16

Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 16

Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 16

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 17

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter I


Fruits and vegetable are important part of our diet that gives us vitamins and minerals that

help us in preventing diseases. Peels are packed with beneficial nutrients. The amounts of

nutrients they contain vary based on the type of fruit or vegetable. However, generally speaking,

non-peeled produce contains higher amounts of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial plant

compounds, compared to its peeled counterparts. According to Medical News Today,

Jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a healthful source of vitamin C and other essential

nutrients, and research suggests that it may provide a number of health benefits. The peel is

being recognized as one of the essential component of our diet as it contains many vital nutrients

and non-nutrient compounds which play important role in wellbeing. Peel is rich source of

dietary fiber also known as NSP (non soluble polysaccharides). But, some of the peels from

fruits and vegetables are thrown in garbage such as Jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) peels.

Glue is a sticky substance which people use to bind their papers, woods, plastic and other

thing that is used at school, office as well as in their homes. As we all know the glue are made of

different kind of chemicals that may cause bad effect in our health. This study is to inform the

readers on how to use a jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) peel's sap as an alternative for a


Background of the Study

The jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) also known as jack tree. Jackfruit(Artocarpus

heterophyllus) is a multi-purpose fruit tree, native to tropical Asia. Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) is one of the most significant trees in tropical home gardens and perhaps the most

widespread and useful tree in the important genus Artocarpus ( Vazhacharickal P.J., et. al,2015).

The jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) sap has the ability to stick just like an adhesive once it

dries. Jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) contains a latex composition that can be used as a

glue. A glue is made of different harmful chemicals according to Serious Health Risks and Side

Effects, the bad smell of glue can affect the nerve fibers in brain and the rest of your nervous

system because of the toxic and inhalants that are mixed in the glue.

Local Studies

According to study of Inato, et. al, (2019). Jackfruit used as an alternative component for glue.

It is also recommendable to utilize the different parts of the fruit used.

As stated by Jimenez, et. al.,( 2019). Tea leaves can be used as plywood adhesive. Their study

prove that tea leaves can potentially serve as cheaper replacement for wheat flour when

simultaneously used as extender and filler in locally-produced plywood adhesive.

As reviewed by Alguear, et. al., (2016). Fruits and plants sap may use as alternative

ingredient for ink instead of petroleum as been made into dyes. Not only in ink, the sap of

fruit and vegetables may be used as paste.

Based on the study of DOST SciNet Phil. (2011). The sap of star apple can be used as white

glue and a substitute for the commercial glue.

Foreign Studies

The insights given by -AJL-Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical, (2019). Muco-

adhesive buccal patches of losertan potassium using jackfruit polymer may use to prolong

and enhance its poor oral bioavailability.

Based on the study of Ma'arif, et. al.,( 2019). The result of tensile testing on jackfruit sap

bio-based adhesive was 19.930 MPa. that can bind the two woods but not strength as

rubber tree sap bio-based adhesive having 28.193 MPa.

According to Bapat, et. al.,( 2019). Jackfruit, Guava and Custard apple has high sulfuric acid

produces a carbonaceous product which was used as an composition to bind or make it a


As stated by Sauskerjee, et. al., (2017). Sap of Durian ( Durio ) will be use as alternative glue

because of its chemical composition as a sticky.

As reviewed by Chang - US Patent App., (2015). The disposable can be glued to specific area of

leak proof by the different fruit polymer with chemicals such as mulberry, dragon fruit,

jackfruit and sugar apple.

Based on the study of Hedge, et. al., (2015). Many of fruit and vegetables from the Asia-Pacific

region results to a high proportion of waste. The peels of fruits and vegetables may be

used for another useful such as the extracts, compositions and more.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to make an organic glue from the jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) peel's

sap. Specifically, it seeks to find the answer for the following questions:

1. Do the jackfruit peel's sap as organic glue have the same qualities with commercially-

made glue, in terms of adhesiveness?

2. How does jackfruit peel's sap as organic glue differ from commercially-made glue, in

terms of adhesiveness?

3. Is there any significant difference between jackfruit peel's sap as an organic glue and a

commercially-made glue?


Ho: There is no significant difference between the organic glue and the commercially-made


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may be deemed significant to the following:

1. To the Students; the study will help the students to think of innovative ways of

making things out of resources available as an alternative like the jackfruit peel's sap

to as an organic glue.

2. To the Community; the study will be beneficial to the community because it will

make the people be resourceful, economical and to recover waste such as the

residual kind of waste.

3. To the Future Researchers; this study can serve as a guide and may be used as a

reference for the future researcher and involving the usage of Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) peel's sap. The result of this study will help other researchers to

strengthen their research studies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study revolves on the outcome of the Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) peel's as an organic glue. The peels used in this study came from the discarded

jackfruit from the fruit and vegetable store at Novaliches wet Market in Quezon City, where the

researcher collected all the sap from the peels of jackfruit and mixed it with water and wheat

flour. The researcher conducted a study in the Caloocan City Business Senior High School. The

study limited only on the effect of organic glue in all the class of paper that is used in school.

The effectiveness of the product were limited only in the types of paper such as; bond paper, oslo

paper, colored paper, art paper, card paper and special paper . It is also limited to correlate with

the commercially-made particularly HBW White Glue.

Definition of Terms

Adhesiveness - the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of

surfaces of different composition.

Artocarpus - is a genus of approximately 60 trees and shrubs of Southeast Asian and

Pacific origin, belonging to the mulberry family.

Economical - giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or

effort spent.

Essential - absolutely necessary; extremely important.

Inhalants - are things that are breathed in to give the user an immediate rush, or high.

They include glues, paint thinners, dry cleaning fluids, gasoline, felt-tip

marker fluid, hair spray, deodorants, spray paint, and whipped cream


Latex - white latex “sap,” which can be used as an adhesive

NSP (non soluble polysaccharides) - They are the major part of dietary fiber and can be

measured more precisely than total dietary fiber; include cellulose,

pectins, glucans, gums, mucilages, insulin, and chitin.

Organic - using only natural products and no chemicals

Residual waste - is nonhazardous industrial waste. It includes waste material (solid,

liquid or gas) produced by industrial, mining and agricultural operations. It

excludes certain coal mining wastes and wastes from normal farming


Resourceful - having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.

Sap - the aqueous juices of plants, which contains and transport the materials necessary

to vegetable growth

Toxic - poisonous

Chapter II


Research Design

This study will use qualitatively research design, particularly positive type of correlation


Locale of the Study

The study was conducted on Alecon Homes Llano road, Caloocan City and Caloocan

City Business High School. The jackfruit peel were bought at fruit and vegetable store at

Novaliches wet Market in Quezon City.


The jackfruit sap having sixteen point six inches tall ( 16.6 inch ) containing thirty four

point five milliliter (34.5 ml ) or thirty five milliliter (35 ml ), or one point twenty five fluid

ounce (1.25 fl. oz.) of sap add with point twenty five grams (0.25 g) of wheat flour and fifteen

milliliter (15 ml ) of water to produce an organic glue.

Research ethics

The researcher agreed for the dangers that this research might face with a parent consent

before conducting this study.

Research Instruments

The material that the researcher used are; peel of jackfruit, wheat flour, water,

measuring cup, disposable spoon, bowl and container of glue.


The researcher use the peel of jackfruit and collect the sap of it to make an organic glue.

The jackfruit sap having sixteen point six inches tall ( 16.6 inch ) containing thirty four point five

milliliter (34.5 ml ) or thirty five milliliter (35 ml ), or one point twenty five fluid ounce (1.25

fl. oz.) add with point twenty five grams (0.25 g) of wheat flour( Maya All Purpose Flour ) and

fifteen milliliter (15 ml ) of tap water to produce a glue, because if only the sap from jackfruit

will use, it will not satisfy as a glue.

The researcher make a list of type of paper and the time dried with organic glue and a

time dried with commercially-made glue, the researcher list are for drying duration on different

types of paper. The results for art paper are 6.53 minutes with organic glue and 6.47 minutes

with commercially-made glue, for colored paper 5.51 minutes with organic glue and 6.10

minutes with commercially-made glue, for bond paper 6.57 minutes with organic glue and 7.16

minutes with commercially-made glue, for oslo paper 8.22 minutes with organic glue and 8.13

with commercially-made glue, for card paper 10.3 minutes with organic glue and 10.22 minutes

with commercially-made glue and for special paper 8.36 minutes with organic glue and 8.23

minutes with commercially-made glue.

Chapter III


Presentation of Results

The researcher produced a forty grams (40 g) of organic glue. The glue stored in the

cabinet with low temperature and does not illuminate light and after fifteen (15) days the glue

changed its color that turn into yellowish from white after it was made and the odor become sour.

The researcher make a list of type of paper and the time dried with organic glue and a

time dried with commercially-made glue, the researcher list are for drying duration on different

types of paper. The results for art paper are 6.53 minutes with organic glue and 6.47 minutes

with commercially-made glue, for colored paper 5.51 minutes with organic glue and 6.10

minutes with commercially-made glue, for bond paper 6.57 minutes with organic glue and 7.16

minutes with commercially-made glue, for oslo paper 8.22 minutes with organic glue and 8.13

with commercially-made glue, for card paper 10.3 minutes with organic glue and 10.22 minutes

with commercially-made glue and for special paper 8.36 minutes with organic glue and 8.23

minutes with commercially-made glue.

Based on the data given from the samples and the findings of the study, it said that there

is a significant different difference between the organic glue(Jackfruit peel's sap) and the

commercially-made glue(HBW white glue). Since the null hypothesis rejected and the subject

are accepted, it implies that the Jackfruit peel's sap is an effective main component for organic


Chapter IV



Based on the data gathered, the researcher conclude that;

1. The organic glue can be a substitute for commercially-made glue because of its composition.

2.The researcher also concluded that jackfruit peel's sap has a potential to bond a paper as

commercially-made glue.

3. The organic glue can assure that it is safe, non-toxic, and low cost than the industrial glue.

Based on the survey, many of the people said that organic glue is not different in industrial glue,

but different in chemical composition.


The researcher recommend this study to;

1. The student who uses glue in their study especially, to their artworks.

2. The artist, who uses paste or glue to their artworks.

3. The researcher highly recommend this study to the parents, who wants to know and

assure the safety of their children , because it is non-toxic and also made from organic



A JL. (2019) - Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinic;

This book include information on the use of jackfruit tree, leaves, fruit,

and sap as a source for medication and product such as sticky agent

Bapat, A. et. al, (2019). International Journal of Innovative; Taylor and Francis

This book include information on jackfruit as a source for many product

because of its chemical composition.

Modu, S.(2019)- EC Nutrition, - Used tea leaves can be used as

plywood adhesive – DOST - Published February 24, 2019

This book include information on tea leaves used as plywood adhesive and

discusses also the use of sap from different fruits and vegetables as an

effective adhesive for plywood

Mukerjee, H.S.( 2019) - Jackfruit sap as glue; Adhesive; Survey Methodology - Scribd.

This book include information on possibility of jackfruit sap as a glue

Sasges,G. (2017) - Journal of Southeast Asian Studies,

This book include information on the use of different fruit sap as an

alternative paste like durian and star apple


Figure 1,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 2,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 3,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 4,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 5, photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 6,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 7,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 8, photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 9,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 10,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 11,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 12,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 13,photo credit: Rhodel P. Sabio

Figure 15: oslo paper with organic glue
Figure 14: special paper with organic glue

Figure 16: colored paper with organic glue Figure 17: art paper with organic glue

Figure 18: different type of paper with organic glue Figure 19: bond paper with organic glue

Figure 20: card paper with organic glue Figure 21: different type of paper with commercially-made glue

photo credit :Rhodel P. Sabio


Research Proponent

Contact Number: 09302569206
E-mail Address: SawamuraXero23


Date of Birth: June 23, 2000 Place of Birth: Makati City

Age: 19 Gender: Male
Religion: Born Again Christian Status: Single


2018-2020 Present Caloocan City Business High School

2014-2018 Deparo High School

2011-2013 Deparo Elementary School

2007-2012 Llano Elementary School


September 2018 Attended seminar

S.Y. 2017-2018 Top 4 with High Honors

September 2017 Attended Seminar for Good Leadership
March-April 2017 Attended Seminar for Career


 Innovative
 Hard Working
 Accompanied
 Good in Management
 Courageous



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