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Learning Module
Learning Module No.
No. 01#

Learning Module on Art Appreciation

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Learning Module on Art Appreciation

Lesson 1: Understanding Humanities, Arts, Art history & Art Appreciation

Application: In your own words, answer the question, “What is art?” (Write your response in at least 5

Assessment: If you were an artist, what kind of art would you be making (cubism, pop art etc.) and why?
You can also cite what subject you will most likely be using. (at least 5 sentences)

Enrichment Activity: Pick one Filipino Artist and identify his/her art style (cubism, pop-art) and give at
least 1 of his/her artwork

Lesson 2: Basic Assumptions, Functions, Philosophies and Nature of Art

Application: Answer the question: What art form/artwork has changed something in your life? Why?
Account for the experience. (Provide your response in at least 2 paragraphs)

Assessment: Answer the question: If an artwork ceases to have a function, will it remain an art? Why?
(Provide your response in at least 2 paragraphs)

Enrichment Activity: Elaborate on the philosophical perspective - “ART AS A COMMUNICATION OF

EMOTION” . It can be either as an artist or as the audience ( Provide your response in at least 5
Lesson 3: Visual Arts


Write RA if the art is representational art, otherwise write NRA for non-representational art

1. Johann Anton Eismann, Meerhaven. 17th c ______

2. Robert Delaunay, Le Premier Disque, 1913. _______

3. Fernando Amorsolo, The Fruit Gatherer’, 1950 _______

4. Jose Joya, Granadean Arabesque’, 1958 _______

Assessment: Draw your own representational art and describe it in at least 3 sentences.

Enrichment Activity: Identify whether the picture of the artwork below is a representational or non-
representational art. Explain your answer in at least 5 sentences.
Lesson 4: Art, Elements and the Principles of Design

Application: Identify the element of art and(?) principle of design represented in the following images.





Assessment: Explain why the elements of art are considered to be the building blocks of an artwork.
(Provide your response in at least 5 sentences)

Enrichment Activity: Draw your own artwork that will show at least two principles of design.

Lesson 5: Reading Image, Planes in Art and Rule of the Third

Application: What can you say about the picture below? What are the elements found in the artwork?
How was each one positioned, what are their colors, and what does each one represent? With respect
to the four planes of analysis discussed in this lesson, how would you interpret the meaning of the text?
Assessment: Among the four planes, which one would you commonly use to critique a masterpiece?
Which one do you think best elicits the message and the deeper meaning of a visual artwork, and why?
If you were to enhance your analysis skills, which plane would you like to improve? Your critique will be
graded according to the following rubric
Lesson 6: The Seven Arts

Application: Answer the question: Which of the seven arts would you use to express what you feel right
now? Explain how you are going to express your feelings through your chosen art form. (Write your
answer in at least 5 sentences). Use the rubric as a guide when writing your answer.

8-10 The response indicates that the student has a complete understanding of the reading concept
points embodied in the task. The student has provided a response that is accurate, complete and fulfills all
the requirements of the task. Necessary support and/or examples are included, and the information
given is clear.

4- The response indicates that the student has a partial understanding of the reading concept
7points embodied in the task. The student has provided a response that includes information that is
essentially correct and textbased, but the information id too general or too simplistic. Some of the
support and/or examples may be incomplete or omitted.

1- The response indicates that the student does not demonstrate an understanding of the reading
3points concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a response that is inaccurate; the response
has an insufficient amount of information to determine the student’s understanding of the task.

0 point No answer at all.


Assessment: Write brief similarities and differences of each of the seven arts using the Venn Diagram
given. The output will be assessed based on the rubric below. You may use another sheet of paper for
this activity. (2 points each answer, total of 22 points)

Painting Sculpture Architecture

Dance Music

Literature Theater

Enrichment Activity: Choose one artwork among the seven arts that you are familiar with. This can be
the last artwork that you have come across with or the one that made the most impact to you. Then
answer the following questions. The output will be assessed based on the rubric below.

8-10 points The response indicates that the student has a complete understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that is accurate, complete and fulfills all the requirements of
the task. Necessary support and/or examples are included, and the
information given is clear.
4- 7points The response indicates that the student has a partial understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that includes information that is essentially correct and
textbased, but the information id too general or too simplistic. Some of
the support and/or examples may be incomplete or omitted.
1- 3points The response indicates that the student does not demonstrate an
understanding of the reading concept embodied in the task. The student
has provided a response that is inaccurate; the response has an
insufficient amount of information to determine the student’s
understanding of the task.
0 point No answer at all.
Artwork: _____________________________________
Artist: ________________________________________
1. What is it about? What is it for?

2. What is it made of?

3. What is its impact to you?

Lesson 7: Brief History of Art and Art Movement

8-10 points The response indicates that the student has a complete understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that is accurate, complete and fulfills all the requirements of
the task. Necessary support and/or examples are included, and the
information given is clear.
4- 7points The response indicates that the student has a partial understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that includes information that is essentially correct and
textbased, but the information id too general or too simplistic. Some of
the support and/or examples may be incomplete or omitted.
1- 3points The response indicates that the student does not demonstrate an
understanding of the reading concept embodied in the task. The student
has provided a response that is inaccurate; the response has an
insufficient amount of information to determine the student’s
understanding of the task.
0 point No answer at all.


Identify which art movement is being described.

________________________1. Highly ornate and extravagant style of art

________________________2. Based on simplicity and symmetry in art

________________________3. Emphasis on human body

________________________4. Reproduce the image realistically as possible

________________________5. Extremely bright color art works

________________________6. Accurate depiction of light in the ordinary subject matter

________________________7. Graceful style in art

________________________8. Science-based interpretation of rural and urban scenes

________________________9. Spiritual rebirth in a materialistic age

________________________10. Most highly refined visual arts

________________________11. Parietal art

________________________12. Art is weapon against evil and restrictions in society

________________________13. Texture and shapes are more important than real-life objects
________________________14. Emphasis on modern society

________________________15. Uses images of popular culture, as opposed to elitism

________________________16. Uses optical illusion created in black and white

________________________17. Artists use unprocessed materials

________________________18. Materials are configured to present message to viewer

________________________19. Emphasis on earth material

________________________20. Uses of bodies and voices to convey artistic expression

________________________21. Characterized by large canvasses and strong color

________________________22. Emphasis is pure abstraction using only black, white and primary


________________________23. Emphasis in the use of geometrical shapes

________________________24. Art is playful and highly experimental

________________________25. Emphasis on natural forms and structure

Enrichment Activity:

Assuming that you are an artist and a time traveler, which period of time or art movement

would you choose to go to? Why? Write your response in atleast 5 sentences. Use the rubric

as a guide when writing your answer.

8-10 points The response indicates that the student has a complete understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that is accurate, complete and fulfills all the requirements of
the task. Necessary support and/or examples are included, and the
information given is clear.
4- 7points The response indicates that the student has a partial understanding of
the reading concept embodied in the task. The student has provided a
response that includes information that is essentially correct and
textbased, but the information id too general or too simplistic. Some of
the support and/or examples may be incomplete or omitted.
1- 3points The response indicates that the student does not demonstrate an
understanding of the reading concept embodied in the task. The student
has provided a response that is inaccurate; the response has an
insufficient amount of information to determine the student’s
understanding of the task.
0 point No answer at all.
Lesson 8: Soul Making

Application: Craft your own image, story, poetry or interest for performances. Follow the steps in
crafting an image, story poetry or interest for performances discussed in this module. Submit your
output together with the other assessment parts and activities. The output will be assessed based on
the rubric in the preceding page.
Assessment: I. Word Bank Define the following terms according to your understanding (2 points each).
The output will be assessed based on the rubric below.

1. Soul making



2. Curiosita



3. Sensazione

4. Corporalita



5. Connessione



II. Shape Up Your Mind.

Answer the following questions briefly but substantially (2 points each). The output

will be assessed based on the rubric below.

1. How do we develop student’s artistic potentials through soul making?





2. Describe briefly on how to craft the following:

a. Crafting images




b. Crafting stories




c. Poetry making




Enrichment Activity:

Write an essay on a pad paper consisting of 150 – 300 words. The topic is: I AM A

SOULMAKER. Your essay will be graded based on the rubric below. Consequently, use the

rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.

Don’t forget to submit your output together with other assessment parts and activities.
Lesson 9: Motifs and Symbols

Can you identify the pictures above? What are those pictures? How do you think these are
connected/related with our lesson?

Application: Posting/Drawing an Image Post or draw an image inside the box concerning the following.
Then describe briefly the image/photo (2 points each). The output will be assessed based on the rubric
1. Traditional motif






2. Traditional craft






3. Traditional symbol






4. Textile art






I. Word Bank

Define the following terms according to your understanding (2 points each). The

output will be assessed based on the rubric below.

1. traditional



2. crafts



3. motif


4. handicraft



5. decorative symbol



II. Shape Up Your Mind

Answer the following questions briefly and substantially (2 points each). The output

will be assessed based on the rubric below.

1. What are the visual elements in traditional motifs?





2. How are traditional motifs used?





3. What are the materials used in traditional crafts?





4. What are the end-products of handicraft?





5. What is the significance of decorative symbol?



Enrichment Activity:

Essay: Explain the following briefly but substantially. Your answer will be graded using the

rubric below.

What is the concept of Filipino traditional arts?





Lesson 10: The New Art Forms

Application: If you were an artist, how would you express /reflect your emotions and ideas in your
artwork using Installation art? Site the medium you are going to use and how are they relevant to each
other. Explain in (5) sentences.

Rubrics Score:

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Focus and Details There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic The topic and
wellfocused topic. well focused ideas are clear. main ideas are
Main ideas are topic. Main ideas not clear
clear but are not are clear but not
well supported by well supported by
detailed detailed
information. information.
Sentence All sentence are Most of the Most are well Sentenced sound
structure and well constructed sentence are well constructed but awkward, or are
Spelling and have varied constructed and they similar difficult to
structure and have varied structure and understand. They
length. The structure and length. The makes Numerous
student makes no length. The student make errors in grammar
errors in grammar student makes several errors in and spelling that
and spelling. few errors in grammar. interfere with
grammar and understanding.
spelling, but they
do not interfere

A. Write the correct answer on the blanks. (ERASURES MEANS WRONG)

________________1.Refers to visual art form that combines a variety of media in a single


________________2. The cultural construction of the embodied identity.

________________3. The technology allows the full recording of an event through both space

and time.

_________________4. Filipino installation artist introduced the colorful tacky plastic from


_________________5, The ‘Art of Today’, or modern art.

_________________6. The art is used to describe large scale construction, often designed for a

specific place.

_________________7. The process-oriented objects looking at the functioning of computing

structures and network.

_________________8. The type of fashion that styles are old, classy looks and exquisiteness.

_________________9. The Filipino installation artist used needle and thread for his artworks.

_________________10. 3D object on a computer with material similar to digitized clay,

B Define the following terms according to your understanding (2 points each). The

output will be assessed based on the rubric below.

1.Multimedia Art __________________________________________________________________


2.Contemporary Art _______________________________________________________________


3.Digital Installation ________________________________________________________________


4. Software Art_____________________________________________________________________

5. Arts Fashion_____________________________________________________________________


Enrichment Activity: Explain the mural which can be seen in EDSA. What do you think inspired the
Filipino artist to create the street art? Why do you think they choose that location to serve as their

Rubrics Score:


Ideas The papers is This paper is The writer is Topic is nit The paper has
clear and mostly beginning to well-defined. no clear sense
focused. It focused, and define the of purpose or
holds the has some topic even central theme.
reader’s good details though
attention. and quotes development
Relevant is still basic or
details and general.
quotes enrich
the central
Organization The order Paper are The Sentence The writing
structure of mostly organizational within lacks of clear
information is organized in structure is paragraphs sense of
compelling order, and strong enough make sense direction
and moves the make sense to to move the but the order
central idea or the reader. reader of paragraphs
theme. through the does not.
text without
too much
Sentence Sentence are The writing The writer The text seems Paragraphing
Fluency well built, with mostly flows, shows choppy and is repeatedly
strong and and usually reasonable not easy to distract the
varied invites oral control over read orally. reader and
structure that reading the limited make the text
invites range of difficult to
expressive standard read
oral reading. writing

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