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We Prepare for

Lesson 40

Practice 1 Answer the following questions correctly.

Crooked line Bottles of water

a) Do you belong to the army? I don't be long f) Do you drink a bottle of water after running? Yes, I do
g) How many bottles of water are there in the picture above?
b) Do you like to build things? I like to build things. There are five bottles of water in the picture
c) What's the difference between road and street?
h) On which side of your body is your heart?
On the left side of my body is my heart.
d) Do you live in a road or a street? I live on a street
i) Do you want to make a deep study of the English language?
Yes, I would like to deep study of english
e) Is this a crooked line? Is a crooked line language.

Practice 2 Choose the correct answer correctly.

“Save and Go” is the biggest shop in the city, The centre of Cuenca is beautiful but there are
they sell................
everything every everybody everything everywhere everybody hungry because it´s lunch time Santa Cruz´s a brilliant island, but .................... is quite
everything everywhere everybody
everything everywhere everybody
Do you have .................... you need for your holiday?
Their garden is full of flowers. There are roses and
everything everywhere everybody tulips...............

The party was great ................... enjoyed it. everything everywhere everybody
I like the new job. The work is interesting and .............. is
everything everywhere everybody very friendly.
My sister knows ............................. about football. She loves everything everywhere everybody
it. I haven´t got a car. I travel .............................. by public
everything everywhere everybody
everything everywhere everybody.

Practice 3 Answer the following questions correctly.

Is the weather in Guayaquil hot or cold? Do you have dinner at the same time every night?
The weather in Guayaquil is hot. Yes, I Always eat dinner at 7 pm.
How is the weather in Egypt? Does your mother wait for you to get home before she goes
Is is very to bed? Yes, she always wait for me.
hot. I was in Russia the nights were very cold
When .
Which hand does the Statue of Liberty holds.the torch in? Do you think everybody in the wold is happy?
It holds it on the No, but then can be happy some day.
01 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Complete the sentences using the correct past form of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. Marcos wen to his parents house. (go) 6. My grandfather told me how he met
t my grandmother. (tell / meet)
2. Mary worked in a restaurant last year. (work) 7. She watched Tv, when her father .
3. I a lot for my English test. (study) 8. His brother ate pizza with his friends
yesterday. (eat)
4. You the new iphone last weekend. (buy) 9. Yesterday, I learn the irregular verbs
in my English class. (learn)
5. My teacher said the last class that we should 10. I the music I in the last
study for the exams. (say) concert. (like / hear)

Choose the best option to complete the answers. Complete using the right word.

Is every town in the world beautiful? Does Thursday always follow Wednesday?
No, not every town in the world is beautiful, Yes, Thursday alwaysfollow Wednesday.
but some are beautiful and some are
(badly - ugly).
Must we always open our mouths when we
Do you go to bed every night at the same want to eat?
time? always
No, I don’t go to bed every night at the same Yes,
we we must open our mouths when
time, but I go to bed at (same - different - want to eat.
some) times.
Is Christmas always on the 25th of December?
Is everything on the table the same colour?
is on
No, not everything on the table is (the same - Yes, Christmas always the
the same as - different from) colour, but 25th of December.
some things are red and some are blue, etc.

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Rainy Partly cloudy Windy Thundery Stormy Cloudy Snowy Sunny Showery
02 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Describe the picture by using the “ing” form of the verbs.

There is an example for you in the reading.

In the picture, there is a young girl in a park. She is (stand) standing standing on a skateboard and she is (smile)
smiling looking
and (look) at a picnic basket full of food. Next to the basket there is a cat. It is (sleep)
sleeping on a bench, and behind the bench there is a bird. It is (walk) on the ground. There is another
bird, as well, but it is (fly) flying . There is also a butterfly, and it is (fly) flying , too. In the background there
is a man. He is (walk) walking his dog. He has to be very careful because there is a man (drive) driving a car
very fast on the road behind him.

Lesson 41

Practice 1 Answer the following questions.

a) What's the difference between the words “ever” and “

never”? Ever means "at any time", never means "not ever"
b) Do you ever go to the movies? Yes, I go to cinema of
c) Does it ever rain in Guayaquil? Yes, It rains on
d) What's this? It's a straight line.
e) What's this? It's a curved line.

f) Where is the accent (or stress) in the word “teacher”?

It is on the syllable "tea"

g) What colour is a bush? The bushes are green.

h) Where are the clouds? The clouds are in the sky.
i) Do you shake hands when you greet people?

Not, anymore, sinces we have to prevent covd-19.
03 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Answer the following questions.

a) Were you at home last night? f) Do you speak Spanish quickly?

Yes, I was at my home last night. Yes, I speak spanish quickly and fluently.
b) Were you at the beach last week? g) Do you walk slowly? No, I don't walk slowly, but I walk fast.
No, I was not at the beach last week.
c) Where were you yesterday afternoon? h) Are there any fields near your city?
I was COOKING Yes, there is a lot of fields new the city.

d) Was the University closed yesterday? i) Are there any trees near your house?

Yes, I was closed Yes, We have one tree at home.

e) Was it Friday yesterday?

No, Yesterday was


ever alguna vez never nunca Do you ever come here on Sunday?
No, I never come here on Sunday.
The wold “ever” is positive, and is
generally used in interrogative sentences, Does the sun ever shine during the night?
whilst the word “never” is negative. No, the sun never shines during the night.

Is Christmas ever on the 21st of December?

What´s the difference between the words
“ever” and “never”? No, Christmas is never on the 21st of December.

Does it ever snow in Guayaquil?

No, it never snows in Guayaquil.


Complete using the right words.

1) Do you live apart from your family? 4) Does the government of this country make
the laws of the country?
I don’t live apart from my family, but I
live together my family.
the government of this country make
the of the country.

2) Are you in this room together with

other people? 5) Do you want to make a deep study of the
English language?
Yes, I am together with other people. deep
Yes, I want to make a study of the
English language.
3) Are there a lot of lines on an old
man’s face?
Yes, there are a lot of line on an
old man’s face. s
04 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Choose the best answer for each question.

Has your sister ever got a boyfriend? No, the moon never shows up during the day.

Do you ever come to work on sundays? No, I never buy things on internet.

Does the moon ever show up during the day? No, she has never got a boyfriend.

Does your father ever bring gifts? No, she never fixes a car.

Does your mother ever fix a car? No, I never coome to work on sundays.

Do you ever buy things on internet? No, I he never brings gifts.

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Poached Over hard Over easy Omelet Deviled Sunny-side up Soft - boiled Scrambled Har - boiled

Write the correct verb. Choose from the verbs in the box

Am - is - are - do - does - Did - was - were

1. Did your mother buy you a shirt for Christmas? What your parents like? -- They’re strict, but

– No, she bought me some jeans. fun.

6. I painting all day yesterday.
2. When Doe Frank go out with his family?
– On weekends.
is 7. The children playing video games.
3. Where the necklace? -- The necklace is
under the carpet.
8. Are you evaluating the answer sheets?
4. Am I in Class 7A? -- Yes, that’s right.
05 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Lesson 42

square cuadrado circle circulo round redondo

What´s this? It´s a square.

What´s this? It´s a circle.

Is the face of my watch square?

No, the face of your watch isn´t square, but it´s round.

Practice 1 Write the correct name of the following figures.

Circle Triangle Square Star


Moon Rectangle Pentagon Hexagon.

. .

Rhombus Cruss
Octagon . . Trapeze
. .

Arro Elips Hear Paralelogram

w e t .

Future tense

The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things How to Form the Simple Future
that haven’t happened yet. It’s often used with expressions like The formula for the simple future is will + [root form of verb].
I think, I hope, I’m sure /certain:
EXAMPLE: My sister will learn a new language.
This year, I will read the Bible. It will be hard, but I will try my best. Michelle will read that book.
I think we’ll have a lot of fun this time. The stonemasons will sleep till noon if no one wakes them up.
I’m sure it’ll rain. You will see what I mean.
06 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
in 3 month´s time dentro de tres meses
Future tense Contractions Where´s the opposite of “3 months ago”?
I shall bring I´ll bring The opposite of “three months ago” is “in 3 months” time.”
You will bring You´ll bring
Where´s my right hand?
He will bring He´ll bring
Your right hand´s over the pen.
She will bring She´ll bring
It will bring It´ll bring
Shall I be here next week?
We shall bring We´ll bring Yes, you´ll be here next week
You will bring You´ll bring
Will you go home after the
They will bring They´ll bring lesson?

The future of “I go” is “I shall go.” Yes, I´ll go home after the lesson.
The future of “You go” is “you will go.” Will he be here next lesson? Yes, he´ll be here.
Shall we be here in 3 months´ time?
What´s the future of “I go”?
Yes, we´ll be here in 3 months´ time.
What´s the future of “You go”?

Practice 2 Choose the correct option.

3. ......... rain next year?

1. 'I don't have enough money.' 'Don't worry, I your ticket.'
a) pay b) ‘ll pay c) paying a) It will b) Shall it c) Will it

2. It's raining. to the cinema? 4. be here in 3 months’ time?

a) she we go b) are we going c) shall we be go a) Shall we b) We shall c) Will we

Practice 3 Put the verbs into the correct form (future simple). Use will

Andrew asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

1. You (travel) will travel around the Galapagos islands.

2. You (earn) will earn a lot of money.

3. Everyone (adore) you.

will adore

4. Many friends (look for) will look for ways to do business with you.

5. A lot of people (envy) will envy your health.

6. You (marry) will marry me.
07 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Your future

Practice 4 Look at the list about the things YOU want for the future. Check (✔) the ones you like.

( ) I’ll be working in my dream job.

((✔)) I’ll be running my own business.

( ) I’ll be living in another country.

((✔)) I’ll be married.

( ) I’ll be raising a family.

( ) I’ll be working in the music industry.

((✔)) I’ll be taking adventurous vacations.

( ) I’ll be speaking several foreign languages, including English.

((✔)) I’ll be earning a good salary.

( ) I’ll be famous.


Choose the best answer for each question.

Do you always shake hands with your friends every

time you see them? It depends on how much money they’ve got.

Yes, it’s more or less time to go to bed.

Is it more or less time to go to bed?

No, I don’t remember.

What kind of accent do you speak English with?

Some people eat in expensive restaurants, others eat I speak English with an American accent.
in cheap restaurants, What does this depend on?

No, I don’t always shake hands with my friends

Do you remember the name of this thing? ?
everytime I see them.

Do you live on a farm?

No, I don’t live on a farm.
08 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Match the words with the picture correctly.

1. A Carton of milk. 2. A Loa of bread. 3. A Cu of tea.

. f p

4. A Glas of apple juice. 5. A Slic of bread. 6. A Bo of spaghetti.

s e x

7. A Piec of cake. 8. A Bottl of ketchup. 9. A Bow of rice.

e e l

10. A Ca of pineapple.

piece can carton bottle box slice loaf bowl cup glass

Lesson 43 Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner are used to tell us the way or how something is done. An adverb can be added to a veb to describe how we do
“He plays violin.” - An adverb of manner can be added to the verb (play) to modify its mearning and give us more information on
how he plays violin.
“He plays violin beautifully.”

“She plays piano softly”

“She plays piano terribly”

Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb or after the object. “We left the cinema quickly”.
It can also be used before the verb. “She quicly left the theatre.”

Adverbs of manner - Examples Common adverbs of manner

“The rain fell heavily.” angrily badly beautifully calmingly

“When my teacher speaks, we listen carefully.”
carefully cautiously cleverly dangerously
“Write clearly.”
“They easily passed the exam.” eagerly excitedly foolishly fast

furiously greedily happily hard

hurriedly kindly nervously politely

quickly quietly secretly silently

slowly softly stupidly unhappily

well wickedly willingly wisely
09 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 1 Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb.

My schoolmate is a careless driver. He drives……………………..


That girl is loud. She shouts ……………………….

Her English is fluent. She speaks English ……………………..
He is a good dancer. He dances really ………………………..

Their dad was angry. He spoke to them ……………………….
The painter is awful. He paints ………………………..

Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano…………………..

This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house …………………….. quietly
This exercise is simple. You…simply......................... have to put one word in each space.
Sofia is happy. She smiles ………………………

Practice 2 Answer the following questions.

a) Are your feet on the table? No, there are not on tite g) Can you measure how much sand there is at the beach?
table. Yes,
b) Do you like to go to the theatre? No, I can't measure sand. _
c) Do you often go to the movies? No,I don't h) Do women from Ecuador wear make up everyday?
No, They don't.
d) Do you understand when people speak in Chinese? _
No, I don't understand them i) Do all camels have two humps on their backs?
e) Where is Queen Elizabeth from? She is from England They usually have two humps.
j) Do you work-out on regular basis?
f) What colour is blood? The color of the blood is red Yes, I do
k) In your opinion is Guayaquil a cosmopolitan city?
Yes, I think so because it is a comercial city.
Why? / Why not?


For sentence, choose between COULD and COULDN'T.

1) We (could - couldn’t) open the door: 4) In 1945, people (could - couldn’t)

it was locked from the inside! play video games.

2) In 1900, people (could - couldn’t) 5) But they (could - couldn’t)

watch TV. play chess!

3)Mary's grandfather (could - couldn’t)

play chess and he was the best!
10 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Match the words with the picture correctly.

Paper clip Staple Carabiner Nail Zipper Thumbtack Button Clothespin TapeLock Screw Safety pin

Lesson 44

Practice 1 Answer the following questions.

a) Do you prefer to eat healthy food or unhealthy food? e) Is eating vegetables good for your health?
I prefer healthy Yes, It is healthy. _
b) Do you eat fast food? Yes, But I dona eat f) Where is God? Supossedly, In the sky ot heavens.
c) What kind of unhealthy food do you usually eat?? g) What does “hell” mean?
Usually, a burger or a
pizza The place were dinners are punished. _
d) Is drinking alcohol good for your health? No, It isn't h) What is the best way to learn a new language well?
The best way is studying.

Practice 2 Answer the following questions in

simple past tense.

a) Did you work yesterday? No, I do not work.

b) Did you answer all the questions in class last week?
Yes, I did. _
c) Did you destroy that sandcastle.? No, I didn't
d) Did you believe in santa clause when you were a child ?
Yes, But only when I was a child. _
e) When was the last time you jogged in the park?
at my 30 years

Practice 3 Complete using the right words.

1) Where’s my right hand? 3) Where’s my right hand, now?

Your right hand’s abov the table. Your right hand’s o the table now.
e n

2) Where’s my right hand? 4) Where’s my right hand, now?

Your right hand’s e the pen. Your right hand’s on the pen, now.
11 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

Choose the best option.

1. This lesson is ................over 4. Luckily, my wife and I in the building when

nearly almost near near the earthquake started.

weren't were not was not
2. It takes too much time to go home on time.
I always walk . 5. María and Carlos neither at home nor at the
quickly slow quick office last night.
was were weren't
3. If I write more , I finish my
homework in less time.
quickly quick fast

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Mop the floor Do the vacuuming Take out the trash Clean the toilet Feed the dog

The day of a sportsman

Chris is an athlete and he wakes up at 4:00 am every weekday morning. He spends the first 30 minutes reading and then
15 minutes meditating. At 5:00 am Chris checks his email for only 15 minutes and then goes for his first run of the day.
He runs for an hour and a half along the lake near his house. After running, Chris has a shower and then prepares breakfast,
which is usually yogurt and fruit. However, he occasionally has coffee and bacon and fried eggs. He usually finishes breakfast
at around 7 am. If it is a weekday, he always leaves the house at 8 am and goes to training. His training starts at 8:30 am, and
he needs 30 minutes to drive to the gym. He trains for 3 hours with his team and then goes home for lunch. He always eats a
very big and healthy lunch. As soon as he finishes lunch, he has a nap for one hour. After his nap, he likes to go for a walk
around the lake and look at nature. He sometimes reads or meditates at the lake in the afternoon. In the evening, during the
week, he meets up with friends. Most of his friends are athletes too, so they have a lot to talk about. He typically goes to bed
at 9 pm because he prefers to be awake in the morning than at night. He sometimes falls asleep listening to music, but he
never watches the television or reads anything on his tablet. He always makes sure his alarm is set and is almost always asleep
by 9:45 pm.
12 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Take the reading test

What time does he finish checking his emails? How often does he meditate?

5:30 am 5:15 am 6:00 am Once or twice a day. Once a day. Rarely

How long does he run for in the morning? What does Chris do to help him get to sleep?

45minutes 60minutes 90minutes listen to music read on his tablet watch TV

Chris has a healthy breakfast. What is the last thing he does before going to sleep?

always occasionally usually He reads He sets his alarm He checks the time

Lesson 45

health salud healthy sano, saludable

unhealthy no saludable

Is smoking good for your health?

No, smoking isn´t food for my

health, but it´s bad fot my health.

Practice 1 Answer the following questions correctly.

1. He jumped the bench. 5. Their eyes met a crowded room.

a) across b) over c) along a) across b) over c) along

2. I’ve got friends right the world. 6. The woman walked the path until she came

to her grandmother’s house.

a) across b) over c) along a) across b) over c) along
3. If I want to go from here to the station, must I go ………… 7. My aunt’s won the lottery! She’s the moon!
Olmedo street?
a) across b) over c) along a) across b) over c) along

4. Is there a white line along the road from here to the next 8. Do you like walking .............the beach?
a) across b) over c) along a) across b) over c) along
13 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Answer the following questions Future intention intención futura
correctly. to be going to ir a intention
For te Future Intention we use the words
“going to”. We use the Future Intention when
1. Do you have a job? What do you do? we have the intention of doing something in
the future; usually in the near future. For
I do not work
example, “at the moment, I am not taking the
pen, but I am going to take the pen”.
2. What is your perfect job?
Be going to + verb
My perfect job is taking care of my sons
Remember to change “be” to the correct form for the subject:
3. What do you do in your free time? I am going to play tennis tomorrow.
You are going to see your girlfriend next week.
I usually read or watch tv.
He / She is going to get married in September.
We are going to have a party on Sunday.
They are going to go to the beach this coming Friday.
Question form
As with all verbs that use the verb “to be”, change the subject and
the form of the verb to make questions:
AmHe I going to…?to
Are you -going to…? Is he
his/ she to…?
Grammar is (going cook going cook)
we going to…? Are they going to…?

Choose the best answer correctly.

I am (going be - going to be) in your house tomorrow


Are you (going to go - go to go) to the Jose's party? Is she (going - going to) get pregnant this

I am (lose - going to lose) more time in the next Are you (going - going to) drink wine in the weeding?

Am I (go to - going to) leave home later in the

next weekend?

Complete using the right word. Choose the best option to complete the answers.

1) Is there a white line along the road from here 4) Do you know the fastest way to go home
to the next town? from here?
Yes, I know the (fast way - faster way -
No, there isn't a white line along the road, but
fastest way) to go home from here.
there are two yellow lines the road.
g 5) Is it healthy for you to drink coffee 3 times
2) Do you like walking along the Malecon 2000?
No, it isn't healthy for me to drink coffee 3 times
Yes, I like along the Malecon 2000. everyday, but it is (healthier - healthy -
walking unhealthy)
6) Is an old dog healthier than a young dog?
3) Which is the best way to learn English?
The best to learn English is watching No,an old dog isn't (healthier - healthy -
wa videogames, listening songs in
movies, playing
y healthiest)
14 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
After reading Ambitious Mary", you can decide if the following sentences are true or false.

Mary Pratt is a young student who lives in Salinas, Guayas on the coast of Ecuador. Now, she is seventeen and is studying at
her local high school, but she already has big plans for her future. After she finishes high school next year, she's going to study
at a big university in the province of Pichincha. She's very happy about it.
She's going to live in Quito - her favourite city. She's going to study architecture, which means she is going to learn about all the
shapes and forms to construct things. And Quito is the perfect place to study architecture because of its colonial infrastructure
and besides it's very near to some villages where you can find inca ruins.
What is she going to do after she finishes her six-year course in Quito? - 'I'm going to become a very famous architect and
design wonderful buildings,' Mary says.

Mary lives in San Diego, California Quito is a good place to study architecture.
False True False True

False True False True

She left school last year You can also find in Pichincha some Huancavilca ruins.

Mary is very ambitious about her future. The architecture course she's going to do is long.
False True False True

She's going True city next year.
to live in her favorite Mary wants to use her education to help the city with beautiful

False True

Lesson 46
Practice 1 Answer the following questions correctly.

a) Ten plus six equals fifteen: Do you agree?

No, I don't it is sixteen
b) Do you agree that Ecuador is big country?
Yes, I agree
c) Do you always agree with everything people say?
No, that is almost impossible
d) What do you add to your coffee?
I add sugar to my
e) What do you add to a regular verb to form the past tense?
Usually, you add "ed" or just "d"
f) Are you in the corner of this room? No, I am

g) Can you go from Ecuador to Bolivia by ship?

No, Bolivia doesn't have a sea.
15 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Answer the following questions correctly.

a) What is the difference between “bring” and “take”? f) Define the word “quiet” in English?
The difference between bring and take bring is's for movement
towards the speaker. Take is for movement in any other direction Not making sounds _
b) Do you bring a dictionary with you to school? g) Is pure water bad for the healthy?
No, I don't but I do have one at home No, Pure water is good for the healthy _
c) Do you take food home with you after the lesson? h) Do you always keep your promises?

No, I do groceries once a week Yes, I try to _

d) Do you bring any food with you to your English lessons? i) Do you always promise things?

Yes, I do No, I only promise wkat I know that I can accomplish. _

e) Do you take anything with you when you visit somebody?

Yes, I do normally take food with me when i'm visiting

Practice 3 Answer the following questions correctly.

Where do you live? I live in Duran city

Do you live in a house or an apartment / flat?

I live a apartament

Who do you live with?

I live with my childrens and with


shan´t negación contraida de shall Shall I go gome in 2 minutes´ time?

No, you won´t go home in 2 minutes´ time.
won´t negación contraida de will
grammatically Will you be here in 100 years´s time?
No, I shan´t be here in 100 years´s time.
The contraction of “I shall not ” is “I shan´t”
The contraction of “you will not” is “you won´t” Shall we live for a thousand years?
No, we shan´t live for a thousand years.

Practice 4 Write sentences with will/won´t/shall/shan´t according to its context.

1. I as a chef because I like cooking very much. (work)

shall work
2. My best mate to the park because she is ill. (go)
3. They go their exams. They always study a lot. (pass)
4. My friends pass by plane. It’s very expensive. (travel)
won't travel
5. We a good time in the swimming pool. It’s cold. (have)
6. Your brother
have the movie. It’s a science fiction one and she loves them. (like)
7. It like cold tomorrow. It’s April. (be)
will be
16 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

Complete using the right words.

1) Do you agree with the president's law? 4) Does your gilfriend agree that you talk with
No, I don't agree with with the presiden's a lot of girls?
the No, my girlfriend doesn't agre
law, but some I agree and some g . that I
o talk with a lot of girls. e
2) Do you always agree with everything your
5) Does your father agree that you wear those
mom says?
kind of clothes?
Yes, I always agre with everything
my mom says.e No, my father doesn't agre that I wear
these kind of clothes. e
3) Do your parents disagree with the fact you
are going to live apart from them?
Yes, my parents disagree with the fact I
am going to live apart from them.

Choose the best answer.

I (won’t be - shan’t be) in your house tomorrow He (won’t cook - shan’t cook) his favourite meal tonight.

(Will - Shall) you go to the Jose's party? (Shall - Will) she get pregnant this year?

I (won’t lose - shan’t lose) more time in the next (Will - Shall) I drink wine in the weeding?

(Will - Shall) I leave home later in the next weekend?

Choose the answers ‘right’ (A) or ‘wrong’ (B) when there is not enough information choose ‘doen’t mention’ (C).

From: management******
To: Jack***
Subject: Your hotel key card

To open the door of your room, put the card into the door with the key symbol facing you. When you hear a click, remove the
card and turn the handle. You can use your key card to get into the hotel between 12 p.m. and 5 a.m. Put the card into the
hotel's main entrance door with the key facing away from you. The door will open automatically when you hear the bell rings.
You do not need to push the door.
We hope you enjoy your stay at Charlie’s Hotel

The management
17 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
1.- The name of the hotel is “Charlie’s Hostal”. 4.- When putting the card into the main entrance door, it has
to be facing away from us.
right wrong doen’t mention
right wrong doen’t mention

2.- People use the same key card to open toilets. 5.- You must push the hotel entrance door when the bell rings.
right wrong doen’t mention right wrong doen’t mention

3.- The same key card can be used to open both your 6.- The management sends the email.
room and the main entrance door.
right wrong doen’t mention
right wrong doen’t mention

Lesson 47

Practice 1 Answer the following questions.

a) Are you impolite with elder people?
I am not impolite with elder people.

b) Is smoking in a public place polite?

No, it isnt smoking in a public place polite.

c) Do you like to help with the chores in your house?

Yes, I do like to help with the chores in your house.
d) Which is the common food in your city?
e) Can you express your thoughts in English?

bring traer take llevar

carry to somebody carry from somebody
carry here carry there
come with something go with something
come here with go there with Bring those books here, please
something = bring something = take

For example: When you come here, you bring

your book with you.
When you go there, you take your book with you. Take those books there, please

Practice 2 Fill in the words bring or take in their right forms into the gaps.

1. He often brin his son to his mother. 6. My wife often flowers when she comes home.
g g
2. When you come to my party, don't forget to brin 7. Would you this to the workshop for me?
something to drink. g g
3. Is Peter Steve to my party? 8. Can you brin the car to the garage on Monday?
g g
4. Could you tak her some pepper, please? 9. tak this folder to the library, please.
e e
5. Can you brin the CD to your uncle, please? 10. She is tak out the rubbish now.
g e
18 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Answer the following questions correctly.

1) What’s your national sport?

My national sport is soccer
2) What sports do people usually do in your city or town?
My sports do people usually do in your city or town es futbol
3) What things do you often lose?

The things that I lose often is the keys


Complete using the right words.

1. Do you bring a pen with you to school?

4. Do you bring your food in a bag or a
Yes, I a pen with me to school. lunchbox?
g No, I don't brin my food in a lunchbox.
2. Do you take the chair home with you after
the lesson? 5. When you go to the beach, what do
No, I don’t the chair home with you ‘take’ with you?
me after the lesson.
e When I go to the beach, I tak money
with me. e
3. Do you bring any food with you to school?

No, I don’t any food with me to

Complete with bring or take in their right forms.

1. this dictionary to the shelf. 5. My brother always some flowers to his wife in
brin tak
her birthday.
2. gCould you some coffee for us please? e
tak 6. I am hungry, can you some food when you come?
3. Would you e this Cd to the shop? bring
brin 7. Don’t forget to your umbrella if you out.
g to the beach, don’t forget to tak
4. When you go
8. Can you e the pen to your brother, please?
your flip flops. tak
e e

Lesson 48

Practice 1 Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative.

a) I saw John, but I did not Peter. e) Jack washed the dishes, but he the car.
did not went
b) They worked on Saturday, but they on Sunday. f) It rained on Monday, but it on Tuesday.
did not walk did not
c) We went to the store, but we to the bank. g) I watch television yesterday,rain
but I the day
did not did not
d) She had a car, but she go before yesterday.
did not have
a driving license. h) I bought a pair of shoes, but I a belt.
did not
19 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Complete the following sentences, Choose the best answer.

a) Yesterday evening I watc television. brush die end enjoy happen live open
b) I brus h three times yesterday.
my teeth start stay turn want watch play rain
h dark, so I
c) It was on the light.
d) The concert last night.nIt star at 7:30 and

en at 10 o'clock. t
d accident
e) The happe Sunday afternoon.
f) When I was a child,nI pla to be a doctor.
g) Mozart liv from 1756 to 1791.
Practice 3 You are asking somebody questions. Practice 4 Now write questions with Who/What/
Write questions with Did...? How/Why...?

a) I watched TV last night. How about you? Did you watch Example: I met somebody. Who did you meet?
TV last night? a) Lucy arrived early. Whe di
b) I enjoyed the party. How about you? she arried ?n d
enjoy the b) I saw somebody. Wh di
c) party?
I had a good vacation. How about you?
Did you se o? d
hart a good vacation? you e
c) They traveled last night. Whe di
d) I went to the beach last weekend. And you? Did
they travel ? n d
go to the beach last weekend?
e) I danced all night. What about you? d) The meeting ended late.
Ho di
it en ? w d
Did you dance all night?
f) I got up late this morning. How about you? d
Did you get up late this morning?
g) I didn't sleep well last night. And you?

Did you do sleep well last night?

h) I worked hard yesterday. What about you?
work hard yesterday? you

Practice 5 Complete the following sentences. Choose the best answer.

1. He a an ice-cream at the corner store. a) bought b) brought c) broke

2. They didn't c what to do. a) knew b) known c) know
3. I a a good movie last night. a) saw b) went c) had
4. We b a cake for his birthday. a) done b) made c) did
5. My friends c shopping last weekend. a) were b) was c) went
6. He b down and hurt his knee. a) fell b) felt c) fall
7. c your wife surprised? a) were b) was c) did
8. I b up very early this morning. a) were b) wake c) got
9. She c her children to school. a) took b) taken c) take
20 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 6 Answer the following questions in simple past tense.

Test your knowledge of past simple irregular verbs. Fill in the blanks. Do not use contractions!Vocabulary: "bucks"
is American slang for dollars, so 20 bucks = 20 dollars.

Yesterday I di (do) not have much fun. I wen (go) for a bike ride around three in the afternoon. Some
guys cam d (come) up behind me and sai t (say), "I bet you twenty bucks can beat you in a race." I
ha e (say), "You got it!" and we d
too (take) off. I never (see) the old lady crossing the
d She
street. ha (have) a cane and k
wa (be) really slow. When I hid (hit) her we both weh
(go) flying. I dfle (fly) about ten feet ands landed (land) on my face. The guy I was racing with knet
w but he aske
(know) I was hurt, (ask) me for the twenty bucks anyway. I tol (tell) him to call anw ambulance
but he kept saying, "I wo d (win); I wo (win)." Finally, I gavd (give) him the money and he
wen (go) and n mad n
(make) the call. e
t e

Practice 7 Look at the words and make questions and short answers.

Ruth / drive / a pickup car ?
Will Ruth drive a pickup car? Yes, she will.
Tim / work / as a doctor?
Well Tim work as a doctor No, he will
John / train / to be a police officer?
Well John train to be a police officer Yes, he
Danny and Joseph / ride / a bike?
Well Danny and Joseph ride a bike Yes, they
Gilbert / live / in Milagro?
Well Gilbert live in No, he will
Milagro not
Richard / ride / a motorbike?
Well Richard ride a Yes, he
motorbike will

Complete using the right words. Choose the best option to complete the answers.

1. Will Marcos be here next lesson? 4. Will they speak English during the next lesson?
No, he won't here next lesson. No, (they won’t - they shall - they’ll) speak English
e during the next lesson.
2. Shall we be here in 3 months’ time? 5. Will you come to school tomorrow?
her in 3 months’ time.
No, we won't be No, (I won’t - I’ll - I shan’t) come to school tomorrow.
3. Will it rain next year? 6. Shall I buy the new Iphone?
No, it will next year. Yes, you (wil buy - shan’t buy - won’t buy) the new
rain iphone.
21 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Match the words with the picture correctly.

Take a shower Cook dinner Go to work Drive to work Go to bed Watch TV I comb my hair Get up Arrive home

Write the right name of the place to complete the sentence. The first letter is there for you do not need to write it.

1. A b a_ _n_ is a place where we deposit or 4. A p o

s t o f f i c e is a place where you
take out money. send letters and parcels.

2. A s c
_h_ _o _o_l is a place where you study. 5. A c i_______
n ema is a place where you see films.

3. A l __________
i b r a r y is a place where you borrow

Lesson 49

Practice 1 For items 1 - 5, choose the correct letter (A - F).

Example: 0 People go here when they are sick! Answer: 0 A B C D E F G H

1. Wash both your hands. A


2. Go out the door.


3. Special customers have preference.

4. Special offers in a particular season.

5. Walk across the street here.
22 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Read the sentences and choose the best word (A, B or C).

Example: 0 London’s the capital of …………

a) Russia b) China c) England Answer: 0


1. A did you meet your husband? – At the museum.

a) Where b) When c) How ofte Museum

2. What are the B names? – Jim and Jo.

a) child’s b) children c) children’s

3. A do you live with? – With my sister.

a) Who b) How often c) What

4. There were A books on the desk.

a) two b) a couple c) twice

5. Someone who doesn’t speak a lot is C .

a) strict b) interesting c) quiet

Practice 3 Read the article about “Worcester”. Choose the answers “right” (a) or “wrong” (b)
When there is not enought information to answer “right” (a) or “wrong” (b), choose
“doesn´t mention” (c).

Hi Paul,
I live in Worcester, a beautiful city in England. There are a
lot of old buildings and there are some very nice parks.
Worcester is famous for its cathedral, and you can go and
visit it as a tourist every Thursday from 11am. I go there
every Sunday for mass. It’s great! In the centre of
Worcester there are three theatres and a very good

I like going shopping at Chapel Walk. Worcester’s about two and a half hours away from London by train, and there
are trains to London every half hour from there. I think Worcester’s a great place to live in!
Tell me about Barcelona!
Love, Josh
23 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Worcester is in Australia.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
The Buildings in Worcester are old.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
Rose goes to the cathedral every Thursday.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
Worcester has three theatres opening at 6pm every Friday.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
Rose goes shopping in Southgate near Worcester fore gate street.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
It takes 30 minutes to get to London.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
Paul lives in Usa.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention

Practice 4 Complete the paragraph. Write ONE word for each space.

There are a lot (1) man restaurants in my neighbourhood. FRANKFURTER GRILL

My favourite restaurant is The happy chef, but I also like
Peter’s meals. I eat at The happy chef (2) on or twice a
week. My cousin Sarah goes (3) t Joe’s Grill
restaurant every Saturday with (4) m brother, Marcus.
They take their little brother to Charlie’s Frankfurters (5)

is Tuesdays, after school.

Practice 5 Read the sentences and choose the best word (a, b, or c).

Example: 0 London’s the capital of …………

A Russia B China C England Answer: 0 A B C

1. I want to have a drink because I’m very ………………

A thirsty B hungry C tall DRILL

2. There ............ two drills in my store yesterday.

A was B are C were

3. Young boys are physically .................. than men.

A Less weak B More Strong C Stronger

4. I have got two eyes. I am quite ……….

A safe B sure C Impolite

5. Are you always ................. to help other people?

A will B willingly C willing
24 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 6 Speaking practice

Talk about a town or city you know well Quito is the capital of
Quito was designated a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in .
When and where do you spend time with your family?
I spend time with my family every weekend at my
How often do you go to the movies?
I never go to the cinema


Complete using the right words. Choose the best option to complete the answers.

1. Do you think it’s easy to stop smoking? 4. Do you ever feel ill?

No, I don't think it's easy to stop smokin Yes, I sometimes feel (well - ill)

2. Are you hungry at the moment? 5. When you feel ill, what do you do?

Yes, I am hungr When I feel ill, I go to bed and call a

______ at the moment.
y_ (teacher - doctor)

3. Did you hear the news on the wireless 6. Do people generally feel well when
the weather is bad?
No, people don’t generally feel well
No, I didn’t hear the news on the wireless .
when the weather is bad, but they feel
(well - bad)

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Kitesurfing Surfing Wakesurfing Swimming Kayaking Jump into
25 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Lesson 50
Dream Garden Crime

Practice 1 Answer the questions correctly.

a) Do you always dream? I ALWAYS DREAM I FLIYING IN THE SKY

b) Do you have a garden in your house? I HAVE A BIG GARDEN IN MY HOUSE
c) Is there crime in Guayaquil? YES, THERE IS A CRIME IN GUAYAQUIL
d) If someone offers you alcohol, do you accept it? NO, I DON'T ACCEPT
There was / There where
1. Use there wasfor singular nouns. (one item) There was a spider on the wall.
There was There where
Question Was there...? Were there...? 2. Use there wasfor non-count items There was milk on the flo.or

Negative There wasn’ There weren’ 3. Use there werefor many items (plural nouns) There were pencils on my desk.

Practice 2 Complete the sentences using Practice 3 Complete the sentences with there
the correct verb to be. was/there wasn´t/was there/there
were/ there were´t/ were there.

a) There WER many animals in the zoo. a) I was hungry but THERE WASN´T anything
b) There E a snake in the window.
WA to eat.
c) There S
WA a zebra in the grass.
b) WAS THERE any packages for me
d) There S lions in the zoo, too.
E yesterday?
e) There WER many cubs (baby lions) near their
parents. E c) THERE WAS a soccer match on TV last

f) There WA a bird next to the tree. night, but I didn't see it.
g) There S
WER many monkeys in the trees. d) “We stayed at a nice hotel.” “Really?
h) There E
WA an elephant in the zoo.
WAS THERE a swimming pool?”
i) There S
WA some water near the elephants.
S e) The suitcase was empty. THERE
j) There WER birds in the zoo.
k) There E many people visiting the animals any clothes on it.
today. E f) I found a wallet on the street, but
l) There WER many children, too. any money in it.
m) There WA a gorilla in the tree.
g) WERE THERE many people at the
n) There S
WA some grass under the tree.
o) There WER
S bananas in the tree with the gorilla.
p) There WER many birds near the gorilla.
q) There WA a rock near the tree.
r) There WER many sharks in the aquarium.
s) There E
WA an eel in the aquarium, too.
t) There S lots of water for the fish.
u) There S
WER many animals to see at the zoo.
26 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 4 Choose the correct options.

a) Have you got a at home? c) crime in the city where you live? I
Garden hear it is very safe.
Gardening Are there
Gardens Is there
There is
b) Why do you to help your d) I feel when I do not eat nor drink
neighbour? for a long time.
Separate Convenient
Refuse Weak
Cancel Taller
More convenient


The verb “get” has got 11 different meanings, About how much does a Doctor get a month?
and we use it a lot, because it´s very short A Doctor earns about ($) a month.
and easy. They are as follows:
Can you get that book
1) become ponerse 2) earn ganar without standing up?
3) reach alcanzar 4) arrive llegar 4) buy comprar
No, I can´t reach that
When you get hungry, what do you do?
book without standing up.
When I become hungry, I eat.

What time do you generally get home after each lesson?

I generally arrive home at about (1pm / 5pm / 8pm)
after each lesson.

Can I get clothes from a cigarette shop?

No, you can´t buy clothes from a cigarette shop.

Practice 5 Write the verb the best fit in each sentence for the verb “get”.

1. I get about $1000 a month from my job. EAR 8. I got 99 out of 100 in my English exam. REACH
2. He got angry when he heard about the news. BECOM
E 9. I would like to get her a watch for her birthday. BU
3. I don't get how the machine works. REAC Y
4. Did you get the e-mail I sent you this morning? ARRIV 10. Somebody is calling. Can you get the phone? REAC

5. My manager got me to do the report, but I didn't want to. 11. I get the bus to work every morning. ARRIV

6. At
G what time will you get to Samborondon? ARRIV 12. Sorry, it's noisy here. I didn't get what you said. REAC
7. It wasn't easy, but I finally got her to sign the contract.
13. They got the new service contract. OBTAI
27 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Hairdresser To smile Tax

Practice 6 Answer the following questions correctly.

a) How often do you go to the hairdresser?

I OFTEN GO hairdresser.
b) Is it okay for elder people to pay taxes?


c) Do you smile a lot?

YES, I DO I SMILE a lot.

d) Do most people prefer to die young?


Practice 7 Speaking practice.

Talk about how usually meet people in your town or city I USUALLY MEET NEW PEOPLE IN THE BEACH
Which activities are good for a couple to do together? THE ACTIVITIES FOR A COUPLE DO TOGETHER
Do you think opposities attract? Why? Why not? YES, I THINK ITS BECAUSE THE OPPOSITE PERSON

Choose the best meaning of “get” in the following sentences.

1. When you get hungry, what do you do? 5. Can I get clothes from a cigarette shop?

When I (reach - become) hungry, I eat. No, you can’t (obtain - buy) clothes from a cigarette shop.

2. About how much does a Doctor get a month? 6. Do you get any cards from your friends at Christmas time?
No, I don’t (persuade - receive) any cards from my friends
A Doctor (earns - reaches) about $2000 a month.
at Christmas.
3. Can you get that book without standing up? 7. Will you go and get me a pen from the next room, please?

No, I can’t (have - reach) that book without standing up. Yes, I will go and (bring - persuade) you a pen from the
next room.
4. What time do you generally get home after each lesson? 8. Do we get milk from an animal?
I generally (receive - arrive) home at about 8pm after Yes, we (become - obtain) milk from an animal.
each lesson.
28 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Complete the mail. Write one word for each place.

Example: 0 Sorry

Dear Charles,

I am (0) (sorry - at) to tell you that (1) (got - at) the moment I haven't (2) (got - are) enough
money to buy the car you (3) (are - at) offering me. (Beside - Besides) my university, I have (4)
(to - are) pay (5) (at - are) Italian course I am taking (6) (on - at) Sundays. It costs me about $150 a
month and my pockets are empty right (7) (are - now). I was calling you on the phone with no answer, unfortunately.
I know you are (8) (give - giving) me a good price and all, but as I am telling you, I've got (9) (nobody - are)
to help me right now. My parents are (on - under) holidays and I can't speak with (10) (them - give) on the
phone either.
Once again, thank you for your consideration.

Your friend,


Lesson 51

Practice 1 Choose the best answer correctly.

a) What time home last night? c) Are they to give me all the money they
you got have in the whole world?
did you get willying?
do you get wiling
you get wheeling
b) She to give me all the money willing
she has got in her bag. d) We are start studying English the
is not willing everyday.
will not very willing to
didn’t gave me willing for
didn’t give me willing

Practice 2 Answer the questions with TRUE answers.

a) What lesson are you studying now? I'M STUDYING e) What did you do last night?
I was lying down because I'm sick
b) Are you sure? f)CHILDRENS
Is it cheap to build a large house in this city? YES,
c) What color are your pants?THE COLOR PINK g) Is it polite to say “please” when we make a request? YES
d) Are you sure? YES, SURE h) About how many pages does this book contain?
29 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Choose the best answer correctly.

a) Can you the way to the metro station c) The box seven chocolate cakes.
from here? Please. containing
show you contain
to show me contains
show me contained
showing me
b) How many cakes does the box ? d) Does she unwell if she drinks too much?
container feeling
contained fills
contain feels
contains feel

Practice 4 Complete the four dialogues, mark (A, B, or C).

0 What do you add to your coffee? Answer: 0


1 What can I do for you? A I need some advice on this product

B About two hours from now
C I don’t think you can wait for me

2 Please, take me to the Peruvian Embassy. A I’m not thirsty at the moment
B Where is the problem with that?
C Of course, but it’s very far from here

3 Where can I get a good restaurant? A You have to ask my mother about that
B There aren’t as many as you think
C I can’t possibly know how to do that

4 Could you tell me where the Metro is? A Take left and go straight for the toilet
B Walk two blocks and turn right
C Don’t move and keep still

5 How can I get to the Fifth Avenue? A I have no idea where that is
B Why don’t we go dancing tonight?
C Let’s celebrate our anniversary!
30 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
6 The phrasal verb “give away” means:…….”.
A Give as a present B Give back C Give up

7 The phrasal verb “go away” means…………………….

A leaving for a long period of time B staying in a room C going for a walk around the park

8 We do business ………………..
A at other companies B with other countries C to other countries

9 Foreign means :
A Out of a country B A dish served with chips C A neighborhood near home

there will be habrá there´ll be habrá

Will there be anything on TV tonight?
Yes, there´ll be something on TV tonight
Will there be any chairs on the floor next lesson?
Yes, there´ll be some chairs on the floor next lesson.

Will there be anybody sitting on the floor next lesson?

No, there won´t be anybody sitting on the floor next lesson.
Will there be a teacher for this class next week?
Yes, there will be a teacher for this group next week.

Practice 5 Read the following sentences and choose the one that fits the phrase in its correct form:

a) a PS4 in my bedroom when I was younger. e) I think swimming lessons next month.

There wasn’t There weren’t There won’t be There wasn’t There weren’t There won’t be

b) better presidents in the future? f) some people who really enjoyed dancing “salsa music”.

There will be Will be there Will there be There were There was There will be

c) I remember when you cared for me. g) The company is not really working, so I suspect any
changes in the near future
was there there was there will be

d) I bought a new clock alarm yesterday but any batteries in it. There wasn’t There weren’t There won’t be

There wasn’t There weren’t There won’t be
31 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Where (your grilfriend will be - will your girlfriend be -

When (will be your birtthday - will be your girlfriend) waiting for you?
your birthday will be - will your birthtday be)?
My birthday will be next week.
My birthday will be next week.

Where (will be you - will you be - you will be)? (Will there be - Will be there - There will be)
anything to eat in the fridge?
I will be in Salinas next weekend.
Yes, there will be something to eat in the fridge.
(Will there be - Will be there - There will be) (Anybody will be - Will be anybody - Will anybody be)
a new teacher next class? inside the classroom?
Yes, there will be a new teacher next class. Yes, somebody will be inside the classroom.

(Will there be - Will be there - There will be) What (you will be - will be you - will you be)
a problem with the car during the trip? doing after the lesson?
No, there won't be a problem with the car during the trip. I will be working after the lesson.

Complete using the right word. Choose the best option to complete the answers.

1. Did you go away the last summer? 4. Do you take this book away?
No, I don't take (this away book -
Yes, I 'M the last summer
away this book - this book away)

2. Do you throw anything away when 5. Did she give you her time away?
you are angry?
No, I don't THRE anything away when No, she didn't give me her (time away -
I am angry. W away time)

3. Do you ever give your money away 6. Do you run away when you feel in
when you are happy? danger?
Yes, I sometimes GAV money away Yes, I (run - run away - away run)
when I am happy. E when I fell in danger.

Lesson 52

Practice 1 Answer the questions with TRUE answers.

a) Do you fill your stomach completely when you eat? e) Are you very good at art?
b) Does
YOU EATa soldier make a lot of money? f) Do you feel bad if you eat too much?
c) Is itRANK
cheap to buy a car? g) Do you feel dizzy if you drink too much wine?
d) Is it expensive to buy a shirt? h) Do you feel dizzy after drinking a few beers?


32 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Answer the following questions. Practice 3 Read the following descriptions
and write the correct verb in
simple past.
a) What time did you leave home to come to your a) Past of Hold H_e _l d_
English class? I receive my english class at home b) Past of Hear H_e _a _r d_
c) Past of Teach T_
a _u _g _h_
b) Did you learn anything new in your last class? t
d) Past of Shake Sh
_o_ o_ k_
If i learned to read the book and identify verbs and adjectives.
e) Past of Know Kn
c) Did you buy anything last week?
f) Past of Buy Bo
_ _u _g _h _
I'm not sick t
g) Past of See Sa
d) Did you read anything last week?
h) Past of Think T_
h _o _u _g _h_
Yes, I read a book to do my english homework and the lessons t

e) How many people did you meet in your last class? Practice 4 Choose the best answer.
. I think we are almost 20. But I met 1 my friend Priscila
a) Did you fee pain after the surgery?
f) How did you feel yesterday? I felt a bit sick. feell
g) Did you hear any strange noise a few minutes ago?
Yes, I heard some strange noises it was my mother hahaha b) Did you feel that earthquake two seconds ago?
No, I didn't it.
h) Where did you go last weekend? feel
Not feeling
. Nowhere because I'm sick Not felt
did not feel
i) What did your teacher say in the last class?
. That we prepare for the exam that is on Saturday c) Have you learn any words during the lesson?
felt t
j) Did you know English before taking this course? learnt
No, I did not know anything but now I talk a little slow but I do
k) Did you buy anything new for your house last week? d) Do you sen letters to your friends every Christmas?
No, I have not bought anything new for my house in the past send
week. sends

Practice 5 Complete the four dialogues, mark (A,B, or C).

A salt and water

B sugar

What do you add to your coffee? C it’s good, thanks

1. Could you tell me where a bathroom is?

A Go straight and take your left B The toiletries are so important C Sure. At what time do we go out?

2. Doctor, help me. I have a bad headache.

A Do you feel dizzy at the moment? B When did you go to the Pharmacy? C Sure, come back tomorrow

3. Help! Somebody stole my handbag and my Money

A Call somebody to get that man B They sell handbags in clothes shops C I can show you the way to Handbag St.

4. Is Miss Turner in?

A We are on holidays for the weekend B No, can I take your message for her? C He’ll be back next Tuesday
33 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
hard duro difficult difícil suggest sugerir fruit fruta
very much mucho
exercise ejercicio alchohol
the opposite of soft lo opuesto de suave
Where do you suggest I go for my holiday?
What are the 3 meanings of the word “hard”?
I suggest you go to (..) for your holiday next year.
The 3 meanings of the word “hard” are:
difficult, very much, and the opposite of soft. Tomorrow I shall buy a shirt (or dress), what
colour do you suggest I buy?
Is Chinese an easy language to learn?
I suggest you buy a blue shirt.
No, Chinese isn´t an easy language to learn, but it´s a hard
language to learn.

Practice 6 Fill in the words in brackets as adjective or adverb.

a) The class is a terrible loud today. (terrible) f) He sings the song well . (good)

b) He quickly reads a book. (quick) g) He is a careful driver. (careful)


c) Mario is a goo singer. (good) h) The dog barks loudl . (loud)

d y

d) You can eas open this can. (easy) i) He drives the car carefull . (careful)
y y

e) It's a horrible day today. (horrible) j) Jessica is a prett girl. (pretty)


Practice 7 The following words end in -ly. Are they adjectives, adverbs or both? Circle the correct answer.

a) Suddenly e) silly
adjective adverb adjective adverb

b) Lovely f) generally
adjective adverb adjective adverb

c) Hungrily g) monthly
adjective adverb adjective adverb

d) yearly h) fully
adjective adverb adjective adverb

Practice 8 Speaking practice.

Describe 5 activities you like doing with a friend . I do my activities with my children, we eat we watch
movies, etc. At this time I usually lie down all day
Talk about what you usually do in the morning, afternoon and evening. because I have had a hysterichomy

What time do you usually get up on the weekend? At 6:00

34 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

Choose the best answer for each question.

Can you express your feelings easily? No, I don’t live in a hill.

Is an actor able to express pain? No, I can’t express my feelings easly.

Does your father express fear when he is angry? Yes, I like little dogs.

Do you like little dogs? Yes, my father expresses fear when he is angry.

Do you live in a hill? Yes, an actor is able to express pain.

Choose the best answer. Complete using the right word.

1. Where’s the letter ‘C’? 4. Is Chinese an easy language to lean?

The letter ‘C’ is in (the top left hand - the middle - No, Chinese isn’t an easy language to learn, but it’s a difficul
the top right hand) - corner. language to learn.

2. Where’s the letter ‘A’? 5. Is English grammar hard?

The letter ‘A’ is in (the bottom left hand - the middle - No, English grammar isn’t hard, but it’s difficul
the top right hand) - corner. t

2. Where’s the letter ‘B’? 6. Do you think women generally work harder than men?
The letter ‘B’ is in (the bottom left hand - the middle - Yes, I think women generally work harde than men.
the top right hand) - corner. r


Hello, my name’s Tom. I love football, I am a great fan of Barcelona. I am also interested in cars. When I was a child it was
my passion. I’m crazy about driving and I also enjoy fixing cars. When I was nine, I had many toy cars. I would play with them;
repair the ones my friends broke. I also helped my dad fix his car. So, eventually, I decided to become a mechanic and open
up my own shop. My family is happy with my choice, too. They think it’s important that I pursue a career that I like. I have a
bright career now and I really enjoy it. I’m planning to get married soon. My girlfriend is also interested in cars. Who knows,
maybe we can run the car shop together with our kids in the future.

1. Tom has been interested in cars since ----.

2019 he was born he started driving very young age

2. What would be the best "title" for this paragraph?

Tom’s career choice Cars in our life Tom and Barcelona Tom and his friends

3. Which of the following statements is wrong?

Tom likes Barcelona football club Tom's friends broke his toys Tom's girlfriend likes cars Tom is a football player
35 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Lesson 53

Practice 1 Read and answer the following questions.


1. Name a wild animal you know? The lion is a wild animal that I know.
2. Do you like to travel by boat? No, I don't like to travel by boat.
3. Do you eat eggs when you have breakfast? Yes, I eat eggs when you have breakfast.
4. Do you sell anything? No, I don't
5. Do you ever give presents away? Yes, I have given someone a small present
6. Did you go away on your last vacation? No, I didn't leave on my last vacation.
7. Do you take this book away with you after the lesson? No, I don't take this book with me after the lesson.
8. Does this country do business with foreign countries? Yes, They do business with foreign countries.
9. What foreign countries have you travelled to? No, I have not traveled to any foreign country

Practice 2 Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-5, mark the correct
letter A-G.

EXAMPLE: a) Not, exactly. Here in Ecuador there are places where

MEGAN: Hi Josh, how are things? you can get cozy and have good rest while on holiday. I
JOHN: 0 …...F……. think that is definitely very worthwhile.
MEGAN: Where do you suggest I go for my holiday? b) Well, I went to New York last year, but there are so
JOHN: 1 …………..
D many things to do there, that I don’t think you’ll get the
MEGAN: I need one where I can rest. Any
peace and tranquility you are looking for.
d) Of course darling, let me get the yellow pages and I’ll
JOHN: 2……………………..
find them for you.
MEGAN: So, do you think it’s worth staying home then?
d) Well, there are lots of places for you to visit.
JOHN: 3………………….
A e) No, but I’ve got so some contacts with people who
MEGAN: Have you got any friends on these places?
work in travel agencies.
JOHN: 4………………..
f) Not too bad.
MEGAN: Oh Wonderful, could you get those so I can
g) I don’t feel tired at the moment, but I’m going to
call them?
JOHN: 5………..

got pasado de get had (past of have)

The past of “have” is “had” The contradiction of “I
Where did you buy your shoes? had” is I´d - “you had” you´d : he´d : she´d : we´d.
I got my shoes from Nike´s
could podía (past of can) baby
What time did you arrive here today?
I got here at 2pm What´s the past of “can”?
Did people earn less money in the old days It´s could.
than they do today? Could you speak English 15 years ago?
Yes, pleople got less money in the old days than No, I couldn´t speak English 15 years ago.
they get today.
36 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Choose the correct answer.

1. drive a car? 4. She when she was a child.

Can she Can she to She can could’not swim can swim could swim not

2. I speak Portuguese. 5. draw well when you were a child?

Can to can’t not can You could Could you to Could you

3. Can the children read yet? Yes, 6.My friends and I play for hours five years ago.

Read can They can Can they can will could

Practice 4 Speaking practice.

What time do you go to bed on the weekend? I go to bed around 10pm.

When do you like working or studying? . I like to study and work but now I do it online

What’s your favourite season? Why? My favorite season is winter because I don't suffocate


Choose the best answer. Complete using the right word.

1. Should I study more to pass the course? 4. What should you read to learn new words?

Yes, you (study should - should to study - I should hav a dictionary.

should study) more to pass the course. e

5. Where should we go after the lesson?

2. Should I buy a car this year?
We should go home to the lesson.
No, you (should buy - shouldn’t buy - review
shouldnt buy) a car this year, but you
should buy it next year. 6. Should we stay at home during the emergency?

Yes, we should stay at home durin

2. Should you make silence during the lesson? g
the emergency.
Yes, I (should make - make -
shouldn’t make) silence during the lesson.
37 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Lesson 54

Practice 1 Read and answer the following questions.

a) Is a bush higher than a tree? i) Is Chinese a difficult language to learn?

No, the tree is higher than a bush. Yes, The chinese language is difficult to learn. _
b) What is the price of a pair of trousers? j) Do you take the English lessons seriously?
The trousers costs $10.00 dollar. Yes, I take english lessons seriously. _
c) Do you work in a factory? k) Are eggs soft?

No, I don't work in the factory. Yes, the eggs are _

d) What do the words “worth” and “to be worthy” mean? stay home on vacation?
l) Do
"Worth" Having (one thing) the same value as another that is
expressed. "To be worthy" dignity refers to the merit that a Yes, I do stay home on vacation. _
e) has for
Is it worth actions.
having a car? m) Are your hands hard?

Yes, It is worth to have a car. . I don't have hard _

f) Do you think it's worth studying a foreign language? n) hands
Do you work hard on Sundays?

Yes, It is worth to study a foreign language. I am sick but when I am healthy I work hard at home in _
the trades.
g) Do you think it's worth doing exercises? o) Do you think it´s worth buying an umbrella if you live in a
Yes, It is worth to do exercises. country where it only rains about once a month?
h) Is English an easy language to learn? _
No, It0s not wortg buying an umbrella where it only rains once
If you proporse. It's easy to learn. a month.

Practice 2 Read the sentences and choose the best word (A, B, or C).

0 There..............many bears in the zoo last year.
A are B was C were Answer: 0 A B C

1. Is a bush ……. than a tree?

a) higher b) more high c) highly

2. The price of a shirt depends …. the shop. UNDERWATER HOCKEY

a) of b) from c) on

3. I always take the English lessons…

a) seriously b) serious c) more serious

4. Do you think it is .......... speaking a foreign language?

a) word b) worth c) work

5. It was worth ........... underwater hockey last weekend

a) to play b) played c) playing
38 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Complete the four dialogues, mark (A, B, or C).

A to the stadium
B I prefer sundays
0 Where will you go next Saturday ?
C in the mornings

1.- What will you do tomorrow? A in the afternoon after classes

B To the aquarium with some relatives
C I think it’ll rain heavily
D I visited my family

2.- Shall we go for a drink? A I don’t’ think it’s a good idea

B really, I can’t believe those comments
C Where do you think it goes
D I’ll do my homework before Christmas

3.- Will you come with me to the cinema now? A Sure, at what time?
B I’ll call my brother to start doing it
C in two weeks
D No problem, see you next week

4.- It seems that it will rain today A I will be outside

B it’s sunny
C yeah, take your umbrella with you
D there will be more people in the streets

Practice 4 For items 1-5, choose the correct letter(A-F).

1.- Do not copy A

2.- How much do you think a car is worth?

3.- Where does your uncle work in the U.SA.? D

4.- This is higher than a tree


5.- Some kind of letters from Asia
39 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
have to = must tener que = deber
therefore por lo tanto Do you have to eat if you want to live?
The word “must” can only be used in the Yes, I have to eat if I want to live.
Present Tense. It has got no Past or Future.
For the past and Future, we use the verb “to Did you have to get up early yesterday morning?
have to” which has got the same meaning as Yes, I had to get up early yesterday morning.
“must.” Therefore, the past of “must” is “had
Will you have to wait, if you arrive too early for
to” and the future is “will have to”.
the next lesson?
What´s the past of “must”?
Yes, I´ll have to wait if I arrive too early for the next lesson.
What´s the future of must”?
What´s the infinitive of “must”? It´s go no infinitive

Practice 5 Which is best: must´t (must not) or don’t have to?

1.You unplug the computer while it is turned on. 5.This bus is free! You buy a ticket to travel.

musn’t don’t have to musn’t don’t have to

2.You live in Ecuador to study at Buckingham 6.Shops sell cigarettes to children.

English Center. You can your English modules by Internet.
musn’t don’t have to
musn’t don’t have to
7.In United Kingdom, employers discriminate
3.You be late for class, or the teacher will be angry. against women or minorities. It's against the law.

musn’t don’t have to musn’t don’t have to

4.Ecuadorians get a visa to travel to Peru. 8.You smoke in a gas station.

musn’t don’t have to musn’t don’t have to

Practice 6 Speaking practice.

When I went out I was going to visit tourist places but I no longer go out
What do you like doing when you visit a new city?
because of the covid
Where do you usually go on vacation? . I usually never go out step at

Who do you go with? What do you like doing there?

I go with my family, I like to enjoy your food and
the beach.

What’s your favourite season? Why?

. My favorite season is winter because I like the cold.
40 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
drank bebió finish terminar
For example, we say “ I spoke English yesterday”
I drank some water last week
ACTION FINISHED TIME FINISHED because yesterday is finished, whilst we say “I have
spoken English today” because today is not finished.
The Past simple is - took, spoke, wrote, etc. Whilst
the Present Perfect is - have taken, have spoken,
have written, etc. The difference between the Past
Simple and the Present Perfect is that, we use the What did you eat yesterday?
Past Simple when the action is finished and the I ate some meat and some vegetables yesterday.
time is finished, whilst we use the Present Perfect
when the action is finished, but the time is not What have you eaten today?
I have eaten some meat, and some vegetables today.
Did I give you a quiz last month?

PRESENT PERFECT Yes, you gave me a quiz last month.

have drunk haber bebido perfect perfecto Have I given you a dictation this month?
I have drunk some water this week
Yes, you have given us a dictacion this month.


Write the correct past participle form of the following verbs.

Work worke Run ru Play lplaye

d n d
Cook cooke Study studie Speak spoke
d d n
Begin begu Help helpe Write writte
n d n
Know know Drive drive Talk talke
n n d

Choose the best answer. Complete using the right word.

1. Have you ever drunk alcohol? 4. Which city have you visited the most?
Yes, I (has drunk - have drunk)
Manta is the city I have visi the most.
2. Has she ever had a boyfriend? 5. Have you ever traveled to another country?
No, she (have never had -
No, I have never travele to another country.
has never had) a boyfriend. d

3. Have you ever read a complete 6. Have you written anything in your notebook
book? during the lesson?
Yes, I (have read - has read) Yes, I have writte something in my notebook
a complete book. n
during the lesson.
41 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Match the words with the picture correctly.

Pigtails Ponytail Wavy Plaits Straight

Lesson 55

Practice 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use the will-future.

Example: The weather nice at the weekend. (to be)Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.

1. Tomorrow it will rain in the north-west. (to rain)

2. My friend will be twelve years old next Monday. (to be)
3. Hey John! I will a meal for you and your familiy next monday. (to cook)
4. She will contact her boss next week. (to contact)
5. I think you will this job. (to get)
6. They get at about 6 pm. (to arrive)
will arrive
7. The teacher will explain this exercise. (to explain)
8. He will drop the bottle of water. (to drop)
9. Lots of accidents will happen in that weather. (to happen)
10. She will scream if you show her the spider. (to scream)

Practice 2 These sentences are all mixed up. Write the sentences with the correct word order.

a) job / Sara / for / will / new / . / look / a e) house / their / will / in / sell / . / they / San Diego / first
Sara will look for a new job. They will sell their first house in San Diego.
b) for / will / new / a / ? / Jack / look /too / job f) San Diego / Sara / travel / will / back / to / June / . / in

Will look too a new job for jack. Sara will travel in June to back in San Diego.

c) apartment / a / . / they /need / will / new / Chicago / in g) old / sell / she / . / will / their / then / house

They will need a new apartment in Chicago. She will sell their house old then.
d) they / will / nice / a / ? / apartment / find h) stay / in / very / long / . / Sara / San Diego / won't
Will they find a nice apartment.
Sara won't stay very long in San Diego.
42 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Complete the following sentences with will or won’t.

a. Don't get up, I won' answer the phone.

b. If you eat too much you wil gain weight.
l won'
c. Don't stay out too late, you get up on time.
d. I don't think she wil pass the exam, she isn't very good.
e. You may as well go home now, I won' be back for hours.
f. Go to bed and you wil feel better tomorrow.
g. It's Mary's birthday next month. She won' be 18.
h. They are on holiday for two weeks so they won' be here tomorrow.
i. wil they want dinner?
j. If the weather is ok, the plane wil leave on time.

Practice 4 Speaking practice.

What‘s the weather like today? I'm good with the time.

What do people do in your country when then weather is bad? The people of my country have bad
weather bacause the do not have a control in their routine.
Describe a strange weather in your city or town. Winter because it is a cold and rainy weather but it is hot.

Practice 5 Choose the answers “right” (a) or “wrong” (b) when there is not enough information to
answer “right” (a) or “wrong” (b), choose “doesn´t mention” (c).

The famous “egg”

Did you know that there are many ways to cook an egg? When you go to a restaurant in the United States, for
example, it is common to hear the phrase “sunny side up”. What does this mean exactly? It means that the egg
yolk looks like a shining sun. It comes with practice!
That’s often why people ask the question: “How do you want your eggs?” You can have hard boiled eggs, soft
boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, soft scrambled eggs, omelets, eggs cooked over easy, eggs over medium, eggs
over hard, poached eggs, baked eggs and even Spanish style eggs. In fact, most native speakers of English know
what these types of eggs are, but for a student of English it can be quite confusing! I would recommend studying
the different types of eggs and then even trying to cook them. That’s the only way to way to master the art of
cooking. And the same rule applies with learning English.

1.- One of the ways to cook an egg is the famous “broken yolk”.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention

2.- “Sunny side up” means the egg is fried with bacon.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention

3.- Scrambled eggs are very popular in the west part of USA.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention

4.- For somebody who is studying English is very confusing to understand about cooking eggs.
A right B wrong C doesn’t mention
43 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Crush Press Crumple Squeeze Wring Squash

Lesson 56

Practice 1 Read and answer the following questions.

a) What's the contractions of “will not”? h) Do you drink alcohol?

No, I don't drink alcohol.
The contraction of "Will not" is wont. i) Is alcohol healthy?
b) If someone offers you one thousand dollars, will you take No, alcohol is not healthy.

it? No I would not accept it if you offer me a thousand dollars. j) When do you feel tired?
I feel tired when I cook
c) Will you be here in 100 years time? k) What will you do tonight? in therapy i'm sick.
I don't stop here in 100
l) What is your favorite fruit?
d) Will you be home tonight at 8? My favorite fruit is pear.
Yes, I'll be home that time. m) Will you check this lesson again when you get home?
e) Which place do you suggest to spend a good holiday?
A good vacation suggested that I visit Costa, Sierra and Yes, I will review this lesson when I get home.
f) When someone is very ill, what do you suggest him/her to
do? I suggest you visit a doctor.
g) Do you like fruit? Yes, I love fruits.
44 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 2 Read the descriptions of some words, please.

Read the descriptions of some words, please!

What is the word for each one? The first letter is there for
Example: You wear this on your feet. SHOE

a) Beer or wine are made of A LCOHO

b) Fatigued or exhausted T IRE FRUITS
c) Apples, bananas or pears F RUIT
d) Synonym of sick I NDISPOSE
e) Being in a state of fear S CARE


Sunny House is located in one of the most beautiful parts of Salinas, close to the “ruta del sol” and the Main
Shopping Mall of the city. This detached house has spacious accommodation with comfortable furniture in a
traditional style. The house is set in beautiful gardens, bordered by a sea, perfect for relaxing. A boat is available
for visitors to use if they stay for more than 2 weeks.
Ground floor: living room and dining room. Step to kitchen, with electric cooker, dishwasher and microwave.
Laundry room with fridge freezer and washing machine/tumble dryer. Shower room with toilet. Steep steps to first
floor: 2 double bedrooms, one with en-suite bathroom, 1 single bedroom, 3 twin bedrooms, bathroom with separate
shower and toilet. Air conditioner in living room. TV and Bluray player. Because of steep steps, the house is not
suitable for people with disabilities.
No smoking please.

Bookings 7 days minimum, Friday to Friday.

a) 4 th – 10 th
Look at the calendar.
Which one is NOT
When can you stay b) 19 th – 26 th
in the kitchen?
at Sunny House? th
c) 20 – 27 th Who/What CANNOT
stay at the Sunny
2019 December
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31
45 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Speaking practice.

When‘s your birthday? My birthday was May 17.

What do you usually do on your birthday? .I normally I don't do anything and now with this covid_19

What do you think about wearing uniform? . The truth is necessary more for people with limited
resources would not have to think about what to wear


Choose the best answer. Choose the best answer.

1. Is Ecuador bigger than Brazil? 4. What makes you angry?

No, Ecuador isn't bigger than Brazil, but it Impolite people makes me get bad .
is (littler - smaller) than Brazil.
5. What do you do when you
are angr .
2. Is Lada smaller than FORD 150? I try to be far from everyone
when I am angry.
Yes, Lada is (small - smaller) than
FORD 150. 6. Is it healthy for you to be angry
all the time?

No, it isn't healthy for me to ver

3. Are your dogs smaller than mine? y
angry all the time.
No, they aren't smaller than yours, but
they are (smaller - bigger) than yours.

Write the paradigm of the following verbs.

Work Worked worke Understand Understood understoo

d d
Run ra Run Cook Cooked cooke
n d
Play Played playe Begin Begun

Help Helped helpe Write Wrote writte

d n
46 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
TA K 3

ITEMS 1 – 5 For items 1 – 5, choose the correct letter (A – F)

Example: 0 You can sleep and have breakfast here. Answer: 0 A B C D E F G

1.- People cannot go in there. A No running in the corridor.

2. You can go in if you work here. C Sale, two for one.

3. You have to walk in this place.


4. Do not leave your car here.

5. Be careful with some parts of your head here. G AUTHORIZED
- ONLY -

Questions 6 – 10 Read the sentences and choose the best word (A, B, or C).

Example: 0 Karen ......................... tea. Answer: 0 A B C

6. We say “good ” to people between about 6 am and 1pm.

A afternoon B morning C night

7. children live with their parents.

A any B much C most

8. The mall has different of shops and stores.

A ways B favourite C kinds

9. I go to bed night at 10pm.

A about B to C at

10. I’m the first to in my family.

A get up B put away C get in
01 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
TA K 3

Questions 11 - 14 Complete the four dialogues, mark (A, B, or C).

Example: A My name is Carol

B Fine,thank you
0 What’s your name?
C I’m from Ecuador

11 What colour’s the sun? A I want to eat.

B It’s like gold.
C Fine, thanks.

12 I liked the film, what about you? A I have some vegetables for the salad.
B I liked more the book.
C Can you hold this?

13 Do you like all vegetables? A I don’t eat them.

B I’m alright.
C Me too.

14. How much is twice sixty? A I think he left.

B Sure, why not?
C I don’t know the answer for that.

Questions 15 – 21 Read the paragraph. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each blank item.

I’ve (0)…...…. as (15)………..... fingers on my left hand (16)……....... on my right. I eat as (17)… ........... meat as
(18)……..….. We use “as many.....….as” with things we (19)……..….. count, and “as much….as” with things we
(20)…..……… count. That (21)….............we can tell people that we have or like the same amount as the other.

A ago B got C go A B C

15 A much B same C many

16 A as B with C in
17 A much B same C many
18 A hands B hospitals C bread
19 A cannot B can C without
20 A cannot B can C without
21 A becomes B means C remains
02 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
TA K 3

Questions 22 – 26 Complete the four dialogues, mark (A, B, or C).

Example: 0 You wear this on your head. h_ _ Answer: hat

22. You find it in salads. v _e_g_e_t _a _b _l e
23. The beach is full of it. s _s _
and _
24. People eat it in birthday parties c _a_k _e
25. The opposite of late e _a_r _l _
26. When there is no light we say it’s….. d _y

Questions 23 – 31 Complete the message. Please write ONE word for each space.

Example: 0 writing

writin th hav tal

Hi! I’m (0)………….. from (23)……….. school. I only (24)…………….. ten minutes free, so I’ll (25)…k ...... Quick.
Last night (26)………….. th peoplee(27) ………….
fro e
China attended The
the meeting we had. (28) ............... were late,
e m
but it was ok, it was (29)………….ten minutes. I think (30)………….. they want is to bring the
delaye wha y production here
for (31)…testin d the quality of it.
.......... to evaluate t

Complete the dialogue. Fill in with the letter that best fit the conversation.There are
two extra answers that you don’t need.

Example: Peter: Hello Diana! Diana: 0 ………………….

Peter: Do you know at what time they are A. I don’t know, but let me check on my phone.
going to show the movie “Clowns”?
B. Well, I think you must go to the restaurant
Diana: 1 ……………….
a instead. It has been cancelled.

Peter: The last time I checked it was

cancelled. C. Sure, I went to cinema last night.

Diana: 2…………………
D. Oh no, that can’t be right.
Peter: What does you phone say? E. That’s not important.
b F. How is it going
Diana: 3………………

Peter: Well, it looks that way for me. I think

I’m going
03 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Speaking Test Module 3 -- Part I TA K 3 Answer the questions

How many people are there in Ecuador?  17 MILLION PEOPLE

When is your birthday?  17 OF MAY1.980
 Quito is the city of Ecuador with
Which city of Ecuador has got the most people?
more inhabitants
What time do you finish class?  At 4 o'clock in the afternoon I finish
What kind of weather do you like? the class
What do you wear in cold weather?
 I like Winter
 I wear warm clothes
Do you play games on a computer?
 Yes I play bomberman
What do you want to do tonight?  I want to watch tv and sleep well
Where do you go after class?  To my house with my children
 No. I prefer a hat
Do you wear a hat when it is cold?

Speaking Test Module 3 -- Part II Tell me, what can you see in the picture?

Picture A Picture B

What do you do for work? / What job would you prefer to do? / What’s your favourite sport? / Explain to me the game of football, please.
I do not work at the moment I am sick

Speaking Test Module 3 - Part III Popular Zoo

Person 1 Picture
Here is some information about a popular zoo outside the city.

Person 1: you don’t have any information about the zoo.

Person 2: ask some questions to person 1 about the zoo.

Person 2 Questions

• What’s the name of the zoo? Pantanal’s Zoo

• Is it open every day? Open from Tuesday –

Come and enjoy visiting the animals
Open from Tuesday – Sunday
• How much does it cost? Adults $7 children Closed on Mondays
10:00 am – 6:30pm
• Does the zoo open all day? 10:00 am –
Adults $7 children $5
• Is the zoo expensive or cheap? Is cheap
04 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Reading TA K 3
For questions 1 - 4, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C
or D) best fits each gap.

There is an example at the beginning (0)

Example: 0 A lifetime B generation C millennium D century


Millennials are a kind of (0) ...................... which are

born (1) .................. 1982 and 2004. If you were born
in the 80s you are certainly known as millennials,
because they started their (2) …………… during or
near of the millennium time, there are different
attributes such as being digital natives and having
experience in social networks like Facebook, twitter
and Insta- gram. We could (3) ................... they have
their own (4) ....................... as (snapchat, Face- book,
google, twitter etc., that is why other generations are
hardly able to communicate with them.

1 A over B average C between D past

2 A success B labour C lives D act
3 A argue B say C claim D utter
4 A accent B tongue C vocabulary D language
05 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

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