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Q 1 What are Intellectual Property Rights?
Q 2 What is the investment limit in plant and machinery and turnover limit for medium
Q 3 Which repository has been designed by our Indian Government to safe and wrongful
patenting of out traditional knowledge?
Q 4 Mukesh has invested Rs.15 crores in plant and machinery to manufacture light
engineering goods. According to MSMED Act, in which category does his enterprise fall?
Q 5 ‘These are professionally managed funds which are invested in companies that have huge
potential.’ Identify the source to fund the startup.
Q 6 Name any two institutions specially set up to promote small-scale enterprises.
Q 7 When your brand gets legal protection and no one else is allowed to use it, this is called
Q 8 What is the maximum capital investment limit in Small enterprises?

Q 9 Write a short note on Patents as an Intellectual Property Right.
Q 10 Give the classification of enterprises in terms of investment in plant and machinery in
accordance with the provisions of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
Q 11 Endless Robotics was started in 2016 with the vision of making intelligent robots that
can be used by people, businesses, industries and governments across the world to solve
problems that directly or indirectly impact quality of human resources, capital, environment
and global lifestyles. This company is working towards innovation, development or
commercialisation of processes driven by technology.
This company drive and integrate advances in robotics, computer vision, mechanism design
and material sciences to build systems, products, solutions and services that revolutionize
everyday life for people across the world. This company with the simple mindset of helping
the world make a seamless transition into the Industrial Revolution.
On the basis of the given information about Endless Robotics, answer the following
(a) Identify under which flagship initiative of the Government of India, Endless Robotics
was started.
(b) State the meaning of enterprise established under the flagship initiative of the
Government of India.

Q 12 When J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book, she was poor but she owned the
copyright in her book. So, she was the only person allowed to make copies of the book and
sell them. Of course, she didn't do this herself. She gave permission to a publishing company
to do it in return for payment.
But she didn't just own copyright in the words, she owned copyright in the story and the
characters. So, her copyright also meant she was the only person with the right to produce
and sell a film of her story. Again, she didn't do this herself. She gave permission of a film
production company to make and sell the film in return for payment. Without copyright,
anyone else could have printed copies of the book as soon as it was published. And anyone
could have copied the film or shown it in cinemas. Those people could have made money
from the story without the author benefiting.
On the basis of the given information about J.K. Rowling, answer the following questions:
(a) Which concept has restricted anyone else to use the film or shown it in cinemas?
(b) Explain the advantages that an individual can derive from the above identified
Q 13 Name the institution which was set up by the government of India in 1955 with a view
to promote aid and foster the growth of small business units in the country. What are its

Q14 Discuss in detail various ways to fund startups.
Q15 Perfecto Bamboo Factory is a premier bamboo furniture provider owned by Ajit
Shekhar. He has set up his new factory at Kashipur, a small town in Uttrakand for
manufacturing quality furniture from bamboo for every household requirements. Ajit Shekhar
purchased automated machinery for his new factory and employed people from the nearby
villages to work in their factory. Since Ajit Shekhar solely runs the business, he got the first
movers advantage to exploit the opportunity without any delay.
On the basis of the given information about Ajit Shekhar, answer the following questions:
(a) Identify and explain the role played by small business in India by quoting lines from
the paragraph.
Q16 What is a Startup India Scheme? Discuss its various objectives.
Q17 Anshuman was a very industrious sales executive with a small herbal cosmetic
manufacturer. He earned a good salary and commission on the business he brought for the
firm and had very good command over the Delhi market for which he had virtually become
indispensable. He was aware of the enviable position he held in the firm and thought aloud:
"The key to success in any business is the sale of its products. The beginning and end of the
business cycle is nothing but sale and "other" people working in the factory to manufacture
products are mere cogs in the business machine set in motion by sales people. So why carry
this burden and get only a tiny share of the prosperity of the firm? Instead, others enjoying
the fruits of my labour, why should I not start my own business?"
(a) Should Anshuman take a leap? Give reason for your answer.
(b) State any five functions Anshuman will perform as an entrepreneurs in relation to
economic development.

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