Ielts Speaking Vocabulary by Examiner

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TOPIC 1: DECORATION .......................................................................................... 4
TOPIC 2: CONCENTRATION.................................................................................. 6
TOPIC 3: CHANGE .................................................................................................... 8
TOPIC 4: CHILDHOOD .......................................................................................... 10
TOPIC 5: SUNGLASSES.......................................................................................... 12
TOPIC 6: LAUGHTER............................................................................................. 14
TOPIC 7: HAPPINESS ............................................................................................. 16
TOPIC 8: HOUSEWORK AND COOKING .......................................................... 18
TOPIC 9: TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................... 20
TOPIC 10: WEATHER............................................................................................. 22
TOPIC 11: WORK AND STUDIES ......................................................................... 24
TOPIC 12: HOMETOWN ........................................................................................ 27
TOPIC 13: DRAWING AND ART GALLERY ..................................................... 29
TOPIC 14: MIRRORS .............................................................................................. 31
TOPIC 15: DREAMS ................................................................................................ 33
TOPIC 16: EMAILS/ LETTERS ............................................................................. 35
TOPIC 17: SPORTS .................................................................................................. 37
TOPIC 18: TAKING PHOTOS................................................................................ 39
TOPIC 19: CINEMAS ............................................................................................... 41
TOPIC 20: STREET MARKETS............................................................................. 43
TOPIC 21: MOBILE PHONES ................................................................................ 45
TOPIC 22: TIME MANAGEMENT ........................................................................ 47
TOPIC 23: WEBSITES ............................................................................................. 49
TOPIC 24: LOSING AND FINDING THINGS ..................................................... 51
TOPIC 25: DAILY ROUTINE ................................................................................. 53
TOPIC 26: CARS ....................................................................................................... 55
TOPIC 27: MEMORY .............................................................................................. 57
TOPIC 28: ADVERTISEMENT .............................................................................. 59
TOPIC 29: BORING THINGS ................................................................................. 61
TOPIC 30: COLLECTING THINGS ...................................................................... 63

Bộ tài liệu này sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn khoảng 400 từ vựng cho 30 chủ đề
Speaking Part 1. Tất cả các câu trả lời và từ vựng đều đã được cựu
Examiner kiểm tra và sửa lỗi chi tiết nên các bạn hoàn toàn có thể yên tâm
về chất lượng của tài liệu này.
Cách học:
• Bước 1: Các bạn đọc từ vựng và tra phát âm của các từ.
• Bước 2: Đặt câu với từ vừa học được.
• Bước 3: Đọc câu trả lời mẫu để xem cách diễn đạt của Examiner.
• Bước 4: Để có thể nhớ từ vựng lâu thì sau một tuần các bạn nên ôn
lại nhé.
Mặc dù số lượng từ ở bộ tài liệu này không quá lớn nhưng các bạn nên nhặt
khoảng 100 từ các bạn cảm thấy yêu thích và dễ sử dụng nhất và dùng đi
dùng lại chúng để tăng phản xạ và nhớ từ lâu dài, từ đó thì chúng ta mới có
thể cải thiện phần Speaking nhé.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Comfy Thoải mái

A handful of Một nắm tay

Low-key Đơn giản, khiêm tốn

Minimalist Tối giản

Rustic wood Chỉ làm bằng gỗ

Ornate Hoa văn, bóng bẩy

Go out of fashion Lỗi thời

Go into Được chi cho một cái gì đó

Com into Được thừa kế tài sản

Spring cleaning Dọn nhà cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng

A new coat of paint Một lớp sơn mới

Blend Phù hợp với

Depend on Phụ thuộc

1. What are the decorations like in your home?
Inside my house … everything is kind of on the simple side these days.
Just some comfy furniture, a few old paintings and a handful of plants
to add in a bit of green. I try to keep it low-key and minimalist.

2. What kind of decorations do you prefer?

I don't have any one particular style but I do prefer kind of rustic and
simple over modern and ornate. For example, some exotic plants in
terracotta pots or an old painting with a wooden frame around it. I don’t
want anything too trendy that will go out of fashion the next day.

3. What kind of decorations do you want to have?

I don't have any one particular style but I do prefer kind of rustic and
simple over modern and ornate. For example, some exotic plants in
terracotta pots or an old painting with a wooden frame around it. I don’t
want anything too trendy that will go out of fashion the next day.

4. Do Vietnamese people like redecorating their homes?

I’d say generally no since a lot of work and money goes into that. But
there are some exceptions - if someone comes into a lot of money or
sometimes around Lunar New Year people will do a big spring
cleaning and might then add something like a new coat of paint or new

5. What’s your favourite colour when decorating your home?

I like more neutral colors that aren’t overpowering and can blend well
with the furniture. So that would be pale greys, blues, off-white maybe.
It also depends on the room - I’d only want a pure white in the
bathroom, for example, white in the living room would make me feel
like I live in an office.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Com up Xuất hiện, diễn ra

Switch off Tắt

Bắt đầu làm một việc gì đó

Get down to
nghiêm túc

Scroll through Lướt

Set a time limit Giới hạn thời gian

Ring up Gọi điện thoại

Focus on Tập trung

Distract somebody from Đánh lạc hướng

1. When do you need to be focused?
I most need to be focused …. when I’ve got a big assignment coming
up I suppose. If it’s the night before a paper is due then I have to switch
off my phone, stop texting friends, cancel my Netflix account and really
get down to business with my back against the wall.

2. What can distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

Oh tons of things! What first comes to mind is naturally social media -
scrolling through Facebook, TikTok, messaging friends. Also
YouTube, I love watching cat videos and sports highlights from The
World Cup. When I want to be distracted, it’s no problem to find a way.

3. What do you do to help you concentrate?

The technique I usually use is to set myself a clear time limit and a
reward at the end. For example, maybe I give myself 20 minutes to
study a vocabulary list and then afterwards I reward myself by watching
a video on YouTube or ringing up a friend to chat.

4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

I would say sometimes because the thing I was supposed to be focused
on can be so boring sometimes that I need something to distract me
from the boredom such as a YouTube video or Instagram.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Cost a lot of time Tiêu tốn thời gian

Gain weight Tăng cân

Get in Thành công làm gì đó

offset Bù lại

shed Loại bỏ

incremental Gia tăng

Take notice Chú ý

Rising standards of living Mức sống tăng

All segments of society Mọi tầng lớp trong xã hội

Những người giàu có, có địa vị

People at the top

1. Do you like changes?
I wouldn’t say I like changes per se… they might be bad changes, at
least for me anyway. If my company wants me to work longer hours,
that’s not a good change or if they totally change our computer
operating system, that’ll cost me a lot of time in the short-term at least.

2. What do you plan to change next year?

I hope to change some of my diet and exercise habits because over the
past year or so I’ve been steadily gaining weight and not getting in
enough exercise to offset my poor diet. With any luck, I can shed a few
pounds this year.

3. Have there been any changes to your hometown?

There haven’t been all that many noticeable changes, other than the fact
that there are more skyscrapers and there will be a new metro system
coming soon. I guess those are pretty big developments but they’ve
been so incremental over the years that I haven’t taken that much

4. Have there been any positive changes in your country recently?

What first comes to mind is average income is steadily rising, meaning
that people here can afford more luxuries like smartphones and
imported cars. The rising standards of living apply to all segments of
society, though naturally people at the top benefit the most.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Recess Giờ giải lao

Head over Đi đến

A three-storey house Ngôi nhà 3 tầng

Facade Mặt tiền

Wear down Xuống cấp

Rough moments Thời điểm khó khăn

Look back on Nhớ lại, hồi tưởng

Stand out Nổi bật, đáng chú ý

A crazy experience Trải nghiệm điên rồ

Take off Cất cánh

Lift off Rời mặt đất, cất cánh

Turbulence Nhiễu loạn

1. Did you have a lot of friends when you were a child?
Yeah, I did, I used to play with my friends at recess and after school.
Sometimes I’d head over to a local park or a friend’s house or have my
friends over too. I’ve always been sociable and outgoing and made
friends easily.

2. Where did you live when you were a child?

Back when I was a kid I lived in a three-storey house in an alley just
off a busy road on the west side of town. It was rather big, as I remember
it, and even though the facade was starting to wear down, it still looked
nice to my eyes.

3. Did you enjoy your childhood?

I would, yes, for the most part… I’ve got tons of happy memories with
friends and family - typically when we were on holiday or taking a field
trip. There were rough moments as well but on the whole I have a lot
to look back on fondly.

4. What is your most vivid childhood memory?

There’s one memory that really stands out to me - the first time I flew.
We took a trip to Thailand when I was little and it was such a crazy
experience for a young kid. I remember the plane taking off, being
scared while it was shaking but being excited when it lifted off and the
turbulence passed - I had chills that I still remember to this day.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Once in a while Thỉnh thoảng

A bunch of errands Một đống việc lặt vặt

Be in to something Thích thú làm gì đó

Pull off Thành công làm được việc gì đó

Check out nhìn

Knock-offs Hàng nhái

Street vendors Người bán hang rong

Shell out Trả quá nhiều tiền

Come down to Phụ thuộc

1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?
Yeah, sure, every once in a while. Especially if it’s really sunny and
I’ve got a bunch of errands to run outside or I’m at the beach on
holiday. I’m not that into the aesthetic but they’re useful from time to

2. What types of sunglasses do you own?

I have a couple of pairs but my favorites are rectangular-rimmed with
dark black lenses for extra UV protection from the sun. I think I can
pull them off pretty well - when I check myself out in the mirror, I’m
impressed at least, haha.

3. Where can you buy sung glasses?

If you want to get a pair from really well-known brands like Oakley or
Ray-Ban, then you should buy them from authorized sellers to be safe -
there are lots of knock-offs sold here in Vietnam by street vendors.
Those are passable too though if you don’t want to shell out too much.

4. Do people in your contry buy sunglasses?

I’d say most people don’t - people here prefer to wear hats because that
blocks the sun from your whole face. But it comes down to individual
preference - some people don’t leave home without their sunglasses
during the daytime.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Crack up Cười

In hindsight Trong nhận thức muộn màng

Introverted Hướng nội

Be known for Được biết đến

Crack jokes Kể chuyện cười

Play pranks on Trêu đùa ai đó

Tham gia hoặc làm gián đoạn
Chime in with
một cuộc trò chuyện
Witty remark Chuyện dí dỏm, hài hước

Pun Chơi chữ, lời nói gây cười

Captivate Thu hút

In stitches Cười nhiều

Loại bỏ những cảm xúc tiêu cực
Blow off steam
Thư giãn bằng cách làm những
Veg out hành động nhẹ nhằng, không cần
nhiều nỗ lực
Catch up with Xem hết

Lighten up Xóa bỏ những nỗi lo

Mental and emotional health Sức khỏe tinh thần và cảm xúc

Stressed-out Lo lắng, mệt mỏ, căng thẳng

1. What kinds of things make you laugh?
Some things that make me laugh are the anecdotes my friends tell, funny
videos online like cat videos or people singing on TikTok and random
memories that crack me up in hindsight. However, I’d say I’m pretty
introverted and don’t spend as much time laughing as the average
person - I tend to find things amusing more than funny.

2. Do you usually make your friends laugh?

I’m not really known for cracking a lot of jokes or playing pranks
on my friends. I think I’m more the type of person who chimes in with
a witty remark or pun from time to time rather than someone who can
captivate everyone with a story that has everyone in stitches.

3. Do you like watching comedies?

Yeah, from time to time to blow off steam and veg out. Some of my
favorites include Seinfeld, Community and How I Met Your Mother -
though I’m not totally caught up with any of them.

4. Is laughter important?
I would say yeah because humans need to laugh to lighten up and not
take themselves too seriously. Not to mention, its importance for
mental and emotional health. It would be a boring, stressed-out world
if nobody laughed.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng việt

Làm cho cái gì đó trông rực rỡ,

Brighten up
hấp dẫn hơn

Hang out with Đi chơi

Jump around Bay nhảy khắp nơi

Low-key Đơn giản

Chill Thư giãn

Get my hands on Tìm thấy

Get under my skin Làm phiền

Take out Vứt bỏ

Make up of Được tạo thành từ cái gì

Strong support network Mạng lưới hỗ trợ mạnh mẽ

Healthy working environment Môi trường làm việc lành mạnh

1. Is it easy to make you happy?
I’d say generally it is since many things brighten up my day such as
food, movies and hanging out with friends. I’m easy to please and I
keep things in perspective - we live in the best period in world history
in terms of the average standard of living - by far - so what’s there to
complain about?

2. What do you do when you are happy?

I’m low-key when I’m happy. You won’t find me jumping around
but I can be happy just chilling at home with a piece of cake, some
tea, and a good movie on Netflix. A good movie is often the hardest
one to get my hands on …

3. What makes you unhappy?

I don’t like when people hurt other people for no good reason. That
really gets under my skin because I just don’t get it. I also don’t like
it when I get in trouble for a rather simple, one-off mistake - for
instance if I forget to take out the trash one night but I normally
remember every night.

4. Do you think money can make people happy?

Only to a point since people can buy the things they like with money,
but there are limits to how happy things will make you. To be truly
happy, you need a strong support network made up of good friends,
family and a healthy working environment - as well as some hobbies
you can enjoy on your own.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Had a keen interest in Có sự yêu thích đặc biệt

Temptation of Sự cám dỗ của

Melt away Biến mất

Get an exemption from Được miễn làm gì đó

End up Kết thúc

A spoiled brat Một con người hư hỏng

Shut-eye Ngủ

Take advantage of Tận dụng

Lock in Hoàn toàn đắm chìm

Show off Khoe khoang

1. Do you think money can make people happy?
Yeah, I’ve had a keen interest in cooking for years now. I live on my
own so I cook a lot and try to avoid the temptation of ordering from
outside. Sometimes I invite my friends over for a dinner party. I like the
attention to detail involved in cooking - everything else melts away
when I’m cooking - not just the food!

2. Did you help with the cleaning when you were young?
Yeah, I did my part. Because my parents are quite strict, I didn’t get an
exemption from doing chores. As my parents said over and over again,
getting my hands dirty is a good way to prepare for the future and not
end up being a spoiled brat.

3. Do you have breakfast at home everyday?

Not really. I often skip breakfast even though I’ve always heard it’s the
most important meal of the day. I might grab a quick sandwich on the
way out the door but I’ve usually got too much going on to dedicate
time to cooking in the morning. I’d rather get in some extra shut-eye.

4. Do you want to cook home well?

Definitely. Cooking’s not only a vital life skill but also an outlet for
creativity. It requires you to take advantage of all 5 senses and be
totally locked in. If I get really good at it, it’s also a way to show off to
friends and family.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Settle on Lựa chọn

Chỉ đoán hoặc dựa trên trí nhớ
Off the top of my head mà không dành thời gian để suy
nghĩ cẩn thận
Portable Cầm tay

On the go Bận rộn

Robot vacuum Máy hút bụi

In hindsight Sau đó

Cleaned up Sạch sẽ

Look forward to Mong đợi, trông chờ

Nghĩ về 1 điều gì đó bởi nó hấp

Get my eye on

Sleek look Kiểu dáng đẹp

Top-of-the-line Hang đầu

The proliferation of the internet Sự bùng bổ của Internet

In an instant Liên tục

Stay in touch Giữ liên lạc

The tip of the iceberg Là 1 phần nhỏ của 1 vấn đề

1. Do you use computers or cellphones?
Well, my answer would be both because I use them non-stop. I can’t
really settle on which one I use more off the top of my head. I’ve
always got my phone on me so I can send messages, find directions and
check the time. However, when it comes to word processing and
entertainment, I prefer a computer. Because it’s portable, I can bring it
anywhere and get work done on the go.

2. What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Oh, I just bought a robot vacuum last month. It’s by far the most
advanced household appliance I own and was a bit on the expensive
side. But in hindsight I’d say it’s worth it - it motivates me to keep my
place cleaned up so that my vacuum isn’t judging me for being a slob!

3. Are there any devices you want to buy?

Recently, I've been looking forward to a brand-new cellphone. My
current phone is showing its age and lags a lot - for many apps I can’t
download the newest updates any more. I’ve got my eye on an iPhone
14 because of the sleek look and all the new security features as well as
the top-of-the-line camera.

4. What are the benefits of technology? Do you think it is important

in your life?
Absolutely! I’m not even sure where to start… I guess with
communication. Thanks to the proliferation of the internet, people
nowadays can interact with those in other countries in an instant. This
is mainly for staying in touch but it could also help you meet new
people. That’s just the tip of the iceberg though as it can be used for
research, productivity, entertainment and taking photos and videos.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng việt

Seasonal weather patterns Dạng kiểu thời tiết theo mùa

Intense Mãnh liệt

Temperate Khí hậu ôn hoà

Soaked Thấm đẫm, ướt đẫm

Be more a fan of Hơn cả người hâm mộ của

Scorching Nóng như đổ lửa

Get sweaty Ra mồ hôi

Hydrating Dưỡng ẩm

Layer up Mặc nhiều lớp áo

Given the chance Cho cơ hội làm gì đó

High humidity Độ ẩm cao

Hassle Phức tạp, cồng kềnh, rắc rối

Sticky Dính, nhớp nháp

In the habit of Theo thói quen làm gì

Give it a quick look Nhìn nhanh

Downpour Mưa rào

1. What is the weather like where you live?

Because of seasonal weather patterns, if we’re talking about summer,

then the temperature really gets intense. In winter, it doesn’t get that
cold but you still need either a light or heavy coat. In the fall and spring,
the weather is more temperate but there’s more rain and you’ll end up
soaked if you forget your raincoat.

2. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

To be honest, I’m much more of a fan of cold weather. On a really

scorching day, I get sweaty and sometimes I get headaches if I’m not
hydrating well. On cold days, I can just layer up and I’m fine basically
- with the heat, I can hardly walk around without collapsing!

3. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

I’d go with the former given the chance because high humidity is a
hassle for getting everything done. You sweat, feel sticky all the time,
and then smell bad. There’s really no drawback to dry weather that
comes to mind other than the fact it might be a bit hot.

4. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

Yeah, I’m in the habit of checking the weather before I head out
every day. I give it a quick look on my phone or ask my smart
speaker. I really hate getting stuck in a downpour without an umbrella
or wearing something heavy on a really scorching day.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Keep up with Tiếp tục làm (công việc nào đó)

Area of specialization Chuyên ngành

Be passionate about Đam mê về cái gì

Những công việc không cần đến
Entry-level work
nhiều kinh nghiệm
Keep my mind active Luôn giữ cho bộ não hoạt động

Had a knack for Có tài về cái gì

From all walks of life Đủ loại người

Slog Cực nhọc, mệt mỏi

In succession Liên tiếp

At large Nói chung

Critical thinking Tư duy phản biện

Problem-solving skills Kĩ năng giải quyết vấn đề

Get a handle Hiểu và giải quyết được vấn đề

Deal with Giải quyết vấn đề

Freshman Sinh viên năm nhất

Sophomore year Sinh viên năm hai

Come along Xảy ra

Get my head around Vượt qua, hiểu được điều gì đấy

1. Do you work or are you a student?

Well, currently I’m working a part-time job as a teaching assistant in

an English center in Hanoi. I’ve been doing it for the last 3 years or so
and I’ll probably keep up with it for a few more minimum.

2. What work do you do?

In being a part-time teaching assistant, I basically tell the students to

behave, help them with any problems and collect their schoolwork.

3. What subjects are you studying?

My area of specialization is English linguistics, which means I

mainly learn about subjects related to phonology, grammar and
English for specific purposes.

4. Why did you choose that job?

For a few reasons. Firstly, I majored in English linguistics. Secondly,

I’ve been passionate about English ever since I was in high school.
On top of that, my job is well-paying relative to other entry-level
work so I’ve got nothing to complain about.

5. Why did you choose to study that subject?

Studying English is a way for me to keep my mind active - I’ve

always had a knack for languages and I’ve heard it’s one of the best
ways to keep your mind young - learning a new language that is.

6. Do you like your job?

I have a love/hate relationship with it. One rewarding aspect is that I

get to meet people from all walks of life. In the classroom, that makes
for an inclusive, dynamic environment. But it can be a slog too if I’ve
got a lot of classes in succession.

7. What do you like about your studies?

The main thing I like is that I learn a lot about not just English but also
about the world at large and I get the chance to improve my critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.

8. What do you dislike about your studies?

I found it challenging when I started out as it was so theoretical and I
couldn't get a handle on a lot of the really abstract concepts. That’s
why I had a hard time dealing with it when I was a freshman. By the
time my sophomore year came along, I’d managed to get my head
around it for the most part.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Born and raised Sinh ra và lớn lên

Tourist attractions Địa điểm du lịch

Reminisce about Hồi tưởng về

Move back Quay trở lại

Economic realities Thực trạng kinh tế

Tricky Khó khăn

Nightlife Cuộc sống về đêm

General vibe Không khí chung

Highly-populated Đông đúc

Settle down Ổn định (chỗ ở)

1. Please describe your hometown a little. What is your town well-
known for?

I was born and raised in Quang Ninh province, in Northern Vietnam.

We’re known for our seafood and a variety of tourist attractions
ranging from the rock formations in Ha Long to Tuan Chau Island.

2. Do you like your hometown?

I really really love my hometown as I have many great memories there

as a kid and teenager. Now I’m a city person but I often reminisce
about the rural area where I grew up - my friends, family, my childhood
house, the neighbors down the street - all of that.

3. When did you leave your hometown?

I lived there from the time I was a kid until I entered university and
moved to Hanoi. I’d love to move back someday given the chance but
the economic realities of my job might make that tricky - I can earn so
much more working in Hanoi.

4. Do you think you will move back home?

I don’t think so. I’d much prefer to live in Hanoi because of the job
opportunities and everything the city has to offer - the nightlife,
restaurants, entertainment options and just the general vibe of a
modern, highly-populated city.

5. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

I’m not totally opposed to the idea. The atmosphere in the countryside
is cleaner than in the capital where I am now and I can see myself
settling down there later when I start a family or after I retire and want
a more tranquil lifestyle.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Be a fan of Là người hâm mộ, thích điều gì

Capture Ghi lại biểu cảm

Convey Truyền tải, truyền đạt

Know the first thing about Biết về điều gì đó lần đầu tiên

Mess around Đùa nghịch

Spend quality time with Dành thời gian quý báu với ai

Lockdown Lệnh phong toả

My memory serves me right Nếu mà tôi nhớ không nhầm

Came along Đi cùng

Take notes Ghi chép lại

Artifacts Hiện vật

1. Do you like painting or drawing?

I’m more of a fan of drawing if I had to choose one of the two. It has
always come easy to me.

2. What kinds of things do you like to draw?

I like drawing portraits given the choice. I really like the challenge of
attempting to capture an expression and use that expression to convey
a person’s personality. I’ll give a landscape a shot every now and then
but those are less interesting to me.

3. What do you know about paintings?

When it comes to painting, I don’t really know the first thing about it.
In elementary school we had some lessons on it but it was more or less
just finger painting and messing around in class - nothing really stuck
for me.

4. Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

Definitely. They’re a great chance to spend quality time with family

or friends. The last place I went to was a local art gallery that was
exhibiting new paintings from a Vietnamese artist. He’d done a lot of
dark, strange portraits that I think came out of the post-Covid lockdown
period and reflected that isolation and despair. Dark stuff but good!

5. When was the last time you visited a museum?

If my memory serves me right, I last visited a museum 2 months ago.

It was part of a school field trip so all my classmates came along and
we had to take notes on the artifacts there to do a group project and
presentation later.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Handy Thuận tiện

Take a thorough look Nhìn kĩ vào cái gì

Touch myself up if need be Sửa sang lại nếu cần thiết

A fashion accessory Phụ kiện thời trang

Up to par Vẫn giữ phong độ

A vain person Kiêu ngạo, hão huyền

Make a good impression Gây ấn tượng tốt

Have bags under my eyes Bọng mắt

Wrinkles Nếp nhăn

Try on Thử (đồ, quần áo)

Classical Cổ điển, không màu mè

Brightens up Làm rực sáng

Compact mirror Gương cầm tay

Flea market Chợ trời

Come in handy Rất tiện lợi

1. Do you usually take a mirror with you?

Yep, I always take a mirror with me. I prefer a small and handy mirror
I can use to take a thorough look at my makeup and touch myself up
if need be. Though with phones nowadays I don’t really need a mirror
- it’s more a fashion accessory I suppose.

2. How often do you use a mirror?

Every day without fail. In the morning, I check myself out in the mirror
to make sure I’m looking presentable before I head out for my day - if
I’m not up to par, I’ll comb my hair or look for an outfit that matches
me better.

3. Do you like looking at yourself in a mirror?

As I said earlier, looking at myself in a mirror is sort of my morning

ritual, so yeah. I don’t think of myself as a vain person but I want to
make a good impression. Some days I don’t always look the best - if
I’ve had a late night out I might have bags under my eyes and I get a
few more wrinkles on my face every year.

4. Do you use a mirror before buying clothing?

Yeah, generally. If I’m shopping, I’ll typically try on an outfit and if

I’ve got a friend with me I ask them what they think and then take a
good look in the store mirror. Otherwise, how would I know if it looks
good on me?

5. Do you think a mirror is a good decoration?

Mirrors can be a good decoration sometimes. For instance, in my

bedroom I have a round mirror with an ornate brass frame around it that
looks classical in style. That brightens up the room a bit.

6. Have you ever bought a mirror?

I bought a compact mirror once at a flea market. I carry it around with

me in my purse to this day and it’s certainly come in handy over the



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

My memory is like a sieve Trí nhớ kém

vanished Biến mất

roll out of bed Bước ra khỏi giường

nightmare Ác mộng

wake up Thức dậy

Back up Hỗ trợ, giải thích

read into Suy nghĩ sâu xa

go on Diễn ra

psyche Tâm lý

fashioned Tự cho là, tự tưởng tượng

once in a while Thỉnh thoảng

Be into something Thích thú cái gì

turn into Biến thành

Set the tone for the day Tạo cảm hứng

1. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Not at all. My memory is like a sieve so all of my dreams pretty much

have already vanished by the time I roll out of bed in the morning.

2. Do you think your dreams affect your life after you wake up?

I think so. If I have a nightmare the night before, sometimes that can
put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day or conversely I might feel
grateful to be out of the nightmare when I wake up. A really positive
dream can set the tone for the day as well.

3. Do you think dreams have special meanings?

Yes, I do, and I think psychology backs this up. I don't know exactly
but in some ways they represent your repressed fears, angers, hopes,
anxieties from the day before. I don’t know how much I would read
into specific meanings in dreams but I think they certainly reflect
something real going on in your life.

4. Do you like hearing other people’s dreams?

Yeah, because I really enjoy the process of working out what is going
on in someone else’s psyche - I’ve always fashioned myself as kind of
an amateur therapist. But then again - sometimes it can be a bit of a bore
to hear about where you flew in your dream or the weird thing you ate
- that’s meaningless to me.

5. Do you share your dreams with others?

Yes, once in a while. But only on rare occasions because people usually
aren’t that into hearing about your dreams I think. Only if it’s funny
or there’s a good reason to turn it into a story.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Send out Gửi

Apply for a visa Xin visa

Stay in touch with Giữ liên lạc với

Means of communication Phương thức giao tiếp

Send off Gửi

The click of a button Nhanh chóng

Off the top of my head Suy nghĩ ban đầu

Overlook Bỏ qua

Lay the blame for Đổ lỗi

Phishing emails Thư lừa đảo

Sentimental people Người đa cảm

1. How often do you use email?

I send out emails more or less every day. I would email my work
colleagues, my boss and my friends back home. Sometimes I would
send more official emails to government addresses if I’m applying for
a visa for example.

2. What do most people in your country use email for?

I guess it’s not that different from anywhere else in the world - for work
mainly but sometimes for staying in touch with friends. For friends,
messaging or calling is much more common though. Email is a
typically formal means of communication for the most part.

3. What are the advantages of email?

What first comes to mind is the speed - you can send off an email with
the click of a button. But there are tons of other advantages: you can
save drafts, edit them, forward emails, add attachments such as
documents or PDFs and search through your old emails - that’s just off
the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more.

4. Are there any disadvantages?

Sure. For one, it’s easy to overlook an email. The other week I was
emailed about an important appointment in the morning and totally
missed it later that afternoon when I was supposed to be there. I’m not
sure you can lay the blame for that one totally at the feet of emails.
The other disadvantage would be the many scams - phishing emails
and the like.

5. Do you think that email will replace letter-writing?

It largely already has done that - who still takes the time to write letters
these days? Maybe a handful of older people or really sentimental
people but otherwise it’s all about email or messaging now.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Comes out Xuất hiện

Like-minded Có cùng sở thích

Single that one out Đặc biệt yêu thích lựa chọn

Wary of Cảnh giác

Born and raised Sinh ra và lớn lên

Get in Đi đến

1. Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

Yeah but … I’d rather watch live sports over catching them at home.
At a live event, the feeling of fandom really comes out and I enjoy
cheering on a team with thousands of like-minded fans. That
atmosphere is something else.

2. Do you like to watch live sports games?

As I was saying, I’m much more into live sports - especially football,
I’d single that one out. When the national team here in Vietnam has
a big match I always try to get my hands on a couple of tickets.

3. What is the difference between watching sports events at home and

at the stadium?

There are a number of differences - I covered some of them before -

but the cheering for a team and against the other team is the main one
that comes to mind. If you’re wary of being in a crowd in these Covid
days then staying at home is a good back-up. Cheaper too.

4. Do most people in your country like sports?

Yes, though I can’t speak for everyone. I think most age groups do
some sports - young kids play all kinds of sports at school, young
people often have amateur football leagues to play in and a lot of old
people enjoy playing badminton or table tennis or just doing a simple
aerobics workout at a local park.

5. What was your favorite sport when you were young?

As I was born and raised in the countryside, I was into all kinds
ranging from volleyball and judo to badminton and football, but the
one I liked best was swimming. I remembered in summer, my mom
would take me to a local swimming pool near my house a couple of
afternoons a week and I’d get in some laps and splash around with
friends for a couple of hours.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Good at Giỏi cái gì

Striking a pose Tạo dáng

Self-conscious Tự nhận thức

Photogenic Ăn ảnh

Get shots of Chụp ảnh

Go-to Yêu thích

Take a few snaps Chụp vài tấm ảnh

External hard drive Ổ cứng phía ngoài

A bunch of Một loạt

1. Do you like to take photographs?

Not really. I’m not that good at striking a pose and I feel really self-
conscious because I don't consider myself particularly photogenic.

2. What do you like to photograph?

I’ll typically take the most photos on holiday and then usually of
landscapes. For instance, I love visiting Sapa and when I’m up there I
always get shots of the rice paddies, the rolling hills, the water buffalo
- and the local ethnic minorities too.

3. How do you keep your photos?

All in the cloud these days. My go-to is Google photos because after
I take a few snaps, it automatically syncs with my Google account
and stores them online - this way I know I’ll have them forever - I
could always lose my phone or an external hard drive.

4. Do you ever delete or, if on paper, throw away any of your photos?

Yeah from time to time. If take a bunch of selfies, 90% are invariably
bad and I don’t want a permanent record so I delete them. If I’m using
a DSLR then I wipe the memory card after downloading the best shots.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Comes down to Phụ thuộc

Get by on Sống dựa trên số tiền đã có

Set aside Để dành

Head off Đi đến, thẳng tiến

Rare occurrence Hiếm khi xảy ra

Blockbuster Bộ phim hay

Comes out Ra mắt

Translates into Dịch ra

Went along with Đi cùng

All-time favorites Luôn luôn yêu thích

Cracks me up Gây cười

1. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

Well, to be quite honest… I would have to say that it really depends.

It comes down to how much I have to get by on that month - if I’ve
got a little money set aside I might head off to the cinema once or
twice a month. For instance, I just saw an awesome movie made by a
Vietnamese director set in the Mekong Delta based on some famous
short stories.

2. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

Actually, it was a pretty rare occurrence. My parents gave me the

impression of always being busy and I couldn't go on my own. We
only went on special occasions - birthdays and the like.

3. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

With my best friend. She’s big into movies so I’ll just wait around for
her to invite me - usually when a new blockbuster comes out, she’s
pretty basic - and then carve out some time to go with her.

4. Do you like to go to the cinema with your friends?

I find that a bit on the lonely side so I’ll typically ask a friend. The
other week we went to see a movie that translates roughly into
English as ‘Glorious Ashes,’ a movie with really good production
values, acting, writing, etc. I’m glad I went along with my friend.

5. What kinds of movies do you like best?

I like all sorts of movies, but comedies above all else. One of my all-
time favorites is Anchorman. I’ve watched it three or four times
already but it still cracks me up.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Get by Sống

Everything under the sun Tất cả mọi thứ

Suspect goods Hàng hóa đáng nghi

Dirt cheap Rất rẻ

Imported products Hàng hóa nhập khẩu

Tradeoff Cái giá phải đánh đổi

Make a difference Tạo ra sự khác biệt

Contribute to Đóng góp

Trustworthy Đáng tin

1. Are there many street markets in your country?

Uh-huh. Street markets are a way of life in Vietnam and we couldn’t

get by without them. Walk down any street or side alley in Vietnam
and you’re bound to find people selling fruit, veggies, knock-off
sunglasses, live chickens, whatever!

2. What do street markets sell?

Everything under the sun you can think of. The most popular
markets are for groceries - fruit and veggies and meat and rice. There
are also lots of little markets with clothing, footwear, and so on where
you can get suspect goods for dirt cheap prices.

3. What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

One key difference would be supermarkets carry imported products

while traditional markets sell mostly local items. At street markets, the
prices are cheaper but the tradeoff is that the goods are less
trustworthy - don’t buy a luxury Hermes bag off the street!

4. Do you prefer shopping in a shopping mall or at a street market?

To be honest, I would rather go shopping at a street market because it

feels more local to me. If you go to a mall, you’re just buying the big
brands and contributing to rich people in the US - if you buy locally,
then you are making a difference in someone’s life and doing your
part to contribute to society.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Side back then Thời điểm đó

On the pricey Đắt đỏ

Shell out Trả rất nhiều tiền

Stay in touch with Giữ liên lạc với ai

Downtime Thời gian nghỉ ngơi

Get much more of a kick out of Rất nhiều

Ring up Gọi điện

Put that off Trì hoãn

Gorgeous and sleek Đẹp đẽ và bóng bẩy

Pour money down the drain Tiêu tốn rất nhiều tiền

1. What was your first mobile phone?

I personally got my first mobile phone - a Nokia - when I was a high

school student. Even that one was a bit on the pricey side back then
for me but my parents shelled out for it after I got good marks one
year. It was a small basic phone that cost something in the range of
800,000 VND.

2. How often do you use your mobile phone?

More than I should! I stay in touch with family throughout the day,
check the news all the time, send messages to friends and when I’ve
got some downtime I watch videos online, scroll through TikTok or
stalk my crushes on Instagram.

3. Do you use your mobile phone for texting or calls?

To be honest, I get much more of a kick out of video calls. If I’m

working on a school project, then I’ll ring up my partner and chat by
video. I also call my mom and dad every now and then though I put
that off for as long as I can.

4. Can you describe your mobile phone?

I’ve got an iPhone at the moment. It’s one of the newer models with
all the fancy-looking cameras on the back of it. The display is
gorgeous and sleek - the design standard that Apple is known for and
that so many of us are willing to pay so much extra for.

5. Will you buy a new mobile phone in the future?

Well, I should stop pouring money down the drain by buying new
phones when the newest model is out - especially since my old one
still works fine. But the social status element of it is important to me.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Turn in Đi ngủ

Pick up Lựa chọn

Jot down Ghi chú

Peace of mind An tâm

Planned out Đã được lên kế hoạch

Procrastinate Hoãn lại

Impulse Thôi thúc

Creep Len lỏi

Comes down to Phụ thuộc

Be drowning in stress Chìm trong sự căng thẳng

Squeeze Ép buộc

Meet up Gặp gỡ

Fall behind Không làm kịp, không theo kịp

Get away from it all Tránh xa tất cả

Off the beaten track Cách xa đô thị

Carve out Tiết kiệm

Up in the air Xa vời, chưa xác định

1. How do you usually organize and plan your time?

Well, I always make a to-do list for the next day before I turn in since
I have a tendency to be absent-minded the next day - a habit I’ve
picked up over the years. Jotting down a quick list gives me peace
of mind and a sense of control and then I can rest easy knowing the
next day is at least planned out.

2. Is it easy to manage time for you?

More or less - my dad instilled in me the importance of time

management from a young age. I try my best not to procrastinate,
though that natural human impulse creeps in every now and then.

3. What is the hardest part about making plans?

I think it comes down to time. There’s never enough to fit everything

in. Whenever I’m drowning in stress, it’s just about impossible to
squeeze someone or something in on short notice. I can’t just go out
to the cinema or meet up for coffee if I’m already falling behind with
my schoolwork.

4. What is the latest plan that you made?

Well, I’m planning on heading over to Hon Bay Canh this year to get
away from it all. It’s a bit off the beaten track and contains the
largest turtle sanctuary in Vietnam. I’m hoping I can carve out the
time and money but it’s still very much up in the air.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Come across Gặp

Happened upon Bắt gặp, xảy ra

Tried it out Thử

Generalize Nói khái quát

Go-to Thích

Of a night owl Cú đêm

Keeps me up Thức tỉnh (tỉnh ngủ)

Take my eyes off Không thể rời mắt

Get revamped Thay đổi

Open it up Mở ứng dụng

1. What kinds of websites do you often visit?

I’m mostly into looking up new recipes and learning about nutrition.
I love coming across something new - like the other week I happened
upon a claypot recipe for Mackerel and steamed mushrooms in a soy-
based sauce with just a bit of sugar in it. I tried it out and it wasn’t
bad at all.

2. What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Well, I can’t generalize across the whole country but I think that
social media sites are naturally the most popular, followed by video
streaming sites like Netflix and YouTube. But taking the current
Covid-19 pandemic into account, I guess one that is more frequently
accessed today would be the Ministry of Health Portal, where people
can learn about the newest restrictions, protocol, and quarantining

3. What is your favorite website?

Without a doubt, my go-to website is YouTube and it has been for

ages. It’s the best - for both entertainment and education. I’m a bit of
a night owl and that’s in no small part to YouTube - I’m always
coming across something that keeps me up - like the other day, when
I found some videos of real-life police interrogations - I couldn’t take
my eyes off them.

4. Are there any changes to the websites you often visit?

Yeah, YouTube doesn’t get revamped very often in terms of graphic

design or layout, but visitors do see different suggested videos every
time they visit the site. I’m not sure those count as changes per se but
the experience is different every time you open it up.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Rightful owner Chính chủ

At all costs Bằng bất cứ giá nào

Hand over Trao trả lại

In vain Trong tuyệt vọng

Lost and found Nơi tìm đồ đã mất

The end of the world Như là ngày tận thế

Look around Tìm kiếm

Retrace Lần lại dấu vết

Slip out of Rơi ra khỏi

Nightmare Ác mộng

Pinpoint Xác định

Không có khó khăn, trở ngại

No hassle

1. What should people do if they find something?

Of course, lost things must be returned to the rightful owner at all

costs - reasonably speaking. You should first check whether or not
there’s a way to contact the owner - such as a phone number in a
wallet, and then contact him or her and hand over whatever went

missing. If there is no contact information available, hand it over to
the nearest police station or lost and found.

2. Is it ok to keep an item that you found?

No, technically and morally I guess not. I’ve lost expensive things
before and looked for them in vain, so I know the feeling - it sucks.
In certain cases, the object may have more sentimental value than its
actual cost - in those cases especially it really hurts if someone doesn’t
return what you lost. If it’s a winning lottery ticket though it’d be
pretty hard to be that honest of a citizen…

3. What should people do to find what they lost?

I think people should try to remain calm, it’s not the end of the world.
Panicking won’t help. You can look around the possible places where
the item may have gotten lost and retrace your steps, and then as a
last resort report the missing items to the nearest police station. You
might even try posting on social media. If someone reads that post and
finds your missing item, they might return it - stranger things have

4. What things do people usually find?

Hard to say - it could be anything from a phone to a purse or a pair of

nice headphones or cheap ones…. Little things you carry around all
the time and can easily slip out of your bag are most common - oh I
guess sunglasses would be on that list because I’ve lost a ton over the
years. ID cards too.

5. Have you ever lost something?

Yes, it was a nightmare as I lost my phone once. I immediately

contacted the bank to block all my internet banking services and I
updated my passwords for my email, social media, etc. After that, I
googled “Find My Phone” to pinpoint the location. Fortunately, I
finally found it at a local pub where I met my friends the day before
and it really made my day to get it back no hassle.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

A fixed routine Một lịch trình cố định

On the right foot = make a good

Khởi đầu tốt

Doze off Ngủ

Busy-work Công việc bận bịu

Pulled a lot of all-nighters Thức trắng đêm

Turn off Tắt nguồn

Bịt (tai, hoặc một bộ phận trên

Put on
cơ thể)

Ambient noise Tiếng ồn xung quanh

Fall asleep Chìm vào giấc ngủ

Come back Quay trở lại

Catch up with Nói chuyện

Recharge Nạp lại

Grounded An tâm

Disciplined Có kỉ luật

Up in the air Không cố định, chưa chắc chắn

1. What is your daily study routine?

Yeah, I have a fixed routine that I more or less stick to when I can. I
get up early, try to get the day off on the right foot by doing some
reading for my classes. Then I do the most intensive work that requires
the most concentration. For the rest of the day, I just work through my
busy-work and listen to music at the same time.

2. Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, in fact I’m trying to fix my sleeping routine right now. In the
past, I pulled a lot of all-nighters, and then would doze off in class
during the day sometimes. Now, I turn off my computer at 10, read a
book and put on some ambient noise to fall asleep faster.

3. What’s your favorite time of the day?

My favorite time of the day would have to be after 7 p.m, when I come
back home from school and catch up with family. That helps me
recharge and feel grounded.

4. Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Yeah, because it gives me a feeling of control and organization. But

at other times, I sometimes feel robotic following a plan. It’s good to
be spontaneous and not just rigidly - stubbornly - stick to what you
jotted down on a slip of paper - that’s no way to live your life.

5. Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?

I used to have a fixed schedule when I was a student… but recently,

since I started work, I’ve been trying to be more disciplined with my
time. It’s tough though as my working hours are always up in the air.
I rarely get in dinner at the same time every day for example - but
what does it really matter in the end?



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

At the back of Phía sau

Leg room Chỗ để chân

Wriggle around Ngọ nguậy, giãn cơ thể

Landscape Phong cảnh

Get an idea of Biết được

Check out Nhìn, quan sát

Get around Đi quanh

Hail a cab Thuê taxi

There’s really no point in Không có ích gì

1. What is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?

I once traveled from Paris to Frankfurt, Germany by car and the

journey took 6 hours, the longest amount of time I’ve ever been in a
car. The journey itself wasn’t particularly comfortable since I had to
sit at the back of the car - not much leg room for me to wriggle

2. Do you like to sit in front or back when traveling by car?

I prefer to sit in the front because I like to see the landscape as I’m
driving by and get an idea of where I am. By sitting up front I can
also chat with the driver and check out the local businesses - things I
might miss when I’m driving myself.

3. When do you travel by car?

I don’t have a car myself as they’re bad for the environment and really,
really slow to get around in cities. I really only hail a cab when it’s
raining or I’ve got a bunch of luggage for example and need to get to
the airport. There’s really no point in wasting time getting around in
a city by car.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Good at Giỏi về cái gì

It doesn’t come to me naturally Tự nhiên mà nhớ ra

Make an effort Nỗ lực

A mnemonic trick Mẹo để ghi nhớ

Không đáng kể, không quan


Trivial Vặt vãnh, tầm thường

Human nature Bản chất của con người

Be ashamed of Xấu hổ

Jot down Viết ra, ghi lại

Refer back Gợi nhớ lại

1. Are you good at memorizing things?

I’m usually good at memorizing things, though it doesn’t come to

me naturally. Normally I have to make an effort to memorize
something, usually through a mnemonic trick.

2. Why do people often forget small things?

People often forget small things because they treat them as rather
inconsequential to their lives. If it’s trivial - like the name of
someone you just met and don’t expect to get around to seeing again
- what’s the point? I think it’s just human nature and nothing to be
ashamed of.

3. How can you make sure you don’t forget things?

One way I would remember things is to jot down a list of what I need
to do or get. That way I can always refer back to the list and check
whether or not I forgot anything. This is what I do when I’m out
grocery shopping for instance.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Interested in Ưa thích

A bit of a nuisance Một chút phiền toái

Come up Xuất hiện

Get up Thức dậy

Tidy up Dọn dẹp

Move on to Chuyển qua

Exaggerate Phóng đại

Efficacy Tính hiệu quả

Minimize Giảm thiểu

Side-effects Tác dụng phụ

Convince Thuyết phục

Weird Kỳ quặc, kì lạ

Up in the alley Phù hợp với sở thích của họ

Repugnant Ghê tởm, đáng ghét

Mislead Lừa dối, đánh lạc hướng

1. Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet

I’m not really all that interested in advertisements on either platform

because I find them a bit of a nuisance so I try to avoid them wherever
they come up. If they’re on TV then I get up and tidy up the house a
bit or grab some water. If they’re on a website then I just ignore them
and move on to whatever I’m doing online.

2. What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

I particularly dislike advertisements selling medications because

they’re typically not honest about what they do to your body. They
often exaggerate the efficacy of the medicine and minimize the side-
effects to convince consumers.

3. Do you share advertisements with others?

I don’t share advertisements with other people because nobody ever

really does that. It would be weird to advertise to my friends. The only
exceptions would be if it’s a product that is really up their alley and
on sale one week – or if it’s a funny ad but I can’t think of that last
time that came up.

4. Do you want to work in advertising in the future?

Absolutely not – I think working in advertising is being part of the

problem, not the solution. I think it’s ethically repugnant to mislead
people and there are so many other career options I can’t understand
why anyone would ever want to work in marketing or advertising
given the choice.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Hold my interest Quan tâm

Log into Đăng nhập

Stuck at home Mắc kẹt ở nhà

Get out of Ra ngoài

Put up with Chịu đựng

Over and over Lặp đi lặp lại

Paint roller Con lăn sơn

Fell asleep Buồn ngủ

Tedious Buồn chán

Boredom Sự buồn chán

1. What kinds of things are boring to you?

Hmmm tough one but there are a few things that just don’t hold my
interest - I’m not really into anime or discussing politics or comics
for example. Other people might like them but they’re just not for me.

2. What will you do when you feel bored?

Whenever I’m bored, I find something else to do that’s more

interesting. For example, I’ll log into Netflix to watch a TV show
whenever I feel bored if I’m stuck at home. I might go for a walk too.
If it’s a situation I can’t get out of, then I’ll just put up with it for the
time being.

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

The most boring thing I ever did when I was young was paint my
bedroom wall. It was so boring to me because I only had one color to
use and I was doing the same motion over and over again with the
paint roller to cover the wall. It was so boring that I almost fell asleep
doing it.

4. Do you think school is boring?

Going to school can be boring at times because some of the lessons

aren’t that interesting and can get tedious. Also, going to school is
something we’ve go no choice about. However, that boredom can be
balanced by the fact that we get to see our friends everyday which is
always fun.



Từ vựng Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Hang onto Gìn giữ

Remind me of Nhắc nhở tôi về

Tossing out Vứt bỏ

Come in handy Có ích

Sentimental value Giá trị tình cảm

Một sự gắn bó tình cảm mạnh

A strong emotional attachment

Chucking them out Vứt bỏ chúng đi

A storage closet Tủ đựng đồ

Mementos Kỷ vật

Knick-knacks Đồ lặt vặt

Accumulated Tích trữ

1. Do you collect things?

From time to time. I actually have a collection of old postage stamps

from the UK that I gathered over the three years I was in university
there. Some of them date as far back as 1910.

2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?

I still have my old childhood photos - they’re valuable to me in that

they remind me of a simpler time in my life. I also hang onto some of
my old miniature cars because they also remind me of my days as a

3. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

I do tend to have trouble tossing out old things. I always think to

myself that they might come in handy in the future - though they
rarely do. Also, some items have sentimental value and I’ve
developed a strong emotional attachment that keeps me from
chucking them out.

4. Where do you usually keep things you need?

I usually keep my things in a storage closet since it’s spacious enough

to fit tons of stuff inside. It’s mostly full of old childhood mementos
and other knick-knacks I’ve accumulated over the years.


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