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Anggy Renanda Surya 009202000012

Erlenni 009202000010

Rossana Febriyanti 009202000072

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, President University,,


This study aims to analyze how much influence social media has on the marketing
techniques of the Es Teh Indonesia. Es The Indonesia has emerged as a new innovation that is
very popular among teenagers and adults. The use of appropriate marketing techniques can
make the brand known by the public. It had dimmed, but Es Teh Indonesia was able to bounce
back after he uploaded content on social media through TikTok, which told of his journey to
pioneer the Es Teh Indonesia business since 2018, or two years before the corona virus
pandemic hit the world. Based on the survey results, Es Teh Indonesia uses social media as a
marketing strategy and platform to communicate with customers. This satisfies the writer's
curiosity in researching how social media has influenced and is used by the Es Teh Indonesia.

Keywords: Social Media; Es Teh Indonesia; Marketing Techniques; TikTok.


In the modern era of globalization, technology is developing rapidly, it is used by the public
to obtain information. The digital technology revolution has shaped society into an information
age that allows the sending and receiving of unlimited information from and to as many people
as possible. The presence of the internet in computer devices, even smartphone systems, in
everyday life allows humans to communicate with other humans regardless of time and place
limits and access, collect, and store the required information.

The use of social media is growing into the business sector as a tool for marketing.
Marketing through social media is a process that connects companies with customers, as a high-
impact sales and information channel, as a tool for gathering comprehensive market information,
using social networks to communicate brand messages, and as a channel for sending coupons
and samples of the company's products.

Social media has changed the way people communicate and seek information. Social media
is changing the way consumers communicate and share information about brands so that
consumers are now able to discuss, give opinions, and share their experiences with certain
brands. Therefore, social media takes part in showing the uniqueness of various kinds of
businesses. Now companies can reach consumers with two-way communication with the
presence of social media in the community, customer-managed relationships are marketing
relationships that allow consumers to communicate with companies through social media so that
consumers form relationships with brands.

Est Teh Indonesia is a business venture that just emerged in 2018. Es Teh Indonesia is
engaged in the F&B industry which has a franchise concept. Es Teh Indonesia first opened
outlets in the South Jakarta area in 2018 by offering a variety of tea-based beverage products. Es
Teh Indonesia has a vision and mission. Reporting from the official website of Es Teh Indonesia,
there is information on the company's vision and mission. The following is the vision of
Becoming a Market Leader for an F&B Franchise Company that Produces Qualified Indonesian
Entrepreneurs through Technology-Based Learning and Development Media. The mission of the
company is:
1. Produce quality, affordable & preferred franchise brands
2. Support the realization of a good learning environment so that it can be beneficial for
employees, clients, and the community.
3. Creating thousands of quality outlets and entrepreneurs.

Starting from 2018 until now in 2022, Es Teh Indonesia has opened 504 gardens (outlets).
Of the total number of outlets, 55% with a total of 278 gardens are located on the island of Java.
With 45% of the total 226 gardens located outside the island of Java. The company calls the
outlets the garden term. Workers have a calling, namely the tea garden crew. This is the
difference between Es Teh Indonesia and other companies.

The author chose Es Teh Indonesia as the object of research because Es Teh Indonesia has a
large consumer base in Indonesia. One of the busiest businesses being carried out in Indonesia is
selling beverages made from Indonesian tea, especially in big cities today.

Es Teh Indonesia Drinks as a superior product line in all types of Indonesian society. The Es
Teh Indonesia’s business is not something special and new. The basis for making Es Teh
Indonesia is of course from the Es Teh drink that has existed in Indonesia for decades with
modifications made. Getting space from an event in the Kemang area, South Jakarta to sell
drinks, Es Teh Indonesia was introduced to the public.

Es Teh Indonesia's business has used social media as a marketing channel and
communication medium with consumers. This makes the writer interested in analyzing how the
influence and use of social media on the Es Teh Indonesia brand. In its application, the use of
social media can not only have a positive impact, but also have a negative impact on the
company concerned.

The type of research conducted is explanatory research because this research aims to explain
a relationship, form of relationship, or differences between characteristics in a phenomenon.
With data collection techniques from Es Teh Indonesia consumers by monitoring reviews on
social media. Based on the analysis conducted, the results of the study show that social media
has an influence on Es Teh Indonesia's brand awareness, this is indicated by the assessment from
consumers that social media is very important for consumers to form consumer brand awareness
of Es Teh Indonesia.

Figure 1 Es Teh Indonesia


Theoretical framework is a conceptual model of a theory or something logical (logical

sense) of the relationship between the factors identified as important in the research problem.
The marketing model used by Es Teh Indonesia is the STP Model. An approach that focuses on
how the company deals with customers and helps deliver personalized and relevant messages to
the target market.

2.1 Segmentation

Initially, Es Teh Indonesia, opened its business for the first time in an exhibition festival. As
the name suggests, this company is based in Indonesia. When they first joined the exhibition
festival to see their target market, they managed to sell their iced tea products. By opening an
exhibition, they benefit from their sales.

That way, they can see how the goals and targets they have made are appropriate or not.
After trying to take part in the exhibition festival, they opened their first outlet in a Mall in
Jakarta. By opening these outlets, they conduct useful research for their future business. It took
them a year to improve and develop how their business will be going forward.

What is the desire of consumers, how is a beverage product that is liked by the public,
especially millennials. Various inputs, desires and criticisms from consumers make them active
to improve how their business is. Their target market is people with an age range of around 15-
40 years, residing in Indonesia, who have an interest in various flavored drinks.

The taste and affordable price, the various flavors make this drink an attraction for
millennials and above. Various offers such as the level of sweetness of the drink, various flavors,
and the toppings that can be added to the drink can adjust what consumers like.

Es Teh Indonesia is here and sells its products at prices that can be reached by millennials or
adults. Because the target market is around 15-40 years old, namely millennials who do not have
enough income so that the selling price of these products is affordable.
In order to make it easy to get products and increase sales, Es Teh outlets are located in
areas that are crowded with people and easily accessible to the target market. With easy access to
the community, people can easily find out what Es Teh Indonesia is. If the outlets are only in the
sales center (Mall), then only a few can reach and only a handful of people know about the
product. With a place that is in a place like that, many people will think the brand has an
expensive price. Product prices start from Rp. 6,000 to Rp. 19,000 but the price does not include
additional toppings such as milk pudding, grass jelly, cream sea salt and cream cheese.

Es Teh Indonesia is here and sells its products at prices that can be reached by millennials or
adults. Because the target market is around 15-40 years old, namely millennials who do not have
enough income so that the selling price of these products is affordable. In order to make it easy
to get products and increase sales, Es Teh outlets are located in areas that are crowded with
people and easily accessible to the target market. With easy access to the community, people can
easily find out what Es Teh Indonesia is.

If the outlets are only in the sales center (Mall), then only a few can reach and only a
handful of people know about the product. With a place that is in a place like that, many people
will think the brand has an expensive price. Product prices start from Rp. 6,000 to Rp. 19,000 but
the price does not include additional toppings such as milk pudding, grass jelly, cream sea salt
and cream cheese.

A. Product

Beverage products sold at each outlet vary. The drinks sold are tailored to what millennials
like. At the age of 15-40 years, still curious about new innovations, suitable like Es Teh
Indonesia. Having an affordable price and easy to obtain makes the brand a special attraction for
its target market. The following is the menu of the most popular Es Teh Indonesia:

1. Original Ice Tea

2. Chizu Red Velvet/Avocado/Taro
3. Brown Sugar
4. Sea Salt Cookies & Cream
Figure 2 join the bazar to promotions
2.2 Target

In building a business, of course you want profit. At first it didn't go smoothly. Have
experienced a decline in profits and sales in the first year in running this business. Es Teh
Indonesia has a target to open iced tea outlets, so that they can be reached by the public.

The company continues to develop suitable strategies along with the times. Communicating
with the target market is important in building a business. With the intended target market, social
media is a suitable platform for conducting a promotion or communicating with the audience. By
communicating, researching, or interviewing consumers, it can help to maintain the business for
a long period of time. The trust that customers give to the company is very important, if there is
no trust in the products being sold, it can lead to a decline in sales.

The ease of access provided by the Indonesian Es Teh company to its consumers is that it is
easy to reach outlets and can also be ordered through online motorcycle taxi applications, one of
which is Gofood. With easy access, you can increase your income and sales, promote your
business so you can reap quite a lot of profits.

According to the author, at this time with many offline Indonesian Es Teh outlets which are
quite widely available in the community, they can reach even more target markets. Outlets that
are easily accessible allow people to make repeat orders and can show the seriousness of the
Indonesian Es Teh company to build a business and make it easier for the target market to reach
their products.

When viewed on social media, Es Teh Indonesia is very active in using social media and
interacting with the audience. Creating interesting and trending content helps, to attract the
attention of the audience. At this time, millennials are very active in social media, and pay
attention to a new brand that has a variety of menus and has a good and appropriate taste. The
place of promotion and selling is also very influential on the target market.

With social media used to promote, introduce products, open new outlets and communicate
two-way with the company's target market. The existence of online motorcycle taxis helps make
it easier to reach out to buy products and know about what products are being sold and can see
whether the tastes of the target market are suitable. At present, outlets or what is commonly
referred to as tea gardens by the company have begun to mushroom in various regions in

2.3 Positioning

Times and technology are growing, Es Teh Indonesia utilizes technology to innovate and
follow existing trends. One of them is social media, many people from the age of 15-40 years use
social media. Instagram and TikTok applications are currently being loved by many people.
Social media is indeed a suitable platform to market and introduce a product.

Based on data obtained from the page, social media users in Indonesia are
increasing every year. The number of active users using social media in Indonesia reached 191
million people in January 2022. That number increased by 12.35%. With this data, social media
is very suitable to be used to introduce, advertise, and give messages to the public well. Based on
the We Are Social report, the number of active social media users in Indonesia was 191 million
people in January 2022. This number has increased by 12.35% compared to the previous year
which was 170 million people. Seeing the trend, the number of social media users in Indonesia
continues to increase every year. However, its growth has fluctuated since 2014-2022. With
these data, it is stated that the use of social media is very suitable for the people of Indonesia.

Creating trending, interesting, and eye-catching content can make people interested in
seeing our content and knowing what is being conveyed. The company continues to innovate so
that its business can continue to grow and be durable. If there are no new innovations, the
company will lose to other competitors and become undeveloped. Social media is very
influential to increase sales.

In Es Teh Indonesia social media, they not only share about their products, but there are job
openings, company activities events that involve the community. In this way, it can build trust,
attention from the company to the community and vice versa. If you look closely, Es Teh
Indonesia outlets are often crowded with visitors. The goals, advertisements, businesses built by
the company managed to get the attention of the public.
Companies that are flexible, not rigid and follow a trend that is currently busy in the
community are very important. Companies can position themselves well in the community, can
easily attract the attention of the target market itself. Not only the target market is millennials,
but most employees or teams from PT. Esteh Indonesia Makmur is also a millennial. Having
millennials in the company can help companies to continue to grow and adapt to what is
currently busy and know what millennials want. This data can be seen in the video interview of
the CEO and Founder of Es Teh Indonesia together with the CNBC Indonesia TV media

Figure 4
Figure 5

The method used in this research are:

3.1 Type of Research

The type of research used in this research is visual analysis research and explanatory
research because this research aims to explain a relationship, form of linkage, or differences
between characteristics in a phenomenon. qualitative descriptive, where the research procedure
produces descriptive data in the form of words or words from the people needed.

3.2 Research Data Sources

Data collection using secondary sources. Secondary sources are data taken through
intermediaries or parties who have previously collected data, in other words, researchers do not
directly take their own data into the field. The secondary data source is consumer responses on
social media regarding the Es Teh Indonesia brand.
Based on the analysis conducted, the results of the study show that social media has an
influence on Es Teh Indonesia's brand awareness, this is indicated by the assessment from
consumers that social media is very important for consumers to form consumer brand awareness
of Es Teh Indonesia.

3.3 Research Methodology

The subject of this research is the source of information collected from someone or
something that can provide information. Information selection is based on the following
considerations: the ability to provide information. To obtain this information, the researcher
conducted an analysis of consumers on social media who were considered to know about the Es
Teh Indonesia brand by using a purposive sample based on a specific purpose. The research
sample for this study consists of consumers of the Es Teh Indonesia brand.


4.1 The Importance of a Brand

Branding is a way used by companies to make many people know what products they
produce. A branding, building, and forming a good image, for a newly formed company is very
important. The formation of a good image for a brand is very important for the company itself or
consumers. Having a good judgment of consumers can shape and advance sales itself.

The advantage that is obtained, if a company or a brand does good branding, is that it can
make the product better known by many people. The target market becomes wider. The level of
sales increases and increases the profit of the company or business. With good branding,
consumers are willing to repeat orders.

Good and memorable branding, consumers can give their trust and good judgment to this
business. Based on the mission that has been created and listed on the
website page, we want the company to be a place of learning not only for employees or people
who work at the Es Teh Indonesia company but for the community.
The company pays attention to the community so that the environment around Indonesian
Es Teh outlets can also develop and progress. The Es Teh Indonesia Company wants to be useful
also for the surrounding environment. With that attention, the public can give a positive view to
the company. For example, holding a giveaway, it can describe the company not only getting
income from consumers but also consumers getting positive things from the company. From
consumers to companies and back again vice versa.

Figure 6 Es Teh Indonesia appoints Nagita Slavina as CEO

Figure 5 company interaction with consumers

4.2 Advertisement

Advertising is a medium or effort to promote and introduce products to many people as the
intended target market. Using the promotional mix method, can help improve the quality of
communication between companies and consumers. This promotional mix has several ways to
carry out promotional activities. One way is advertising.
Collaborating with various brands that are already quite large, popular and experienced can
be one way to do advertising. The Hydrococo brand, which is already well-known and well-
known, collaborates with Es Teh Indonesia. The two brands created a new innovation of tea
drinks mixed with fresh coconut water, a new thing and could attract people's attention so that
the names of the two brands were raised.

By collaborating, you can create a new and wide connection or network. The possibility for
people to know the name of a brand and company is high. By collaborating with a brand name
that is already familiar to Indonesian society, you can educate and inform the public that there is
a new brand and start a business.

At this time, many people idolize famous artists or celebrities. They can influence, the target
market, especially millennials. Working with people who have a big impact on society can help
to brand this product. Many audiences can know, recognize, and assess how this brand and
product is.

People who have a lot of followers and also have a big impact on the company are the artist
Nagita Slavina, Brisia Jodie, and one of them is the influencer of the TikTok application, Nadia
Kahitna (Una). They have a large following and can reach many people, especially in Indonesia,
so it is very suitable to work with an Es Teh Indonesia company. By collaborating with artists
and influencers so that they can help advertise products. People are interested in what they wear,
drink or eat or have good reviews because they want to try to follow their idols.

Nowadays, social media can also make it easier to do advertising. Using news media and
websites that discuss the Es Teh brand can help people find out about the brand itself. People
who find out about the Indonesian Es Teh brand can easily get the information.
Figure 7

Figure 8
Figure 9

Nagita Slavina, recently served as CEO of Es Teh Indonesia. Nagita Slavina's appointment
as CEO of Es Teh Indonesia, made a trending topic on social media. The enormous influence of
Nagita Slavina made the name of Es Teh Indonesia skyrocket. Using paid advertisements in the
media or Earned Media can help increase the popularity of Es Teh Indonesia in the community.

There are so many consumers who sometimes do advertisements, but they are not aware that
it is included in advertisements, one of which is word of mouth. People or target markets who
like these products often recommend the menu to their friends and the surrounding environment.
Many media cover or write news about Es Teh Indonesia. Not only by word of mouth, but you
can use it by giving away a product from Es Teh Indonesia, which is often done by companies,
namely when opening a tea garden (outlet) it is offered to buy one get one in a way that can
attract the attention of consumers and often the consumer uploads it to his personal social media.
4.3 Two-way communication

Judging from the social media that are quite often used by Es Teh Indonesia, namely
Instagram and Tiktok. Interesting, trending, and easy-to-find content creates a reaction between
consumers and companies. On Instagram, the Indonesian Es Teh company, often enough to share
for criticism and suggestions given to consumers. Not only that, quite often there are given
aways. Making Instagram posts that can provoke people to be active, making it an opportunity to
communicate directly with consumers. Conducting campaigns, such as educating the public
about various things, telling the public about the activities carried out by iced tea employees,
displaying the products they have, so that it is not difficult for the public to get any products sold
by this company. Communication that occurs cannot be done in one direction only. A company
also needs input from its customers, without customers the company cannot develop as it is

An active Instagram admin to repost, if there are consumers who tag the Es Teh Indonesia
Instagram account, so that the company does not seem arrogant and disrespectful. Sharing
moments when workers prepare drinks ordered by consumers in large or small quantities. With
this, it can make things transparent between companies and consumers, nothing is covered up.
Social media has made Es Teh Indonesia products popular among children aged 15-40 years.
The more a company can be reached by target consumers, the company will be helped by getting
a profit and also consumer trust.

In Es Teh Indonesia social media, they often repost Instagram stories from consumers or
upload criticisms and suggestions. In this way communication can be established between
companies and consumers. Companies that carry out two-way communication can be able to
bring the company closer to consumers. Consumers who are served well and get satisfied and
good service can make them feel valued, close and want to make repeat orders.

Two-way communication can ensure the smooth flow of information obtained, so that
consumers or recipients understand and can immediately express their opinions. Smooth
communication between employees, companies and consumers can advance and make
companies develop their business well, and consumers can develop because they can express
their opinions. Creating a pleasant relationship makes the people involved in the company and
the consumer or business feel happy, because when the consumer expresses their opinion and the
company responds well and quickly, the consumer will feel happy, and the company can accept
the input.

Not only that, but the author also looks at how the SWOT analysis is in the Es Teh
Indonesia company.

Strength Weaknesses

- Brand shows that This product is original - Lack of media utilization marketing
from Indonesia. promotion from various other social media.
- Take advantage of the system media - Implementation of the marketing system
marketing social media as a means of centered.
promotion. - Lack of media utilization marketing
- Can be consumed from various circles. promotion from various other social media.
- Strategic business location. - Implementation of the marketing system
- Continue to innovate in various flavors. centered.
- The price is quite affordable.
- Quality products.

Opportunities Threats (Threats)

- The number of e-commerce media as a - Lack of current purchases rainy season.

promotional medium. - Similar business competition.
- Expanding territory marketing. - The price of raw materials to more expensive.
- In the surrounding area is still a little who
have a similar business.
Strategy SO Strategy WO Strategy ST Strategy WT

- Maintain prices and - Expanding the - Continue to innovate - Utilize various media
product quality for marketing area make it in various flavors for promotion to attract
increase loyalty easy for consumers increase the consumers with
consumer. reach a product. competitiveness of a improve and expand
- Establish good product. promotion of a
cooperation mutual product.
benefit for expand
territory setting.

From the results of the analysis conducted on Es Teh Indonesia, a marketing strategy can be
chosen that can be used as an effort to increase competitiveness. The following are the results of
the analysis described as follows:

1. Strength and Opportunities (SO) Strategy

The SO strategy is carried out to take advantage of the strengths and opportunities of Es Teh
Indonesia, to seize opportunities, including:

a) Maintaining price and product quality to increase consumer loyalty.

b) Establish mutually beneficial cooperation to expand the marketing area.

2. Strength and Treats (ST) Strategy

This ST strategy is the use of force used to deal with threats from the competitors that can be
faced by Es Teh Indonesia, among others:

a) Continue to innovate in various flavors to increase the competitiveness of a product.

3. Weakness and Opportunities (WO) Strategy

This strategy is used when there are opportunities that are used to overcome weaknesses in Es
Indonesia, including:

a) Expanding the marketing area so that consumers can easily reach a product.

4. Weakness and Treats (WT) Strategy

This WT strategy is used to overcome the weaknesses of Es Teh Indonesian in order to avoid

Business threats that will be faced include:

a. Utilizing various promotional media to attract consumers by increasing and expanding

promotion of a product.

The marketing strategy currently used by Es Teh Indonesia is that they collaborate with Go-
Jek, Grab, drivers throughout Indonesia, apart from selling them offline by directly coming to
outlets, and Es Teh Indonesia also selling their products online through One of the social media
platforms is Instagram and TikTok.

By utilizing all social media will expand and increase the promotion of a product. Moreover,
social media is able to accommodate creative ideas that are difficult to do with other marketing
methods. The strength of Es Teh Indonesia is that the brand shows that this product is native to
Indonesia, utilizes the marketing system through social media as a means of promotion, can be
consumed from various circles, strategic business location, continues to innovate in various
flavors, prices are quite affordable, products that are affordable quality. While the weaknesses
are the lack of use of marketing promotion media from various other social media, the
application of a centralized marketing system.

Opportunities are the number of e-commerce media as promotional media, expanding the
marketing area, in the surrounding area there are still few who have similar businesses.
Meanwhile, the threat is the lack of purchases during the rainy season, similar business

The marketing strategy that can be done by Es Teh Indonesia in an effort to increase
competitiveness is to maintain product quality, expand the marketing area, continue to innovate
in various flavors, and optimally utilize marketing promotion media from various social media.
Marketing strategies that can be used by Es Teh Indonesia in an effort to increase
competitiveness based on the SWOT matrix, namely by maintaining product quality, expanding
marketing areas, continuing to innovate in various flavors, as well as optimally utilizing
marketing promotion media from various social media.

Building a good company branding can be a positive value for consumers. A good
assessment, because there are consumers who get good service, like the product. Active in social
media, can make the information conveyed quickly and easily obtainable. And two-way
communication can be a good thing to build relationships between companies and consumers.
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