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06/01/2023, 17:00 The perfect thesis topic: 5 questions you need to ask - Paperpile

Research and Writing Guides

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Is it a good thesis topic?

Having chosen a thesis topic is one small step for you, but one giant
leap for your thesis. Before starting the actual research, you need to
make sure that your topic is well formed. Take a look at this list of
questions to find out if your topic is ready to work on.

Does the topic have a clear aim?

First things first, is your topic clear enough? The ideal path of deciding a
topic starts by making it as comprehensive as possible. This is easier
said than done, as people often have one idea in mind but another one
in paper.

As James Hamilton, coach for Ph.D. students, concludes in his guide on

finding a thesis topic "clarity is the key". Therefore, we recommend
explaining your topic to someone foreign to your field. Dissect every
part of the topic and describe them in the most simple way. This will
help you see your topic from a different perspective. Only after the
simplified version, you can start adding layers of complexity. 1/5
06/01/2023, 17:00 The perfect thesis topic: 5 questions you need to ask - Paperpile

Is the topic researchable?

Once you are sure the topic is crystal clear, it is time to find out the most
important factor: does the topic offer enough information? If you came

up with the topic from material you read before, or you heard about it in
some lecture, it means the topic is probably highly researchable.

The only step to take here is using keywords related to your topic, and
looking them up in catalogs, article databases, internet search engines,
and libraries. Here is a great article with research tips for avoiding all-
nighters and some tips and tricks for finding material.

Is the topic original enough?

Every thesis requires a level of originality but let's be honest, research is
never completely original. Still, why not make it as original as you can
within your limits? You will dive in a sea of papers with a similar
approach to yours. This is your chance of finding an angle that has never
been taken before.

Therefore, we recommend finding a gap in research, or a certain angle

that has been done before but could be further developed. How? By
simply paying particular attention to your sources.

Will the topic be interesting to your audience?

Academic writing shouldn’t be boring. Depending on the level of your
thesis its appeal should vary. In order to answer the question, you should
identify the audience of your paper, and adapt the narration accordingly.

A Bachelor thesis has to be interesting for the professor that marks it.
An MA thesis should attract your supervisor, and future employer. A
Ph.D. thesis requires the highest level of interestingness, as the
academic expectation bar is much higher. It should engage peers,
supervisor, and general researchers. Once you know who you are
writing for, it becomes easier to adapt your words to your target 2/5
06/01/2023, 17:00 The perfect thesis topic: 5 questions you need to ask - Paperpile

audience. We also recommend these 13 ways to make your writing more

interesting to read.

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What methodology will your topic require?

Picking a suitable research methodology is one of the most important
components that can make a project fail or succeed. There are many
components that define a methodology, but the strongest ones are the
end goal of the research and timing.

Being aware of what type of outcome you want from the research and
how much time you count on will narrow down the type of
methodologies from the beginning on. For example, if you want
qualitative data as a result and you have enough time, then you can
carry out a focus group. If you want quantitative data in a short period
of time then an online survey suffices. Time and goal will be the decisive
factors in almost every research.

Check out our guide on How to gather data for your thesis for further
instructions on collecting empirical data and choosing a methodology.

Further questions to ask to find out if the topic of your

research is good:
Is the topic easy to find?
Is the topic of interest in contemporary culture?
Will the topic bring you any benefit after graduation? 3/5
06/01/2023, 17:00 The perfect thesis topic: 5 questions you need to ask - Paperpile
Will the topic bring you any benefit after graduation?

Frequently Asked Questions about having a good

thesis topic

🌈 How to know if my thesis topic is original? +

👨‍🎤 How to make a thesis topic interesting? +

🍸 How to know if my thesis topic is clear? +

👩‍💻 How to know if my thesis topic is researchable? +

🗣️What questions can I ask myself to know if my thesis +

topic is good?

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06/01/2023, 17:00 The perfect thesis topic: 5 questions you need to ask - Paperpile


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