P6 Maths 2014 SA1 Anglo-Chinese

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Augladhinase Segal (Prieary) MIDYEAR EXAMINATION 2044 MATHEMATICS: PAPER (BOOKLETA) PRIMARY SIX ) Chass: Primary 6 Date: 9 May 204 Duration of Booklets A & B: $0 min INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES |. This question pipe consists of printed pags including the cover page, 2. Danot tien this page unl youare tod 10 doe 3, Fallow ll instructions early {Shade your anawerson the Opcal Aner Shat (OAS) provided, ‘5. Yowarenot allowed tousea ealeuator ‘Questions fo 10 camry 1 mark each. Question 11 to 15 cany 2 marks each, Make your cioice (1,2, 3 or 4). Shade the’ comect oval (1, 2, 3 oF 4) on the: Oplical Answer Shoot (OAS). (20 marks) 4. Ghundreds, 8 tots and 2 thousandths is 1) 680.002 2) 600.802 3) 600220 4) e00.082 2 Kaige 0a Ho wes of ters man Pdi tess 1 6kg 2) 25kg 3) 36kg 4) kg 3. Derick, Eugene and Fay share 25 sweets, Derick gots sweels less than Eugene and Fay gots 2n sweets less than Eugene. How many ‘owoots does Fay gst? 1) 25-30 2) 25-20 ‘Alans paid $48 for wating 8 hours. At this rate, how many hours must he woik to earn $576? y 2 am a 7% 9% “The lable below shows the charges for biyce rental al th,Biue Coast Pak Bicyal [Forthe trethour For every adlltionst part thereat David rented a bicycle fom 9 a.m, to 12.20 pun, How much did he pay? 1) $420 2 9 3) s10.20 4 John took 3 hours and 45 minutes to travel from Town A to Town B.He reached Town B at 2.05 pm. What tie did he leave Town A? » 2 3) 4 t020am. 11.05 am. 140 pa. 5.50 pm. ‘Awatortank was 2 fl When another 800 ex? of ater was pour ino the tank, Rbscame 2 fu Find the eapacty of tho tnk 9 2 a 4 400 00 2.000 3.000 Which square must be shaded so thatthe figure has a Kine of symmetry? seve A 8 ooe> a ‘0. “The figure below shows a cube and its net. Each face ofthe cube has boon bet nh net Which ae opp Foo 3)? A|Op* 3 4 ole ° e 9 A Mr Lee travelled at an average opeod of 90 kmh from Town A to Town B. Ittook hien 3 hours t6 complete his ourey. How long would it tke Mr Lee to complete the same joumey it he decreased his speed by 30k? ) 15h 2) 45h 9 75h 4 9h 1 2 cy ‘Sarah spent an equal amount of money on 7 pencits and 9 erasers. Each pencl costs 20 cents more than an eraser. How much did Sarah ‘spend altogether? 3 4 94.90 $6.30 $11.20 $1260 “The average savings of 3 gils, Clara, Dolly and Eunice was $220. Clara hhad $60 more than Dolly. The total savings of Clara and Dolly was the same as the savings of Eunice, What was Clara's savings? » 2 a 4 $135 $195 $3240 $300 Carus had 220 stamps in his collection of which 25% were fom Singapore. How many Singapore stamps must his sister give him to Increase the number of Singapore stamps in his colacion to 45%? esas 4. “The figure below, not drawn to scala, fs made up of three identical ‘quarter cle of rad12 em. Find is area in tems of =. » 2 3) 4 (181422) on (@4x#22) on? (108m) om? (1445) om? Last year, the ratio of tho number af boys tothe number of gs in a roading cub was 2 +3. This yea,20 girls jin tha ub and the rato of boys logis s now 4:9, How many members wee there inthe reading club fast yoar? y.5 2) 6 3) 100 4) 1% gles eho (Bima) (MID-YEAR EXAMINATION 2014 MATHEMATICS. PAPER 1 (BOOKLET 5) PRIMARY SIX Name: an) Css: Primary 6_ Date: 9 May 2014 uration of Paper Booklats A & B: $0 min ~ParentaiGuardian’s signature UCTIONS TO CANDIDATES a 1. This quesion peper consists of7 pte pages, inchuing the cover pi. 2. Do not tm this page unl you are tol odo 50. 3. Pollowall instructions caeflly. 4. Answerall questions ‘5. You aremt slowed to use 2 caleultr. Section ‘Maximum Marke. [Marks obtained Papert 3 Booklet A. Muliple-Choice Questions 20 Papert Booklet B. Short Answers: Part 1 10 Papert aril Booklet B. Short Answors: Part 2 10 Total Marks 40 Questions 16 to 25 cany 1 mark each. Wile your answers in the spaces provided. Give your answers to the units stad and to is simplest form whenever necessary. (omar) 16. Aphotocopier can print 40 pages in 30 seconds. How long does ittake to pint 280 pages? Express your answer in minutes. Answer: rnin 117. Daring the Crinese New Year promotion atthe Bird Park every 7 visitor ‘was given a fee admission ticket. How many flee admission tickets were given fo a group of 80 vistors? Arowors - 418, Blscul ins in XYZ supermarket were aanged on 20 sheves with an ‘equal numberof biscuit tine on each shel. & sholvos were removed anid tho biscul tins on these shelves were re-aranged on the remaining 16 shoes, Due to ths, the number of bisa ns on each remaining shelf Increased by 6. ‘What was the umber of isc tins on each shelf at fst? Aaswer: 49. Asquare and a rectangle have the same area. Ifthe recangle has a Tength of 12 om anda breadth of 3 cm, whats the perimeter of the square? Answer: 20... Ina competion, Benson cycled for km at the rate of 12 kmh and ran for Sim at the falzof9 krvvh. How long did he take to complete the race? Express your ansuer in minutes. 21. The length of aredangle fs 2y tis 3 em fonger than isbreadth. Express the perimeter fhe roctangle in tems of y. 22. Damping tog ote sat ln 71 samo Fe ony ag done a oe? Anawer: 23, Wile down te fraction represented bythe letter A. <> wie Answer: 24, The ratio ofthe length ofa rectangle to is breadth Ie 5:3. the difference between the length and the breadih is 6 om, find ho area of the rectangle. Answer 25. _Avanleft Tou M to Town N at 1010 p.m. on Monday right. t reached ‘Town N at 8.36 a.m. the next moming. How long did the van take to travel from Town M to Town N? Answer. h sin Questions 26 to 30 catty 2 marks each, Show all mathematical statements Cleat in the space below each question andwrite your answer in the spaces provided. Give_your answers to the units stated and to is simplest form whenever necessary. (10 marks) 26. The diagram below is not draw fo scale. AB and CD are straight lines. Given that xis half of y, find the value of 2. Answers 27. The rlioof the number of stamps Dex has o the number of stamps Ethan hhas is 7:3. Dexgives 10 stamps to Ethan, both wall have an equal ‘numberof stamps. Find the foal number of stamps the boys had, Answers 28. A recangutar conlainor measures 90 om by 50 cm by 20 om. Melvin ‘uses a600 cm" cup ofl the container completely with water. How many {ull cape must he pour into the container before ho can filthe containor Answer: 29, The able below shaws the mass of four boys, Whose mass ie nearest fo theiraverage mass? Tame of boy Tass (inka) ‘Allen 23 ‘Benny 25. Carl 32 Dennis 36. aco a, Zdiiton ct tne pss Each straps it cease {mathe hf he resi ec? Answer: \ Sta Aaglo Chinese Schaal (Beinary) MO-YEAR EXAIMMATION 2014 ‘MATHEMATICS PAPER 2 PRIMARY 50 Name: tas Primary Date: 9 May 2014 Duration of Paper2: th 40min ~ParentaiGaardian’s signature INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES “This question papec onsets of 15 peste pages, including the cover page, ‘Do nat tum hs page nil you are tat do so. Follow al istructon early Avec all questions. ‘You ar allowed 13 vrs caleuate. Section Maximum | marks Obtained Marks. Papor2 Section A. Short Answers 10 Paper ‘Section B, Problem Sums Total Marks oo Qxestons 4 to Scary 2 marks each: Show your malienatical statements cleat in the space provided for each qusfon and vit you answers in the ‘ces provided, Gko your answore fo tho Units staled snd to is simplest fom whenever neossary. (10 marks) 4. Paul and Jonathan had 175 and 117 marbles respecWely. After each of them gave away an equal numberof marbles to Linda, Paul fouind that he had thice as many marbles as Jonathian. How many marbles ‘wet giveato Linda? Answer, 2 Asurvey was carried out on the households with hildren in Happy Estate. Thebar graph shows the nunber of chidren cach household hhas in the estat. Number of children perhousehold in Happy Estate 3 3 z = : s ‘Number of child /eidren per household ‘What fraction ofthe householis has more than 8 cilren? 3. The figure gven below, not drawn to scale, is made up ofa square and a rightangled tingle. its perimoteris 54 cm. Find the area ofthe igure. newer: : 4 rs in haan so. Horta sa neni oi Gay. Aer 3 stad ee es Ata anata 8, he hod ko one How mich wane ba att? Answer ks 5. Aboxwoighs 19.5 kg when itis filed with 15 identical books. The ‘same box weighs 7.kg when iis filled with 5 identical books. ‘Whats the mass ofthe empty box? For questions 6 te 18, show your leps clearly in the space provided for each ‘question and waite your anewors in he spaces provided. For questions whieh require units, gue your answers in the units stated. “The umber of nerfs avaifable i shown in brackets [ J a the end of each question or part-question. (60maiks) 6. Rachel, Sanda and Tiffany went shopping together. Rachel spent 30% ‘more than Sandra, Tiffany spent 18% loss than Sandra. f Tiffany spent ‘3574, find he ttal amount of money the three ait spent altogether. Answer 6 7. Inthe figure below, not dravmto scale, BCD and FOE de straight lines. ABGF isa rhombus and ZABF = 97°. (0) Find & () Find 2. Answer: (@) —e ® —______t Jas ings ae 2th ot: Aor Joma 2249 a ne amet terns ney baie 3 of ats coy. te lama anit Woo. Anewer ST “The figure below shows a piece of piece of paper made up of twp identical right-angled tangles, Two identical semicircles with el ancy "Tem are cut from it Find the perimeter ofthe remaining piece of paper. 2 (ato x= F) Answer: BI 10. The fine gaph'showes the amount of juice prepared by five children, Amourtefluce ies) eon heyyy gee ebb ° 8 (@) Whomade half as much ce 2s Ben’? Answer: (a) n (©) What percentage of the total amount of juices made by Carol? ‘Give yur answer correct tothe nearest one pacent. Answer) 44. Inthe figure below, not dav to scale, ACs parallel to ED and BF = AF. BFE is a sirdight ine. CDEF is a parallelograin, ZDEF and ZEAF = 35°. Find ZEAE. ah... fs» 42. The table below shows the daly wages of Clark. Day of the Week | Dally Wage nia io Filday — | Sy por day Saturday Tara [Sunday era Clark works from 6 March (Thuireday) to 12" March (Wednesday). () How mach is Clas wages for this poiod? () fy =12, how much more money wil Glark earn on a Sunday than on a Saturday? ‘A108 00,acarleft Town A ond tavelled towards Town B at 85 kh ‘Ath same te, a Tonle Town A and traveled in the opposite 8kg 1/1532 kg 15/15) 30 kg 5)1 box +15 bs 319-5 kg box +5 bls 97 kg 10 bks>19.5-7 12.5210 = 1.25 1 box + (1.25 %5) =7 1 box =7~ (1.25 x 5) = 0.75 25 6)82% 2574/321% >574/82x 312 $2184 )a)37" x2= 74" 360" —74" ~ 74" = 212" 212" /2= 106" b)360" —74 = 286° 8)14u5224 120u224/14 = $1920 ‘9)Cir of 1 circle = 11D 2/7 x7 = 22 cm 22+ 13x2412x2=72an 10)a)Don b)2.4 41.643 +0.843.2= 11 142400 = 0.11 ‘30.11 = 27.27272727 = 27% 11)180" ~100° = 80° ZBAF = 80" +2 = 40" 40° +35" = 75° Page? Ajay 42y +5 45y—1 ty ty ty ty=$(2y +4) bax 12 = 24 13)800-31:100 (3hr) 85x3 = 255 255 +20 = 227 485 — 275 = 180 180 +3 = 60kin/h 14)26 x 12x 65 33x 12x 20 28.2+1.41 =20 855 am + 20 mi 16)a)100 — 12 = 88 5690 +100 = 56.90 56.90 x 88 = $5007.20 b)5690 — 800 = 4890 ‘4890 +12 = $40750 17273 + 24 7297/3 x5 495 + 75 = 570 570x 4 = 2280 2280 + 200 = 2480 2480 +2 = 1240 3240 + 200 = 1440 570x3 + 75=1785, A785 — 1440 = $345 18)a)3.14 x 16 x 16 = 803.84 803.8474 = 200.96 Max 16 x 16 = 128 200.96 ~ 128 = 72.96 7as6x2 = 145.92 145.92 x2 = 291,84 803.84 ~ 291.84 = 512 200.96 x 2 = 401.92 401.92 291.84 110.08 + 512 22.08 cm2 b)Cir of 1% circle = ID x1% =3.44x 32x15

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