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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition

June 13 – 17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea




Eoin M. Burke Felix Güthe Rory F.D. Monaghan

Mechanical Engineering and GE Power, Mechanical Engineering and
Combustion Chemistry Centre, 5401 Baden, Switzerland Combustion Chemistry Centre,
National University of Ireland National University of Ireland,
Galway, Ireland Galway, Ireland

ABSTRACT by flame chemistry, flow properties, and turbulent and laminar

The aim of this work is to provide insight into the state-of- transport. ST indicates the level of reactivity with the flame. For
the-art turbulent flame speed (ST) correlations and to determine this reason ST is used as an aid to estimate combustor reactivity
the most appropriate correlations to use under different turbulent when varying parameters such as inlet temperature, pressure,
premixed combustion conditions. The accuracies of 16 equivalence ratio and fuel composition. For example in gas
correlations for ST are determined using a large volume of data turbine development, results obtained at atmospheric pressure
over a range of conditions. Accuracy is based on a mean absolute are frequently transferred to engine conditions. This can result in
percentage error (MAPE). The comparison is completed once the introduction of errors and/or uncertainty.
using the original authors’ adjustable parameters and a second
time using parameters proposed by the current work that ST is also an essential closure parameter in many turbulent
minimize MAPE for four different groups of data. Based on the premixed flame modeling approaches such as Flame Surface
results of the analysis using the newly-suggested parameters, the Density (FSD) [1], Turbulent Flame speed Closure (TFC) [2] and
five most accurate correlations are then further examined to G-equations [3] which are commonly used in commercial CFD
evaluate their respective abilities to predict trends under various software. Due to its significance, ST has been the focus of a large
turbulent conditions. While many correlations perform well over number of analytical [4]–[7], experimental [8]–[12] and
the range of data (MAPE < 33%), no single correlation can computational studies [12]–[14], as well as literature reviews
predict all experimentally-observed trends for methane flames [15]–[17]. One of the main objectives of these studies has been
under these conditions. Further issues are found when predicting the development of ST correlations based on laminar flame
trends for larger hydrocarbons; ethane and propane. Although properties (laminar flame speed (SL) and thickness (δth)),
low errors are again found (MAPE < 25%), correlations are not turbulent flow properties (integral length scale (Λ) and root mean
generally able to replicate the observed trends of experimental squared (rms) turbulent velocity (u’)), and dimensionless
data for C2H6 and C3H8. While it is commonly accepted that no numbers (Reynolds number (Re), Karlovitz Number (Ka) and
single correlation can accurately predict ST, this work has shown Damköhler number (Da)) [4], [6], [18]. Some of these
that the correlation derived by Muppala provides the closest correlations are based on semi-empirical scaling laws [19], [20]
overall agreement to the data examined. However it cannot be and others are based on the physics of passive scalars [6].
defined as a general correlation. For this reason the authors have However while there are approximately 40 different correlations
proposed to continue development of an ST modeling tool based spanning more than seven decades of research [21], a general
on a modified version of the Cantera 1D freely propagating correlation for determining ST, does not exist. This is due to the
laminar flame speed (SL) code. Greater cooperation in the ST complex nature of turbulent flames, and the influence that flame
research community to expand the range of available wrinkling, experimental flame configuration, bending effects
experimental data and better enable direct comparison of data and measurement techniques have on ST. This problem is further
and correlations from different experiments is also compounded by the fact that no single definition for ST exists.
recommended. Due to the complexity of turbulent premixed flames, and the
large number of correlations available in the literature, the
INTRODUCTION correct choice of correlation to predict ST is not always clear. The
Premixed turbulent combustion is of key importance for aim of this study is to provide insight into the state-of-the-art ST
industrial applications. Turbulent flame speed (ST) is an correlations and to determine the most appropriate correlations
important property within turbulent premixed flames, influenced to use under different turbulent premixed combustion conditions.

1 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

To achieve this, 16 correlations are compared against DEFINITION DEPENDENCY
experimental data and a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) Unlike laminar flame speed, there is no single definition for
value, for four data groupings, is used to assess a single value for turbulent burning velocity [15]. Some researchers define ST to be
accuracy of each of the correlations. All laminar properties are a consumption speed which gives an indicator of the mass
calculated using 1D solvers to ensure they are consistent for each consumed per second and is determined by recognizing that all
flame. Many correlations have adjustable parameters used to the reactants leaving the burner must flow through the flame
scale the expressions for different flame conditions [2], [3], [22], brush. An iso-surface of 𝑐̅ = 0.5 [15] is generally used when
[23]. As well as finding the MAPE for each correlation using the measuring consumption speed [24], [25]. Others express ST as a
original authors’ suggested adjustable parameters, this study displacement speed and determine it by examining the kinematic
proposes new parameter values that minimize the MAPE over balance between the mean flow field and the flame brush
the range of experimental conditions studied. Upon finding the propagating speed at the leading edge of the flame brush. To
most appropriate parameter for each correlation and data experimentally measure displacement speed, an iso-surface of 𝑐̅
grouping, the correlations with the lowest MAPE values are = 0.05 is generally used [4], [26], [27]. From this point forward
further studied to assess their ability to match trends in the ST measured as a displacement speed (𝑐̅ = 0.05) and consumption
experimental data. While exact values of ST are desirable for speed (𝑐̅ = 0.5) shall be referred to as ST,0.05 and ST,0.5 respectively,
model closure, trends are also important, allowing researchers to while ST will be used to refer to turbulent flame speed in general.
determine the influence of varying certain conditions (inlet Flame speeds obtained using these two definitions are not equal.
temperature (T), equivalence ratio (pressure (P) and Reasons for this difference include convergence or divergence of
turbulence levels). Correlations are compared to four data stream lines, within a flame. As a result of these converging or
groupings. Firstly they are compared to methane (CH4) flames diverging stream lines a reactant flux in the transverse direction
over the entire range of experimental test conditions identified is introduced. This leads to different velocities at the 𝑐̅ = 0.05
through extensive literature review (Data Grouping 1), which is and 𝑐̅ = 0.5 iso-surfaces and therefore different measurements of
shown in Table 2. Correlations are then compared, again for CH4, ST [28]. For diverging flows, such as low swirl burner flames, V-
at elevated pressure conditions only (0.2-1.0 MPa) (Data flames and Bunsen flames, it has been found that ST,0.05 / ST,0.5 has
Grouping 2). A third comparison for CH 4 takes place for values of 4, 3 and 1.7, respectively. In contrast, for spherically
conditions identified as elevated-pressure (0.2-1.0 MPa) and expanding flames, ratios of ST,0.05 / ST,0.5 have been found to be
highly turbulent (u’/SL > 10), which are of relevance to industrial 0.45 [11]. Therefore it is important to only compare ST values
combustion systems (Data Grouping 3). Finally, fuel effects are obtained using the same definitions. For this reason Bradley [11]
examined through the comparison of the correlations for ethane derived a relationship, shown in equation (1), to estimate ST at
(C2H6) and propane (C3H8) flames at atmospheric pressure (Data different surfaces for expanding flames. Taking the leading edge
Grouping 4). (𝑐̅ = 0.05) as a reference 𝑐̅ iso-surface, Table 1 shows the
relationship between flame radii and ST at various surfaces. This
The ST correlations selected for this study are each defined method allows for the comparison of measured [29] or modeled
at values of reaction progress variable (𝑐̅) equal to either 0.05 or [9] values of ST at different 𝑐̅ iso-surfaces. The authors are
0.5. Progress variable ranges from 𝑐̅ = 0 (unburnt) to 𝑐̅ = 1 unaware of any such relationship for relating ST at different 𝑐̅ iso-
(burnt). To remove the influence of 𝑐̅, each correlation is surfaces for other apparatuses. Therefore for this study,
compared to experimental ST values measured at applicable 𝑐̅ iso- experimental results are selected because they (1) study
surfaces only. For Bunsen flames this is achieved by comparing expanding flames or (2) report both ST,0.05 and ST,0.5.
measurements of ST under the same conditions at surfaces of 𝑐̅ =
0.05 and 𝑐̅ = 0.5. For spherically-expanding flames, although ST 2
STc2  rc 
was measured at various values of 𝑐̅, the relationship developed  1  (1)
by Bradley [11], which defines the ratio of different surface radii, STc1  rc 
 2 
is used to relate ST back to value at 𝑐̅ = 0.05 and 𝑐̅ = 0.5.
Table 1 Radii and speed ratios for various 𝒄̅ iso-surfaces, taking the
In the following sections the appropriate dependency of ST on leading edge (𝒄̅ = 0.05) as a reference. Reproduced from [11].
the selected 𝑐̅ iso-surface and the expression used by Bradley to
Measurement Technique 𝒄̅ r0.05 / rc2 STc / ST
2 0.05
relate values of ST at different surfaces is discussed. This is
followed by a description of the experimental data examined in OH PLIF 0.05 1.00 1.00
the paper. Then an overview of the correlations employed in the Schlieren 0.1 1.11 1.23
study is discussed and the method used to calculate the error Equal Volume Method 0.34 1.36 1.85
value. Finally the observed results are presented and discussed. Equal Area Method 0.4 1.41 1.99
Mean Flame 0.5 1.49 2.22
Pressure Trace 0.6 1.56 2.42

2 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

Table 2 Experimental conditions, apparatus and measured 𝒄̅ iso-surfaces for each data set used in the study.
Symbol Data Set Apparatus Fuel 𝒄̅  Tu (K) P (MPa) u'/SL Λ /δth Ref
 A CB CH4 0.1 0.8 300 0.1 10.6-20.8 70.1-70.6 [29]
 B CB CH4 0.1 0.8 300 0.2-1.0 5.0-14.5 3.5-170.1 [29]
 C SB CH4 0.6 0.8-1.2 300 0.1 1.9-16.4 3.9-6.4 [30]
 D BB CH4 0.05 & 0.5 0.7-1.35 300 0.1 2.6-11.7 2.9-5.6 [26]
 E BB C2H6 0.05 & 0.5 0.7-1.45 300 0.1 2.2-8.8 3.8-7.0 [26]
 F BB C3H8 0.05 & 0.5 0.8-1.35 300 0.1 2.4-7.3 4.7-6.9 [26]
 G SB CH4 0.1 0.6-1.3 360 0.5 8.2-45.5 3.7-136.1 [31]
 H SB CH4 0.34 0.6-1.3 360 0.1 2.0-15.1 1.8-4.5 [32]
 I BB CH4 0.05 0.7-1.0 300 0.1 0.65-2.4 2.3-9.4 [33]
 J CB CH4 0.1 0.7-1.4 300 0.1 1.4-34.7 23.4-105 [7]
 K SB CH4 0.1 0.7-1.2 300 0.1 4.4-10.0 35.3-56.8 [9]
 L BB CH4 0.05 & 0.5 0.7-1.0 300 0.1 2.0-15.1 1.8-4.5 [27]
 M SB C3H8 0.6 0.7-1.45 300 0.1 1.9-9.9 5.3-7.0 [34]
 N CV C3H8 0.6 0.8-1.25 300 0.1 1.3-6.3 8.1-10.0 [35]

Table 1 shows how measuring ST at different 𝑐̅ iso-surfaces conditions, both measurements of ST should be close. By
results in different values. It can be noted that, for expanding measuring ST at an iso-surface of 𝑐̅ = 0.5, Liu found good
flames, as 𝑐̅ increases so too does ST. However the opposite is agreement between Bunsen flame and expanding flame data. As
true for Bunsen flames where an increase in 𝑐̅ results in a lower a result, Liu suggested that flame speeds determined at 𝑐̅ = 0.5
values of ST. As well as converging or diverging stream lines may be a better representation of ST and eliminate the effect of
the, standard definition of 𝑐̅, ranging from unburnt (𝑐̅ = 0) to reactor flow configuration. While ST,0.5 may be a better
burnt (𝑐̅ = 1), influences this difference. Using the same representation of ST many existing correlations predict ST,0.05 and
definition Liu [29] suggested the reason for this relationship therefore both definitions are considered here.
between 𝑐̅ and ST, for the Bunsen and expanding flame
geometries, is due to the definition of 𝑐̅ discussed above. For EXPERIMENTAL DATA
Bunsen flames, fresh gas is present in the center of the flame, To assess the correlations’ applicability in predicting ST, work
whereas for expanding flames, burnt gas occupies the center. from 11 experimental studies and over 200 different flame
Figure 1 shows a 2D example of the relationship between 𝑐̅ and conditions are used. An overview of the data can be seen in Table
ST for Bunsen and expanding flames. 2 and the modified Borghi plot in Figure 2. The majority of the
data comes from expanding flames (137 points), including
cruciform burners (CB), spherical bombs (SB), cylindrical vessel
(a) Bunsen Flame (b) Expanding Flame
(CV); with the remaining flames (66 points) using a Bunsen
burner (BB) setup. These studies are selected as both ST,0.05 and
ST,0.5 are reported or can be calculated from the reported values
using Bradley’s relationship. Laminar properties for CH4 are
calculated using CHEMKIN PRO [36] and a C3 version of
AramcoMech 1.3 [37]. Cantera [38] and a C5 version of
AramcoMech 1.3 [37] are used to calculate the properties of the
larger hydrocarbons. CHEMKIN PRO is not used for C2H6 or
C3H8 due to memory issues caused by the larger kinetic
mechanism (346 species). Cantera is also used to calculate Lewis
x direction x direction numbers (Le), using equation (2) for each of the reactant
Figure 1 2D representation of the relationship between 𝒄̅ and ST for mixtures at inlet conditions. A Lewis number was calculated for
(a) a Bunsen and (b) an expanding flame with iso-surfaces for 0, 0.5 each of the flames, with average values of 0.95, 1.4 and 1.70 for
and 1 through the flame brush.
CH4, C2H6 and C3H8, respectively.
Liu [29] proposed this could explain why ST/SL values from
Bunsen flames are found to be greater than spherical flames Le  (2)
when measured at 𝑐̅ = 0.1 even though, under the same  c p Dm

3 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

The majority of studies in the literature define flame MODELING CORRELATIONS
thickness as the diffusive flame thickness (δdiff). This can be Accurate prediction of ST is important in two areas of
expressed using thermal diffusion δdiff = /SL [29], [26] and [27] combustion research (1) estimating engine stability and
or viscosity δdiff = /SL [32], [7]. For this study, flame thickness reactivity under varying parameters, and (2) closing the Favre-
is defined as thermal flame thickness (δth) as shown in equation average 𝑐̅ equation used in approaches such as FSD, TFC and G-
(3). equations, which are regularly employed in commercial CFD
codes [40]. Zimont was one of the first to suggest closing the
TB  TU equation by highlighting the importance of mean flame brush
 th  (3) thickness (δt) and ST [16]. Because of this, many studies have
max(dT / dx)
been carried out to develop a general correlation for predicting
ST [10], [19], [41]. A general expression derived from
While these alternative definitions of flame thickness are Damköhler’s [42] physical model of the form:
equally valid, with respect to temperature, pressure and the
diffusive thickness is smaller by up to a factor of ten [39]. For n
ST  u' 
this reason the velocity (u'/SL) and length ratios (Λ /δth) reported  1 C   (7)
here differ from those reported in other work due to the use of SL  SL 
δdiff in the literature and the use of δth in this study. By using the
calculated values of SL and δth for each flame the influence of has been proposed numerous times, where C is a parameter on
varying laminar properties is removed from the study. The non- the order of unity, and n is typically ~ 0.7 [43]. To match ST, C
dimensional numbers Re, Ka and Da are also defined using δth, must be varied depending on using experimentally-obtained
SL and the turbulent flow properties (Λ and u’), with equations data [7]. While a general correlation for predicting ST still
(4)-(6) respectively, and used to plot the modified Borghi remains elusive due to the strong interactions between flame
diagram shown in Figure 2. chemistry, flow properties, and the turbulent and laminar
transport, many correlations have been derived. Lipatnikov [16]
 u'     provides a detailed overview of these existing correlations. A list
ReT      (4)
 S L   th 
of the equations used in this study is shown in Table 5. The first
author, equation and the parameters used for each correlation is
3/ 2 1 / 2
displayed. Also shown is the definition of ST used by each author.
 u'   It should be noted that for the Zimont correlation the definition
Ka=     (5)
  th 
of ST could not be determined. However due to its extensive use
 SL 
and close agreement with ST,0.5 it is assumed the expression
predicts ST at an iso-surface of 𝑐̅ = 0.5. Only a portion of existing
 u'     correlations are being examined for this study. Many more
Da=     (6) correlations exist [44]–[46], but are excluded from the current
 S L    th  study due to difficulty in determining the definition of ST used.
As further information becomes available, these correlations will
100 be examined. A recently-derived correlation by Kolla [4] is also
Broken excluded from the study due to the fact that the definition of
Reaction Zone Thin Reaction
Zone ST,0.05 did not relate well to the leading edge measurement for
expanding flames used in this study. While the correlation shows
good agreement to Bunsen flame data, it is not possible to
achieve similar agreement with other burner set-ups, as also
demonstrated by [47]. To assess the accuracy of each model, a

Corrugated mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is calculated using

equation (8), where xexp,i is experimental value i, xcorr ,i is the
1 value predicted by the correlation and n is the size of the data
group under examination.
Laminar Wrinkled

xexp,i  xcorr ,i
Flamelet n

0.1 i 1 xexp,i (8)

0.1 1 10 100 1000
MAPE  100
Λ/δth n
Figure 2 Turbulence and flame conditions for the data displayed in
Table 2 plotted on a Borghi diagram modified by Peters [17].

4 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

Table 3 Turbulent premixed flame correlations by various authors and their reported parameters
Correlation & Author Equation Parameters

C1 Zimont [2] ST ,0.5  Cu ' Da0.25 C = 0.52

 u' 0.25 
 1  C  1  Da 2 
ST ,0.05
C2 KPP [48]  C=1
SL  SL 

C3 Klimov [22] ST ,0.05  Cu ' 0.7 SL 0.3 C = 3.5

   0.25
  
 D = 2.32-2.4
  
 C   1  1  At 0.25 ReT0.75  exp    t    At 0.25 ReT0.75  
ST ,0.05 A u'
C4 Gouldin [49]  At = 0.37
SL      ReT  S L    
    
0.5 C = 6, D1 = 0.5,
 C  k  
 u ' 
C5 Duclos [51] ST ,0.5  Cu '   1  D1 1  D2 
D2 = 0.6, ScT = 0.7
 T  
Sc  S L  (  k See [51])
 D2 ReT 0.5  C = 0.7, D1 =
ST ,0.05  Cu' ReT 0.25
 1  D3 
C6 Mantel & Borghi [52] 0.8165, D2 = 1.25
 1  D S L  
     D3 = 1
u' 

ST ,0.05  8D when D  27.82

where D = Cu'ReT0.75
C7 Kerstein [53] C = 0.082
ST ,0.05  1 when D  27.82
 0.47 u '   u '  
ReT 1  exp  3.178 ReT 0.5    
Abdel-Gayed & Bradley ST ,0.05  SL   SL  
C8 C  C = 1.34
[54] SL 8.13Re 0.22 u ' 1  exp  0.391Re 0.25 u '   
 S L   S L   
  
ST ,0.05 u'
C9 Anand & Pope [55] C C = 1.5
ST ,0.05  u' 
C10 Gülder [20]  1 C   ReT 0.25 C = 0.62
SL  SL 
0.38 0.38
ST ,0.5  u'   P  C  2.9  CH 4 & C2 H 4 
C11 Kobayashi [19]  C   
 0.1 MPa  C  1.9  C3 H 8 
SL  SL 
 u' 
ST ,0.5 C  P 
C12 Muppala [18]  1 ReT0.25     C = 0.46
SL Le  SL   0.1 MPa 
ST ,0.5  S L
C13 Ronney [6]  C ( Da)0.5 C = 0.12
0.78    0.78   u ' 
ST ,0.05 
C14 Peters [3]  1     0.78  C = 2.0
SL 2C  th  2C  th  S L th 

C15 Cant [23] ST ,0.05  Cu 'ReT0.25 C = 0.5

ST ,0.5  S L
C16 Liu [29]  CDa 0.47 C = 0.14

5 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

Values of MAPE are calculated for the four groups of data to predict ST trends for varying equivalence ratio, turbulence
previously mentioned. Where Data Grouping 1 (DG 1) contains intensity and fuel type. To assess the ability of correlations C1,
the entire range of CH4 values, Data Grouping 2 (DG 2) contains C11, C12, C13 and C16, to match ST trends, predicted values are
CH4 measurements at elevated pressure only (0.2-1.0 MPa), Data compared to individual ST data points. The parameters reported
Grouping 3 (DG 3) contains results at elevated pressure (0.2-1.0 in Table 4 are used for each of the trend studies with parameters
MPa) and high turbulence (u’/SL > 10), and Data Grouping 4 (DG from DG 1 used for CH4 and parameters from DG 4 for C3H8.
4) contains values for C2H6 and C3H8 at atmospheric pressure The selected data covers two ranges of turbulence (thin reaction
conditions. An overview of the flames making up each group and zone (Ka > 1) and corrugated flamelet zone (Ka < 1)) and a wide
their symbols from Figure 2 can been seen in Table 3. range of Da (0.3–38), for varying values of  This allows a
study, for each correlation, to be performed over a wide range of
Table 4 Overview of data groups and related symbols from Table 2. turbulent conditions as shown in Figure 5. Figure 6 to Figure 11
* denotes only a portion of the data set is used. show the trends for methane flames with varying values of
turbulent intensity and equivalence ratio. A similar examination
of these correlations is carried out for the trends relating to the
Groups Data Sets Symbols
larger hydrocarbons in this study. These results are shown in
DG 1 A, C, D, G, H, I, J, K, L  Figure 12 to Figure 15 for variation in u’ and for propane.
DG 2 B, G 
Table 5 Adjustable parameters for each correlation, that minimise
DG 3 B*, G* 
MAPE values, for the four data groupings for AramcoMech 1.3 and
DG 4 E, F, M, N  USC. USC values are in brackets.
Adjustable Parameters
The three data groupings for methane and one grouping for DG 1 DG 2 DG 3 DG 4
larger hydrocarbons are assessed with individual MAPE values. 0.48 0.37 0.36 0.69
Each correlation is evaluated twice, once using the original Zimont
(0.47) (0.33) (0.32) (0.69)
authors’ adjustable parameter and a second time using C 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.17
parameters derived by the current authors, which minimize KPP
(0.19) (0.22) (0.20) (0.17)
MAPE in each of the four groups. For correlations with more
0.65 0.66 0.66 0.62
than one adjustable parameters, parameters other than C are left Klimov
(0.62) (0.62) (0.66) (0.62)
unchanged. The parameters that result in the minimum MAPE
are presented below in Table 4. The adjustable parameters 0.57 0.46 0.51 0.67
reported by the original authors are shown in Table 5. KPP [48] (0.54) (0.39) (0.42) (0.66)
and Gouldin [49] did not include an adjustable parameter for 2.90 1.40 1.30 10.40
their correlations. For this reason parameters are introduced as (2.40) (1.10) (1.00) (10.40)
shown in correlations C2 and C4. To ensure the kinetic 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.36
Mantel & Borghi
mechanism used does not introduce uncertainty into the new (0.27) (0.28) (0.26) (0.36)
parameters, two sets are calculated; one using the laminar 0.007 0.005 0.005 0.05
properties predicted by AramcoMech 1.3 and a second set using (0.007) (0.004) (0.003) (0.05)
those predicted by USC Mech Version II [50]. The new Abdel-Gayed & 0.69 0.66 0.71 0.60
parameters are shown in Table 4, those determined using Bradley (0.64) (0.55) (0.61) (0.59)
AramcoMech 1.3 are on the top line of each row and those 0.32 0.33 0.29 0.40
determined using USC Mech are within brackets. While there is Anand & Pope
(0.32) (0.33) (0.29) (0.40)
a difference in the two sets of parameters, the maximum
0.13 0.11 0.12 0.14
difference is less than 25%, with most of the parameters varying Gülder
(0.12) (0.09) (0.09) (0.13)
by less than 10%. Due to the small difference only a single set of
parameters, the AramcoMech 1.3 set, is considered in the results 2.00 1.70 2.00 1.70
section of this paper. (1.90) (1.50) (1.80) (1.60)
0.53 0.35 0.38 0.95
RESULTS (0.48) (0.29) (0.32) (0.97)
Figure 3 shows the error (MAPE) of each of the correlations 0.26 0.16 0.16 0.38
using the parameters given in Table 5 for each of the four data (0.24) (0.13) (0.13) (0.38)
groupings. Figure 4 shows each correlation’s error for the four 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.16
data groupings when their adjustable C parameters are modified, (0.19) (0.20) (0.20) (0.15)
to the values reported in Table 4, such that MAPE is minimized. 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.14
Based on the results shown in Figure 4, the correlations with the Cant
(0.06) (0.06) (0.05) (0.14)
highest accuracy (defined as a maximum error less than 33% for 0.27 0.17 0.18 0.36
DG 1), are selected for further study to determine their abilities Liu
(0.25) (0.14) (0.14) (0.39)

6 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

900 Figure 6 and Figure 7 examine the ability of each correlation
DG 1 DG 2 DG 3 DG 4 to predict ST under a variety of turbulent conditions for a fixed
equivalence ratio (constant). For the lean mixtures (0.7)
700 the data set mainly sits in the thin reaction zone, while for u’/SL
≈ 2.9 the flame is located in the corrugated flamelet zone. For
stoichiometric mixtures (1.0), where u’/SL < 8.5, the data set
MAPE (%)

500 resides in the corrugated flamelets zone while for u’/SL > 8.5 the
data set can be modelled as a thin reaction zone. Figure 8 and
Figure 9 assess the correlations’ ability to predict ST trends under
300 a variety of equivalence ratios for fixed turbulence (u’ =
constant). For u’ = 0.47 m/s the data set sits completely within
the thin reaction zone and for u’ = 1.89 m/s the data set is within
100 the corrugated flamelet zone. Figure 10 and Figure 11 examine
trend predictions where stretch effects have less of an influence
when compared to the previous data sets. Similar approaches are





taken for propane in Figure 11 to Figure 15. The data sets
displayed in these graphs both sit in the thin reaction zone and
Figure 3 Accuracy of the test correlations determined through the
use of MAPE for reported parameters
are used to assess each correlations ability to predict trends for
 and u’ for higher hydrocarbons.
DG 1 DG 2 DG 3 DG 4
60 20.0
50 Zimont (C1) Ronney (C13)
MAPE (%)

40 12.5
Corrugated Flamelets

30 Liu (C16) Muppala (C12)
20 5.0
Kobayashi (C11)
2.5 Thin Reaction Zone
0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0





Figure 6 Predicted trends for Flame J (CH4 with T = 300 K, P = 0.1

Figure 4 Accuracy of the test correlations determined through the MPa) with  = 0.7 using correlation parameter to minimize MAPE
use of MAPE for Minimum MAPE parameters from Table 5 for DG 1

100 20.0
Broken J; ER = 0.7
Reaction Zone J; ER = 1.0 17.5 Thin Reaction Zone Corrugated Flamelets
J; u' = 0.47
J; u' = 4.6 15.0
D; u' = 0.89
Thin Reaction D; u' = 1.89 12.5

Zone N; ER = 0.8
N; ER = 1.0 10.0

10 F; u ' = 1.89
Flamelet 0.0
1.0 6.0 11.0 16.0
1 u'/SL
1 10 100 1000 Figure 7 Predicted trends for Flame J (CH4 with T = 300 K, P = 0.1
Λ/δth MPa) with  = 1.0 using correlation parameter to minimize MAPE
Figure 5 Turbulence and flame conditions for the data displayed in for DG 1
Table 3 plotted on a Borghi diagram modified by Peters [17].

7 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

4.5 4.5
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
ST (m/s)

ST (m/s)
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
 
Figure 8 Predicted trends for Flame J (CH4 with T = 300 K, P = 0.1 Figure 9 Predicted trends for Flame J (CH4 with T = 300 K, P = 0.1
MPa) with u’ = 0.47 using correlation parameter to minimize MAPE MPa) with u’ = 4.6 using correlation parameter to minimize MAPE
for DG 1 for DG 1

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0
ST (m/s)

ST (m/s)
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
 
Figure 10 Predicted trends for Flame D (CH4 with T = 300 K, P = Figure 11 Predicted trends for Flame D (CH4 with T = 300 K, P =
0.1 MPa) with u’ = 0.91 using correlation parameter to minimize 0.1 MPa) with u’ = 1.89 using correlation parameter to minimize
MAPE for DG 1 MAPE for DG 1

6.0 6.0

5.0 5.0

4.0 4.0


3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
u'/SL u'/SL
Figure 12 Predicted trends for Flame N (C3H8 with T = 300 K, P = Figure 13 Predicted trends for Flame N (C3H8 with T = 300 K, P =
0.1 MPa) with  = 0.8 using correlation parameter to minimize 0.1 MPa) with  = 1.0 using correlation parameter to minimize
MAPE for DG 4 MAPE for DG 4

8 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

1.5 1.5

1.3 1.3

1.1 1.1
ST (m/s)

ST (m/s)
0.9 0.9

0.7 0.7

0.5 0.5

0.3 0.3
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
 
Figure 14 Predicted for Flame F (C3H8 with T = 300 K, P = 0.1 MPa) Figure 15 Predicted trends for Flame F (C3H8 with T = 300 K, P =
with u’ = 0.91 using correlation parameter to minimize MAPE for 0.1 MPa) with u’ = 1.89 using correlation parameter to minimize
DG 4 MAPE for DG 4

DISCUSSION based on the distributed reaction zone (DRZ), first defined by

The aim of the study is to assess the accuracy (MAPE) of a Damköhler who argued that a flame may be distributed by a rapid
number of correlations for ST using a large volume of data over increase in temperature over a large region of reactants that are
a range of conditions. With many of the correlations containing above the ignition temperature, but that ST is primarily influenced
adjustable parameters, each correlation is assessed twice; once by increasing diffusive transport inside the flame with no
using the original authors’ adjustable parameters, and a second influence on the reaction rate. The DRZ model is applicable
time using C parameters that minimize MAPE. Closer when 1.2 < Da < 6.0 (assuming that δth = 0.1δdiff [39]) and under-
examination is then taken for the most accurate correlations, to predicts ST at higher values of Da [7]. While a large portion of
assess their ability to predict experimental trends. It should be the data sets examined lie within this distributed reaction zone,
noted that for Figure 3, where the original authors’ parameters not all do. Therefore outside the DRZ, the underlying theory no
are used, there are significant errors for some correlations. This longer holds true and these correlations become less applicable,
is because (1) the correlations are being employed over ranges resulting in higher MAPEs. Similar trends are seen for other
of conditions for which they are not previously calibrated, and models, C1 and C7, where they are accurate for a certain range
(2) the underlying theories on which the correlations are based of turbulent conditions only. C1 is based on intermediate steady
on are not applicable for the entire range of data used in the study. propagation (ISP) flames which is defined at ReT >> 1 and Da
Figure 4 shows widespread improvements in accuracy through >> 1. C7 follows a similar trend and is only applicable when δth
the use of newly-suggested correlation parameters that have been >> Λ and u’/SL > 1. C12 has been shown to be the most accurate
defined over a broader range of data. It should be noted that these correlation using both the original authors’ adjustable parameter
newly-suggested adjustable parameters are based on δth rather and those proposed by the current authors. This is due to the fact
than δdiff. that the C12 correlation is based on C1, with the addition of three
terms (an additional velocity ratio (u'/SL), pressure term (P/P0)
It is well known that ST increases significantly with an and Le) that depend on a range of conditions (pressure, fuel,
increase in u’. However at large values of turbulent intensities, chemistry) and result in the correlation being applicable at both
the variation of ST in relation to u’ becomes nonlinear and in low and high levels of turbulence [18].
some cases may even decrease. An example of this can be seen
in Figure 6 when u’/SL < 11, similar trends have been observed Figure 6 to Figure 9 shows ST trends for CH4 flames with Da
in [51]. This phenomenon is known as “bending” and is possibly > 10 and ReT > 100. In Figure 6, for < 1.0 the trend is well
caused by flamelets merging due to the inability of the flame captured by C12, C13 and C16 over the entire range of u’. C11
surface area to grow due to the increased turbulence within the also captures the trends well, however under-predicts ST for u’/SL
flame [56]. Many correlations, C3, C6, C8, C9, and C15 do not < 2.9. C1 captures the linear trend for the data set. At high u’/SL
exhibit this trend and so tend to over-predict ST in moderate to however, it does not exhibit the turn-down effect shown by the
intense turbulence (u’/SL < 10), therefore leading to higher error. other correlations. For stoichiometric conditions in Figure 7 and
Other correlations, C10 and C11, are curve-fitted to a large array Figure 8, all the correlations under-predict peak values due to
of experimental data. The quality of the data used during the very high values of Da caused by high SL. For the data sets in this
fitting process is therefore important. A large portion of the data region, C13 and C16 are the closest to matching the trend and
used to derive C10 did not consider flame stretch therefore result in the lowest MAPE as they are able to predict the
affecting its accuracy [57]. Correlations such as C13 and C16 are influence of stretch on the flame. C1 and C12 lack stretch terms
and so under-estimate ST. The C1 correlation shows satisfactory

9 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

agreement with the linear rise in the data sets in Figure 6 and theories on which certain correlations are based may no longer
Figure 7, however underestimates ST at higher values of u’/SL be valid. As a result, when the smaller C parameter values, based
when bending occurs. C11, C12, C13 and C16 exhibit the turn- on thermal thickness, are used the error for each of the
down effect caused by bending in these data sets. At lower values correlations is greatly reduced. It was found that the most
of Da, due to higher u’/SL, C13 and C16 show good agreement applicable correlation was the correlation suggested by Muppala
between the trends and values shown in Figure 9. which has low values of MAPE for all the conditions tested. The
models by Ronney, Zimont, Kobayashi and Liu also showed
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show ST trends for CH4 flames with good agreement with data. For this reason they are selected to
Da < 10 and ReT < 100. In this region, where stretch effects have examine their ability to predict trends.
a smaller influence, the C11 correlation results in the lowest
MAPE and shows good agreement with trends. Figure 10 shows For CH4 flames, the study found that for higher turbulence,
satisfactory trend prediction by C11, however ST is under- Da > 10 and ReT > 100, the DRZ models of Ronney and Liu are
predicted. C13 and C16 match the trends but significantly under- more applicable, giving the lowest MAPE and matching the
predict the values due to small values of Da. C1 also under trend the best. However for lower turbulence, Da < 10 and ReT
predicts ST and again shows a insensitivity to  At even lower < 100, the Muppala model is more applicable, showing better
Da, similar trends are seen in Figure 11. agreement with the trend and a lower MAPE. While predictions
by Zimont also gave low values of MAPE, the trends did not
ST trends for C3H8, at fixed equivalence ratio (constant) match as well as the previous correlations. The opposite is found
are shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13. The adjustable parameter with the Kobayashi model, where the correlation is applicable
for CH4 scales the values of ST equally and has no effect on the for trends but not for predicting exact values. For larger
slope of the trends. However for C3H8, the adjustable parameter hydrocarbon fuels it is found that again the models by Muppala,
not only effects the magnitude of ST but also the slope of the lines Ronney, Zimont, Kobayashi and Liu had the smallest errors,
predicted by each correlation. Using a larger adjustable however they could not fully predict trends, as preferential
parameter, for flames shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13, results diffusion played a part or the trends are dependent on the
in a steeper slope and the trend moving closer to the experimental selection of the adjustable parameter.
results. However by increasing the adjustable parameter the
overall MAPE also increases. For Figure 14 and Figure 15 two While it is commonly accepted that no single correlation is
issues can be seen: (1) the peak is not located at the correct value applicable over the complete range of turbulence encountered in
of  but rather at a value where SL would peak, similar results turbulent premixed combustion, it is found that the correlation
have been found by [47]; (2) the correlations show a large proposed by Muppala provides the closest overall agreement to
insensitivity to . This is most likely due to the effects of the range of data examined. However while proving to be the
preferential diffusion caused by the non-unity Lewis number of most applicable correlation for the data studied, it cannot be
the fuel. defined as a general correlation. For larger hydrocarbons this is
particularly evident. Although correlations are needed for
CONCLUSION closing of Favre-average 𝑐̅ equation, the authors believe an
The aim of this study is to provide insight into the state-of- alternative approach for estimating combustor reactivity through
the-art ST correlations and to determine the most appropriate the use of ST is needed. For this reason the authors have proposed
correlations to use under different turbulent premixed a modified version of the Cantera freely propagating laminar
combustion conditions. This is achieved by assessing the flame code, capable of solving ST [58]. While still under
accuracy of 16 correlations for over 200 sets of laboratory flame development, modifications have been made to the SL solver to
data for a variety of turbulent conditions, pressures and fuel types account for the following impacts of turbulence: (1)
through the use of a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). enhancement of property transport due to turbulent diffusion, (2)
The approach is used for different sets of adjustable parameters enhancement of effective reaction rate due to temperature
for different data groupings. Based on the results from this fluctuations, and (3) reduction of available reaction volume
analysis, the most accurate correlations are selected to assess using the eddy dissipation concept. To ensure the solver is
their ability to predict trends under varying conditions. capable of preforming over a range of fuel types, turbulent
conditions and inlet pressures and temperatures, further
Overall it is initially found that the errors can be high for experimental campaigns by the ST research community are
parameters reported by the correlation’s original authors. This is needed. In particular, detailed studies at engine relevant
due to the fact that these parameters were originally derived for conditions, elevated pressure and for larger hydrocarbons, are
a smaller data set than is used in this study. While the errors can needed. The authors also believe it would be highly beneficial
be minimized through the use of alternative parameters, they for the community to work towards characterizing ST in as
cannot be eliminated. This is due to the fact that each correlation general a framework as possible. The goal of this is to better
is based on a model that describes a single regime of turbulence. enable the direct comparison and analysis of ST data from the
This means that each correlation is only applicable to certain multitude of experimental setups currently used. It would also
turbulent and inlet conditions. Outside of these conditions the

10 Copyright © 2016 by ASME

facilitate the development of generally-applicable ST calculation
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