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SAS 21

1. D - Social-ecological approach can be used by the community nurse to collect,

organize, and analyze information about high-risk groups that are encountered in the
community practice .

2. D - Cultural influences have a profound effect on health includes; Values, Norms and

3. C - Social media behavior such as on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, is NOT assess
under cultural influences of individuals and families.

4. B - Subcultures are aggregrates of people thath establish certain rules of behavior,

values, and living patterns that are different from mainstream culture. Leininger
described subcultures as having distinctive patterns of living with sets of rules, special
values and practices that are different from the dominant culture.

5. A - Refugee is a special term that describes a person who is outside of his or her
country of nationality or habitual residence and who has a well-founded fear of
persecution if he or she returns to his or her own country.

6. C - Illegal and alien should be avoided during a nursing discourse and in

professional literature in order to show respect for the undocumented immigrant as a
human being.

7. A - Integration may be a better term to describe the experience; This implies that an
immigrant or refugee incorporates certain aspects of the new culture into his or her
lifestyle, such as language and food, while still maintaining his or her cultural
traditions and values .

8. C - Hispanics are the largest cultural/ethnic group in the United States, and in several
large Americann cities, they constitute large percentages of the population. In these
ethnic communities, it is easier to speak Spanish and to maintain other traditional
cultural traits.

9. D - Summarizing the morbidities of the community is NOT included in the community

nursing assessment of cultural groups.

10.B - If a Filipino client does not adhere to the “usog” theory of illness, the client here is
displaying Intracultural variation.

SAS 22

1. A, B, E - The following forms of contraception would be applicable to a patient who

belongs to the
Baha’i religion are Condoms, Diaphragms and Cervical cap.
2. B - Buddhism is founded by Gautama Buddha in India.

3. A - According to Buddhism, this is a state of greater inner freedom and

spontaneity, it is the goal of all existence nirvana.

4. B, C - Roman Catholics must practice which of the following every Wednesdays

and Fridays of the Lenten season . A person is permitted to eat one full meal and
Abstinence from meat is also required on those days.

5. D - Priest, Deacon and Lay minister religious representatives in the Roman Catholic
sect is allowed to do anointing of the sick.

6. B, C , D - Temperature method, Ovulation method and Mucus inspection method is

considered acceptable under the Roman Catholic faith.

7. D - Br mitzvah is not considered a sacrament of the Roman Catholic sect.

8. A - Christian Scientists ordinarily do not use Medicines.

9. C, D, E - Common beverages are you going to avoid giving to a patient who belongs
to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are coffee, Iced tea and Cola.

10. C - Only natural forms of contraception are allowed the stance of the members
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints regarding contraceptives.

SAS 23

1. B - According to Hinduism, loss of a limb is considered to be caused by sins of a

previous life.

2. A - Reincarnation is a central belief in


3. C - A nurse has observed a Muslim patient to be praying at certain times of the day,
the nurse is going to expect this patient to pray 5 times a day.

4. D - A nurse is attending to a Muslim patient and refuses to eat and drink anything
since the patient has told the nurse that he is observing the month of Ramadan. The
nurse must know that Muslims fast
from dawn to sunset.

5. A, D - Pork and Alcoholic beverages are not NOT applicable in the diet of a
Muslim patient.
6. C - When doing physical assessment of a female Muslim patient the following
nursing practices are acceptable EXCEPT Have a male nurse do the physical

7. D - Jehovah's Witnesses a religious sectors would oppose blood transfusion

as a form of medical treatment in a disease such as Dengue Hemorrhagic

8. C - Brit milah, the covenant of circumcision, is performed on all Jewish male children on
the 8th day after birth.

9. B, C, E - Shellfish, Pork and Predatory fowl are NOT applicable in the diet of Jewish

10. C - Vegetarian diets is encouraged by the Seventh-Day Adventist church.

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