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Worksheet 13: Settlement:

1. Who were the first settlers to come to Ireland? _____________________________________________

2. Where did they come from? _____________________________________________________________
3. What was Ireland like at the time?
4. Explain 3 reasons why they settled in Mount Sandel.

5. List 3 other groups of settlers who came to Ireland throughout the last 9000 years.

6. Draw a sketch map showing houses in Linear, Nucleated and Dispersed settlement pattern. (Back of the Page).

7. Dublin is a Primate City. Explain what this means.


8. Explain 3 reasons why Dublin became Ireland’s main city.


9. Dublin is a route focus for all transport routes in Ireland. Explain what this means.

10. What are Polders and in which European country would you find them?

11. Explain how a Polder is created?


12. Why were the Polders created and why do we not have any polders in Ireland?

13. Towns and villages provide many functions to the people who live in them. Explain 3 different functions
that a town can provide.

14. ‘The function of Navan in Co. Meath has changed over time’. Explain in detail why this statement is true.
(You can put this answer on the back of the page).

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