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Fa a = =a oe & La, pen Sa = FAG. % $ if D8 ae ta cs Bs a 7 ‘ ; Ms AS IVAN AY FN BOOK publishing PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 7 ‘ubject Pronouns “you, he. ele 7 Object Pronouns - me, you him, sis 8 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES and POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS 10 Possessive Adjectives —my, Your, Mis, S16 40 Possessive Pronouns mine, yours, nis... 8 10 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS —ryselt, yoursell,himsel ete 7 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS - thi, that. hese, lose 4 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS - everyoody, soriething, anywhere, ete 15 SUBSTITUTION — one, ones, ote 8 FORMS OF ‘OTHER’ is othars, the other each oirer. ee, 20 TEST YOURSELF. 24 PIE ee SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ‘Simple Prosent with "be! Simple Present Tense with other veres Frequency Adverbs ~ always, sometimes, usually.” 3 Simple Present Tense n Time Clauses PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE ‘Simple Prosent of Present Coniucus NomProgressive Verbs — want, know, love. @. Progress ve or NorsPragressive~ think, feel, sel & SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE 1 Garng ig Willer Going ta Future in Time Causes FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE SIMPLE PAST TENSE ‘Simple Past Tense with “66 Simple Past Tenso with other verbs Simple Pas: In Time Clauses Irregular Verbs TEST YOURSELF. 7 UNIT 4 ACTIVE-PASSIVE & CAUSATIVES ACTIVE VOICE AND PASSIVE VOICE 103 Using tno “By Phrase” In Passive Senionces 405 Passwve with Modal Verbs. 408 Veros witn Two Objects tio Questions inthe Passive ni Slative Passive 113 Reporting in the Passive us Need Dong M8 118 He ‘CAUSATIVES have, gat ak Te TEST YOURSELF 120 POE ee ro ‘ADJECTIVES Partciple Adjectvee npound Adjectives Agjectives Used As Nouns Nouns Used As Agjectves Orcer of Adjectives ADVERBS, Ravers win Twa Forme and Difleraness fy Meaning Types of Adverbs Rovers of Manne? ‘Aaverbs of Time \Sverbs of Place ‘Adverbs of Frequency, Structures Used with Adjeelives and Adverbs COMPARISON of ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS. ‘Comparative and Superlative Forms Of Adjectives Comparative and Superlative Forms Of Adverbs. Comparative Form of Adjectives and Adverbs Using “Than Comparative Form of Adjectives and Aaverbs Using "AB. A Superiatve Forms of Adjectives Ang Adverbs Gomparson of Nouns Using Guariifes (ther Ways of Comparisons TEST YOURSELF. 186 DSC ae PREPOSITIONS. Preoostion of time Prepostions of pls Prepositions of mover ajectve + prepostion Noun» Grepostion Pregostion'» noun Prepesiional phrases QUESTION TAGS. TEST YOURSELF. 184 (EE NOUNS Countable None Non-countable Nouns Nouns that can be both Gouniabie and Unssumiabie DETERMINERS. Arlicles The Inaetinite Article AY An The Define Artiste: The No Article (Zero Article) Demonsiatves ‘QUANTIFIERS. ‘guaniers Us Some, Any. Ne: Much, Many, A Lat of Lots of Pionty of, AFew. Fon, ALie, Life wih Couns and Unesanabie Ni A Whole, Enough Bond Neiiner Etna Each, Every. (Quantfirs used with or without oF Use 0! Guantitere ae Pronoun TEST YOURSELF. 27 CoE ABILITY. Ganj Gould 76 abo te REQUESTS Can / Coula 7 Wil / Would you? 71 Wonder if you could Would you ming /Do you mind Would tke PERMISSION Gan May Ceti 2 Would you mind i? OFFERS AND INVITATIONS, ould you tke ..?/ Shall?) Til OBLIGATION / NECESSITY / LACK OF OBLIGATION / PROHIBITION Must Have to Must or Have to Mustn! or Dont nave to Noed to Gant Not alowed to ‘ADVICE Should / Gugh SUGGESTIONS els. Shallwe..?/ Why don't? How about ..?/ We could... We may ae well/ PRECERENGE ‘eter | Would prefer | Would rainer HABITUAL PAST Used Used DEDUCTION. Must / Must not / Cant POSSIBILITY Can / Could | May Might /Be likely to: Tt SS lad bettor/ Why don't you. edie get used ts ‘TEST YOURSELF 259 POE DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 285 Relative Pronoun as Subject 268 elatve Pronoun as Object 268 Rolative Pronoun as Opject of Propasiion 280 Whose 270 Relative Adverbs Waere, When. Why art NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 275 efining or Non-Defining Relative Clauses oir ‘Which’ Refertng To a Whole Senten 279 ‘Quantities with Relative Prenoune 279 lett Senten ES ‘Test YOURSELF. 204 (IE COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS ~ ans. so, but... ete. CORRELATIVE (PAIRED) CONJUNGTIONS ~oIh and, cher ee 730 /eitier [neither SUBORDINATING CONJUNGTIONS ‘Adverb Clauses of Time — afer, blore, uni’ ete Adver® Clauses of Cause and Erect ~ because, due te, co” thal, ete ‘Aaverb Clauses of Place Concession and Contrast ~ ahhough, despite, whereas, elo ‘Advero Clauses of Purpose ~so that, norder to, ele ‘Advere Clauses af Conation ~ I, provided, in ease, .. cic ‘TRANSITION WORDS fansiion words showing lime ‘Tranattion words snowing result ‘Transtion words showing oD ing addition J examples and explanations ranstion wards snow ‘TEST YOURSELF 318 (Tine) NOUN CLAUSES Noun Clauses Starling With Gucetion Words Subject Questions Noun Glauses Staring With “Whether Ji Noun Clauses Starling With “That Use of The fact tha Tenge agreement in Noun Clauses REPORTED SPEECH Reporting Statements Tense CRanges In Reported Speech Modal Verbs in Reported Speech Ghanges in Pronouns ‘Changes in Time and Place Expressions ‘Other shanges In roportes speech Reporting Orders And Requests, Roporting Questions. Reporting Wh- Questions. Reporting Yes | No Questions Other Reporting Verbs Verb + tointntive Verb + someone + to infinitive Vorb + gerund ‘TEST YOURSELF PIE ee a GERUNDS 353 (Gerund as subject Gotund after the verb “be Gerund as object Verb = gerund Propasiion + gerund Verb + prepostion + gerund Adjective + preposition + gerund joun + propositon + gerund jammin expressi ‘To (as a prepostior INFINITIVES: Tniniive after the verb “be Intniuve after preparatory “i Ininiive after verbs Ininiive after adjectives. Intniive after Wh=" questions and whether Intinitve after too & enough Ininiuve of oureose ‘THE BARE INFINITIVE (INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO) VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUNDS OR INFINITIVES (DIFFERENT MEANING) VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUNDS OR INFINITIVES (SIMILAR MEANING), ihgerunds ‘TEST YOURSELF 379 (IEF ‘CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ‘Gonaiionals (Type Zero) What Happens it Gonattonals { Type 1) What Wil Happen I Gonaitionals { Type 2) What Would Happen it Gonctionals (Type 3) What Would Have Happened it Mixea Conditionals Some Gther Words Used In Condi WISH CLAUSES. Niches About The Present Wishes About The Past Wishes Using Would wether oF no, in ease, ete jonale — Unless, Even i, Only if, W ‘TEST YOURSELF 404 GENERAL TEST 410 IMPLE PRESENT TENSE “BE” FiiLi FORM © “Be fillinin genig zaman halleri “am’ ve “are”dir. Olumsuz ciimlelerde “be”den sonra “not” getirilir. Konugma dilinde ve resmi olmayan yazilarda “be” fillinin krsaltilmis bigimleri kullanitir, aE Positive (+) Negative (-) | am a teacher. | am not a teacher. a rien You are a student. You are not a student. , ; . You're You aren't He is tall He is not tall 5 aan He's He isn't She is at home. She is not at home, . ; i : She's She isn't Itis a dog Itis not a dog i a We are teachers We are not teachers. . , We're We aren't You are students. You are not students. You're You aren't They are in the classroom. They are not in the classroom, . They're They aren't * Soru cimiesi yapmak igin “be” filli Sznenin éniine getirlir. Porras (Positive / Negative) ‘Am |a teacher? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't Are you a student? Yes, | am. / No, I'm not. Ishe tall? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't Is she at home? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Is ita dog? Yes, itis. / No, it isn’t Are we teachers? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. ‘Are you students? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't. Are they in the classroom? _Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. DIKKAT! Olumlu kisa cevaplarda “be"nin kisaltimis hall kullanuimaz, * Soru kelimesi kullanilarak yapilan sorularda soru kelimesi “be”nin nine gelir. am " Where is he / she / it? are you / we / they? USE * “Be” eylem belirtmeyen, durum belirten ciimlelerde “olmak”, “bulunmak” anlaminda ili, isimlerle, sifatlaria ve yer belirten edatlarla birlikte kullantir. ‘a. be + isim (noun): Im an English teacher. It isn’t a dictionary; it's an encyclopedia. Are Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones engineers? Who is the girl in the blue dress? b. be + sifat (adjective) Im not single. Im married. Alice isn’t optimistic; she's pessimistic. Are you angry with me? Why are the children so quiet? c. be + yer belirten edat (prepositional phrase): Are you from England? Ali. sn't at home right now; he’s at the library. Are all the students in the classroom? What is in that big box on the table? Where there is love there is life. Mahatma Gandhi There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees. Michel Eyguem De Montaigne Conversation is the exercise of the mind: gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue. Unknown LER SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE - “BE” DISINDAKI FORM * Genig zamanda ciimle kurarken ézneden sonra fillin genig zaman hali (yalin hali) kullanubr. I get up at 7.00 o'clock every morning. We go to school every day. + Olumlu ciimlelerde zne digiincii tekil gahis ise (he, she, it) fille “-s” takist eklenir. He gets up at 7.00 o'clock every morning. She leaves home at 8.00 every day. It sleeps on the chair + Olumsuz ciimlelerde, “I, you, we, they"den sonra “don't”, “he, she, it"den sonra ise “doesn't” getirlir. Olumsuz cimielerde fill “-s" takist almaz. I don’t play basketball on Mondays. He doesn’t go to school on Saturdays. * Sorularda “Do / Does” yardimer Do you like football? Does he brush his teeth every morning? + Kisa cevaplarda “do / does / don’t / doesn’t” kullanulir. A: Do we have enough food for the party? _B: Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. A: Does Jill go to university? B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Rea ae De naa a. Ucinct tekil sahislarda ¢ogu fill -s takist alr. He eats lunch at the cafeteria. She leaves home at 8.30 in the morning. b. -ch, -sh, -ss, -0 ile biten filler -es takist alr He teaches English at university. She finishes schoo! at 3.00. She kisses her parents goodbye in the morning. She goes to schoo! by bus. He does his homework in the evening. sessiz bir harf + y ile bitiyorsa y diiger ve fille ~fes ekleni He studies very hard. The baby cries every night. . Fill sesii bir harf + y ile bitiyorsa fille yalnizca -s eklenir. (-y diigmez) He plays tennis every weekend. @. Have filli ise dizensizdir. Ugiinci gahislarda has bigimini alr, Ihave breakfast at 9.00 o'clock. He has breakfast at 9.00 o'clock. USE xX xX xX kK X xX Xx Past Present Future Ata ee UL enema frequency adverbs time phrases / clauses always (her zaman) every day/week/month/year (her gun/hatta/ay/yil) almost always (neredeyse her zaman) _at the weekends (hafta sonlan) usually (gogunlukla) on weekdays (hafta igi giinler) generally (genellikle) ‘on Sundays (pazar giinleri) often (Sik sik) in the evenings (aksamlan) sometimes (bazen, ara sira) once/twice/3 times a day/week/month/year ‘occasionally (zaman zaman) (gindefhaftada/ayda/yilda bir/iki/ag kez) seldom (nadiren) ten rarely (nadiren) Pera scarcely (nadiren) ‘a8 soon as hardly ever (hemen hemen hig) when never (asla, higbir zaman) until Simple Present Tense: + giinlik aliskanliklan ve aktiviteleri anlatirken I get up at 7.00 every morning. He plays basketball at the weekend. + gene dogrulardan ve bilimsel gergeklerden séz ederken The sun rises in the East. Water boils at 100°C. * sirekli, kalic! durumlardan ya da eylemlerden séz ederken Mary lives in London. He works in a bank. ‘+ duygulardan sézederken ike chocolate, but I don’t like ice-cream. She hates coffee, but she loves tea. * “non-progressive (non-action) verbs” dedigimiz etmek istedigimizde He wants a piece of cake and some orange juice. I know him, but | don’t remember his name now. ing” almayan lerle simdiki zaman ifade + programi, tarifeli bir olaydan sézederken (gelecek zaman yerine) kullanihr. The train to Ankara leaves at 8.00 p.m tonight. Hurry up! Well be late, The concert begins at 9.00. GENig ZAMANDA SIKLIK ZARFLARININ (FREQUENCY ADVERBS) KULLANIMI “Bir seyin ne kadar sik yapildigint aniatmak igin “siklik zarflan” Kullantir. Bu zarflar genellikle “How often?” sorusuna cevap verir. Sikhk zarflan olumlu ciimle iginde kullanidiginda genellikle esas fillden &nce, ézneyle fill arasinda yer alir. Ancak bu zarflar “be” fillinden sonra kullanth always read the newspaper before | go to work. He often watches TV after dinner. They sometimes go shopping at the mall Z Jam rarely late to school. er The teacher is always on time. They seldom stay at home on Sundays. * "Never, seldom, rarely, hardly ever” siklik zarflan olumsuz anlam tasir. Bu zarflar olumlu yapistyla kullanilir ama ciimlenin anlamini olumsuz yapar. She's never on time. We hardly ever go to the theatre. * Olumsuz ciimlelerde sikik zarflaninin yeri degisebilir: “Frequently, sometimes”, olumsuz yardime: fiilden énce gelir. I sometimes don’t want to do any housework, Ben goes out with his friends and frequently doesn’t come home until midnight. ‘generally”, “often” olumsuz yardimer fillden énce ya da sonra gelebilir. ‘Men usually don’t like to talk about their feelings. ‘Men don’t usually like to talk about their feelings. “Always”, daima olumsuz yardime! fillden sonra gelir, nce gelemez. Money doesn’t always make people happy. (atmays-cessetmake...) YANLISTIR. The majority is not always right. (always-is-ret...) YANLISTIR. Bite Put the frequency adverbs in the brackets in the correct place in the sentences. ‘Sometimes more than one position is possible. 1. The side effects of this medicine go away after a few hours. (usually) 2. Ihave trouble accessing the Internet from home. (sometimes) 3, The bus that goes downtown is on time. (seldom) 4, Some people are happy with their jobs. (never) 5. Cenk doesn't get involved in politics. (usually) 6. It doesn't snow here in January. (often) 7. | download music from the Internet. (hardly ever) 8, You are so cheerful in the morning, (always) 9. Chris doesn't come home before eight o'clock. (usually) SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE iLE ZAMAN CUMLECIKLERININ KULLANIMI + Zaman ciimlecikleri “When? (Ne zaman?)” sorusuna cevap veri * Zaman ciimlecikleri esas ciimleden énce ya da sonra gelebilir. Zaman climlecigi esas clmleden nce ise cUmlecikten sonra virgil konur, esas clmleden sonra ise virgil konmaz. + Esas climle genis zaman oldugunda, “when, as soon as, after, before, until... vb” ile baslayan zaman cimleciklerinde (time clauses) genellikle genis zaman kullaniltr. When I come home from school, | always have a sandwich. (Okuldan eve gelince daima bir sandvig yerim) My brother goes aut to play football with his friends as soon as he finishes his homework. (Erkek kardesim édevini bitirir bitirmez arkadaslariyla futbol oynamak igin digan gikar.) Jane sometimes goes to the gym after she gets out of work. (ane isten giktiktan sonra bazen spor salonuna gider.) Before I go to bed every night, | brush my teeth (Her gece yatmadan énce dislerimi firgalanm.) We can't leave home until he comes. (O gelene kadar evden aynlamayiz.) PRACTICE 2 Underline the correct choice. 1. lalways wash the dishes before / after | start watching TV at night. 2. Sally never eats snacks after / until she brushes her teeth at night. 3. Students often make mistakes when / after they write compositions in English. 4, My husband sometimes snores before / when he sleeps, 5, Dr, Jones always washes his hands until / as soon as he comes home from the hospital. Lith a aS FORM in “ing” hali birlikte kullanthr. * Simdiki zamanda “am, is, are” yardimcr filleriyle esas fi Im (lam) watching TV now. You're (You are) listening to the teacher. He's (He is) writing in his book at the moment. * Olumsuz cimlelerde “am, is, are”dan sonra climleye “not” eklenir. Im not (am not) talking to you She isn’t (is not) wearing her uniform at the moment. We aren’t (are not) listening to music now. * Soru ciimlelerinde “am, is, are” 6znenin éniine, yani ciimle bagina geti Are you listening to me? Js Peter talking to Chris? Are they speaking English? USE -e -e -ing write — writing leave — leaving Bir sessiz hart + bir sesii hart + bir sessiz harfle “ing sit - sitting swim — swimming -el travel travelling (UK) - traveling (US) label — labelling (UK) labeling (US) “ie -y ve -ing lie — lying die - dying -ing study — studying go- going stand ~ standing ty Past Present Future now (simai) right now (simdi, su anda) just now (simdi, gu anda) “Look!”, “Listen!”, “Watch out!” gibi at present (simai) ifadelerden sonra gelen ciimleler de at the moment (su anda) genellikie Pr. Cont, kullanilir these days (bu ginlerde) for the time being (su siralar) Present Continous Tense: * $u anda devam eden olaylann anlatiminda kullaniltr. Students are writing in their notebooks now. Be quiet! I'm trying to study. DIKKAT! “Wear” fil simdiki zamanda kullantl leri anlatmakta kullanulir. nda giymek anlamini vermez, dzerimizdeki Im wearing my old blue jeans today. (Bugin dstimde eski blucinim var.) She looks very nice. She's wearing a lovely new dress. (0 Gok guzel géruinuyor. Uzerinde gizel yeni bir elbise var.) * §$u anda olmasa bile, bugiinlerde yapmakta oldugumuz seyleri anlatirken kullaniltr. Im reading a great book these days. Scientists are trying to find a cure for cancer. * Gegici olarak yapmakta oldugumuz geyleri anlatirken kullanihir. Im living with my aunt at the moment. He is writing a book about his experiences in Africa. * Dedismekte olan olaylari ve durumlan anlatirken kullantir. Oil prices are rising every day. (Petrol fiatian hergun artiyor.) Istanbul is getting more crowded every year.(Her yi! Istanbul daha kalabaliklasiyor.) * Gelecekte yaprimasi kesin olarak planlanmts, belirlen zaman zarflariyla birlikte kullanihr. Im going to Bodrum tomorrow. (Yann Bodrum’a giaiyorum.) Anew shopping centre is opening in our town next week. (Gelecek hafta kentimizde yeni bir aligverig merkezi agillyor.) , ayarlanmig seyleri aniatirken, gelecek DIKKAT! “Come, go, stay, arrive, leave” fillleriyle kesin olarak planladijimiz, ayarladigimiz geylerden séz ederken genellikle simdiki zaman kullanir. Aynca “fly, walk, ride, drive, take (a bus, a taxi, vs)" gibi énceden ayarlanmis ulasim bicimlerini gésteren filller de genellikle simdiki zamanda kullanilir. Underline the correct choice. 1. You don't do / aren't doing anything important at the moment. You are just sitting there and watching the dog which plays / is playing in the garden 2. They don't lke their house so they look for / are looking for a new flat these days. 3, Ahmet is studying engineering at college, He wants to be an engineer when he finishes / is finishing his studies. 4, Look! Ayse jumps / is jumping into the water. The other children watch / are watching her. 5. | usually stay / am staying at home in the evenings but tonight | go / am going to a movie with some friends. 6. Wait for me. | come / am coming, Just let me put on my shoes. 7. They usually eat / are eating dinner at home, but today they eat / are eating at a fast food restaurant 8. You can tum off the stereo. | don’t listen / am not listening to it right now. 9. | have to go home now. It gets / is getting dark. 10. Everyone reads / is reading the new Orhan Pamuk novel these days. NON-PROGRESSIVE VERBS (“ ING” TAKISI ALMAYAN FIILLER) “Non-progressive verbs” ya da “non-action verbs” dedigimiz eylem géstermeyen, durum gésteren bazt filler “-ing” takisi almaz. Bu nedenle Present Continuous Tense ile kullaniamayacaklari igin Simple Present Tense ile kullanilirar. ING" TAKISI ALMAYAN BAZ! FIILLER Zininsel Sahiplik Durpilarial| |/Duysuiariay] V7 iretiens| | osateren’ | | Dior tier iil filler filler feet" dislike believe belong ber hear hate feel” have™ consist of see" tke forget ‘own ‘contain smell" love imagine possess cost taste* mind know exist wish mean include realize weight remember sound suppose appear* think seem understand Took* want know need prefer () ile igaretli filler hem non-progressive hem de progressive olarak kullanilabilir. Ancak anlamian farklidir. Bu aniam farkliikian asagidaki listede gésterilmistir: ecnsskoano ean =soled Progressive think (disGnmek): Im thinking about my final exams. ‘see (bulusmak): Im seeing my dentist tomorrow. ‘smell (koklamak): She is smelling the roses. taste (latmak): Im tasting the soup to see if it has enough salt, feel (dokunarak hissetmek): She's feeling the material to see ifit is soft. appear (sahneye gikmak): He's appearing on stage tonight. look (bakmak): Why are you looking out of the window? weigh (tartmak): The grocer is weighing the tomatoes. be (her zamankinden farkli bir durumu itade ederken): He is usually very kind, but he is being rude right now. have (have'in “sahip olmak" digindaki tim anlamiari): He's having lunch. / We're having a good time. ete. Non-Progressive think (zannetmek, sanmak): Ithink English is easy. see (gérmek): Look! Do you see that butterfly? smell (kokmak): These roses smell beautiful. taste (tadl .. olmak): The soup tastes delicious. feel (bir nesnenin dokunuldugunda verdidi his, anlatilirken): The velvet feels soft. (sezinlemek): feel something good will happen. appear (gibi gdrunmek): He appears to be a nice man. look (gdrunmek): You look great! weigh (bir nesnenin agirligi belirtlirken): This box weighs 50 kilos. be (genel bir durum ifade ederken): He is very kind. have (sahip olmak): He has a computer. You can never win an argument if you're having it with someone who doesn’t understand the subject. Parson tied Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the brackets. 1, Marie-Claude isn't Canadian, | (believe) she comes from France. 21 (think) of buying this dress but | don't know how much it (cost) 3. This polished diamond (weigh) 36 carats and it comes from Sri Lanka. 4. Listen! |___ (hear) some nice musi¢ Do you know who _ (play) it? St (feel) so nice to be outside especially when the weather is good. 6. The food which she cooks usually (laste) good. She is in the kitchen now and she (taste) the soup to see if it has enough salt. 7. The waiter says that the price of dinner (include) dessert 81 (think) you are wrong, Those flowers {not need) so much water, 9. Don't give my daughter any cheese. She (hate) it! 10.He now ___ (understand) that he has made a mistake and he __ (want) to apologize. 11. She was in our class at college but | (not remember) her name now. 12. I'm afraid | can't put you through to Mr. Jones because he (have) a meeting at the moment. 13. Sue's new boyfriend (appear) to be a nice young man. 14, That girl over there (look) like a friend of mine from high school. Oh! She (look) this way. | (think) she has recognized me too. 15. Mary is depressed these days and she (see) a psychiatrist about it 16. There's an airplane approaching; |__(see) it clearly. 17. The stew (taste) good when the vegetables are fresh What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others. Confucius SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE L” and “GOING ing cede gelecekten séz ederken “WILL” ya da “BE GOING TO” yapilanni kullanabiliriz. ‘Gogunlukla bu iki tense birbirinin yerine kullanilabilir, ancak bazi durumlarda aralaninda fark vardir. 4. WILL FORM + Olumiu cimieter “will + filin yalin hali” kullanitarak yaptlr. The weather will be nice tomorrow. My sister will do her Master's degree next year. * Olumsuz cimlelerde “will not” kullanilir. “Will not”in kisaltiimis hali “won't"tur. Iwon’t help you with your homework because you should do it yourself. Petrol prices will not go down anytime soon. * Sorularda “will” yardime! filli éznenin éniine getirilir. Will you go shopping tomorrow morning? Will the government do anything about inflation? USE Xx Past Present Future: aed Ue Lune eaaeaal wil + Gelecekteki olay ve durumlan anlatmak igin kullanilir. The sun will rise at 6.30 tomorrow morning. 1 be 16 years old in June. * Gelecekte olacaklar! tahmin ederken kullanilr. In ten years’ time, the population of the world will be 10 billion. think itil rain this attemoon. * Konustugumuz anda yapmaya karar verdigimiz seyleri anlatirken kullanlir. Il have a steak with chips, please. A: “The phone's ringing.” B: “Ill answer it.” (A: “Telefon galiyor." B: “Ben bakarim / cevap veririm.") + Baskalanna yardim teklif ederken (offers) ya da bir ricada bulunurken (requests) kullanihr. Nt help you if you like. (Istersen sana yardim edeyim.) Will you please give me something to drink? (Bana igecek bir sey getirebilir misin latfen?) * Bir geyi yapmaya séz verirken (promise) kullanib. Il study harder next time. I won't be late again. | promise. 2. GOING TO FORM 1am going to win the game. __|_ am not going to win the game. You are going to lose the You are not going to lose the match. match vm not going to He is going to run in the He is not going to run in the aa Marathon. Marathon He / She / It isn't going to She is going to swim in the She is not going to swim in the Shelter ooing pool pool. , It is going to fall Ir is not going to fall tout “ ye yore We are going to meet Jack. We are not going to meet Jack, 9°79 You are going to wait forme, You are not going to wait for me. They are going to argue They are not going to argue. ‘Am I going to win the game? Yes, you are, / No, you aren't. Are you going to lose the match? _—_Yes, | am. / No, I'm not. Is he going to run in the Marathon? —_Yes, he is. / No, he isn't Is she going to swim in the pool? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t Is it going to fall? Yes, itis. / No, it isn't ‘Are we going to meet Jack? Yes, you are, / No, you aren't ‘Are you going to wait for me? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't Are they going to argue? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. + Olumlu ciimieler “be (am, is, are) + going to + filin yalin hali” kullantlarak yapibr. Im going to eat a sandwich tor lunch, 5 He's going to be an engineer. 5 E 2 Theyre going to get married this summer. — y, * Sorularda “be” ( (am, is, are) Sznenin nine get Are you going to study for your exam this afternoon? Js he going to play football tonight? Are they going to visit us tomorrow? + Olumsuz ciimlelerde “be” (am, is, are) den sonra “not” getirlir. Im not going to buy that book. He isn’t going to study tomorrow. We aren't going to watch TV tonight. USE Going to: * Plantadigimiz, yapmaya niyet ettigimiz ya da yapmaya karar verdigimiz geylerden sézederken Im going to get a summer job. What are you going to do when you graduate? She's going to see her doctor next week. im net going to take the car to work tomorrow unless | am late. * Elimizdeki bir ipucu ya da gegmis deneyimlerimize bakarak gelecegi tahmin ederken kullantlr. There are dark clouds in the sky. It's going to rain. (Gékte kara bulutlar var. Yagmur yagacak.) Your grades are very low. Youre going to fail. (Notlann gok digdk. Sinifta kalacaksin.) FUTURE TENSE ILE ZAMAN CUMLECIKLERININ KULLANIMI “After, before, when, as soon as, until” gibi zaman baglaclariyla yapilan yan ciimlelerde (time: clauses) “will” ya da “going to” kullanilamaz. Bu durumda gelecek zaman ifade etmek igin genis zaman yapist kullantlir. Geko Won) DIKKAT! Time clause’larda Future kullaniImaz! ‘Most parents hope that their children will be successlul adults when they grow up. (Cogu ana-baba gocuklannin buyuyunce bagani yetiskinler olacagin umar.) Ill take a shower as soon as | get home. (Eve gider gitmez dug alacagim.) After she graduates from university, she’s going to go abroad. (Oniversiteden mezun olduktan sonra yurt digina gidecek.) Com is going to read a little before he goes to bed. (Cem yatmadan énce biraz okuyacak.) Iwon't get married until | meet the right person. (Dogru kisiyle karsilagana kadar evienmeyecegim.) ita ed Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 11 (call) you as soon as we (get) back from Bodrum. 2. My mother (not / speak) to my brother until he (apologize) to her for his rude behaviour. 3. After | (finish) college, | (take) a long holiday and travel around Turkey because | (not / have) much time to travel when | (start) working. 4 (phone) and make reservations before we (go) to the restaurant tonight. 5 you ___ (let) me know as soon as you (learn) your exam results? 6, If our teacher (not arrive) soon, they _ (send) us a substitute teacher, 7. As soon as Mark (buy) the concert tickets for the weekend, he (give) me a call 8.We____(be) there to pick you up when you___ (arrive) at the airport 9. Sinem (stay) with her uncle until a dormitory room (become) available. I never think of the future — it will come soon enough. Albert Einstein GELECEK ZAMAN iFADE EDEN DIGER “TENSE”LER HATIRLATMA! Gelecek zamant ifade ederken “Simple Present Tense” ve “Present Continuous Tense” de kullanabiliriz. Simple Present Tense’in gelecek zaman anlaminda kullanilmast: * Gelecekte olacak program, tarifeli olaylardan sz ederken “Simple Present Tense” kullanabi (Bu antamda en sik kullanilan filler: arrive, leave, start, begin, end, finish, open, close, be) Don't be late! The train leaves at 9.30. (Gecikme! Tren 9.30'da kalkiyor.) The interview starts at 10.00 tomorrow morning. (Gérligme yarn sabah 10.00'da basiyor.) Present Continuous Tense’in gelecek zaman anlaminda kullaniimasi: * Gelecekte yapacagimizi kesin olarak plantadigimiz, ayarladijimiz islerden séz ederken “Present Continuous Tense” kullanabiliriz. (Bu anlamda en sik kullanilan filler: come, go, stay, arrive, leave, fly, walk, ride, drive, take [a bus, a taxi...ete.}.) Are you doing anything on Friday night? (Cuma gecesi bir sey yapiyor musun?) I've made an appointment with the dentist. [m seeing him tomorrow. (Disgiden randevu aldim. Onu yarn gorecegim.) PRACTICE 6 Fill in the blanks with the correct future form of the verbs in the brackets, Asli and Beril are talking about a surprise party Ashi: | feel very tired, | think | (1) (fall) asleep. I need to wake up! Berit Wait, | (2) (get) you a cup of cotfee. Coffee (3) (wake) you up. Ash: Thanks. By the way, it is Aylin’s birthday next week, isn’t it? Beril: That's right and I (4) (plan) @ surprise party. | have made all the arrangements. Don't say anything about it to her. Asli; Don't worry. | promise | (5) ___ {not / tell) her about the surprise party, Who O} (invite / you) to the party? Beri: All our friends, of course. Asli; Who (7) (make) Aylin’s birthday cake? Beril: | don't know yet. | (8) (meet) Melis at three this afternoon and we (9) ____ (decide) about it Ashi: Listen! | (10) (bake) the cake, You organize the rest. Beri: That's great, Thanks, De a FORM + Future Continuous Tense’de bir ciimle olustururken tim sahislar igin “will + be + filin -ing hall’ kullanihir. | can’t come to dinner with you this evening because Il be working late. (Bu aksam seninle yemege gelemem ginkd geg saate kadar galigiyor olacagim.) This time tomorrow, Il be flying to London. ~— (Yann bu saatlerde Londra'ya uguyor olacagim.) TSS kullanuir. IInot + be + * Olumsuz ciimielerde in 9g hi You can call me at 12 pm. | won't be sleeping. (Beni gece 12'de arayabilirsin. Uyuyor olmayacagim.) I'm afraid I won't be seeing you tomorrow. (Korkarim yarin seni gérmeyecegim.) * Sorularda “will” éznenin basina getirilir. Will you be studying at the school library this afternoon? (Buguin égleden sonra okul katphanesinde mi galigiyor olacaksin?) What will you be doing at 3 o'clock tomorrow? (Saat Ugte ne yapyyor olacaksin?) USE LS Past Present Future Peon ae eee ECU U nce seaa Future Continous Tense: * Gelecekte b zamanda yapiyor olacagimiz seylerden séz ederken ya da bir olayin gelecekte belitli bir zamanda devam ediyor olacagin! anlatirken kullanilir What will you be doing at ten o'clock tonight? (Bu gece saat 10'da ne yapiyor olacaksin?) IM! be waiting for you at the airport when your plane arrives. (Ucagin geldiginde ben hava alannda seni bekliyor olacagim.) * Gelecekte belitli bir zamanda olacagi tahmin edilen ya da beklenen olaylar igin kullanu In 60 years’ time, people will be living on the moon. (50 yil sonra insanlar Ay’da yasiyor olacaklar,) In the 224 century, people will be living to the age of 130. (22, yazyiida insantar 130 yagina kadar yasiyor olacaklar.) rare ea Underline the correct choice. 1, A: Did you buy some bread? B: Oh, I completely forgot. Ill buy / ’m going to buy it now. If she gets this new job, she'll move / she moves to Izmir. This time next year Mehmet is doing / will be doing his military service, 4, A: Why are you waiting for Ann? B: Because we go / we're going to the cinema together. 5, A: When do your parents come / are your parents coming back from their trip? B: Tomorrow. Their plane is arriving / arrives at 8 o'clock in the morning. 6. A: Dad, do we go / are we going to the 200 this afternoon? B: I'm afraid I'm busy today, I'll take / I'm going to take you there tomorrow, | promise. 7. In about twenty years’ time, everyone is driving / will be driving cars that run on electricity. 8. As part of my detox program, I'll be eating / 1 am eating only fruit and vegetables for the next two weeks. 9. Don't call me after 10 p.m. I'lsleep / I'll be sleeping en SIMPLE PAST TENSE “BE” FiiLi FORM + "Was / were”, “be” inin gegmig zaman halleridir. (Geni zaman: am, , are), Olumsuz ciimlelerde “was / were”den sonra “not” kullantir. Iwas a hardworking student You were a pretty baby, He was in my class last year. She was at home 5 minutes ago. Itwas a very interesting book. We were there when he came. You were neighbours. ‘They were in the classroom. | was not a hardworking student. You were not a pretty baby, He was not in my class last year She was not at home 5 minutes ago. It was not a very interesting book. We were not there when he came. You were not neighbours. They were not in the classroom * Soru ciimlesi yapmak igin “be” filli Sznenin éniine getirlir. Punic (EAN EO} Was | a hardworking student? Were you a pretty baby? Was he in my class last year? Was she at home 5 minutes ago? Was it a very interesting book? Were we there when he came? Were you neighbours? Were they in the classroom? USE Was / Were: * Gegmiste bel The weather was nice yesterday. ‘My parents weren't at home last night. Were you sick yesterday? Yes, you were. / No, you weren't Yes, | was. / No, | wasn't. Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't. Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't Yes, you were. / No, you weren't. Yes, we were. | No, we weren't Yes, they were, / No, they weren't DIKKAT! Olumlu kisa cevaplarda “be"nin kisaltilmis hali kullaniimaz, zamandaki bir durumdan séz ederken kullanilir, * "Was / were" de “am /is / are” be + noun: twas a very tall building. be + adjective: The film wasn’t very good. be + prepositional phrase: Wo wer at my uncle's house two days ago. SIMPLE PAST TENSE - “BE” FiiLi DISINDAKi FiiLLER FORM + Dizenli (regular) ve diizensiz (irregular fillerin gegmig zaman halleri, tekil ve Gogul sahislarda aynidir. 1/ You / He / She / It / We / You / They played 1/ You / He / She / It/ We / You / They went + Olumlu ciimieterde ézneden sonra filin gegmig zaman hali kullanihr. I studied history for two hours last night. She played volleyball with her friends yesterday. We went to the cinema last Saturday. + Olumsuz ciimlelerde “didn’t (did not) ve yalin hali” kullanihr, You didn’t come to class yesterday. He didn’t take the bus to school this morning. They didn’t like the film. * Sorularda ézneden énce “did” yardimet fi vyalin hali” kullaritir. Did you watch the concert on TV last night? Did the plane land on time? Did the children go to bed at 8 o'clock? REGULAR VERBS - DUZENLI FILLER Diizenii filler, gegmis zamanda “-ed" eki ali ner) a. Fiillerin cogu gecmig zamanda -ed eki alir walk — walked want - wanted b. Fill ile bitiyorsa yalnizca -d eklenir. arrive ~ arrived like ~ liked c. Fill bir sessiz + sesli + sessiz harfle bitiyorsa sondaki sessiz harf tekrarlanir ve -ed takisi eklenir. stop - stopped rob - robbed d. Fill bir sessiz harf + (-y) ile bitiyorsa -y diger ve fille -ied eklenir. Ancak fil bir sesii harf + (-y) ile bitiyorsa yalnizca -ed eklenir. study ~ studied ory - cried play - played: stay ~ stayed IRREGULAR VERBS - DUZENSIZ Fil + Dazen: lerin gegmis zamandaki hall go- went eat - ate sleep - slept * Dazensiz fillerin listesi Simple Past Tense konusu sonunda verilmistir. USE x_ | Past Present Future eee ee Simple Past Tense: + Gogmiste belirli bir zamanda olmus ve bitmis bir eylem, olay ya da durumu anlatmak igin kullanihr. Bu tense ile yapilan cumlelerde kesin zaman belirtilmelidir. John went to Spain in 2002. Ivisited my friends yesterday. * Gegmiste beliri bir sire devam etmig ve bitmis bir eylem ya da olay! anlatmak igin kullanlir. | stayed in England for two months last summer. I studied from 6 to 10 last night. How long did you stay at the park yesterday? SIMPLE PAST TENSE ILE ZAMAN CUMLECIKLERININ KULLANIMI * Esas climle “Simple Past Tense” oldugunda, zaman cllmlecigi de bir “gegmig zaman” olmalidir (Simple Past, Past Continuous ya da Past Perfect Tense). Bu dnitede yalnizca “Simple Past Tense” ile yapilan zaman cimiecikleriyle érnekler verecegiz, “Past Continuous” ve “Past Perfect Tense"lerle yapilan zaman ciimlecikleri ise ilgili konularda ele alimacaktur. When I was a child, | had a dog. (Gocukken bir képegim vara.) He finished his homework before he went out. (Digan gikmadan énce édevini bitirai.) After they had dinner, they watched a film on TV. (Yemek yeaikten sonra televizyonda bir film seyrettiler.) As soon as the teacher came in, the students stood up. (OGretmen igeri girer girmez ogrenciler ayagia kalktl.) | lived in Antalya until | moved to Istanbul. (istanbul'a taginmadan énce Antalya'da yagadim.) ease an eae Simple Present Simple Past ‘Past Participle Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle be was, were been lose lost lost become became become make made made begin began Bedi mean meant meant bet bet bet meet met mot break broke broken pay paid paid bring brought brought put (sti But build built built wat cna cnt bum bumed /bumt — ipumed /bumt ad feed fred buy bought bought oo rods fidden catch ‘cauight caught = ae }— choose chose chosen i fa come came come pe | oe co say oa sad Gait faut it sel sold sold aig dug ug send sent sent dive dived dived eal Be ea do did done shake shook shaken draw drew drawn shave shaved shaved / shaven dream Greamed/dreamt dreamed/areamt shine shone / shined shone / shined drink rank crunk. shoot shot shot drive drove civen show showed shown / showed eat ate eaten shut shut shut ‘al tell fallen sing sang sung feed fod fed sink sank sunk feel felt fek sit sat sal fight fought fought sleep slept slept find found found ‘speak ‘spoke ‘spoken fit fit, fittedt fit fitted Boaedl ped sped ty flew flown spend spent spent forbid forbadio forbidden sian stood stood forget forgot forgotten | = = forgive forgave forgiven sing stung stung feos as foun sirke struck struck / stricken swim swam swum get got got /gotten yr ay See pve. gave. ‘oven teach taught taught go went gone tear tore torn ‘grow grew grown tell told told hang hung /hanged hung /hanged think ihotat thought, have: had aaa throw threw thrown hear heard heard understand understood understood hide id hidden wake woke / waked woken / waked hit hit hit wear wore worn hold held hele win won won hurt hurt hurt write wrote written keep kept kept know knew known leadt led led leave left left tend lent lent let let tet lie (down) lay bin Pats Fill in the blanks with the past form of the irregular verbs given in the brackets. 4. When | got my mail, I (throw) away a lot of it because it was junk mail 21 (get) up late today and missed my train. 3, Our football team (win) the final match last week and became the champion. 4, Eda (tell) me a secret yesterday. | won't tell anyone about it 5. The Titanic (sink) in the Atlantic Ocean on its first voyage. 6.We (spend) too much money when we went on holiday last summer. 7. My father __(sell) his car and__ (buy) a newer model last month. ca (send) my sister a birthday present yesterday. | hope it arrives on time. 9. We (meet) when we were at university and (fall) in love at first sight 10.1 (leave) my bag on the bus yesterday, so | had to cancel all of my credit cards. 11. Mary and vill (have) some toast and eggs for breakfast this morning, 12, My dad. (catch) a lot of fish when he went fishing last Sunday. 33.1 (run) into Sam at the shopping mall yesterday. 14, The robbers (steal) nearly half a million dollars from the bank yesterday morning. 15.1 (see) a great movie last Saturday. 16. Dan is very happy because he (find) a new job yesterday. 17. The phone (ring) in the middle of the night, so | jumped out of bed to answer it 18. The tourist guide (lead) the group into the museum, 19. The wind (blow) my hat off my head and | couldin't find it. 20.1 (sleep) for 12 hours last night because | was really tired. Give me a lever long enough, and a prop strong enough, and | can singlehandedly move the world. Archimedes ote Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. 4. Brandon (exercise) every morning. He's really ft. 2. Tim (plan) to buy his wife a diamond ring for their 107 wedding anniversary next month 3. The little puppy — (fall) down when he tried to climb the stairs for the first time. 4. My father (build) our house by himself 20 years ago, and | think he did a very good job. 5.1 (not feel) well | think the food | ate at the restaurant was spoil. 6. Mr. Smith (say) you wanted to see me. What is the matter? 7. My mother (show) her garden to everyone. She's so proud of it 8, They say Mrs. Johnson (teach) our English class next semester. 9 you (have) a lot of work to do tonight? | want to go to the cinema 10. When we go to the supermarket, my mother (let) my little brother push the cart. 11. Kelly always (keep) her promises, so | trust her completely 12, At my wedding, | (wear) this beautiful wedding dress that belonged to my grandmother. 13.1 (think) you should quit your job and find a career that you enjoy. 14. Bill (sing) in the schoo! choir. He's really good 15. Sarah _ (speak) French really well. She _ (live) in Paris for 4 years when she was at university 16. Randy (draw) a picture of a horse at school today. The teacher liked it very much, 17.1 (grow) up in a small town in the East of Turkey. 18. I hear that you (get) married. When is the wedding? 49. She can't go hiking with us. She (work) on her new book all day tomorrow. 20, Let's meet al the station, The train (leave) at 7 p.m. There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. Ray Bradbury PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM Positive (+) Negative (-) ere Be + “Past continuous Tense’te ciimle olugtururken “was / were + fillin -ing hali” kullanihr. Cem was studying last night when his friends came to visit him, The children were playing computer games when I came home. + Olumsuz ciimlelerde “wasn’t / weren't + filin - 1g hali” kullanitr. Iwasn’t sleeping at 111m last night. You weren't listening to me while | was talking. * Soru ciimielerinde “was / were” éznenin énine getirilir. Was Mehmet waiting for you when your train arrived in Ankara? What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night? USE ax _| Past Present Future REO en Same eu Ones Past Continuous Tense: * Gegmiste belirli bir anda devam etmekte olan durumlan anlatirken kullanilir. Iwas living in Ankara in 2001. (2001'de Ankara'da yasiyordum.) She was sleeping at 9 o'clock this morning. (Bu sabah saat 9'da uyuyordu.) * Gegmiste bagka bir olay oldugu sirada devam etmekte olan durumian anlatirken kullanihr. Iwas watching the news on TV when the phone rang. (Telefon galdiginda televizyonda haberleri seyrediyordum.) White Iwas waiting for the bus, it started to rain. (Ben otobiist beklerken yagmur yagmaya basladh Just as | was going to bed, the telephone rang. y (Tam yatmaya giderken telefon galdi.) We were driving to Antalya when the accident happened. (Kaza oldugunda arabayla Antalya'ya gidiyorduk.) + Gegmiste ayni anda devam etmekte olan iki olaydan séz ederken kullant! Iwas trying to study while my brother was watching a cartoon. (Kardesim gizgi film seyrederken ben ders galigmaya galisiyordum.) NOT: "Non-progressive” dedigimiz “-ing” takis! almayan filler, “Past Continuous” yerine “Simple Past tense” ile kullanulir. “Non-progressive verbs" listesi igin “Present Continuous Tense” konusuna bakiniz. Bataan ae moo eee eat ‘Simple Past gegmiste iki olay arka arkaya ‘She switched on the computer and checked her e-mails. gegmiste baska bir olay devam ederken olup biten olay / eylem While | was walking in the park, Imet an old friend. Past Continuous gegmiste iki olay aynt anda She was playing on the computer while her brother was watching TV. gecmiste baska bir olay oldugunda devam etmekte olan olay / eylem While Iwas walking in the park, I met an old friend. SIMPLE PAST VE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE’IN ZAMAN CUMLECIKLERIYLE KULLANIMI CT) When ‘As soon as After Before Until Simple Past Simple Past While As Just as Simple Past Past Cont. While As Past Cont. on When Simple Past Past Cont When she saw him, she smiled. J. came as soon as | heard you were ill. I brushed my teeth after I had breakfast. Before Charles went to Turkey, he read about it on the Internet. She waited until he arrived. J saw some deer while I was hiking. As I was thinking about this project, an idea occurred to me. Just as I was getting ready to go to work, it started raining. While the teacher was talking, the students were taking notes. As I was studying in one room, my roommate was having a party in the other room. When I came home, my mother was cooking dinner. tie ees + Circle the correct choice. 4. When | went to the kitchen | saw that_ my grandmother and she wv. a. cooked, also watched 'b. was cooking, was also watching 2. While we for our bus, we watched some children who football a. were waiting, were playing b. waited, played 3. Itwas midnight and my brother Suddenly, there was a crash and he up. a. slept, was waking », was sleeping, woke 4, When he heard the noise, my neighbour down the stairs to see what on. a. went, was going b. was going, went 5. The postman _ yesterday while |_the car but he didn’t see me. a, came, was washing b. was coming, washed 6. Last night, Ahmet to his friend's house at eight o'clock but his friend wasn't at home. He at the library for his exams. a. went, was studying bb. was going, studied 7. Some of the climbers cold because they warm clothes. a. did not feel, were wearing bb. were not feeling, wore 8. When | at 5:00 p.m. the shopkeeper the store. a. was arriving, closed b. arrived, was closing 9. When the bell , the teacher a long division problem on the blackboard. a. was ringing, wrote b. rang, was writing 10. While |__on the bus, someone __ my purse. a. got, was stealing b. was getting / stole SIMPLE TENSES. Test 1 1. Mr, Cook always but today he — a bus to get to work, a taxi for a change. A) is taking / takes B) takes / takes ©) takes /is taking D) took / is taking very tired. ‘a good night's A) look / Didn't you have B) are looking / Were you having ©) look / Do you have D) looked / Aren't you having 3. Everything she cooks --- delicious. She is in the kitchen now. I'm sure she something delicious again. A) is tasting / is cooking B) tastes / cooks ©) is tasting / cooks D) tastes / is cooking 4, When the volcano villagers ~ most of the in their fields, ‘A)_ was erupting / will be working B) erupts / worked C) erupted / were working D) erupted / worked the instructions carefully, | am the machine. A) reads / can start B) will read / can start ©) read / will start D) is reading / started While he ---+ a lecture about the benefits of living in the country, his blood pressure and he fainted. A) was giving / fell B) gave /is falling ©) will give / falls D) gives / would fall Until a petroleum boom ---- in the early 1970's, agriculture —-- the mainstay of Ecuador's economy. A) begins / was B) began / was ©) began / is D) will begin /is Terry ---- abroad for two years because he --- to specialise in marketing A) is studying / wants B) studies / wanted C) is going to study / wants D) studied / will want 9. It--~ difficult for him to choose the right 13. career because he ---- what he is really interested in doing. lve decided to attend evening classes. : Oh, have you? Which program ---? ‘A) do you attend A) will be / doesn’t know B) are you going to attend B) was / knew ©) were you attending €) is being / won't know you attend D) is / didn’t know 10. Tom -—- his job at present, but he hopes 14. As soon as | ---- my first salary, I---- you that it ---- more interesting in the future. all out for a great dinner by the lake. A) didn’t like / is becoming A) will get / am going to take B) likes / won't become B) would get / took ©) liked / became ©) get / will take D) doesn’t like / will become D) got /am taking 11. Experts ---- that by the end of next century, 15. Organs people systems of cells and tissues their electricity-powered cars. that ---- a specific task in the body. A) believe / will be driving A) were / are performing B) believe / are driving B) are / perform ©) will believe / drive ©) are / performed D) believed / will drive D) will be / would perform 12. me to take you to the airport? 16. Today's cell phone technology B: No, thanks, Peter ---- me there. rapid pace while prices - ata A) Do you like / will take A) is advancing / are getting B) Will you like / may take B) advances / were getting ©) Did you like / took C) advanced / will get D) Would you like / is going to take D) was advancing / gets SIMPLE TENSES. Test 2 1. Look out! You ---- over the cat crossing the street! A) will run B) are going to run ©) are running D) were running 2. Solar scientists ---- that by 2020 the sun - = into its weakest solar cycle of the past two centuries. A) predict / was getting B) predicted / got ©) predict / will be getting D) will be predicting / is getting at 9 o'clock tomorrow at the airport at 3. Our plane mot around 7, A) is leaving / are being B) leaves / are going to be ©) left / will be D) will leave / were 4. Where were you last night? | several times but nobody you the phone. A) was calling / was answering B) would call / answers ©) call /is answering D) called / answered It -- 1957 when the Soviet Union - Sputnik, the first man-made satellite. A) was / launched B) would be / launches ©) was /is launching D) 7 was launching to check your answers before you ~ in your paper to the teacher. A) Won't forget / hand B) Don't forget / will hand ©) Didn't forget / are handing D) Don't forget / hand you see the little bird washing in the pool? It --- really cute. A) Will / looking B) Do/ looks ©) Can / looked D) Don't /is looking I was about to the finish typing my essay on the computer when the electrici and | ---- the complete file. A) was going off / was losing B) went off /lost ©) would go off / lose D) is going off / would lose 9. According to one myth, the very first 10. 11. 12. Olympic games during a battle between Zeus and Coronus, when the two gods ---- for control as chief of the gods. A) B) ° D) occurred / fight ‘occur / were fighting occurred / fought occurred / are fighting We ---- you know as soon as we == an 14. ‘opening for someone with your qualifications. A) are going to let / will have B) are letting / have ©) will let / have D) let / are going to have | make sure that | close all the windows and tum off the oven ---- leaving the house. 15. A) 8) ©) D) as soon as after as before 16. The children accidentally ---- the vase off the table while they ---- each other in the room A) B) °) D) will knock / will be chasing knocked / were chasing are knocking / chase were knocking / chased 13, When the professor ---- his speech, many students ---- their hands to ask questions. A) finished / raised B) finishes / raised ©) finished / are raising D) will finish / raise It is high time you ---- a better job; you can't continue working so hard for so little money. find will find found would find A B) °) D) I came across some old photographs ---- looking for some documents. A) whenever B) as ©) until D) while Itis very typical; every time Mr. Jackson some sort of trouble with his computer, for my help. he - A) is having / asked B) has / asks ©) will have / will ask D) had /is asking SIMPLE TENSES. Test 3 1. |. When parents - I---- a strange noise coming from outside while I ---- TV last night. A) hear / watched B) heard / am watching C) hear / was watching D) heard / was watching Last night my flatmate ---- dinner while | —- the sheets. A) was cooking / iron B) cooked / am ironing ©) cooked / ironed D) cooked / would be ironing Like coftee, tea ---- caffeine, the stimulant that ---- us up, increasing concentration. A) contains / woke B) contained / will wake C) contains / wakes D) contains / was waking how their children respond to certain situations, they —-- to anticipate issues that might present difficulties for them. A) understand / learn B) will understand / will be learning C) will understand / learn D) understood / are learning 5 6 7, 1 --—- my holiday now but at this time last year | ==» for the university exam and was feeling very depressed. A) enjoy / prepared B) will enjoy / am preparing C)_am enjoying / was preparing D) enjoyed / prepared When I ---- into the cafeteria, my friends hamburgers and drinking coke. A) am walking / ate B) walked / were eating ©) was walking / are eating D) would walk / were going to eat Hf you ---- unhealthy habits and ---- common health rules, even the best doctors cannot help you. A) are having / don't follow B) have / don’t follow ©) had / didn’t follow D) were having / wouldn't follow Hot air balloons ---- upon a very basic scientific principle: warmer air --- in cooler air. A) work / rises B) are working / is rising ©) worked / was rising D) work / is ri 9. 10. 1. 12, | didn’t realize that | didn’t have my driver's license with me ---- the police officer asked for it. A) until B) as soon as ©) while D) after What did your parents do when they that you ---- to quit college and take a job? A) were leaming / wanted B) learned / wanted ©) will learn / want D) learn / want Mark ---- at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she was not there, She at the library for her final examinations. A) arrived / was studying B) arrived / studied C) was arriving / studied D) arrives / is studying My parents ---- in Berlin for more than five years. In fact, they ---- there when the Berlin Wall came down. A) were living / lived B) will ive / would live ©) lived / were living D) are living / used to live 13, 14, 15. 16. ‘As soon as he ---- the painkiller, he --—- much better. A) took / felt B) took / is feeling ) was taking / was feeling D) will take / will feel I can’t help thinking of my old school friends the moment | ---- that song because it was the song we ---- together all through high school. A) heard / sang B) will hear / were singing ©) heard / will sing D) hear / used to sing I turned on the TV and lay down on the couch. there was a knock on the door. A) At present B) Just at that moment ©) As soon as D) While I ---- to find my tickets in my purse when someone suddenly ---- it from my hand. A) tried / grabbed B) tried / was grabbing ©) was trying / grabbed D) was trying / was grabbing

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