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Practical File

Computer Science

Name:Rohan Mehra
School:S.C.D.A.V. Public School
Roll No.:
This is to certify that Rohan Mehra of class/sec XII/A
has successfully completed the project entitled Computer
Science Project to my satisfaction and submitted the same
during the academic year 2022-23.
The project is the result of his/her efforts & endeavors.

…………………… Date : …………

(Signature of the teacher)

Ms. …………………………………..
(Name of the teacher)
It is my privilege to express my most sincere regards to all
who directly or indirectly helped me to complete my
project work.
I, deeply express my sincere thanks to the Principal,
Ms. Shali Jacob & Vice Principal Ms. Amita Gupta for
their noble guidance & providing sufficient facilities which
have contributed to the successful completion of this
I, hereby, acknowledge my heartiest gratitude to my
computer science teacher Mrs.Shalini for her valuable
inputs, encouragement, whole-hearted cooperation that led
me all the way to accomplish this project.
I take this opportunity to thank all my teachers, parents &
friends who have helped me with their valuable
suggestions, encouragement & guidance that have been
very helpful in various phases of the completion of the

Rohan Mehra
(Name of the student)
. Command for creating a database.

2. Command for using the database.

3. Command for creating a table.

4. Command for showing the structure of table.

5. Command to show tables present in database.

6. Command for inserting data into a table.

7. Command to view the contents of the table.

8. Command to retrieve data.

9. Command for using keyword DISTINCT.

10. Command for using WHERE clause.

11. Command for using ORDER BY clause.

12. Command for using UPDATE .

13. Command for using ALTER (to modify structure of table).

14. Command for using LIKE operator.

15. Command for using aggregate functions.

16. Command for using GROUP BY.

17. Command for using HAVING clause.

18. Command for using Group by with order by.

19. Command for using group by and having clause with where clause.
20. Command for equi-join of tables.

21. Command to retrieve data from two tables.

22. Command for using group by clause in join.

23. Command for using group by and order by clause in equi-join.

24. Command for using where clause and group by.

25. Command for adding primary key.

26. Command to delete a column.

27. Command to remove primary key.

28. Command to increase marks.

29. Command to change data type of an existing column.

30. Command to a delete table.

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