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Adaptability Responsiveness Pragmatism Fraternity Prejudice Courageousness
Commitment Responsibility Creativity Harmony Stereotype Fearlessness
Competency Legality Love Non violence Discrimination Fortitude
Diligence Economical Care Unity Misfeance Valor
Determination Equity Kindness Peace Favoritism Vitality
Dedication Effectiveness Altruism Tolerance Nepotism Serenity
Endurance Merit Sympathy Patience Leadership Sacrifice
Hardwork Integrity Empathy Respect for Persuasion Preservance
Passion Courage of Compassion Serenity Initiative taking Emotional
Conviction Intelligence
Enthusiasm Resilience Pity Patriotism Wisdom Attitude
Workmanship Probity Benevolence Pride Prudence Ethics
Spirit of Honesty Generous Envy Expertness Morals
Transparency Selflessness Justice Anger Excellence Values
Openness Impartiality Equality Sloth Optimism Aptitude
Objectivity Truthfulness Fairness In Positivity Teleological
temperament Ethics
Rule of Law Simplicity Teamwork Avarice Faithfulness Deontological
Accountability Rationality Timeliness Lust Trustworthiness Ethical dilemma
Neutrality Innovation Loyalty Inaction Righteousness Conflict of
Non Objectivity Cooperation Habit Fidelity Code of Conduct
partisanship & Code of Ethics
Activism Brotherhood Fear Temperance Virtue Ethics

Published by Sunya Notes Private Limited

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Definition: It is ability to change in order to deal successfully with new situations

 Personal Life Based – I have adapted in living in a rural area after being brought up in a
 History Based- The Sherpa tribe of the Himalayas have adapted to low oxygen levels after
hundreds of years in the region.
 Administration Based- IAS probationers adapt to the local language and customs in the
district of their posting.
 Current Based – The Coastal populations have learned to adapt to high occurrences of
cyclones and storms.
 Other - The Para-SF Commandos of Indian Army are known for their adaptability to fight
in tough terrains.

Definition: Commitment is the dedication and passion towards a particular task. It helps to
achieve goals and not deviating for them.

 Personal Life Based – I committed my friend to help him with coping up with his missed
classes. In spite of being in another class I gathered notes for him and helped him make his
own notes.
 History Based- Gandhiji committed his life to satya and ahimsa, and never wavered from
his path despite of numerous difficulties.
 Administration Based- With ‘Project 37’, Arunachal Officers Raise Lakhs to Repair
Schools, Build Roads. They started by contributing 1500 every month via ECS, collecting
around 2 lakh in fund. Every month lottery is held and one school is picked for micro-
infrastructure repairs.

 Current Based – The various vaccination campaigns show the governments commitment
towards vaccinating all citizens.

 Other - The sheer commitment by BRO led to the completion of Sela Tunnel in Arunachal
Pradesh before deadline.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 1

Definition: Competencies are those underlying characteristics of employee – motive, trait, skill,
aspects of one's social image, social role or body of knowledge, which can result in effective
and/or superior performance in a job or role

 Personal Life Based –I belonged to a Hindi medium background, but I self taugh myself
to be competent to read and write in English.
 History Based- Robert Clive in his early life was a clerk and bookkeeper in the East India
Company. But due to his competency he has been promoted and lead to win of EIC in

Battle of Plassey.
 Administration Based- Aruna Sundararajan, Kerala cadre IAS officer, who played
significant role in development of e-governance in Kerala. She is best was described by
Forbes magazine as ‘ IAS officer who thinks like a businesswoman’.
 Current Based – Smitha Sabarwal is the first women IAS officer (Telangana Cadre) being

hosted in Chief Ministers Office due to her competency.

 Other - E. Sreedharan is known as the "metro man" of India due to his competency to work

towards developing metros in India.



Definition: Diligence is persistent or continuous effort until a set goal/task Is achieved despite
of the hindrances in the path.


 Personal Life Based –Maintained social distancing during pandemic


History Based- Ancient Indian texts like Bhagavad Gita and religions like Buddhism lay
emphasis on steadfast devotion towards one's own duties in his life to achieve the ultimate

goal despite hindrances in the path

 Administration Based- The Indian Army possessed due diligence during the Kargil War
to not cross the LoC into Pakistan while fighting the invaders.
 Current Based – Even after all hardship in rolling out of vaccination for Covid,
government and scientists showed their diligence and recently successfully completed the
100 cr. jabs of vaccination.
 Other - Despite many hindrances from international community, due diligence was shown
by India to successfully test nuclear weapons in Pokhran in 1999.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 2

Definition: It is the ability to continue efforts in spite of difficulties
 Personal Life Based – I used to stutter in childhood, however with support and determination,
I gradually overcame it
 History Based- Gandhiji was determined to achieve Swaraj through non violent means OR
Struggle of Nelson Mandela in the form of anti apartheid movement
 Administration Based- Movement to clean highly polluted Morana River through citizen’s
participation by Astik Kumar Pandey, district collector Akola, Maharashtra.
 Current Based –Vaccine research by various institutions to find vaccine against corona virus
in short span of time
 Other - Arunima Sinha became world’s first Indian female amputee to climb Mount Everest
even after going through a tragedy

Dedication is the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose, thought or action.

 Personal Life Based – During my college years, I opened a dog shelter and continued for 2
years till I found suitable donors.
 History Based- Bhagwad Gita expounds the concept of Karamanye Vadhikarstema
Phaleshu Kadachana. “We should perform our duties diligently and piously, but without
expectation of what the results will be.”
 Administration Based- IAS Officer Ensures Covid Aid Even After the Only Bridge to an
Arunachal Village Snaps. When the only bridge connecting Dibang Valley to the rest of
India snapped in the middle of the pandemic, IAS officer Minga Sherpa knew it could
prove disastrous for COVID-affected families in the district. What he did is truly inspiring
 Current Based – Border Road Organization through its dedication was able to construct
the Atal Tunnel despite the climatic difficulties in Himachal Pradesh
 Other - Despite coming from a humble background, Neeraj Chopra's dedication towards
his game made him win the gold medal in Tokyo Olympics.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 3

Definition: It is the ability to withstand hardship or adversities and to sustain a prolonged stressful
effort or activity


 Personal Life Based – Running a 21km marathon and Studying for more than 10 hours
daily for UPSC CSE

 History Based- Strong repressive actions by British government tested endurance of

freedom fighters

 Administration Based- During elections many officers have to work for more than 12
hours at a stretch, which requires high endurance

 Current Based - Doctors while treating covid patients in 8 hours shift while wearing PPE
kits, have to have exemplary endurance

 Other - The Assam Rifles are known for their endurance in the tough terrains of North-
East India to undergo combat operations

Definition: Hard work is what you do on top of all that that is expected out of you.


 Personal Life Based – Trained for Inter-School Football tournament after losing many
times to finally win.

 History Based- The hard work of the labourers helped build the Industries of India

 Administration Based- Hard work of the DM in Odisha in locating and rescuing

survivors of the Cyclone Amphan

 Current Based – Doctors, scientists and pathologist worked very hard to create the Covid

 Other - The Indian Para-Olympians won the best ever medal tally for India in Tokyo Para-
Olympics due to their hard work.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 4

Definition: A strong feeling of excitement or enthusiasm for something or about doing something

1. Personal Life Based – The passion for Civil service led me to volunteer at an NGO to serve
the people.
2. History Based - JRD Tata converted his passion for aviation in founding India's first national
airline the Air India
3. Administration Based- The DFO of Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand, IFS officer Vaibhav Singh

has set an inspiring example of conservation by restoring Himalayan forests and harvesting
over 10 million litres of rainwater. His passion for helping people made him work the
extramile. l.c
4. Current Based – Sonu Sood's passion for helping others led him to donate and help those in

need during the pandemic

5. Other - Walt Disney the creator of Mickey mouse, Disneyland etc. has to face hardship in the

form of bankruptcy, devastating strikes, and mental trauma etc. But still he fought for his
passion and bring it back from failure

Definition: Enthusiasm is defined as a lively interest for someone or something.


 Personal Life Based – Enthusiastically participated in the election of my country to cast


my vote.
 History Based - The enthusiasm of the South African people in forming a new constitution

after the end of the Aparthied era.

 Administration Based- The late IAS officer, AM Gokhale, introduced the concept of
Village Development Board (VDB), which transformed rural governance not just in the
State, but the rest of India. His loss due to the coronavirus was felt personally by the people
and communities of Nagaland.
 Current Based – Public enthusiasm is very high for the T20 world cup.
 Other - The enthusiasm among people during ISRO's Chadrayaan-2 Mission.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 5

Definition: The skill with which something is made

 Personal Life Based – While doing work in an MNC, I always try to provide quality work
to my leader.
 History Based - Due to the workmanship and dedication of ISRO scientist that it able to
send its first lunar probe Chandrayaan in single step
 Administration Based - It was the workmanship of Army which has created many
temporary hospitals during COVID which resulted in curtailment of COVID devastation
 Current Based – BRO has constructed Daporijo Bridge over Subansiri River to connect
the strategic Line of Communication in Arunachal Pradesh in just 27 days, seeing the
intrusion of Chinese army.
 Other - The workmanship of DRDO led to the developing of the indigenously built Tejas

Definition: Spirit of services means dedication and commitment to duties and expecting nothing in
return from services

 Personal Life Based – On every birthday of mine since I was 18, I used to go to old age
home and serve people. Even when I went out of city for my studies I regularly comeback
and go there.
 History Based - Major Unnikrishan helped save the lives of his team when he instructed
them to not come up, doing so he single handedly killed the terrorists and was martyred in
the process.
 Administration Based- The DFO of Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand, IFS officer Vaibhav
Singh has set an inspiring example of conservation by restoring Himalayan forests and
harvesting over 10 million litres of rainwater. His spirit of service made him work the
 Current Based– Doctors across the world carried on with their duties to patients even
during a pandemic in life threatening situations.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 6

Definition: It is attribute of a person or an organization that implies openness, communication and

 Personal Life Based – Furnishing all the required KYC details to the banks
 History Based - Decision making process of Gana-Sangha in ancient times
 Administration Based- Compulsory display of Citizen’s Charters in government offices
and Furnishing of automatic information under Right to information act.
 Current Based– RBI decides to release Board Minutes to enhance transparency.

Definition: It is ability to make decisions based on facts or empirical evidences

 Personal Life Based – When I was sports secretary in college, I chose my team based on
objective criteria, without favouritism.
 History Based- In spite of ideological differences between Prime Minister Nehru and Dr.
Ambedkar, he appointed Dr. Ambedkar as chairman of drafting committee solely based on
his merit.
 Administration Based- Allocation of coal blocks based on guidelines issued by SC.
 Current Based– Granting of permanent commission to women in army, thus focusing on
abilities and doing away with biases.

Definition: It is ability to make decisions based on facts or empirical evidences

 Personal Life Based – When I was sports secretary in college, I chose my team based on
objective criteria, without favoritism
 History Based- In spite of ideological differences between Prime Minister Nehru and Dr.
Ambedkar, he appointed Dr. Ambedkar as chairman of drafting committee solely based on
his merit.
 Administration Based- Allocation of coal blocks based on guidelines issued by SC
 Current Based– Granting of permanent commission to women in army, thus focusing on
abilities and doing away with biases.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 7

Definition: It is the principle whereby all members of a society are considered equally subject to
publicly disclosed legal codes and processes
 Personal Life Based – Opting to follow traffic rules even when there is no traffic on the roads
at night.
 History Based- In mythology, the concept of Ramarajya or rule of Lord Rama was based on
rule of law.
 Administration Based- In 1982, an ambassador car that belonged to then Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi's office was parked at the wrong spot and towed away by sub-inspector Nirmal Singh

 Current Based– Bringing office of Prime Minister under ambit of Lokpal
 Other - The Constitution of India upholds the principle of rule of law
Definition: It is the assurance that the individual or the organization will be answerable for

respective performance or behavior


 Personal Life Based – While working from home, furnishing complete details of my work to
my employee in honest way

 History Based- Working of the Gana Sanghas (egVajji, Shakya) during ancient times ensured

the accountability of rulers to the subjects

 Administration Based- Indian Railways initiative on twitter where a complaint lodged gets

answered in a quick and efficient way


 Current Based – Geo tagging of MPLADS projects in Solapur District of Maharashtra


Definition: It is the state of not supporting or favoring either side and Maintaining neutrality deals
with not falling for biases or prejudices while making a decision

 Personal Life Based – A company manager while allocation of tender where one of the
applicants is close friend, has to maintain neutrality
 History Based- During WW2, Indian national congress decided to maintain neutrality and
not to take advantage of the situation against British
 Administration Based- Demolition of illegal religious structures requires neutrality on the
part of officers
 Current Based– In the Sabarimala case/Ayodhya case, SC had to maintain neutrality
while making a judgment| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 8

Definition: Non partisanship is a lack of affiliation with any party, group or cause
 Personal Life Based – While working as a member of selection committee in a company, I
declined to favor the manager’s relative
 History Based - Non Alignment Movement during the era of cold war
 Administration Based- Tenure of APJ Abdul Kalam as President is known for non
 Current Based– The policy of de hyphenation of relations in the international relations is an
example of non partisanship

Definition: It is the quality of reacting quickly and positively
 Personal Life Based – When I witnessed an accident on a road, I immediately called for
ambulance and tried to help in my capacity
 History Based- Responsiveness showed by Indian Soldiers during Kargil War helped
Indian side.
 Administration Based- SARATHI initiative for grievance redressal by PCMC, Pune has
around 98% positive feedback for its quick response
 Current Based– Covid help lines by government and various NGOs and Customer care
by Flipkart/Amazon

Definition: Responsibility is the quality of an individual to satisfactorily perform his/her own duty
as a part of particular group or organization
 Personal Life Based – Collecting waste thrown away at forts while visiting them (Social
 History Based - During 1857 Revolt, Rani Laxmibai fought alongside her soldiers in the
war, thus accepting responsibility and performing her duty as the Queen
 Administration Based - IAS Saurabh Sonawane (MP Cadre), who is a doctor by training,
also started treating patients when there was shortage of doctors during Covid emergency
 Current Based – CSR activities by TATA group to help flood affected areas| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 9

Definition: The fact or state of being allowed by law or have legal backing


 Personal Life Based – Followed Covid social distancing norms and rules during the
lockdown period.

 History Based- Islamic law allow Jizya system of taxation in which a tax is paid by non-
Muslim populations to their Muslim rulers.

 Administration Based- After Payal Sharma v. Superintendent, Nari Niketan, Live-in

relationships in India is not illegal

 Current Based– Kerala has move the Supreme Court challenging the legality of
Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 on the basis of Art. 14, 21, 25.

 Other - Nelson Mandela led Anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Apartheid

promoted the practice of racial discrimination. So, it was justified to raise voice against
unjust laws promoting racial discrimination.

Definition: Careful, efficient, and prudent use of resources


 Personal Life Based – I drive to work along with my colleague to make daily up-down

 History Based – An artificial sea-level waterway Suez Canal was made to connect the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea to make route economical.

 Administration Based- Ashish Tiwari, IPS, UP cadre, along with ‘smart policing’ in 2018,
He also focus on weeding out corruption and introducing ‘smart governance’ through low-
cost initiatives.

 Current Based– Fastag System has made the toll crossing economical as there will be less
congestion, and fuel burn.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 10

Definition: Each individual should be treated according to situation i.e. promote fairness and

 Personal Life Based – I used to go to orphanage for charity on my every birthday since I was
18. As these children do not get equal opportunities as we get.History Based- Strong
repressive actions by British government tested endurance of freedom fighters
 History Based - Gandhiji promoted equity through the Harijan Movement

 Administration Based- Consideration of social disabilities in selection like reservation
 l.c
Current Based – Government announced reservation for Economic Weaker Section in the
system of recruitment in government jobs. As they are unequal in capacity as compare to well
of students.

 Other - National Scheduled Class Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC) –


Financial assistance to those who live Below Poverty Line.



Definition: Means how efficiently the organization or a person uses resources to achieve one’s


 Personal Life Based – While going to work, I always look to have a walk rather then

using a vehicle as it is not only effective in remain healthy but save money.
 History Based- The organized nature of British army has increased the its effectiveness to

tackle rebellions in India like 1857 revolt.

 Administration Based- In the span of one year, Dr Jitendra Kumar Soni, District Collector
in Nagaur, Rajasthan, ensured that 3,068 schools had a working electricity connection.
 Current Based– Umang App a single window system for service deliverables is targeted
for delivery to cut down on people shuttling from one desk to another to get services.
During COVID time it has reduce requirement to visit government office for getting
service.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 11

Definition: The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or

 Personal Life Based– Personal merit helped me successfully clear my engineering
entrance exams.
 History Based- B.R Ambedkar's merit helped him gain the Baroda Sate scholarship to
study abroad, inspite of being from a poor family.
 Administration Based- In 2017, Bastar’s Superintendent of Police (SP) Aarif Sheikh was
awarded the prestigious International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) Award 2017 in
Pennsylvania in the ‘Homeland Security’ category for his campaign ‘Amcho Bastar,
Amcho Police’. With this, he became the only IPS officer of the country to win this award
in community policing twice in a row!
 Current Based – Current government has extended the idea of reservation in EWS
category which further undermine the idea of merit and equality.
 Other - The Para-SF Commandos of Indian Army are known for their adaptability to fight
in tough terrains.

Definition: It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and it is doing the
right things even when nobody is watching.

 Personal Life Based –When I noticed the shopkeeper had given me extra change by
mistake, I returned extra money to him.
 History Based- Sir M. Viswesvarayya used to use two separate candles each for personal
work and office work during the official working hours.
 Administration Based- IAS Tukaram Mundhe, Maharashtra, is working with dedication
and excelling at every posting in spite of frequent transfers.
 Current Based – Woman IAS officer cut short her maternity leaves and joined service
within few days after delivery, to serve the society during crisis.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 12

Definition: The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger or fear with self-
possession, confidence and resolution.

 Personal Life Based – I was mischievous when I was a child, I made a prank with my
teacher on children's day. But when it went wrong, I confess my mistake and apologies
with my teacher. She was generous and pardon me and not to repeat such thing.

 History Based- Gandhi had the courage of conviction to employ his method of non-
violence and ahimsa while all other struggles were violent or revolutionary against the
 Administration Based- Anand Rai, the government doctor has exposed the massive
Vyapam scam in 2013, but is now enduring what is commonly known in bureaucratic
circles as ‘punishment postings’ and receiving the usual litany of death threats.
 Current Based – Sophie Zhang, a former data scientist for the Facebook company,
testified that the social media site is allowing authoritarian governments to manipulate
political discourse.

Definition: It is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events.

 Personal Life Based – I usually take criticism well rather than getting defensive and losing
our temper
 History Based- The modern synonym of “genius”, Einstein, couldn’t talk until 4, couldn’t
read until 7 and was expelled from school. But his resilience, hardwork and dedication has
made him the genius of all time.
 Administration Based- As the destitute across India struggled to get basic food and health
services amid the COVID-19 pandemic, IAS officer S. Seeram Sambasiva Rao provided
homes, skill training and jobs to 1500 of them.
 Current Based – Rhea Chakraborty after Shushant Singh Rajput untimely demise was put
on a media trial for which she constantly harassed but she show her resilience and bounce
back from difficult time.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 13

Definition: It is Strict adherence to a code of ethics based on undeviating honesty
 Personal Life Based– Never resorted to illicit practices or cheating during exam
 History Based- Prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri took loan from PNB for personal
reasons and his widow later repaid it
 Administration Based - Strong actions by IAS Durga Shakti Nagpal against the land
scam and sand mafia racket in UP
 Current Based – Passing of Social Audit Law by Meghalaya will help in increasing

Definition: It is the quality of being trustworthy and free from deceit
 Personal Life Based – When I noticed that I was awarded extra marks by mistake, I brought

that to notice of teacher

 History Based- Abraham Lincoln, who was also called as Honest Abe, while working as store
clerk he mistakenly took 6 cents too much from a customer and later walked 3 miles to return

that money

 Administration Based- Satyendra Dubey, an IES officer who exposed corruption involved in
Golden Quadrilateral Highway Construction project

 Current Based– Mission Satyanishtha launched by Indian Railways to sensitize employees

about the need to adhere to high ethical standards

 Other - SC in Jain Hawala Case had annulled the then executive direction of the Govt. To

nullify this Govt. brought in a statutory requirement in the DSPA to safeguard honest civil

Definition: It is the quality of caring more about needs of others than your own. It is having little

or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money etc.
 Personal Life Based – While in college, used to teach scholarship lessons to slum children at
 History Based - Selfless service of Baba Amte for leprosy patients in Maharashtra.
 Administration Based - IAS Armstrong Pame, who built road in spite of lack of government
funding, and donated major amount from his own pocket for that purpose.
 Current Based – Selfless service by volunteers to help police at times of pandemic.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 14

Definition: It is a principle holding that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than
on the basis of bias, prejudice, or possible benefits based on illicit reasons

 Personal Life Based – While acting as a referee, where one of the participant was my
friend, I stayed impartial
 History Based - Akbar while choosing his ministers, based his decisions on impartial
 Administration Based - A judge has to be impartial while making the judgment and
Impartial investigation by CBI in many cases eg Satyam Scam
 Current Based – India won trade dispute case against US of subsidies and mandatory local
content requirements, in WTO, displaying its impartiality
 Other - The role played by the central govt. of India in the interstate water disputes
between Karnataka vs Tamil Nadu Megathathu dam issue and Mullaiperiyar issues,
Krishna water disputes.

Definition: It is the quality of being honest and not containing or telling any lies.

 Personal Life Based – When I was in hostel, got to know that one of my hostel mate is in
grip of abusive substance. I took a step and called my college administration; my
truthfulness not only saved his career but also saved his life.
 History Based - When PM Lal Bahadur Shastri serving went to textile shop to buy saree
for his wife. He asked for cheaper as he could not afford the expensive saree, shop owner
asked him to provide any saree as a gift, but the refuses to take.
 Administration Based - Vinod Rai, IAS, played a phenomenal role in exposing major
corruption scandals and scams including the Coal-Gate Scam, 2G Spectrum Allocation
Scam, Delhi Commonwealth Games scam, and Padmanabhaswamy Temple Audit. His
truthfulness helped in exposing the scam, where some big politicians were also involved.
 Current Based– A Delhi Police constable came as a savior for a 53-year-old labourer who
had forgotten a bag containing Rs 1 lakh cash at the platform on Shivaji Bridge railway
station and left on a train for home in UP.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 15

Definition: The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.
 Personal Life Based – Chose to adhere to simple Diwali without spending too much on
gifts and present
 History Based - Lal Bahadur Shastri reportedly had no property in his name when he
passed away, he had a car which was bought through a bank loan.
 Administration Based- The process of digitization in public service delivery has made
complex government process simple and easy for the citizens. Example:- Umang App
 Current Based – It is the simplicity of trading platforms which has increased the
investment in mutual fund to many fold.

Definition: It is the quality of being reasonable, based on facts or reason.
 Personal Life Based – In religious matters I always prefers rational thinking rather then
 History Based - Syed Ahmed Khan though his Aligarh Movement wanted to make
religious reform through emphasis on principle of enquiry in religion, favoured scientific
and rational outlook, recognized Western education, aimed at social reform
 Administration Based- Curbing of Internet services in Jammu and Kashmir to prevent
spread of misinformation and hate speeches.
 Current Based – The government enforcing lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid-19,
inspite it had economic consequences.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 16

Definition: It is the creation, development and implementation of a new product, process or
service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness or competitive advantage.

 Personal Life Based –When I was in college, I made a mobile application for college to
check class schedule online by a single click. This application just need a single time
Internet connection, which made it easy for students who find it difficult to check schedule
due to lack of internet connectivity.
 History Based- Steam engines were perfected in the late 1700s by James Watt, and this

innovation went on to fuel one of the most momentous technological leaps in human
history during the Industrial Revolution.
 l.c
Administration Based- Mir Mohammed Ali, a 2011-batch IAS officer of Kerala cadre,
helped the state's Kannur become the country's first plastic-free district in 2017 in only five
months with the help his innovative idea.

 Current Based – Ashish Tiwari, IPS, an IIT-Kanpur alumni and an ex-investment banker,
he developed an app to digitally handle cop deployment, leave management, community

policing and other tasks.



Definition: It is about actions based on observable phenomenon. i.e. Action based on facts and
merits/standards which can be verified, proved and have logic.


 Personal Life Based – While according to Hindu mythology its considered sin to cut hair
on Saturday, but since there is no logic or written proof about it, I denied to follow it.

 History Based- Plato considered geometry a condition of idealism concerned with


universal truth. His contrasting between objectivity and opinion became the basis for
philosophies intent on resolving the questions of reality, truth, and existence.
 Administration Based- If objectives and time-frames were not set in missions like polio
eradication, their monitoring would have been impossible. Objectivity is the driving force
behind the ADP [aspirational district program] too.
 Current Based - Though government is claiming that there was no death due to paucity of
Oxygen during 2nd wave of COVID, but we observe the harry- scurry and long queue for
oxygen cylinders.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 17

Definition: The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social
 Personal Life Based – I have a zero tolerance towards cyber bulling, when I get to know
about one of my classmate in college getting bullied, I resist it and with my college DSA
Department I developed a policy of" No Ragging & Bullying ".
 History Based- Raja Ram Mohan Roy had vigorously campaigned against the social evil
of SATI.
 Administration Based - The Supreme Court rolled out a blanket ban on firecrackers in the
Delhi – NCR area with certain exceptions in 2018, which is termed as judicial activism.
 Current Based – Today, internet activism led to the simultaneous public trial of popular
which impend judicial process of delivering justice.

Definition: It is the ability to make or produce new things using skill or imagination.
 Personal Life Based- I participated in Anna Hazare movement and contributed by making
posters to convey our thoughts, which had a deep impact on local population.
 History Based- The Indian traditional craft is the sheer piece of artisans creativity and
amalgamation of style of different empires.
 Administration Based - Government is now started putting Indian traditional paintings in
public places walls like railway stations, airport, bus station to show India's traditional art
and craft creativity.
 Current Based – Editing a gene to cure disease can only be imagine but it was Jennifer
Doudna who make this happen.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 18

Definition: A reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is
based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories.

 Personal Life Based – When I was in college my laptop get stolen just 4 days before my
project presentation. All documents and implementation code was in my laptop. But when
preparing a project I developed a habit of putting things on Google Drive, which helped me
to again develop a project within 3 days.
 History Based - India's Treaty of Friendship with the USSR was a move to counter the
Chinese closeness with Pakistan. When the US introduced a resolution in the UNSC calling
for a ceasefire and the withdrawal of armed forces by India and Pakistan after Pakistan
began the attack on the western front, the Soviet Union vetoed the resolution. It was Indira
Gandhi's pragmatism which counter both western nations and the rival Pakistan
 Administration Based- B Raghu Kiran, IRS, when realising that most citizens don’t know
if a trader is supposed to collect GST in the first place, techie-turned-IRS officer B Raghu
Kiran decided to put his software skills to good use — he utilised his own money and off-
duty hours to develop an app (called GST Verify). Every time one shops/eats /buys, they
can simply check the bill and use the app to verify whether or not a trader is authorised to
collect the tax!
 Current Based – Taking care of poor countries for Covid vaccination is not possible for
any single country. It is pragmatic decision of GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization), which led all countries to contribute for it.

Definition: It is courage in pain or adversity.

 Personal Life Based– Opposed eve teasing in public transport.
 History Based- At the age of 17, Rani Gaidinliu led movement against British.
 Administration Based-IPS Sanjukta Parashar, leading who is successfully leading anti
militancy operations in Sonitpur district of Assam.
 Current Based– Fighter pilot Abhinandan Varthaman displayed quality of fortitude during
2019 India-Pak standoff.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 19

Definition: It is the unconditional feeling of respect and affection towards a person, thing, cause,
values and principles etc.


 Personal Life Based– Love of mother for her children is considered as most pure.

 History Based- Tenets of Buddhism are based on Love and Compassion towards all and
Ashoka’s Dhamma also preached love and compassion.

 Administration Based- Lt Balwan Singh, the battle hero of Kargil war tells that, it was
love towards nation that enabled him to fight even in extremely difficult circumstances.

Current Based– The work of British primatologist Jane Goodall for the cause of
chimpanzees is an example of Love towards nature.


Definition: Action of displaying kindness and concern for others.



 Personal Life Based – The caring nature of parents towards their child is unmatchable.

 History Based- Behramji M. Malabari, founded the Seva Sadan in 1908 along with a

friend Diwan Dayaram Gidumal. Seva Sadan specialised in taking care of those women
who were exploited and then discarded by society. It catered to all castes and provided the

destitute women with education, and medical and welfare services.


 Administration Based- Krishna Teja, IAS, a sub-collector in Kuttanad in Kerala, after

catastrophic floods that ravaged Kerala in August 2018, he organised and managed nearly
700 relief camps, ensuring that people were well-fed, comfortable and relatively happy in
their temporary homes.

 Current Based – Sonu Sood, during COVID not only help millions of people with
amenities but also provide them physical, emotional, and monetary care.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 20

Definition: The quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act
showing this quality

 Personal Life Based– During Diwali, I used to give food and try to provide them to stray
dogs. As during this time they were mostly neglected and also due to sound of crackers
they feel unease.
 History Based- Asoka through Dhamma asked everyone to avoid animal slaughter and
sacrifice. He also expounded humane treatment of animals, servants and prisoners.
 Administration Based- Prasanth Nair DM of Kozhikode district launch Operation
Sulaimani which is a free food programme in association with Kerala hotel association. It is
meant to enable those who cannot afford a meal to have food with dignity and to avoid
food waste.
 Current Based– An act of kindness is going viral on social media showing a group of Sikh
men coming together and used their turban to save two hikers who fell into a pool below a
waterfall in Canada’s British Columbia.

Definition: An act of kindness is going viral on social media showing a group of Sikh men coming
together and used their turban to save two hikers who fell into a pool below a waterfall in Canada’s
British Columbia.

 Personal Life Based – Volunteering to be a surrogate mother for a childless couple for no
materialistic benefit.
 History Based- Mother Teresa gave her life to the service of the poor and disadvantaged
in India, far away from her own homeland in Albania
 Administration Based – An IAS officer posted in Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh got
AC removed from his office to save around 100 malnourished children from scorching
 Current Based – Doctors who served patients with Covid even at the cost of their own
lives.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 21

Definition: Sympathy is act of co-operation that a person supports other person in terms of
feelings, monetary help, emotions etc.


 Personal Life Based – I fed the street dogs in my locality during the lockdown.

 History Based - India took in various refugees from Bangladesh after the 1971 war with a
sympathetic gesture.

 Administration Based- An IAS officer posted in Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh got AC
removed from his office to save around 100 malnourished children from scorching heat.

 Current Based – During COVID, several people extends helping hand to show sympathy
towards daily wage earners who lost their jobs during lockdown.

Definition: The value of giving or doing more than that which is expected of one.


 Personal Life Based – I donated 50% of my salary to the PMCARES Fund

 History Based - Jamsetji Tata has emerged as the biggest philanthropist globally in the last
100 years by donating $102 billion, as per a list of top-50 givers

 Administration Based - Renu Raj, IAS, organise a mega medical camp in collaboration with
hospitals was conducted, which saw a footfall of 2,000 senior citizens; treatment was given on
the spot, and 250 free surgeries were conducted later. She also played role in organizing the
state school youth festival held in Thrissur and relief efforts during the Kerala floods has also
won her widespread appreciation.

 Current Based– Sonu Sood used his funds to arrange for busses and transportation for migrant
workers who were left stranded during the lockdown.

 Other - Azim Premji of Wipro, who has virtually given his entire fortune of $22 billion for
philanthropic causes.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 22

Definition: Compassion involves allowing ourselves to be moved by suffering of others with an
active desire to alleviate them
 Personal Life Based –Helped blind student in her exam by working as a scribe for her
 History Based- Samrat Ashoka gave up practice of war and embraced the practice of
 Administration Based- Telangana IPS Mahesh Bhagwat, allowed a terminally ill girl to
serve as honorary Commissioner of Police for a day, to complete her dream

 Current Based – Dr. Prakash Amte serving tribals in difficult terrains of Hemalkasa,

Definition: An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.

 Personal Life Based– When I voluntarily work for an NGO to donate food for under-
privileged children residing at foster homes.

 History Based- 1979, Nobel Peace Prize to Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa cancelled

celebratory ceremonial dinner as the money would instead feed poor people.


Administration Based - The President of India donating his one month salary to PM Cares
fund to combat coronavirus.

 Current Based – Frontline workers like nurses and para-medics working with extra efforts
during pandemic.


Definition: It is the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it
would be like to be in that person's situation

 Personal Life Based – Stopping by to visit a friend in hospital
 History Based- To stand with the people and to support the people; Mahatma Gandhiji
visited the violence affected areas after partition
 Administration Based- When the disabled person was unable sit on chair, IAS Kaustubh
Diwegaonkar himself sat on floor along with him
 Current Based – Donations by Bollywood actors for flood hit Assam and Bihar| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 23

Definition: Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude

 Personal Life Based – While during a match of cricket my teammate has mankade
opposite team player, but it was my team captain who let go with formal warning, in the
spirit of the game
 History Based – Shah Bano Begum case (1985): Milestone case for Muslim women’s fight
for rights. SC upheld the right to alimony for a Muslim woman and said that the CrPC,
1973 is applicable to all citizens irrespective of their religion. SC focused on delivering
justice rather then getting into political controversy
 Administration Based – Raja John Bunch, an RTI activist, showed that the total number
of prisoners lodged in UP state jails is more than the maximum population of prisoners that
each of the jail can support. In which out of 81,027 prisoners lodged in various jails of the
state, 55,460 (more than 60%) are under trials. Which finally brought to justice by SC?
 Current Based – During COVID when many people who were crumbling to survive, it
was SC who asked government to put moratorium on loan EMI payment and asked school
authorities let go school tuition fee

Definition: It is the quality of making judgments that are free from discrimination.

 Personal Life Based - I treat transgenders with respect and without any discrimination
 History Based - PM Shastri, before asking to nation to have a one day fast to save food
due to hunger crisis, he asked his family to adopt the fasting for a day. Which shows his
fairness in administration?
 Administration Based - Justice Khanna who was judge of SC during emergency has
passed his judgement in Keshvanand Bharti case, his judgment has controlled parliament
from making changes to basic structure of constitution for which he was praised for his
fairness and courage
 Current Based – Australia Cricket Board cancelled series with Afghanistan on ban on
women cricket team by taliban to show non- discrimination towards gender.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 24

Definition: The fact or quality of occurring at a suitable or opportune time

 Personal Life Based - While I am preparing for civil services, I make sure I maintain
timeliness and achieve my daily study targets.
 History Based - The occurring of Green Revolution in 1960s saved India from starvation
as it was that time when India has to face two concurrent droughts, wars and reverse from
western countries in the form of stoppage of PL-480
 Administration Based - The timely shifting of people from coastal areas by National
Disaster Response Force during the advent of cyclone Yaas.
 Current Based – Timely decision of PM Modi to go for lockdown helped in containing
coronavirus in India

Definition: The ability of people to work together

 Personal Life Based - I was a disciplinary head in college and work in a team in which I
was a leader. When given a call we all do our assigned work. While we understand that
single person is less effective in tackling any situation we developed an which send a
notification to all members with the location. So who so ever is near can reach there. We
keep our team work going and emerged as one of the effective Disciplinary community of
all time.
 History Based - In 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became first men to walk on
moon, a momentous achievement in human history, which is yet to be surpassed. But they
wouldn’t have made it off the ground without support of a massive team. Over 300,000
men and women collaborated on Apollo launch, from surveyors to engineers, to astronauts
 Administration Based - Atul Kulkarni, IPS, in a one-of-its-kind initiative called Bharosa
Cell, through which Atul and his team started conducting grievance redressal meetings for
distressed citizens every Saturday and through teamwork he able to bridge communication
gap between citizens and administration
 Current Based - PM Modi's idea of team India and working with States to enhance the
cooperative federalism is the idea of moving all state as a team member.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 25

Definition: Fraternity refers to friendship and support between people who feel they are closely
linked to each other.


 Personal Life Based - When I feel a sense of fraternity towards differently-abled children
residing at NGO's and help them by donating amenities..

 History Based - Ashoka's Dhamma preached the idea of fraternity by considering every

people as a part of a single family.

 Administration Based - Odisha govt announced 10 lakh relief package for BSF jawan
posted in Orissa whose house was burnt in Delhi due to communal violence
 Current Based - Various Bollywood actors and philanthropists showed fraternity towards

migrant workers during covid and helped them with their travel.


Definition: The state or quality of being faithful to commitments or obligations



 Personal Life Based - While assessing myself in a competitive examination, I used to


remain true and loyal to myself. So that I could fetch a better result

 History Based - Panna Dai was a 16th-century nursemaid to Udai Singh II, the fourth son
of Maharana Sangram Singh. When she got to know about the conspiracy by Udai's uncle

Bhanvir, she replaced the Prince with her own kid. Her own kid got killed.

 Administration Based - Indian High Commissioner to the UK Navtej Sarna walked out of
a book launch event attended by Vijay Malya to avoid any sense of crony capitalism and
show zero tolerance for corrupt people. This shows his loyalty towards his country.

 Current Based – Ashraf Ghani fled from his own country, when Taliban was trying to
take control has questioned his loyalty towards his country.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 26

Definition: People working together to achieve results or people helping each other out to achieve
a common goal

 Personal Life Based - When I cooperate with by team members in office to achieve a
 History Based - A.O. Hume, who mobilized leading intellectuals of the time and, with
their cooperation, organized the first session of the Indian National Congress which later
become instrumental in achieving freedom for nation.

 Administration Based - Hari Chandana Dasari, IAS, in 2018, Greater Hyderabad

Municipal Corporation (GHMC) made news for spearheading a ‘green’ revolution through
a plethora of plastic recycling initiatives across the city. With cooperation from women she
was successful in sustainable transformation.
 Current Based - The QUAD partners cooperating for joint military drills under the
Malabar Exercise.

Definition: It is a relationship between brothers or close friends, or is a feeling of kinship with
other people. It includes loyalty, unity and cooperation among them

 Personal Life Based - In country where several religions take birth & with diversity of
people, I always respect them and feel sense of brotherhood with countrymen.

 History Based - The Bhakti Movement between 12th to 17th century CE emphasized on
universal brotherhood and rejected class divisions..

 Administration Based - Sense of brotherhood among Indian Army, is main reason of their
strength due to which it is considered one of toughest army in world.

 Current Based - The shahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid said that India is the only country
promoting universal brotherhood and national integrity. Country like Libya and Turkey
should learn from it.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 27

Definition: A state of agreement or of peaceful existence together

 Personal Life Based – Today we listen many thoughts of making India a Hindu Rashtra,
though I am hindu but I prefer to be like in harmony with other religions. Because India is
made through the learning of every religion weather it was Islam, Budhism, Jainism or
 History Based- Since ancient time, in Indian people from different religions are living together
in harmony.
 Administration Based- Recently, the Supreme Court (SC) upheld the authority of Delhi
Assembly’s Peace and Harmony Committee to summon Facebook India’s senior official in
connection with the February 2020 communal violence which was fuelled due to
misinformation on facebook.
 Current Based – Recently, in Bangladesh thousands of Muslims vowed to uphold interfaith
harmony in mammoth rally of Eid-e-Miladunnabi, which coincided with the Hindu festival of
Kojagori Lakshmi Puja and Buddhists' Probarana Purnima.
 Other - Sri Ramakrishna teaching on harmony of religions attracted people belonging to
different denominations. Many householders and youth became his disciples along with

Definition: The use of peaceful means, not force, to bring about political or social change.

 Personal Life Based – I supported the non-violent protest in my college against the
pathetic condition of healthcare infrastructure for students, which claimed a life of one
 History Based- Gandhi's ideology of non-violence not only achieve the freedom for nation
but also put restrain on British empire to use force against them..
 Administration Based- It was Anna Hazare who led a peaceful non-violent protest against
corruption which led to the passage of Lokpal Act.
 Current Based – The International Day of Non-Violence is observed on 2nd October
every year to commemorate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The theme of 2020 was
"Shaping Peace Together".| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 28

Definition: Unity is being together or at one with someone or something. It's the opposite of being
divided. This is a word for togetherness or oneness.

 Personal Life Based –While working in an MNC with members of other nationality and
religion I understand the power of unity with different ideas and thinking..
 History Based-The British sword imposed political unity in India. A professional civil
service, a unified judiciary and codified civil and criminal laws throughout the length and

breadth of the country imparted a new dimension of political unity to the hitherto cultural
unity that had existed in India for centuries..
 l.c
Administration Based- Sardar Patel is recognized as the real unifier of India for his
colossal contribution to integrate and make India a united (Ek Bharat) and an independent

 Current Based – National Unity Day is celebrated every year on 31st October to
commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.


Definition: It is an occurrence of harmony characterized by lack of violence, conflictual behaviors


and the freedom from fear of violence..


 Personal Life Based –I used to do meditation daily for peace of mind.


 History Based- Treaty of Versailles was signed between the Western allies and Germany

at the end of World War I, to maintain peace in war which has claimed more then 20
million lives.

 Administration Based- R.N. Ravi is former IPS officer who had retired as Special
Director in IB in 2012. He is acting as an interlocutor in landmark framework agreement
between Naga's and Indian government was achieved during his stint on August 2015. It's a
major breakthrough for achieving peace in the region since the 1997 ceasefire agreement.
 Current Based – Both India and China have peacefully resolved the issue of Doklam stand
off and restore Status quo.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 29

Definition: It is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs and
practices differ from one's own

 Personal Life Based – While I believe in God, I also respect the views of atheistic people
 History Based- Akbar’s doctrine of Sulh-i-kul
 Administration Based - While Ranjanma Bhumi Case, the ideology of two religions are
interlocked, but it was SC which through its competency and sence of justice able to solve
the case peacefully. Even both parties shows respect to each other's religion and accept the
verdict without any violence.
 Current Based – A Hindu temple in Kerala welcomed Muslims to offer prayers in its
premises on Eid, after the mosque got submerged in floods
 Other - Launch of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat program to promote understanding amongst
the people of different states.

Definition: The quality of being able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when there is a
difficulty or you have to wait a long time

 Personal Life Based – Though clearing a civil service exam may take multiple years, but I
keep trying for my dream with patience for my day to come..
 History Based- While people loose patience and confidence in peaceful protest during
Non-cooperation movement, Mahatma Gandhi has kept his patience and keep trying and
the final result is not unknown to us.
 Administration Based- Ake Ravikrishna (IPS) who cleared the civil service exam in his
last attempt. Even after failing in all previous attempts he kept his patience and now he is
working in TTD AS chief vigilance security officer.
 Current Based – Under Smart Cities Mission, slew of works have been undertaken in
Madurai including renovation of Periyar bus stand & multi-level parking, sprucing up Masi
streets & vicinity of Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple - gave hope to city residents that
Madurai would soon join list of cities with top notch infrastructure. On other hand, undue
delay in execution left people exasperated, due to dug-up roads, traffic diversions, pollution
and other travails. People patiently suffered without complaining, with hope that soon they
will reap gains.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 30

Definition: It means recognizing that there is no universal moral standard, social order, or beliefs
and each individual is unique and have respect for that.

 Personal Life Based – Though I am Hindu, I respect other religions and culture.
 History Based- The Indian Constitution was framed by the founding fathers with respect to
India's unique diversity and culture..
 Administration Based- Uttarakhand cabinet officially allowed one-and-a-half hours' time,
between 12 pm and 2 pm every Friday, to Muslim employees — including those serving in
various government departments and undertakings
 Current Based - Report, commissioned by social justice ministry recommended that caste
surnames or details giving out religious or social background of candidates should not be
revealed at interview stage in civil services and other central or state-level examinations as
it increases chances of discrimination.

Definition: It is a state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. Achieving this positive state of
mind means you won't feel as troubled by life's ups and downs.

 Personal Life Based– Though I failed to clear Civil service exam in my past two attempts but
I didn't get nervous and kept my mind in serenity and keep doing what I dreamed off.
 History Based- The 4 virtue of Bodhisattva includes Upekshaa which is the state of even-
mindedness and serenity, treating everyone impartially.
 Administration Based- Rema Rajeshwari, IPS, in Telangana, when false information spread
on WhatsApp was creating rifts and leading to mob killings, Rema ketp her calmness launched
a massive campaign to revitalise village-level policing and combat fake news. The effort paid
rich dividends — there have been no fake news-related killings across 400 villages under her
 Current Based– While during 2nd wave of COVID there was devastation all around, the civil
administration kept their mind in serenity and try to solve the worsening situation as soon as
they can.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 31

Definition: Having or showing great love and support for your country

 Personal Life Based – As an active citizen, I always contribute to the development of the
nation. I pay my taxes on time and try to keep my country clean which shows my
patriotism towards my country.
 History Based- Bhagat Singh, an Indian revolutionary, the love for the motherland and
strong will to free India from British Raj compelled him to even give away his life. He

inspired thousands to take up the cause of the freedom movement.
 Administration Based- Captain Vikram Batra, was officer of Indian Army. He foght in
1999 Kargil War even when his battalion is chasing from down the peak. He gave away his
life for his country and was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest

and most prestigious award for valour.

 Current Based – Delhi government has included "Desh Bhakti'" as a subject in school

Curriculum to in still patriotism in children.



Definition: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements.



Personal Life Based – I take personal pride in the fact that I frequently donate blood to
blood banks.

 History Based - Napolean's pride in getting success in many battles pushed him to invade
Russia, without realising the consequences.

 Administration Based- Ajit Doval, an IPS officer from the batch of 1968. He managed to
turn militants and persuade them to assist Indian forces against the terrorists. He also done
a commendable job in the termination of all 15 hijackings of Indian Airlines aircraft from
1971-1999. Which bring pride to the nation of having such an officer.
 Current Based – India's frontline workers take pride in the services rendered by them
during the Covid crisis.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 32

Definition: Envy denotes a longing to possess something awarded to or achieved by another

 Personal Life Based – I have been envied during my school days for my success in sports
and athletics.
 History Based- In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana launches the Kurukshetra war out of
envy of the perceived prosperity of his cousins
 Administration Based- Dr. Upadhyaya, 2009 batch IAS officer, Odisha cadre has been
convicted Of accepting bribe of 1 lakh, it was his envy for something which let him do this
inspite of being in a high profile job.
 Current Based – The extravagant life of celebrities led to the creation of envy among
general public which fuel the fire of consumerism.
 Other - Germany's envy of other colonial powers like UK and France led it to initiate the
world war 1, in hopes of capturing the colonies.

Definition: Characterized by hostility toward someone or something you feel has deliberately
done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for
example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.

 Personal Life Based– Anger towards casteist discrimination of our college professors led
the students union of my college to protest and sought his resignation.
 History Based- The anger of the Indians against the British policies led to the rebellion of
Indian soldiers during 1857 war of independence.
 Administration Based- In a fit of anger Tripura DM Shailesh Kumar Yadav abused and
thrashed people for attending a wedding during the pandemic, while also threatening the
hosts with arrest.
 Current Based – The constant encroachment to Indian territory by China has raised anger
in general public which leads to boycott China campaign and enrollment of Atmanirbhar
Bharat.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 33

Definition: It is the vice of reluctance to work or make an effort
 Personal Life Based – Early I had a habit of slothiness when wake early in the morning
due to which I did not participate in extracurricular activities. Now I overcome that and go
to bad early and wake up early in the morning with full energy.
 History Based - The sloth behaviour of Louis XVI towards social unrest in France led to
the French Revolution
 Administration Based- The Red tapism in government office was developed due to slothy
behaviour of public servants. Another reason for this kind of behaviour was job security.
 Current Based– The slothy behaviour of big nations towards environment goals has led to
the enhancement of climate change process.

Definition: It is the way you tend to behave or the types of emotions you tend to exhibit.
 Personal Life Based – I am treated as one of the most responsible citizen in my family,
because of my temperament as didn't get nervous easily on difficult situations and try to
solve issues as optimistically as I can.
 History Based- B.N Rau (Constitutional Advisor in Constituent Assembly) was perhaps
the best example of someone who consistently embodied and exhibited a constitutional
temperament to address the pressing political problems of the day
 Administration Based- Asra Garg, IPS, Tirunelveli’s Superintendent of Police, a district
which is famous for caste clash, he kept his temperament and crack down on gangs that
operated across the State while keeping communal elements under a close check, ensuring
that the caste clashes did not spiral into serious situations.
 Current Based– MS Dhoni's cool temperament kept team in good spirits despite pressure
in difficult situations.

Definition: It means greed or a greater desire to be rich
 Personal Life Based – My friend's family was deciding which college degree to get and
which job to take based only on the expected salary. Which left him unsatisfied in life.
 History Based- Mir Jafar, Rai Durlabh, and Jagat Seth involvement for their desires led to
the defeat of Siraj-ud-daula in Battle of Plassey
 Administration Based- Lalu Prasad Yadav involvement in 900cr Fodder Scam .
 Current Based– The avarice of company named Ringing Bell led to the Freedom 251 Scam.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 34

Definition: Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for an object, or circumstance
while already having a significant amount of the desired object.
 Personal Life Based – Due to hyper consumerism, I observe people's lust for new product
which end up creating debt.
 History Based- It was Hitler's lust for absolute power that corrupted his policies and led to
a genocide as well as deaths of millions throughout the world..
 Administration Based- Shahabuddin a known criminal in Bihar contested and won the
assembly seat

 Current Based– It is the lust for power which make political parties to do rallies during
2nd wave of covid even above the issue of public health
Definition: It is the failure to do something that should be done i.e. lack of action or activity

 Personal Life Based – While going from Agra to Delhi, I see a heap of trashes in outskirt of
Delhi. It is the inaction of municipal corporation that no action is taken to resolve the issue.

 History Based- The year of coalition politics has led to paralysis of Political Admn.

 Administration Based- The inaction of the government towards farmers grievance on


farm laws led to resentment among the masses, which can be seen by violence during
independence day

 Current Based – National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Wednesday sought an

action taken report from the Telangana government over issues related to the Dharani

portal. It said that it received a complaint, stating that the farmers were dying by suicide
due to ‘defunct Dharani portal’ and ‘inaction’ by the Revenue Department.


Definition: Any action that you perform regularly as part of your routine
 Personal Life Based – I have a habit of doing surya namaskar every moring
 History Based- The habit of Mahatma Gandhi cleaning his toilet has changed the
behaviour of many people.
 Administration Based- Taking big decision like demonitisation, GST, premature
lockdown during covid without proper analysis became the habit of the government
 Current Based– Swachh Bharat Mission was launched to change habit of uncleanliness
and open defecation.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 35

Definition: An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined.
 Personal Life Based – I was in fear during Godhra Riots for my muslim friend who live in
 History Based- UN was created out of fear of 3rd world war
 Administration Based- It was the fear of communal violence, which forced Britishers to
transfer power to INC in an haphazard manner
 Current Based– The takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban has spread the sense of fear
among people which led to refugee crisis.

Definition: It is the quality of reacting quickly and positively
 Personal Life Based – It means a preconceived notion about a group of persons which is
not based on any evidence
 History Based- While I have a prejudice against transgender's capability of joining civil
administration which was broked by Aishwarya Rutuparna Pradhan by
becoming India's first openly transgender civil servant, working in Odisha Financial
Services (OFS) as a commercial tax officer.
 Administration Based- The holocaust happened due to the prejudice towards Jews
 Current Based– KiranBedi, has broked the prejudice against women, by becoming the
first lady IPS officer in 1972, of not getting any officer rank post.
 Other - Recently, Shajapur administration decided to implement Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
in gender neutral manner by constructing India's first transgender toilet to break prejudice
against them.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 36

Definition: It is a fixed or oversimplified image held against a person or usually a group based on
race, nationality or sexual orientation

 Personal Life Based – As a girl, I was stereotyped to not be able to take part in a
motorcycle rally.
 History Based- Historically there has been a stereotype regarding the South Asian citizens
to be suspected of Terrorism and other anti-national activities.
 Administration Based - IPS Kiran Bedi had stereotyped the Denotified Nomadic tribes as
"hardcore professionals in committing crimes" in her tweet in 2016.
 Current Based – During the Covid pandemic, Persons from the North-eastern states of
India were frequently victims of hate crimes and harassment due to the stereotype they
looked like Chinese or from China (Origin of Covid virus)
 Other - Discriminated view of Transgender community & stereotyping them as unnatural
or deviants with occult practices, led them to beggary & exclusion from education,
employment opportunities or political arena which has lead to severe social & economic
inequality which is perpetuating across generations.

Definition: It is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics
such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

 Personal Life Based– I have faced discrimination in my resident welfare association for
not being able to converse in Hindi.
 History Based- Racial myths of white superiority were sought to be perpetuated by the
British through a deliberate policy of discrimination and segregation..
 Administration Based- Bihar IAS Pankaj Dixit was arrested in 2018, for use of casteist
slurs against another district official.
 Current Based– Recent, protest of Black lives matter, which is against discrimination
towards black people.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 37

Definition: It can be defined as the wrongful exercise of lawful authority
 Personal Life Based – Wile applying for my Aadhar Card, the official had asked for bribe
on refusing to do so he threatened me with action that could permanently hamper my
aadhar application.
 History Based – Michael O'dwer misused his official position as Governor of Punjab to
conduct the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919.
 Administration Based- IASNeera Yadav was sentenced to four years' rigorous
imprisonment after being convicted of misusing her official position as IAS officer of Uttar

Pradesh to fraudulently allot land in Noida.
 Current Based– Former Mumbai police Commissioner Param Bir Singh has been accused
of using his official position to extort money from others.
Definition: The practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the

expense of another.

 Personal Life Based– I favour merit, ability and skills when it come to judging a person
rather than my personal interest or any relation.

 History Based- Gandhi shows favoritism to Nehru over Sardar Patel when it came to

Prime Ministership in independent India

 Administration Based- PM Modi administration has been accused of showing favoritism

to big business houses. Which earn them a title of Crony Capitalism.

 Current Based– PM Modi promoting Paytm during demonetization rather then

government backed platform.

ar| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 38

Definition: It is a form of favoritism which is granted to relatives and friends in various fields,
including business, politics, entertainment, sports, fitness, religion, and other activities.


 Personal Life Based – During my college admission my seat had been given to a son of a
influential person, as a result of which I had to shift to a different discipline.

 History Based- Many Political parties elevate and field candidates belonging to current or
former politicians. Thus political selection is based on family not on merit..

 Administration Based- Senior Bureacrats have routinely been involved in selecting

persons for higher posts based on personal interest rather than based on merit.

 Current Based– Recently, Bollywood is facing an ire of general public over issue of
promoting nepotism in film industry.

Definition: It is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the
achievement of a goal


 Personal Life Based – Successfully organized a blood donation camp in college

 History Based- Salt Satyagraha led by Mahatma Gandhiji where he motivated thousands
of people for a common goal

 Administration Based- Successful completion of challenging projects such as Delhi Metro

and Konkan Railway by Metro Man,Mr. E. Shreedharan

 Current Based – A campaign by young girl Greta Thunberg against ill effects of climate

 Other- Lal Bahadur Shastri used to fast every Monday to save grains for poor people of the
country and he gave a call for the nation to follow it. Thus exhibiting a true example of
how leaders should lead from the front.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 39

Definition: The action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe
 Personal Life Based – My college project along with my classmate not only teach me
teamwork but also change my behaviour towards other, that every individual has its important
in teamwork.
 History Based- The philosophy of Buddha has able to change attitude of Asoka and he gave
up violence and become ascetic.
 Administration Based- Atul Kulkarni, IPS, was concerned about people's behaviour towards
girl safety. From ‘Nirbhaya Pathak’ patrol vans to installing complaint boxes in schools, the
top cop has completely changed the face of women safety in his district. He was also
successful in changing behaviour of people toward girl safety.
 Current Based – Success of the initiatives like Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan- cleanliness drives
and Ujjwala Yojana’s give it up campaign can be attributing to persuasion.

Definition: It is the ability to use your judgment to make decisions and do things without external
stimulus .
 Personal Life Based – Started an activity in college to teach slum children during weekends.
 History Based – Abolition of SATI with initiatives and efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
 Administration Based – Compassionate Kozhikode initiative by IAS Prashant Nair.
 Current Based – Migrants in Bihar who had returned to native places during lockdown,
started a collective effort to clean the river.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 40

Definition: It is the ability to make sensible decisions and judgements because of your knowledge
or experience i.e. Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct.
 Personal Life Based –I used to follow Swami Vivekanand for his wisdom, to get life
lessons during difficult time.
 History Based- Gandhi chose not to use violent means in the struggle against the British,
as he knew violence would be met with more violence by the British thus crushing the
 Administration Based- Sam Maneckshaw used his wisdom to not attack Pakistan during
the monsoon as directed by the PM Indira Gandhi but rather chose winter as monsoon rains

would impact the Army capabilities.
 Current Based – It is the wisdom America's top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci has
led India to understand the gravity of situation in India during second covid wave.

Definition: It is the ability to govern and to take decisions by the use of reason.

 Personal Life Based - While serving as a manager in a company, used resources at hand wisely.

 History Based - Efforts by Krishnadeva Raya for betterment of irrigation was a prudent.


 Administration Based - 1991 LPG reforms was a prudent decision for Indian economy.
 Current Based - FRBM act for fiscal prudence.


Definition: A person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field.

 Personal Life Based – While making our college project the hardwork of my team and

expeathers of our mentor has let us win the CIT Conclave 2015.
 History Based- It was the expertness of Nambi Narayanan scientist in the field of aerospace
engineering which was instrumental in developing the Vikas engine that would be used for the
first PSLV that India launched.
 Administration Based- During the hasty roll out of GST it was the expertness of B Raghu
Kiran, IRS, who created GSTVerify App, which avoided prevailing confusion in GST payment
to shop keepers.
 Current Based – It was the expertness of Indian IT sector which developed the COWIN tech
platform which is used for rolling out and scaling up distribution systems for the vaccine. It is
hailed by UN and more them 50 Nations.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 41

Definition: Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary
standards. It is also used as a standard of performance as measured.
 Personal Life Based – While I was in college and going through my engineering I always
focused on excellence and not only on getting good marks.
 History Based- It was APJ Abdul Kalam Excellence which led India to the development of
integrated guided missile system which made India one of the super power in 21st C.
 Administration Based- Saurabh Kumar, a 2009-batch IAS officer of Chhattisgarh cadre, is the
District Collector of Naxal hotbed, Dantewada. He has been working on tackling unemployment
and giving the local youth a new lease of life free from violence and extremism. He introduced
counselling sessions called "Lunch with the Collector" to interact with youth. In 2017, he also
received Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Pub. Adm.
 Current Based – World scientists excellence make it possible for world to get rid of
COVID-19. It is one of vaccine which made in a minimum possible time

Definition: It is quality to be hopeful and look towards bright side
 Personal Life Based - Rising up even after failure
 History Based - The optimism of Japanese people enabled resurgence of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki after world war 2
 Administration Based - Efforts for rehabilitation of landslide affected Malin village in
Maharashtra by IAS Saurabh Rao
 Current Based – A video of a Dr. From Assam dancing to cheer up COVID patients
shows his optimism

Definition: Positivity means thinking in an optimistic way, looking for solutions, expecting good
results and success, and focusing and making life happier.
 Personal Life Based– My parents always helped me to stay positive even during the
toughest time of my life.
 History Based- It was positive attitude of Gandhi towards Khilafat movement to enhance
the Hindu-Muslim unity which led to a combined front.
 Administration Based- It was the positive behaviour of current government which led to
the enrollment of GST after nearly 17 years of its first proposal.
 Current Based – It was the positive attitude of people against Covid, which led to the
success of lockdowns and vaccination process to defeat COVID| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 42

Definition: It is the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something, and putting
that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of difficult circumstances.

 Personal Life Based – When I take any task to complete, I remain faithful to it whatever
be the situation I try to complete my commitment
 History Based- In Mahabharat, Karana fulfill his promise to Duryodhan and fight against
his brothers and remain faithful to him.
 Administration Based- S. R Sankaran former IAS officer was commonly known as “an
ideal people’s IAS officer”. He played a crucial role in creating pro-poor policies and was
the man behind the abolition of bonded labour, the creation of the special component plan
for SCs & STs and the assigning of resources for marginalised communities in the rural
development programmes. He remained unmarried so that he could serve the society and
also contributed to the education of over 500 poor students.
 Current Based– During Balakot strike, India's earth observation satellite emerge as a
faithful asset.

Definition: It is the quality of caring more about needs of others than your own. It is having little
or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money etc.

 Personal Life Based – It is the ability to keep promises, to be honest, reliable and
principled while never inappropriately betraying a confidence.
 History Based - My parents has a greater faith on me among my siblings due to my
 Administration Based - Akbar reign reach its zenith due to trustworthiness of Rajputs and
Jats which serve as a governor for Mughals.
 Current Based – It is the trustworthiness of Modi and Shah, which led to the win of BJP in
2019 elections despite allegations of corruption in Rafale deal.
 Other - Due to lack of trustworthiness of Donald Trump in administration led to his defeat
in US elections.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 43

Definition: The quality of being morally right or justifiable.

 Personal Life Based – Once a police constable stopped my vehicle and asked for bribe for
not wearing an helmet, I refuse to give him the bribe and accept my mistake and asked for
 History Based - Field Marshall Sam Maneckshaw made sure the 93,000 Pakistani PoWs of
1971 war were kept in decent and hygienic conditions at par with the traditions of Indian

Army and the Geneva conventions.
 Administration Based–Ubagarampillai Sagayam, an IAS officer is known for sealing
Pepsi's bottling plant near Chennai over hygiene issues, confiscating 5,000 gas cylinders
being used illegally by restaurants
 Current Based – During COVID, many hospital administrations shows lack of

righteousness and put false change in bills to earn money.



Definition: It is the quality of being honest and not containing or telling any lies


 Personal Life Based – It can be defined as faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated

by continuing loyalty and support..

 History Based - I always feel faithful to the cause of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and perform my

duty as a responsible citizen.

 Administration Based - Rabindranath Tagore returned his knighthood to the British after the

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in solidarity and fidelity to the victims.

 Current Based– Mir Muhammad Ali, IAS, Kannur district initiated an initiative of getting tribal
children back to the Aralam school to fighting fake news about measles-rubella vaccine killing
children this shows his faithfulness towards the cause of fighting the fake news.
 Other - Arnab Goswami was get arrested for his lack of fidelity towards journalism due to his
involvement in TRP case.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 44

Definition: The practice of controlling your actions, thoughts, behaviour, etc. in a way that it is
always reasonable


 Personal Life Based – While taking decisions or responding to situations, I remain

moderate and do not take any extreme approach
 History Based- Dadabhai Naoroji also known as "Grand old man of India" and "Unofficial
Ambassador of India" due to his temperance.
 Administration Based- The on duty death of Narendra Kumar (IPS) and Shanmugam
Manjunath shows the importance of temperance
 Current Based – The recent clash between India and China on border has been avoided as
both side shown temperance or moderation.

Definition: A quality of a person that enables him/her to face danger or pain without showing fear.

 Personal Life Based – In my college days, we intervened in a possible case of child marriage
in a nearby village and reported it to the police, even when threatened by local village elders.
 History Based-Rani Gaidinlui at the age of 17 valiantly led many Guerilla forces to fight
against the British, and became a target for the British forces. She persuaded Zeliangrong
people not to pay taxes and not cooperate with the British.
 Administration Based- From raiding illegal quarries owned by powerful men to rescuing abused
and abandoned elderly people, IAS officer Renu Raj has made headlines for her courageousness.
Winning the respect of citizens and seniors alike, the firebrand Kerala-cadre bureaucrat has also
cracked down on illegal encroachments and reclaimed government land for the use of marginalised
 Current Based – The confession of Army chief of India’s neighboring country that India needs to be
emulated in democracy implementation and the armed forces should not meddle with politics. He
was honest and pragmatic despite possible and severe internal and external repercussions.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 45

Definition: It is courage in pain or adversity
 Personal Life Based– Opposed eve teasing in public transport
 History Based- At the age of 17, Rani Gaidinliu led movement against British
 Administration Based- IPS Sanjukta Parashar, leading who is successfully leading anti
militancy operations in Sonitpur district of Assam
 Current Based– Fighter pilot AbhinandanVarthaman displayed quality of fortitude during
2019 India-Pak stand off.

Definition: The value or ability to pursue something without any fear or cowardice
 Personal Life Based –My neighbour had been engaged in domestic violence, I was
threatened to be harmed if informed the police, I did not heed to those threats and reported
him to the Police.
 History Based- Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose is known for his fearlessness when he
formed the Indian National Army to take on the mightier British Army in North- East
 Administration Based- IAS Officer Mrs Durga Shakti Nagpal(UP cadre) is known for her
fearless attitude when she disclosed the illegal sand mining business on the banks of
 Current Based – The surgical strikes in Pakistan by Indian Army in response to the Uri
attacks is an example of fearless attitude.

Definition: Can be defined as having great courage often in the face of danger or harm.
 Personal Life Based – Rescued a pet dog from neighbour's house that had caught on fire.
 History Based- Rani Laxmi Bai is known for her valour with which she fought the British
and died in battle.
 Administration Based- IPS Hemant Karkare died while fighting the terrorists on 26/11
Mumbai attacks.
 Current Based - Col. B. Santhosh Babu was martyr in the Ladakh Skirmish while fighting
the Chinese soldiers who had outnumbered Indian soldiers.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 46

Definition: It is the capacity to live, grow, or develop.
 Personal Life Based – Practicing yoga and exercise with a proper diet can maintain the
body's vitality
 History Based- India after independence has live in difficult time, grow as mediocre and
develop into stable economy.
 Administration Based - The long years of continuous service bring experience which
helps public servants to grow and develop into better professional
 Current Based – Corona virus shows its vitality by developing into different variants.

Definition: A steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of
difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

 Personal Life Based- I workout for two hours regularly to maintain my physique and mental

 History Based- After atom bomb attack in 1945, Japan was almost burnt to ashes. But still it
rises from ashes and become the economic and technological leader of the world.

 Administration Based - IAS officer Ira Singhal cleared the Civil Services Exam in 2010 but

her candidature was cancelled because of her spine-related disorder. However, she fought for
what she deserved at Central Administrative Tribunal. Later in 2014, she became the first

differently-abled IAS exam topper.


 Current Based – It is India's steady effort that makes him the biggest improver in EDB
ranking all over the world

Definition: A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause

 Personal Life Based - We learn the quality of sacrifice while looking up to our parents in
a family
 History Based - Sacrifices of great leaders such as Nelson Mandela led to removal of
apartheid system
 Administration Based - IES officer Satyendra Dubey fought the war against corruption till
his last breath
 Current Based - Sacrifice of life by soldiers during Pulwama attack| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 47

Definition: It is the ability to understand, monitor and manage one's own emotions and that of
 Personal Life Based – Used EI to cope up with failure
 History Based - When Savitribai Phule faced severe opposition from society for teaching
women, her determined march towards goal and yet compassionate attitude towards society
is an example of emotional intelligence
 Administration Based- The support and hope provided to ISRO and to the nation by Prime
Minister after failure of Chandrayan 2 showed the right emotional response to situation
 Current Based – Launch of Manodarpan Initiative to provide psychosocial support to
students for their Mental Health and Well-being during Covid emergency

Definition: It is manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person, thing or
 Personal Life Based – After practicing Suryanamaskar for few days, I developed positive
attitude towards it and Once I got to know ill effects of over use of mobile, I started developing
negative attitude towards it
 History Based- Social reformers such as Ranade, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Raja Ram
Mohan Roy tried to change attitude of society towards widow remarriage
 Administration Based- Since IAS P. Narhari (MP) possessed positive attitude towards
disabled people, he took various initiatives to enable disable friendly environment
 Current Based– Schemes such as Swaccha Bharat, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao focus on
bringing attitudinal changes in society

Definition: Ethics is a set of standards that society places on itself. They guide individual's
behaviour, choices and actions as a member of the society. For example: Religious code of
conducts, Government prohibition, laws and guidelines
 Personal Life Based – Disrespecting elderly people is seen as unethical by society.
 History Based- Athithi Devo Bhava- Our cultural standards teaches us to treate our guests
as god.
 Administration Based- Jitendra Kumar Soni, IAS Stopped 1.5 lakh kids from walking
barefoot to school by providing free footwear
 Current Based – The ethical use of gene editing is an issue, which can be misused to
create clone and designer babies| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 48

Definition: Morals are the principles that an individual adheres to, to make the distinction between
right and wrong.
 Personal Life Based– You may have moral that lying is unacceptable, and see liars as
 History Based- Buddha’s teachings are known as “dharma" and all Buddhists live by five
moral precepts, which prohibit: Killing living things, Taking what is not given, Sexual
misconduct, Lying, Using drugs or alcohol
 Administration Based -The former president of India APJ Abdul Kalam sent back the
NJAC Bill for reconsideration on ground of interference in other sphere.
 Current Based– The Cambridge Analytical scandal of facebook raised the issues of moral
behaviour of big tech companies.

Definition: Values are the individual's own principles or qualities that guide his behavior/actions.
In other words, values are standards of human conducts
 Personal Life Based– You may value honesty more than achievement by any means.
 History Based - Premchand novels Premasharam, Rangbhumi etc., reflect Gandhian
principles and values and endorse noncooperation as an effective weapon to gain freedom.
 Administration Based- Ashok Khemka IAS officer well known for his proactive approach
against corruption, is a person of high values and standard. He is most popularly known for
exposing the irregularities in the land deal worth Rs 57 crore between the real estate giant
DLF group. Due to his high values and uprightness he was rewarded with 45 transfers in
his 23 years of service
 Current Based– The charity done by Ratan Tata and Tata group has shows the value of
ethical capitalism

Definition: It is the ability, capability of a person which is inborn, innate based on nature not
 Personal Life Based – I have an aptitude of mediation and solve the issue of between the
parties with sensibility.
 History Based- It was the aptitude of Albert Einstine such as imagination, interrogation,
intuition etc. which make him the genius of all time
 Administration Based- PV Narasimha Rao's mother tongue was Telugu, and he had
excellent command on Marathi. In addition to eight other Indian languages (Hindi, Oriya,| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 49

Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Sanskrit, Tamil and Urdu), he spoke English, French, Arabic,
Spanish, German and Persian. He was able to speak 17 languages.
 Current Based - MS Dhoni’s win in 2021 IPL shows that he is a born leader and his
leadership quality is innate.
 Other - Sonam Wangchuk: The 52-year-old engineer from Leh had garnered national
attention when he established a revolutionary school in 1988, which admitted kids written
off as failures by society. Wangchuk’s sole intent was to make learning fun

Definition: Which judge human conduct as right or wrong on basis of outcome of action i.e. judge
only end not means.

 Personal Life Based – While in institute preparing for Competitive Exam they teach us to
follow Teleological approach as end is more important then mean.
 History Based- People like Subarata Roy and Harshad Mehta, watched only end and not
means to earn money

 Administration Based- Political parties doing rallies during 2nd wave of covid, while at
the same time asking for restrain, showing their only mean of achieving political victory

 Current Based– The recent scam of Nirav Modi and Vijay Malaya shows their focus on

end of achieving greater wealth and not on means.


Definition: Which emphasis on human conduct itself as moral duty i.e. judge means to an end.


 Personal Life Based – When I was ill prepared for my school exam, my friend asked me
to help me during exam, but I refused as achieving good marks by cheating will not help

me correct my mistake.
 History Based- Gandhi give more importance to means to achieve end, then end itself.

This can be seen by his calling off of Non-Cooperation Movement due to Chauri Chaura
 Administration Based – Bihar IPS Shivdeep Lande, in one of his most popular initiatives,
he asked female students of Magadh Mahila College and Patna Women’s College who
were facing crank calls and harassment to divert these calls to his number.
 Current Based – The Indian government prioritised the vaccinations of the elderly and
disabled over majority of the population, as the means to achieving vaccine immunity
through the most vulnerable over the majority.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 50

Definition: Ethical Dilemma refers to a situation where decision/Choice has to be made between
two undesirable/Desirable situations.

 Personal Life Based – I found myself in dilemma when I left my wallet at home and take
money from my friend and one child bagger came to me, asking for food.
 History Based - In Mahabharata, Arjun also faced similar ethical dilemma selecting
between killing of his friends and family for dharmma or allow inquity.
 Administration Based- Subansiri Dam (North-east): Political leaders face dilemma that
dam completion will lead to destruction of ecology and environment and displacement of
indigenous tribes and its non-completion will lead to loss of power and infrastructure which
can have multiplier effects on regional economy.
 Current Based – Recently, economic loss due to lockdown to public finance put govt. in
dilemma to either continue lockdown to save lives or to open it to run admin.

Definition: The value of giving or doing more than that which is expected of one.

 Personal Life Based – Conflict of interest occurs when individual’s personal interests,
could compromise his judgment, or decisions, in official capacity.
 History Based - When I was working as a freelancer in one company and full timer in
another company. When a Company Chairman asked me to join as a full timer, I refused as
it will be conflict of interest as both companies are in the same domain
 Administration Based - ICICI Bank head Chandra Kocchar had allegedly given loans to
corporations which were either own or had stakes of her relatives..
 Current Based– Delhi High Court verdict which quashed the appointment of 21 Delhi
MLAs as secretaries to ministers was to avoid any potential conflict of Interest. M.
Maheshwar Rao who was principal Secretary, Commerce and Industries (MSME and
Mines)[Karnataka] take concurrent charge as Labour secretary, which by Trade unions
argued that same person heading Industries and Labor Depts. is conflict of interest.
 Other - Rupa, daughter of former BCCI president, became the TNCA president in 2019.
Following a plea, the ethics officer held that Rupa was perceived to be in conflict for
holding two posts – TNCA president and one of the directors of India Cements Limited,
which in turn runs Chennai Super Kings Cricket Limited| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 51

Definition: A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or
proper practices of an individual party or an organization.
 Personal Life Based –I am having an habbit of noting my task in diary for next day and
follow my day schedule.
 History Based-Indian Army maintained the code of conduct in treatment of the 93,000
Pakistani PoW in arranging for their living quarters and food.
 Administration Based- Captured soldier Vartaman Abhinandan maintained code of
conduct of IAF while being asked to divulge classified secrets by Pakistani Army.
 Current Based – Moral code of conduct enforce by EC during election in Bengal

Definition: Virtue Ethics are those ethics which are applied across many situations over a lifetime
because of its inherent presence in character and not for any profit based motive.
 Personal Life Based– I donate to charity anonymously as I want to give to the cause and
not for the appreciation that comes from charity.
 History Based- Gandhi developed the virtue of non violence and was often referred to as a
non violent person because he or she tends to be non violent in all circumstances.
 Administration Based - B. Chandakala is known for her stance against corruption, she
never hesitates in publicly exposing those people who are not doing justice to their jobs.
Her purpose is to curb corruption and not for gaining fame.
 Current Based – Shyam Rasoi, a Delhi-based food joint serves thalis for Rs. 1 and has
become a life-saver for those who lost their jobs during the pandemic.

Definition: It means governance is based on established standards or ethical standard
 Personal Life Based – Former IAS SR Sankaran was commonly known as “an ideal
people’s IAS officer”. He played a crucial role in creating pro-poor policies and was the
man behind the abolition of bonded labour
 History Based- The view of Gandhi's Ram Rajya is based on the principle of ethical
 Administration Based- Citizen Charter is one of the ways through which ethical
governance can be upheld.
 Current Based – The government of India is extending support to those orphaned by
Covid by ensuring education and social welfare of those children.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 52

Definition: It is related to human behavior in the context of environment. i.e. It is about how
human should conduct with its environment.

 Personal Life Based – I have started to reuse all plastic materials at home and instructed
family members to not accept any one time use poly bags.
 History Based – Chipko movement, also called Chipko Andolan, nonviolent social and
ecological movement by rural villagers, particularly women, in India in the 1970s, aimed at
protecting trees and forests slated for government-backed logging.

 Administration Based – IAS officer from MP Asheesh Singh, IAS Helped cleared 13 lakh
metric tons of garbage from 100 acres of land in 2018.
 l.c
Current Based – Afroz Shah is a young Indian lawyer from Mumbai is the man behind the
clean-up of Mumbai’s Versova beach and was awarded the UN’s top environmental



Ethical egoism is the view that people should in fact act according to their self-interest. Ethical
egoists argue that people do not often pursue their self-interest, but that they should in fact do so.


 Personal Life Based - While studying in Kota in coaching center, the members of another

institute was giving notebooks for free. While this can be seen as an act of charity but, there
was also includes the act of advertisement for the institute.

 History Based - While Britishers want to increase educated Indians in 18th and 19th but their
self-interest was to get constant supply of educated Indians who can work in BEIC and for

British government in India.

 Administration Based - Haryana government distributed 1 lakh Coronil kits among Covid-19
patients. While giving free medicines are the responsibility of government, but many seen this
act as a self interest of government to favour Patanjali, giving the effectiveness of the
 Current Based – While giving free vaccines in pandemic are the responsibility of the
government, but political advertising for it is seen as a self interest.
 Other - Media houses should be unbiased and should not follow any political ideology.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 53

Definition: Internal process of letting go of feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness, anger,
and need for vengeance and retribution toward someone who we believe has wronged us.

 Personal Life Based - I forgave the driver who had crashed into my car and injured me on
the road.
 History Based - Nelson Mandela forgave the apartheid regime of South Africa, citing the
need to heal wounds and build a better nation.
 Administration Based - Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi forgave his father's killers and
urged the government to release them from prison.
 Current Based – Sabrina Lal a sister of Jessica lal has asked for forgiveness for Manu
Sharma who was convicted for her sister murder.
 Other- While Germany couldn’t forgive the injustice of Versailles treaty, leading to second
world war, South Africa forgiven the historical injustice against White's Apartheid policy,
thus achieving lasting peace.

Definition: The definition of humility is the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance
that makes you better than others

 Personal Life Based - Eating at the Gurudwara makes me humbled and down to earth.
 History Based - APJ Abdul Kalam was one of the most respected leaders of India, was known
to be an incredibly down-to-earth person, and chose to lead a simple life despite having all the
 Administration Based - IAS Rahul Kumar in Bihar eats mid-day meal cooked by widow to
prove she's not a bad omen
 Current Based - PM Narendra Modi show his humility when he picked up flowers which fell
from the bouquet presented to him during a welcome ceremony at the airport in Houston
during his visit to USA
 Other - Union Railway Minister travelling by train himself to check the quality of rail
services.| ETHICAL TERMINOLOGIES| 56/3, ORN, New Delhi | (8279688595) Page 54

Definition: It deals with ethical standards related to any profession such as legal, health, medical,
engineering business etc.
 Personal Life Based - Initially made my standard of finishing my work before deadline and
now it became my professionalism to finish job on time.
 History Based - Clothing retailer H&M is committed to supply chain transparency. They
publish list of 98.5% of their suppliers’ names & addresses on website, and update it
onquarterly basis. So they can be held publicly accountable for conduct of their suppliers, and
that anyone can verify whether their suppliers are living up to standards set by company, which
shows their high professional standards.
 Administration Based - Roll out of Public Finance Management System with objective of
tracking funds released under all Plan schemes of the Government of India, and real time
reporting of expenditure at all levels of Programme implementation, shows the professionalism
of public administration
 Current Based – Azim Premji is known for his modesty, frugality and professionalism in spite
of his staggering wealth. He drives a Toyota Corolla and flies’ economy class, prefers to stay
in company guest houses rather than luxury hotels, seeing the cost must be born by company.

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