X-Cube - LCNC Insights by Aditya

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Journey towards innovation

Low Code & No Code

Jan 3, 2023
Submitted by Aditya Dasika
Table of contents

• Mindset Journey

• Low Code & No Code (LCNC) Insights

• Perspective
1. Constructive Criticism : Giving growth-oriented feedback

2. Encourage Experimentation : Promote the belief that every

new initiative won't lead to success, but it will lead to a lot of


“Cultivating Growth Mindset is a 3. Accept Mistakes : Look at every failed pitch as a learning

journey which must be practised lesson. Whenever someone makes a mistake or fails at
something, instead of pointing fingers, encourage them to
on daily basis” adopt a solution mindset

4. Effective Collaboration : Value talent over effort and have

more fun/ice-breaker activities which enables TRUST among

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low Code Application Platforms : FY 2021 vs 2020

LCNC applications are at the rise in the industry and has a lot of promising business
prospects now and in future also. Below are few data points which defines the same.

Source 7
Trend across the globe : "LCNC is an opportunity to move fast and be nimble"

Source: Source 8
LCNC Use Cases

Retail App Capabilities & OKR's

To create applications that help with inventory To create team driven capabilities which enables cross-functional
management, process order fulfillment, and other business teams to track their OKR's w.r.t quarterly basis and can share the
process applications. data internally through newsletter integrations.

Category: Retail | Source Category: Organization Development | Source: PersonalExperience

Business Data Driven Decision Making Employee Exit Management

We can leverage already existing legacy system data sources Employee will have the ability to track & monitor list of activities
to create an interactive dashboard which will be easy to (s)he to perform before leaving the firm (Asset Delivery, IT,
navigate, seamless integration with third parties and Facility, Payroll, Stock Options, Financial Data and more). For
decision making will be swift. each and every step a SPOC will be notified at each update for
employee seamless transition
Category: Data Governance | Source: Personal Experience
Category: Talent Communications | Source: Personal Experience


Collateral Audit App Enhanced User Experience

Infopulse developed a custom app that performs data Mendix has developed digital service counter, a parking reservation
reconciliation checks of movable and immovable property, mobile app, and an internal portal to manage incoming subsidies
and facilitates control over the pledged property, its storage from other municipalities.
conditions, and legal affiliation. Today, the city has delivered 100+ low-code applications supporting
over 100,000 users, with an average development timeline of 8-12
Category: Audit & Assurance | Source weeks.
Category: Government | Source
Realtors Compliance App
Field Inspection
Zillow, a US real estate firm developed a custom app for Real
Estate Agents to advertise the property, job boards and This coding app can benefit the real estate, municipalities,
ability to upload the documentation. Automated the governments, industries, businesses, construction workers,
workflow for agents to validate the properties, buyer and investigators. Users can inspect the things in the area
snapshot which increased the seamless user experience. with your app and make quick decisions
Developed in 2 weeks
Category: Government & Public Services | Source
Category: Real Estate |

Student Onboarding at University Categories

Archivum was piloted in the USF College of Public Health to put • Sales & Market: Loyalty Engines, Agent Portal, Order entry portal
full control over the student/academic advisor relationship, as • Self-Service: claim Submission, KYC Registration
well as the student course of study, on a student’s mobile device. • Talent: ATS, Employee Onboarding & Offboarding, Campus Mgmt
The application, deployed in 3 weeks, reduced the two-week • L&D: PMS, Growth Plan
registration and advisor process to 2 days • Business Automation: Case Management, Order to Cash, Procure
to pay
Category: University | Source • Energy & Utilities: Position Mgmt., Bidding, Contract Negotiation,
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
DFW used Appian Cloud to build 40 applications in 18 months.
• Start-ups can create build quick MVP's to validate their ideas, get
With Appian, DFW employees can now run operations from a
funding and build full-scale applications
mobile tablet. There’s even a janitorial dispatch app which alerts
• Intrapreneurs can work on a Alphalab/POC and present it to
staff about restroom facility conditions (a top priority for
business for funding to turn into a flagship product
• Candidate can demonstrate showcase their skillsets or ideas

Category: Airport, Hospitality, Customer Experience | Source

Aditya Dasika
Product Evangelist

I have a constant desire to learn new

things and explore topics related to my
passions and professional requirements.

Throughout my ten-year journey, I have

used a variety of tools depending on the
use case; I've just listed a few of them here
that are pertinent to the context.

That’s it! See you in a virtual campfire.
(And please don't mind my two-colored pants.)

“Imagination lends to creativity,
Creativity blossoms thinking,
Thinking provides knowledge,
Knowledge results innovation
Innovation creates nation GREAT ”
—APJ Kalam


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