Module 3

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Unit 3


Starting Points
1. What benefits do employees have in companies, apart
from their salary? Think about holidays, training,
extra money, etc.
2. Which jobs or industries have the best benefits in
your country?
3. Think of one benefit which you don’t have but would
A. Reading

Job benefits and employment procedures

Text 1: Choosing your own benefits
What benefits are most popular with employees? A
recent study shows that it depends on the age and position of
the person in the company. For example, 63% of senior
managers are more interested in private healthcare than a
higher salary. However, a majority of employees under 35
would prefer more money to extra days of paid holiday.
More and more companies are operating flexible
systems where staffs choose their own benefits. At DST
International, each full-time members of staff receives $1000
a year, which they can spend on a number of things. These
include private healthcare, childcare vouchers to help pay for
the children’s pre-schools costs, or gym memberships for
those who love sport.
Jack Gratton, the Managing Director of Major
Players, says most people in his company are young, and
they are not interested in pension schemes. Employees
usually stay only for three years, so pensions are a waste of
money. What his staff often prefer is mobile phones, gym
membership, and extra paid holiday.
Exercise 1:
Read the text. Are these sentences true or false?
1. A majority of senior managers prefer health
benefits to more money
2. Most young employees would like a higher salary
3. At DST International, all employees have gym
4. Most employees at Major Players are not
interested in pension schemes

Exercise 2:
Read these job adverts.
1. What type of company i s it?
2. Find two words that mean the same as job.
3. Which job needs a particular skill? What is it?

We are currently offering three positions for the

right people:
-Summer Placement
Are you an energetic student with ambition? Get
some work experience this summer. Every June-
August we employ a friendly young person to help
in our office. Learn new skills and earn some money
-Web Editor
We are looking for an imaginative but focused
web editor to join our ream. You are a practical
person who can deal with problems on your own
-Website Production Assistant
This post needs a careful and patient person with
basic skills in HTML. You assist experienced web
producers and receive training.
Exercise 3:
Match the adjectives in bold in 1to
definition s 1-8.
1 Think about things and does not make mistakes _
2 can deal with everyday problems _
3 has new and exciting ideas _
4 very active and lots of energy _
5 can work on one job for a long time _
6 kind and helpful l _
7 has lots of skills and knowl edge in the job _
8 can wait for a long time _

B. Vocabulary

Exercise 1:
Match 1 – 10 to a – j to give the names of ten jobs
benefits. Some of these benefits are in the text 1.

1. Maternity a. car
2. Flexible b. healthcare
3. Paid c. membership
4. Private d holiday
5. Gym e. leave
6. Company f. hours
7. Mobile g. bonus
8. Annual h scheme
9. Subsidized i. childcare
10. Pension j. phone
Exercise 2:
Work with a partner. Look at the benefits in exercise 1
again. Which benefits are these people describing?
I. “I can get to work early and leave early too.”
2. “I use it for all my business calls.”
3. “I get more money if the company results are
4. “If I have a baby, I get six months off.”

1. I get five weeks a year …paid holiday………

2. I don't pay any medical bills………..
3. I use it during the week for work, but I ca n also use
it at the weekend for family trips…………….
4. I don't think about it now, but it will be very useful when I'm
65. … … … … … ..
5. My daughter hasn't started school, so it's great to have
help with this…………….
6. It's a new club, so all the equipment is really up-to-
date…………….. .

7. We get an extra two days' pay if our results are 5%

higher than the last year………….
8. I do all my hours from Mon day to Thursday. Then I
have Friday free…………..
9. It's a really important benefit for women who want a
10. I ca n even watch TV on the new one they 've given
C. Structure
Simple Future

Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and

"be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be
used interchangeably, they often express two very different
meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract
at first, but with time and practice, the differences will
become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a
specific time in the future.


[will + verb]


• You will help him later.

• Will you help him later?
• You will not help him later.

FORM Be Going To

[am/is/are + going to + verb]


• You are going to meet Jane tonight.

• Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
• You are not going to meet Jane tonight.
USE 1 "Will" to Express a Voluntary Action

"Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something



• I will send you the information when I get it.

• I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
• Will you help me move this heavy table?
• Will you make dinner?
• A: I'm really hungry.
B: I'll make some sandwiches.
• A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep.
B: I'll get you some coffee.
• A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.

USE 2 "Will" to Express a Promise

"Will" is usually used in promises.


• I will call you when I arrive.

• If I am elected President of the United States, I will
make sure everyone has access to inexpensive health
• I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
• Don't worry, I'll be careful.
• I won't tell anyone your secret.

USE 3 "Be going to" to Express a Plan

"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses
the idea that a person intends to do something in the future. It
does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.


• He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.

• She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
• A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.

USE 4 "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a Prediction

Both "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a
general prediction about the future.


• John Smith will be the next President.

• John Smith is going to be the next President.

In the Simple Future, it is not always clear which USE the

speaker has in mind. Often, there is more than one way to
interpret a sentence's meaning.

Exercise 1:

Do the exercise below:

Will / Be Going to

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?

B: I (write)………. a letter to my friends back home in
2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get)………. you a cup of coffee. That will wake you

3. A: I can't hear the television!

B: I (turn)………… it up so you can hear it.

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We

(visit)…….. Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come)……….. to the party. Oliver (be)……………

there as well.

6. A: It is so hot in here!
B: I (turn)………….. the air conditioning on.

7. I think he (be)…………….. the next President of the

United States.

8. After I graduate, I (attend)………….. medical school and

become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel

room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help)……………. you.

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we

(walk)………………….. down to the beach and go

Exercise 2:
Make sentences from the prompts using going to
1. They / visit / their customers.
2. I / not / ask / Patrice to help.
3. We / take / Tuesday off.
4. It / not / rain today.
5. You / discuss / the contract at the meeting?
6. I / see / Jose at the conference.

D. Language Function
Job Information
Some useful phrases

I work for a software company.

I'm responsible for the development of new products.
It's a very challenging 10b.
I report directly to the Managing Director.
The job involves a lot of travelling
I usually start work at8 o'clock in the morning.
Do you usually drive to work?
How is the new job?
I really enjoy it.
The salary is good.
I am very pleased I moved here.
E. Dialogue
A : So, what exactly do you do in the company?
B: I'm responsible for new product development. I
report directly to the CEO.

A : What does that involve?

A : I supervise a team of designers. We all have to
think of new ideas, test them and develop
the ones that we think will succeed.
B : It sounds challenging.
A: It is, I really enjoy it

Qualifications for the job

A: I hear you studied in Finland.
B: That's right. I did a degree in Engineering at Tampere
Technical University and then I worked in a small
software company in Helsinki.
A: Why did you decide to stay in Finland?
B: I was very interested in the job. I wanted to put my
training into practice. The experience was very good
and certainly, helped me to get this job.
Business Result Pre- Intermediate (Unit 5 - Employment)
For reading text + exercises+ Vocab
Business Result Elementary (Unit 8 - Employment)
Reading exercises + vocab
Structure: internet link
Everyday English for lang function + dialogue (Unit 3, job

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