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Module 1: The Nature of Mathematics

Activity No.1 “Where in Nature Am I?”
Directions: Write your answer on the space provided for each item. Expand your
answers if necessary but be sure to limit your answers to two-three sentences
1. Have you seen mathematical patterns around in nature? If so, where and what
of creature or thing is it?
Yes, I have seen mathematical pattern around in nature. For instance, in the
there are many insects/animals that represent mathematical pattern.

2. Give an example of a plant or an animal with a mathematical pattern in its

For example, of insects/arthropods are the centipedes and millipedes. There are
almost 100 legs of centipedes.
Each section of its body has 2 legs or one pair of legs per section. For the
millipedes, there are 2 pairs of legs per section of its legs.
So, in centipedes, if there were 2 legs per section of its body, since it has more or
less 100 legs, we can say that centipedes have 50 section of its body.
In millipedes, if there are 4 legs per section of its body since it has almost 1,000 of
legs we can say that the millipedes have 250 section of its body.
3. Give a situation where mathematics is used to solve real-life problems.
We as a human being must learn to manage the time that we had. If the person
doesn’t have a capability to manage their time,
there are so many problems that may fallow. For example, is that having the hard
situation goes like this. In general,
for a person who has work do will not allow himself/herself to be late in the work
place. So, he/she will manage his/her time.

Activity No.2 “Say What It Is”

Directions: Identify the object’s features that shows patterns and regularities.
your answers on the space provided.
Activity No. 3 “A Picture that Tells a Thousand Words”
Directions: Below is a quotation by Fritjof Capra. Read thoroughly and understand
quote. Write your insights on the space provided.
My view about this quotation by understanding of life we must have a model or
design that can we
used as a guide in our life, in our journey to pursue our ambition and our goals
that will bring us in success
when we understand the patterns, we will understand what life is.
A. Directions: Solve for the following.
1. Find 22 x 34 by using Vedic Math method. Attach a picture of the illustration.
Answer: __________
2. Simplify (x + y)7
3. Find the 30th term in the Fibonacci Sequence. Show your solution.
Answer: __________

B. Directions: Answer the following.

1. Write your insights about the short movie by Cristobal Vila and Prof. John
A short movie by Cristobal Vila and prof. John Adam illustrating various
mathematical principles,
the patterns and numbers in nature which is the Vedic math,
Module 1: The Nature of Mathematics
Activity No.1 “Where in Nature Am I?”
Directions: Write your answer on the space provided for each item. Expand your
answers if necessary but be sure to limit your answers to two-three sentences
1. Have you seen mathematical patterns around in nature? If so, where and what
of creature or thing is it?
Yes, I have seen mathematical pattern around in nature. For instance, in the
there are many insects/animals that represent mathematical pattern.

2. Give an example of a plant or an animal with a mathematical pattern in its

For example, of insects/arthropods are the centipedes and millipedes. There are
almost 100 legs of centipedes.
Each section of its body has 2 legs or one pair of legs per section. For the
millipedes, there are 2 pairs of legs per section of its legs.
So, in centipedes, if there were 2 legs per section of its body, since it has more or
less 100 legs, we can say that centipedes have 50 section of its body.
In millipedes, if there are 4 legs per section of its body since it has almost 1,000 of
legs we can say that the millipedes have 250 section of its body.
pascals triangle and also Fibonacci sequence.
I feel like it is scarious sounding however math is beautiful and this short movie
tell us of the closely acquainted
relationship between nature and mathematics.

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