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BAFS (Suggested ANS)

Paper 1A (60marks) 26.7%

1. A 6. C 11. C 16. C 21 B 26 A
2. D 7. C 12. A 17. A 22 D 27 C
3. A 8. B 13. D 18. A 23 C 28 D
4. A 9. C 14. B 19. A 24 A 29 B
5. B 10. B 15. D 20. B 25 C 30 D
PAPER 1 B (30marks) 13.3%
Q1 (8marks)
1.expansion of the chain in Hong Kong at a lower cost
2.stable income: receive franchise fees regularly and share franchisees' profits
3.easy access to the Hong Kong market: franchisees are more familiar with the local
business environment
2.固定收入:定期收到特許權使用費及分攤特許權使用人的利潤 (1)
3.容易進入香港市場:特許權使用人較熟悉本港的營商環境 (1)

1.political/legal: government policies about licensing, rules and regulations

2.economic: economic growth, income level and purchasing power
3.soc-cultural: cultural values, lifestyle
4.technological: technological level of fashion operation, design
5.competitive: operation of other Fashion shops and competition in the industry
1.政治/法律:政府關於許可,規則和規定的政策 2.經濟:經濟增長,收入水平和購買力
3.社會文化:文化價值觀,生活方式 4.技術:時裝運營的技術水平,設計

Q2 (6marks)
三線股 'third-liners' 藍籌股 blue-chips'
volatility of stock prices larger smaller
turnover of stock trading smaller larger
risk associated 風險相關(1) higher lower

fixed time deposit //government bonds //exchange fund bills

建議: 定期存款 /政府債券 /外匯基金票據(1)

2022 年 1 月 31 日前報名網上課程,免費送 線上 Mock Exam

謝謝支持 AGRAM Giveaway 活動,DSE 加油!

Q3 (6marks)

Conceptual skill(1) - A general manager should possess the ability to think creatively and to
analyse and understand complicated and abstract ideas in order to perform management
functions such as planning and organising (1)
概念能力(1) - 總經理應具創意思考,並能分析及理解複雜和抽象意念,從而執行計劃及組

1.make investment decisions for the company 為公司作投資決定 (1)

2.formulate debt collection policy of the company 制定公司收帳政策(1)

Q4 (10marks)

$60 000 (1) $57 000 (1)


for external user: e.g. investors to make investment decision for

internal users: e.g. managers to formulate financial plans
— to comply with legal requirements
一外部用家:如提供財務資料協助投資者作決定 (1)
一內部用家:如提供財務資料協助經理作財務計劃 (1)

1.information is mostly quantitative relate to past events only
3.Different use of accounting methods and policies makes intra-company comparison difficult
4.neglect of time value of money hinders users to do inter-period comparison of the company
1.資料大都是量化的 (1)
2.數據只與過往事件有關 (1)
3.不同的會計方法及政策增加跨公司對比的難度 (1)
4.忽視金錢的時間值,令用家難以為公司作跨年度的對比 (1)

Q5 (10marks)
試算表參考 CH3 筆記內。

The accounting treatment of similar items should be the same in an accounting period and
from one period to another 在同一會計年度內及年度與年度問,相同項目的會計處理應相同

- $175 000 - Historical cost concept - The motor van should be recorded at the actual cost to
the business, that is, the net price after deducting discount.
$175 000 歷史成本概念 (1)貨車須以企業實際成本入帳,即減除折扣後的淨價 (1)

2022 年 1 月 31 日前報名網上課程,免費送 線上 Mock Exam

謝謝支持 AGRAM Giveaway 活動,DSE 加油!

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