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Schedule for the virtual mobility in Türkiye
“Our World is a Machine”
04-05 January 2023 (brainstorming and presentation 40+40 minutes)
Students, monitored by their teachers, will do the researching and make a presentation about
Wind Rose Generator. Students will search for and make presentations about the following topics:

 How can motion energy be converted into electrical energy with wind roses?
 Similarities with modern wind turbines.
 What kind of tools can we use to make a functional wind rose generator?
 What kinds of devices can we power with a functional wind rose generator?

Students will work in pairs of two, in groups. Their presentation will be shared among them
so everyone could see what their friends are working on. Each group will make a draft for
Each country will make a presentation on the topics mentioned above in their own language as
well as in English. They will share it on the website, YouTube and social media.
06 January 2023 (Making mini generator 40 minutes)
Students will demonstrate their presentation via Zoom to the students from Bulgaria, Turkey
and Serbia.
After the demonstration, there will be a workshop “the production of wind roses/genrators

Students will work together (more students can be involved in a workshop) to create their own
mini wind rose generator based on the knowledge and information they gathered.
Suggested activities (at least one of the suggested activities 40 minutes) :

 Paper Wind roses/genrators (Making colorful paper windmills),

 Drawing about benefits of wind roses/genrators

 Drawing/ painting wind roses/genrators

Each country will share the works on the social media, youtube and website. Drafts and
products of windmill generator products in the Erasmus+ corners of our schools, and the
exhibition of the products to be produced by our students.
10 January 2023 (40+40 minutes)

The Mini Robot Insect Project

Students will work in groups. They will search for information about the movement of a ladybug.
Their presentation will be shared among them so everyone could see what their friends are working
 Demonstration of animations about the movement ability of the ladybug will be made by
the students with the help of the leading teacher.
 How can an animated ladybug model be made with simple tools?
 Students will make drafts of moving ladybugs.
Each country will make a presentation on the topics mentioned above in their own language as
well as in English. They will share it on the website, YouTube and social media.
13 January 2023 (40+40 minutes)

Students, guided by their teacher will make a robot ladybug model.

Each country will share the works on the social media, youtube and website. Videos and
visuals of workshops for the production of the ladybug model will be exhibited in the
Erasmus+ corners of our schools, and the exhibition of the products to be produced by our
Suggested activities(at least one of the suggested activities 40 minutes):

 Origami moving animals

 Drawing/ painting ladybugs

Materials/Resource needed for the workshops:
You Tube access
Wind Vane Generator Project: 10 3v-6v DC electric motors, Conductive wire, Glue,
Plastic/ paper blade, Purchase of wooden pedestals.
Mini Insect Robot Project: 10 pcs 1.5 v Dc mini electric motor, Conductor wire, 20 leds, 10
toothbrushes, Paperclips or Lego sets
For Drafts: drawing paper, paints (crayons, watercolor, etc), pins,papers,etc

16-18 January 2023 FINAL

Quiz on Kahoot and Evaluation forms

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