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(Student Copy) Receipt No... HE-1S3700._.__. Dated 22-12-2022. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING (UIE) Year/Semestor ..2/4. ring - Computer Science & Engineering issn UREABCOUTENG Seto eane ee Received With Thanks from Mr./ Ms (On Accounts of .. Examination Fee:2000, Semester Fee: 55000 In form of Cash/DraftPay Order/On line (Speciy).BY. Online, suNo, (Seta NO) nen UM2NGANT2, Drawn on ...HDFC-472646, .~-Dated,.22°12-2022 cones Payable At Rs.57000 (In words) Rs. FIFTY-SEVEN THOUSAND ONLY ‘Term & Condition: - Printed on 12237202 1:08:99 POE 4. Thisreceiptisissued subject to the related provision of Act, Statues Regulations, Rules, Ordinances, Orders, struction, Guidelines, Code f Conduct, Policies Directions Standing Order et. that may be in fore or aplicabe or are framed from time fo time by the Chandigarh Education Trust Chardigarh Uniersty and istitte/ School! DDpartment/Center/ Programme ot. 2. Tiss mora an ecknowledgoment recaps and must not be taken asa Token ef acceptance or cman of egistaton or acmision or up. gradation Chandigarh Education Trusv Chang University and aka Insitute School DepartmentCentor! Programme et 3. Ths cepts val, sect fo the encashment of Demand drat pay order or any other Vaid instiument (f permite submited for payment purpose on any account. 4. Stucont/payoo is uly responsitio forthe gonuineness of re instumont submit for payment and i case o any misuso, mesierprealion er Mogalty, Nowe wll bo ‘uly responsible frogal consequences at hisner sk ad cost Chanéigath Education Trust Chandigarh Univorsity wil not be espansiolo in any caso. 6. Refund, f pormissibio, shall be made as par Rstund Poicy ofthe Chandlgarh Education Trust! Chandigarh Univarsity, however no inersts payable on any aroun any type deposited wih the Univers # any. insite) Schood DeparimentCenir) Programme etc, by whatsoever nama may be called, tobe atta can be dferent ftom as are mentioned here and are aso subject to change fam tme tote, as decided by the Board of Managemen of Chandigarh Education Trust/Chanigath University Disputes, Fay, shall be subject (othe jriscicton ofthe coursin District Mohak Puna) only. Powered by ERP Deparment Tssued By: System ($1001) System

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