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State of Palestine : Name

Ministry of Education & Higher Education Class: 11th Scientific ( R )

Directorate of Education /Qabatiya Date : 26 / 12 / 2015
'Masqat Boys Secondary School-Jaba Time: 90 minutes Total Marks: / 65
1- Read the passage then answer the following questionspoints (16 points)

Our history
Walking in the countryside (or ‘rambling’) was popular in 19th-century Britain. For people
living in towns and cities, walking was a way of escaping from a polluted environment and
the stress of daily life. Access to the countryside, however, was becoming more of a
challenge due to an increase in the ownership of large areas of land by a small number of

A number of walking clubs and groups were set up to protect walkers’ rights, and finally,
in 1935, they joined together to create The Rambling Society, a national organisation
aiming to improve access laws and expand the areas where people could walk.

Aims and achievements

Thanks to our efforts, a new law was finally passed in 1949 called the National Parks and
Access to the Countryside Act. This law set up the first National Parks and Nature
Reserves, as well as stating that public footpaths in England and Wales had to be recorded
on maps.

It was a big step forward as it meant that everyone would know where they were allowed
to walk, even if the path crossed someone’s land. Many landowners, however, let grass
grow over the footpaths so that they were hard to find, so a lot of our efforts were put into
walking on as many paths as possible in order to keep them open.

Why not try walking?

Our original aims remain the same, but we have continued to change with the times. In the
1990s, it became clear to us that walking was becoming less popular, and that we needed
to encourage walking as healthy exercise. Since then we have reached out to non-walkers
to help them take up walking.

A . Circle the correct answer

1. The text is about

a. Walking in the countryside b. the rambling society c. landowners

2. The pronoun our line 10 refers to

a. Walking clubs b. National Parks c. Nature Reserves

B. Answer the below questions

1. What does they refer to?___________________________________________________.
2. What does take up mean?__________________________________________________.
3. What is the Rambling Society?___________________________________________.
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4. What happened in 1949 after passing the law?
5. Why they consider the law as a big step forward?
6. What did the landowners do in order to prevent walking?
C. Put ( T ) or ( F ) beside each sentence
1. The air in eighteenth-century British cities was not healthy. ( )
2. Walking on a public footpath is against the law if it crosses somebody’s land. ( )
3. The aims of the Ramblers Society are the same now as they used to be. ( )

E. Find the opposites of these words

1. failing _____________ 2. ambiguous ________________

F. Find the meaning of these words

1. saying clearly_____________ 2. Natural areas_______________

2 Match the meaning ( 5 points)

The word The meaning

1.Make bigger a.face
2. to accept and manage b.pick up
3. learn without having lessons c. extend
4.Pieces of advice d.encourage
5.make someone want to do something e.tip

3. Use the below words in the sentences (10points)

demand / go in / friendship / post-war / hold / relationship / professional /fault

1. The ideas of the story didn’t ________________ , so I didn’t ___________ my attention to.
2. You’d better ask a ________________ about the ________________ period.
3. This Machine is out of ________________ because it has an electrical ________________.
4. The students did a ________________ exercise, so the ________________ for bottled water has
5. ________________ is the best ________________ between people.
4. Use the correct word (10 points)
1. The company should invest more ________________ advertising. ( for / in / on)
2. You may work best _____________ on your own ______ with others (both, either, neither)
3. He’s tired. He need to _______________ rest. (make / do/ have )
4. She _______________ she wasn’t so bad at math. (hope /wish)

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5. Uniform is compulsory _____________ the weather is cold. ( as long as / unless / provided)
6. I _______________ healthy food________________ fast food. ( prefer / would rather)
7. It is a _______________ book ( well written / well-written)
8. The opposite of probable is _______________. ( inprobable / improbable)
9. I ________________ you to take more exercise. ( Let’s / advise / suggest)
10. ________________ we take a taxi. (Let’s / shall / You’d better)

5. Rewrite the sentences (4points)

1. The match is interesting. The match is exciting (both)
2. Preschool classes are free for all children who are old enough. (as long as)
3. Do my home now, later. (would rather, than)
4. Why not leave the work until tomorrow. (Suggest )

6. Complete the sentences adding one of the below (7 points)

don’t have to / have to / wasn’t allowed to / had better /
mustn’t / don’t have to / had to
1. They _______________ watch the film to understand the story.
2. _______________ not to forget to phone him or he’ll be angry.
3. When I was young I _______________ play in the street.
4. You _______________ do this if you don’t want to.
5. My friends ________________ drive my bike without my permission.
6. When I was young I _______________ sleep early.
7. You __________________ to eat if you are not hungry.

7. Write the correct form for the verbs (8 points)

1. I recommend ______________ a notice up in the school. (put)

2. The details are really ______________. (touch)
3. Mr. Tamer prefers ______________ matches to ______________ outside. (watch/go)
4. The ______________ part of the essay summarized the main idea. (conclude)
5. Khaled hopes Barcelona ______________ the match. (not win)
6. Children ______________ to watch horror movies. (be not allowed to)
7. The students hope ______________ a doctor. (become)

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8. Fill the spaces with the correct field ( 5 points)

Good Luck Mr. Tamer Ahmed Obeid

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