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Lesions of the skin and subjacent tissue going as far as their destruction, burns raise big
problems of evaluating severity that conditions the patient’s reanimation and

Patient history and/or data from their environment
 Antecedents, treatments done
 Circumstances of the accident
 Nature of the vulnerable agent: thermal, chemical, electric burn
 The first gestures done: cooling, washing…

 Burn surface: Wallace’s “rule of 9”
 Dangerous locations: face, perineum, eyelashes, flexion areas, hands, legs,
circular lesions of the members
 The burns’ depth degree:
- Degree 1: simple rash
- Degree 2:
 superficial: extensive flictena, suppuration
 deep: partial anesthesia, adherent appendages
- Degree 3: anesthesia, non adherent appendages, cardboard skin, carbonization.


USA score (Standard Unity of Burn)

 USA = % of body surface burnt + (%degree 3x3).
 USA = 50-100: severe burn.
 USA = 100-150: very severe burn.
 USA > 150: extremely severe burn.

Baux index
 Index = age + % of the skin surface burnt.
 Index > 75: unfavourable diagnosis
 Index > 100: 95 % mortality.


Neurological signs
 Glasgow score.

Breathing signs
 Dysphonia
 Coughing
 Signs due to gas inhaling
 Acute breathing insufficiency.

Cardiovascular signs
 tachycardia
 low blood pressure, forceps

Tracking the possible associated lesions

 Thermal burns: fire, hot liquids…
 Chemical burns: acids, bases
 Electric burns
 Burns due to radiations: sun, ionizing rays

 Extreme ages (infants, children, old people)
 Traumas, associated with intoxications.
 Burns of the face, perineum and external genital organs.
 Burns of the hands, flexion areas, members’ circular burns.
 Inhaling
 High severity index (USA > 50, Baux index >75).
 Electric burns
 Acute breathing insufficiency
 Convulsions, coma
 Shock state
 Cardiac-respiratory arrest


In all cases
 Immediate cooling of the affected area with water flow for 5 minutes,
followed by the application of a “watergel” (Watergel® or Brulstop®),
 We lay the patient in supine or on the unaffected areas
 We undress the patient, with the exception of adherent clothes
 We dry and aseptically bandage the lesions
 Peripheral venous approach (16G – 14G)
 Vascular filling: lacteous Ringer

Evans’ rule:
 2ml x % of burnt surface x weight (+ the basic need) from which half in the first
hours. In practice: in the case of a severely burnt patient, we perfuse 20-30 ml/kg
of crystalloid solutions in the first hour.
 Thermal protection.
 Analgy – sedation:
- Fentanyl 1 µg/kg IVD (to repeat if necessary)
- Hypnovel®: 0.05 mg/kg IVD.

In case of a chemical burn:

We abundantly wash it
Certain chemical burns require a specific treatment:
- Phosphorus: we wash the lesions and keep them moist (it burns
instantaneously at 34 degrees Celsius)
- Fluorhydric acid: we wash with warm water with bicarbonate (2 or 3 %).

In case of collapse
 Vascular filling: macromolecular solutions, 500-1000 ml under the control
of arterial pressure.

In case of signs of vital distress

 Acute respiratory insufficiency
 Convulsions
 Deep coma
 Cardiac-respiratory coma

Continue the treatment already started and

Mechanical intubation and ventilation
 Tracheal intubation:
- orally
- with a probe of sufficient caliber (7.5-8 mm),
- potentially after anesthetic induction:
Hypnovel® 0.05 mg/kg IVD, and
Hypnomidate®: 0.3 mg/kg IVD.
 Constants of the mechanical ventilation:
- FiO2 = I, to adapt according to SpO2
- VC = 8-10 ml/kg
- F = 12-14 cycles/minute

Treatment of lesions and associated complications

The patient is transported in supine.

 State of consciousness
 cardio-pulmonary auscultation
 Arterial pressure, heart rate, monitor
 respiratory rate
 central heat
Supervision of mechanical ventilation
 FiO2
 Current volume, rate, spyrometry
 Insufflation pressure, capnometry

To know:
 The precocious and aseptic bladder probe is justified only in case of external
groin burns or transport over a long time span and allows the orientation of the
conduct of vascular filling according to dieresis, that must be of minimum 1
 Cooling must be limited to the burnt areas: hypothermia risk
 Cooling in case of chemical burn limits its extent and meanwhile allows for the
product’s dispersion
 Sprinkiling with water the electric burns is not done but when these are extended
cutaneous (skin) -mucous
 In case of ocular burn: prolonged washing and fixing a bandage for both eyes
 In case of an explosion, the patient must be considered, until contradictory
evidence, as a traumatized through explosion.
 In case there is an associated trauma or suspicion of trauma, we must harvest
hemoglobin immediately after arriving to the intervention place
 Introducing a gastric probe is always justified in case of a burnt patient, as this
one constantly presents ileus reflex.
 Severe intoxications with fire smoke, burns of the face, neck and breathing ways
impose the oro-tracheal intubation and ventilation control
 Until conducting a peripheral venous approach we can intramuscularly administer
Ketalar® (6 – 10 mg/kg), thus assuring a good analgy which allows for the
continuation of applying medical care
 Palm represents 1 % of burnt surface

To avoid
 Hypothermia, either though badly controlled cooling, or through the absence of
thermal protection
 The central venous approach only for vascular filling
 The venous approach in the burnt areas
 Systematic antibiotherapy
 Applying certain local treatments

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