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A Study on Digital Marketing

and Current Trends in Digital Marketing


Satyam Dhangar
S B Patil Institute of management,

Udit mandke
S B Patil institute of management

Marketing is the beginning and end of all the business

processes, with changing times the marketing has also evolved . In this era of
innovative and technology marketing it has also changing , The business world
has witnessed the popularity of online shopping industry and has also seen the
emergence of e commerce , which has ultimately given rise to Digital
Marketing. This paper tries to explain the various concepts related to digital
marketing . also it tries to explain the benefits of digital marketing over
traditional marketing . the current trends in the digital marketing are also
explained. The impact of digital marketing on the performance of the
businesses is studied. The study was based on the data available at the various
resources like digital magazines, research papers and research journals. The
data from the various sources was analysed and the conclusions were made. It
was found that the digital marketing is touching all the spheres of the lives and
it has become an inevitable part of functions of the business.

Digital marketing, digital business , advertising, marketing , social media
Objectives –
• To conduct the brief study the digital marketing .
• To study the current trends in digital marketing.
• To analyse future business opportunities in digital marketing .

Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to
promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes
advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.
Marketing basically touches all the aspects of the business processes . From
time immemorial the marketing has been present as long as there are
businesses . with changing times the marketing has also changed. In this digital
era, the marketing has also turned digital. The digital marketing uses all the
available digital tools to perform all the marketing related activities. Digital
marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies,
mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising,
and any other digital medium. Before digital marketing ,traditional marketing
was the primary method of marketing . Digital marketing encompasses all
marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses
leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other
websites to connect with current and prospective customers. There are many
types of digital marketing such as search engine optimization (SEO), Search
engine marketing (SEM), Social media marketing (SMM), Content marketing ,
Email Marketing, Online Advertising, Landing Page Marketing, Smartphone
marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Viral marketing. it involves that the internet or
an electronic device. digital marketing has been rising in popularity over the
last several years . If you have a small business or a start-up, you probably
don’t have much money, time, or manpower to invest into traditional
marketing techniques. You don’t need a fancy building with hundreds of
people on staff. You just need a simple but solid digital marketing strategy .


Newspaper ads, television ads, and the likes cost a lot. Online
advertising on the other hand is something even young entrepreneurs can
afford right out of some saved up money. So, even school goers can have
a start up thanks to the cheap cost price for online marketing. This in turn
helps expand the scope of marketing across boundaries of age and

With traditional marketing, you have to wait for weeks, sometimes even
months before the boosts start to turn up. In this battle of traditional vs.
online marketing, online marketing wins again owing to its quick results.

You can see everything in real time including:

• Number of visitors.
• Most active time of the day.
• Conversion rates.
• Bounce rates.
When you have the result handy in real time, you waste no time taking

With traditional marketing, you cannot really interact with your target
audience. You need to wait out for the responses to come in before you
can plan your next step. This is a long and tedious process. Online
marketing allows you to engage your audience in real time. You can chat
and discuss a lot about your brand or Company with the actual audience
immediately. Yes, this demands more engagement from your side too. You
need to be prepared to invest that much time or a public relations team into
the marketing budget.

Very much due to the real time results of online marketing, you get
instant publicity. If you don’t, you at least instantly know that this particular
ad isn’t working for you. Traditional vs. digital marketing is an almost unfair
comparison here because the former has no scope to deliver in this regard.
Whereas with the latter, there is a chain reaction of shares and comments
helping you reach a new audience and earn a new visitor every

The very point of getting results and the analytics in real time is to be
able to catch up in real time. When you know how things are going down,
you will have a chance to improve them from bad to good and good to
better. With traditional marketing, a host of negative feedback won’t bother
you much because your business might already have gone down the drain
by the time you receive them.Online advertising vs. traditional advertising
statistics help you find out what is working for you and what is not. You get
the online statistics almost instantly via Google Analytics and make the
necessary readjustments. Traditional statistics would be too late to make
any concrete strategy refinement on time.


Digital marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace with the assistance of

automation to analyse and predict market trends and sales. Technology
provides more marketing trends, offering a bird’s-eye view or a granular
analysis of marketing strategies. Think of marketing technology as a living
Google map, granting you the ability to zoom in or out in real-time.

With trends evolving so rapidly, it’s vital to ensure you have a pulse on the
latest in digital marketing.

Conversion Through Conversation

Modern marketing takes place in real-time. Not only can you use social
listening tools like Mention or Sprout Social to immediately identify when
someone is speaking positively or negatively about your brand, but you can
also respond to comments immediately and participate transparently in
discussions about your niche and industry. The right software can even tell you
what colours you should use in your marketing materials to best convey your
brand identity to consumers.
Social media has been a primary tool for customer communication for more
than a decade now, but immediate response and engagement is becoming the
standard. The first business to engage a potential customer well often wins
their business, and response and interaction are now necessities for customer
retention, especially in certain sectors.

In addition to the trends listed here, your particular industry or niche likely has
innovative marketing tactics that apply specifically to reaching your desired
prospects and customers. To harness the latest trends and technology in your
niche, you should also stay aware of niche-specific marketing coverage and
publications by using curated social media feeds or by following hashtags
specific to the leaders and innovators in your industry.

Local Influencers

Marketers constantly debate the value of influencers and micro-influencers,

but local influencers are the next trend. Even online, local representatives of
any kind can influence the level of trust prospects have for your brand. If
someone knows a blogger lives in their city, they’re more likely to trust that
influencer — even if they haven’t met them before.

Knowing how to identify successful local influencers (especially those who are
out and about at local events in your niche) is a critical skill. Here’s what you
should look for:

• Do they get results? Inquire about previous sponsorships and data to

support their success. Testimonials help too.
• Do they follow the rules? Make sure they’re FCC compliant.
• Are they ready to sign your contract? Make sure it’s all legal and going
through your approval process.
• Are they actively participating in the engagement of local prospective
customers? Make sure you check out their followers; if they’re on the
other side of the world (or if they’re bots), they’re not very valuable to
you as an audience.
Big Data and Supply Chain Management

Leveraging big data involves taking large amounts of data collected from users
(or other data points), analysing them, and implementing the data in a
strategic marketing plan. Some industry-specific definitions and applications of
big data may vary, but overall, the term refers to the technologically advanced
ways in which we are able to collect more information more efficiently and
specifically. An example is the demographic data collected by Google or
Facebook, while a more nuanced example might involve an analysis of how
customers use a product.

Let’s look at a smartphone, for example. When does the customer use it, and
what do they use it for? Do they use it for both business and professional
reasons? Having access to that data could be extremely valuable in a marketing
context for a company like LinkedIn, who wants to reach business
professionals via their app.

Now that companies of all sizes have harnessed big data or tools, where is it
going? “As all of this develops, we may swell see an increase in the number of
autonomous tools used in business—algorithms, programs, and robots that
require zero user input to not just perform a job, but also to make decisions
about that job,” predicts author Steve Ciemcioch.

In other words, big data and automation will converge to perform many tasks
without human intervention. This already happens in supply chain
management. Think about a company like Amazon, which uses its proprietary
software to get packages to customers quickly. This software coordinates
human employees, warehouses, shipping data, and more to reduce costs,
increase profits, and please customers with unbeatable shipping times and

Google Analytics: The Foundation for Most Digital Marketing Trends

As you can tell by now, data is essential to creating a contemporary, forward-

thinking digital marketing campaign. Additionally, so much of the data is now
easier to obtain. The cornerstone of data-informed marketing is Google

Google Analytics, once given permission, analyses your website and reports on
multiple factors. You get information like how long people stay on your page,
how mobile friendly your site is, how users click through your website, and
what links they’re clicking on. If it’s a “buy” or signup link, it will also track

The best thing about this tool is that it’s free, and there are authoritative
resources to help you learn how to use it. Once you’ve mastered it, you can
learn about the demographics and even the affinities of your website users.
That data is crucial to your marketing strategy.

With so many marketing trends, it’s possible to feel overwhelmed. The good
news is that complicated processes involving big data can be filtered through
many user-friendly tools, complete with intuitive dashboards to help you
analyse this information and execute a data-backed marketing strategy. At this
point, automation is here to help — but it still needs your human touch if you
want to see true marketing success.


Programmatic ad is another technology that depends on the software to

purchase digital advertising. In traditional methods, there are manual
negotiations, proposals, and court tenders. In programmatic advertising, the
display area in the search engine on the website is purchased by using
machines and algorithms. So, people that rely on programmatic ad have
bought a lot recently, because it helps in better planning and optimization. It
also helps in targeting the advertisements efficiently.


Digital marketing is huge, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The
amount spent on display ads and online videos will increase, too. Before long,
digital marketing is expected to outperform conventional marketing strategies.
People simply prefer online content.

“Every business needs to be online and digital,”

“To keep growing, SMBs [small and medium businesses] need to meet
consumers where they spend an increasing amount of their time, online. Online,
your ‘local’ market is as big as you want it to be.

Conclusion –

Marketing is telling the world you are a rockstar . Digital marketing is showing
the world you are the one . s. The ladder of engagement has shown the
approaches to attach with the customers. The study has also revealed that in
order to utilise the digital marketing in an effective way, the companies are
required to design an effective platform. It has shown that in the current
context, it has become important to integrate all the systems with that of the
digital platform. The transition of newspaper from the printed version to the
online version has been exemplified the current trends of the digitalisation.
The research and practice of digital marketing is improving with the
advancement of technology.


1.A Critical Review of Digital Marketing

October 2018
Madhu Bala
Deepak Verma
ISGEC Heavy Engineering Limited

2. Digital Marketing: Current Trends in India

26 May 2017

Venkatamuni Reddy
Manipal Academy of Higher Education

M. Neeraja

Acharya Bangalore B School, Students

3. A Study on Digital Marketing and its Impact


P. Sathya Assistant Professor in Commerce, S.T.E.T Women’s College,


4. Trends and patterns in digital marketing research: bibliometric analysis

12 August 2021

Zahra Ghorbani, Sanaz Kargaran and others

5. Internet Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: A Comparative Analysis

September 2018

Sanjay Bhayani

Saurashtra University

6. New trends in digital marketing and the possibilities of their application in business
marketing strategies

November 2014

Tereza Semerádová

Technical University of Liberec

Petr Weinlich


June 2018 –

Milica Slijepčević

Univerzitet Metropolitan
Ivana Radojevic

8. Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and
research propositions
August 2021
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