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Chemical Engineering

January 6th 2023


IN 2026 (?)
by: Faradila AT

Achieving energy independence is a matter. There are

three major factors which must be considered, specifically:
(1) the accessibility to gain access of energy, (2) the ability
of people to purchase energy and (3) the availability of
energy itself. Indonesia, actually, contrived steps to
achieve energy independence, especially fuel. In 2018, the
Government through its State-Owned Entreprise, PT
Pertamina (Persero), designed Grass Root Refinery and
Refinery Development Projects. Some of these Projects are
still under construction right now.

Chemical Engineering 2

To increase national energy security, the Government through PT Pertamina

(Persero) is working to build 2 (two) new oil refineries (Grass Root Refinery/GRR)
in Bontang and Tuban. The government is also developing the capacity of
existing refineries (Refinery Development Master Plan/RDMP) in Dumai,
Balikpapan, Balongan and Cilacap.

The Projects will increase refinery capacity, improve product quality, and reduce
the cost of production of fuel oil which will boost foreign exchange and tax
revenues. This effort was carried out in the framework of realizing energy
independence and reducing the trade balance deficit or Current Account Deficit
(CAD), by significantly reducing imports of petroleum and petrochemical
products (Pertamina, 2021). Pertamina hopes that through this project, the
Government's target to stop fuel imports in 2026 can be fulfilled. A simple profile
of the Project can be seen below.

Project Investment
Value (Capital Expenditure) Rp 214.16 Trillion
Cilacap, Central Java
Balongan, West Java
Location Dumai, Riau
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
Plaju, South Sumatera

Project Scheme SOE (PT Pertamina (Persero)) Assignment

Source of Funding 40% from equity

Construction (start)

Operation (Start) Gradually until 2026

Project Status
Source: KPPIP, 2022

Image Source: Private Documentation

Image Source: Private Documentation

The government prepares this fuel demand projection assuming an

increase in demand of 3.16% per year. This table shows demand
projections and fuel production conditions.

Demand Refinery Import (Million Supply from New
Year (Million Products and/or Expansion
Kiloliters) (Million Kiloliters) Plant

2022 74.7 47.8 25.9 RDMP Balongan

2023 77.3 57.5 25 RDMP Balikpapan

2024 80 57.5 25.9 -

2025 82.5 68.1 13.4 GRR Bontang*

RDMP Cilacap,
GRR Tuban,
2026 85 85 0 RDMP Dumai
RDMP Plaju

Source: ESDM, 2020

*GRR Bontang Project is in the finalization stage of deciding whether to continue the project.

Chemical Engineering 3
If these Projects are completed, the refinery's current
capacity of 1 million barrels per day will double to 2
million barrels per day. With the completion of the
RDMP/GRR, Pertamina hopes to achieve the
Government's target of stopping fuel imports by 2026.
We hope it would be the best way to design the energy
independence and sustainable in my country.

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