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Quantitative Chemistry Revision

Date : _______________ Due Date: ____________

Name : ________________________________ Chem Grp: ___________
Marks : __________ / 45 EG : __________ / 7

Section A – MCQ (10 marks)

Write your answers in the boxes provided on page 4.

1. A 25.0cm3 sample of dilute sulfuric acid contains 0.025 moles of the

acid. What is the concentration of the hydrogen ions in the solution?

A 0.25 mol/dm3
B 0.50 mol/dm3
C 1.00 mol/dm3
D 2.00 mol/dm3

2. What is the maximum mass of aluminum that can be obtained from

204g of aluminum oxide?

A 16g
B 27g
C 51g
D 108g

3. Plants require nitrogen to make proteins for growth. NH 4NO3 is a

common compound found in many NPK fertilisers. Which of the
following compounds has the highest percentage of nitrogen by mass?

A N2H4
B (NH4)2SO4
C Mg3N2
D (NH2)2CO

4. Magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid as shown by the equation

Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq)  MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

Cynthia added 2.40g of magnesium to an excess of 1.00 mol/dm 3

hydrochloric acid. Why is it impossible for her to use the apparatus
shown below to measure the total volume of hydrogen gas produced?

[Type here]
A Hydrogen is soluble in hydrochloric acid.
B Hydrogen is less dense than air.
C The total volume of hydrogen produced is greater than the volume
of the apparatus.
D There is contaminated air in the tube.

5. Vitamin C has the following structural formula. What is its empirical


A C6H8O6
B C5H8O5
C C4H5O4
D C3H4O3

6. 25.0cm3 of sodium carbonate of unknown concentration was titrated

with 0.100 mol/dm3 of hydrochloric acid. 28.0cm 3 of the acid was
needed for complete titration. The equation for this reaction is shown

Na2CO3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq)  2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

What is the concentration of the sodium carbonate used?

A 0.028 mol/dm3
B 0.056 mol/dm3
C 0.112 mol/dm3
D 0.224 mol/dm3

7. A reaction between dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide

is known as a neutralization reaction. Which of the following best
represent the ionic equation for neutralization?

A H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)  H2O (l)

B H2+ (aq) + 2OH- (aq)  2H2O (l)
C 2H+ (aq) + 2OH- (aq)  2H2O (l)
D H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq)  Na2SO4 (aq) + 2H2O (l)

8. A mixture of 24dm 3 of hydrogen gas and 100dm 3 of oxygen gas was

ignited. When the reaction was complete, the mixture was cooled to
room temperature and pressure. What is the total volume of gases
remaining at the end of the reaction?

A 24dm3
B 76dm3
C 88dm3
D 112dm3

9. A 1000cm3 solution of dilute sulfuric acid with a concentration of 0.500

mol/dm3 was left in the open for one week. At the end of the week, the
concentration of the acid was determined to be 0.550 mol/dm 3. What
was the volume of water that had evaporated by the end of the week?

A 91.0cm3
B 82.0cm3
C 75.0cm3
D 64.0cm3

*10 Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, in
. a two-step reaction as shown below:

Step 1: Na2CO3 + HCl  NaCl + NaHCO3

Step 2: NaHCO3 + HCl  NaCl + H2O + CO2

A simple titration is carried out with 25.0cm 3 of aqueous sodium

carbonate (in the conical flask) and 0.100 mol/dm 3 of HCl (in the
burette). The table below shows part of the recordings by the student.

Initial burette reading at step 1: 30.00cm3
Final burette reading at step 2: 45.00cm3

What was the concentration of the aqueous sodium carbonate used?

A 0.120 mol/dm3
B 0.090 mol/dm3
C 0.060 mol/dm3
D 0.030 mol/dm3

Answers for your MCQ here.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Section B – Structured questions (35 marks)

Write your answers for the questions in the spaces provided.

1. A simple reaction to show the rusting of iron is given below: [4]

4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g)  2Fe2O3 (s)

A piece of iron becomes very brittle (easily broken) when more than 5%
of it is converted into rust. What is the maximum mass of rust that can
be allowed to form from a 1000kg iron beam before it becomes brittle?

Maximum mass of iron that can be rusted = g

Number of moles of iron rusted =

Number of moles of rust formed =

Relative molecular mass of rust = 160

Mass of rust formed = kg

2. A sample of 1680cm3 of gaseous ethane, C2H6, was burnt completely in

1680cm3 of oxygen gas, to produce carbon dioxide and water.

(i) Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction. [2]

(ii) Calculate the total volume of gases remaining, at room temperature and [6]
pressure, once the reaction was over.

Number of moles of ethane =

Number of moles of oxygen =

Limiting reagent =

Volume of excess reagent left = cm3

Volume of gaseous products produced = cm3

Total volume of gases remaining = cm3

3. Heating of calcium carbonate results in the formation of calcium oxide

and carbon dioxide.

(i) Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. [2]

(ii) A sample of calcium carbonate was placed in an evaporating dish and [4]
heated strongly. The evaporating dish and the calcium carbonate was
weighted periodically during heating until there was no further change in
mass. The following results were obtained.

Mass of crucible / g 47.55
Mass of crucible and sample before heating / g X

Mass of crucible and sample / g

1st reading 142.65
2nd reading 135.55
3rd reading 131.70
4th and final reading 131.70

What was the initial mass of calcium carbonate used?

Mass of residue = g

Number of moles of residue =

Number of moles of calcium carbonate =

Relative molecular mass of calcium carbonate = 100

Original mass of calcium carbonate used =

4. Sodium metal reacts with water in a violent reaction to form sodium

hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas.

(i) Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. [2]

(ii) A small piece of sodium weighing 0.500g was added to excess water. [5]
When the reaction ended, the resulting alkaline solution required
65.0cm3 of 0.100mol/dm3 dilute hydrochloric acid for complete
neutralisation. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample added.

Number of moles of hydrochloric acid =

Number of moles of sodium hydroxide =

Number of moles of sodium =

Relative atomic mass of sodium = 23

Mass of pure sodium present in sample = g

Percentage purity of sample = %

*5. H2 and O2 are produced during the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid. [5]
5dm3 of 0.100 mol/dm 3 acid was electrolyzed until 400cm 3 of hydrogen
was collected. The reactions at the anode and cathode are as follows:

At the cathode: 2H+ (aq) + 2e-  H2 (g)

At the anode: 2H2O (l)  O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e-

What was the concentration of H+ (aq) at the time when the 400cm 3 of
hydrogen was produced? [Assume that the volume of water was


*6. Copper is usually added to gold to increase its hardness. Alloyed gold [5]
comes in several grades as shown in the table below:

Gold grade Percentage purity

24K 100%
18K 75%

One laboratory method developed to quickly determine the percentage

of copper alloyed with gold is by adding concentrated nitric acid. The
reaction is shown by the equation below:

Cu (s) + 4HNO3 (aq)  Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 2NO2 (g) + 2H2O (l)

A 100g block of gold obtained from a goldsmith was placed in excess
concentrated nitric acid. 10800cm 3 of nitrogen dioxide at r.t.p was
evolved during this reaction. What is the purity of the block?

End of paper


Section A – MCQ (10 marks)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Section B – Structured questions (25 marks)

1. Maximum mass of iron that can be rusted = 50000g [1]

Number of moles of iron rusted = 893 [1]
Number of moles of rust formed = 446 [1]
Mass of rust formed = 71.4kg [1]

2i) 2C2H6 + 7O2  6H2O + 4CO2 [2]

(ii) Number of moles of ethane = 0.07 [1]

Number of moles of oxygen = 0.07 [1]
Limiting reagent = oxygen [1]
Volume of excess reagent left = 1200 cm3 [1]
Volume of gaseous products produced = 960 cm3 [1]
Total volume of gases remaining = 2160 cm3 [1]

3i) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 [2]

(ii) Mass of residue = 84.15g [1]

Number of moles of residue = 1.50 [1]
Number of moles of calcium carbonate = 1.50 [1]
Original mass of calcium carbonate used = 150g [1]

4i) 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2 [2]

(ii) Number of moles of hydrochloric acid = 6.50 x 10-3 [1]

Number of moles of sodium hydroxide = 6.50 x 10-3 [1]
Number of moles of sodium = 6.50 x 10-3 [1]
Relative atomic mass of sodium = 23
Mass of pure sodium present in sample = 0.150g [1]
Percentage purity of sample = 30% [1]

*5. For every mole of H+ that was lost at the cathode, 2 moles of H + were

produced at the cathode.
Moles of H+ in sulfuric acid
= 5 x 0.100 x 2 = 1.00 [1]

Moles of H+ used to produce 0.0167 moles H2

= 2 x moles of H2 evolved
= 0.0167 x 2 = 0.0333 [1]

Moles of H+ evolved at anode

= 0.0333 [1]

Total moles of H+ in solution

= 1.00 – 0.0333 + 0.0333
= 1.00 [1]

Concentration of H+
= 1.0 / 5
= 0.200 mol/dm3 [1]

*6. Moles of NO2

= 0.450 [1]

Moles of Cu
= ½ of moles of NO2
= 0.225 [1]

Mass of Cu
= Moles of Cu x 64.0
= 14.4g [1]

Mass of gold
= 85.6g [1]

% purity
= 85.6% [1]

End of paper


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