Assignment 2 - Sts

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Year and section:

Activity 1

Instruction: this activity is good for 1 week; please use this format for your activity 1
(A4 size, 12 arial, 1.5 spacing). Deadline for the submission of this activity will be on
February 22, 2022 (Tuesday). Again, do not copy and paste in internet, if you do so,
I will mark your answer sheet ZERO. Take note; do not include questions in power
point presentation.

Activity 1.1
1. As a student in this time of pandemic, did you find technology is important? Is
it helpful to you as a student? Support your answer. 10 points.
ANSWER: Yes, it is because nowadays if you don’t have necessary items for a
particular purpose like laptops and cellphones it is very difficult to study. You will not be
updated for what’s going on, you will always be late for class sometimes absent, you’ll
going to have always a missing by not following the deadline due to haven’t enough
resources. It is not easy to borrow since it is needed by everyone, it is not easy to study
when you don’t have enough money especially if your family depends on you, it is not
easy to study and work at the same time, exhausting, disgusting, you don’t know what
to prioritize and you really want to graduate but it doesn’t seem like it is for you.
2. What can you say about the implementation of some science and technology
policies and projects in the country? 10 points.
3. Identify at least 5 great Filipino scientists who contributed a lot in science and
technology in the Philippines, and include their discoveries. 1p points.

Activity 1.2 (20 points)

1. Refer to the attachment in lesson 2 entitled “the roles of science and
technology in national development” please read and comprehend. Create a
reflection paper of how science and technology contribute a great impact on
our society? Maximum of 2 pages, use this format A4 size, arial 12, justify and
1.5 spacing. Click the turn in, attach your output then submit.

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