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Q. No. Unit 1 Questions

A1 A Person had done Electro cardiogram test to examine the presence of any abnormalities in the
functioning of heart. The cardiologist has taken the ECG signals from the System shown in figure 1.
The picture of ECG Report is shown in Figure 2 .

Figure 1: ECG Signals

A2 The output waveform of the temperature is shown in the figure 3

Figure 3: output of a temperature sensor.
The signal generator has produced the waveforms shown in the figure 4.

Figure 4: signal generator

A4 . The graphical pattern of the signal is shown in the figure 5

Figure 5: Predication of rainfall

A5. The amplifiers used in the loudspeakers is good example of a linear time invariant system. A linear
time-invariant (LTI) system can be represented by its impulse response. Linearity and time invariance
are two system properties that greatly simplify the study of systems that exhibit them. The output
voltage swing of a op-amp is shown as

Figure 6: output voltage swing of a op-amp

The oscillator circuit which consists of amplifier and RC component is Linear time invariant system, this
oscillator produces Sine Wave if the initial excitation given to the circuit is a AC signal

Figure 7: Electrical Circuit

A8. Linear convolution is the powerful technique in signal processing because it relates the three signals of
interest: the input signal, the output signal, and the impulse response. Low pass filter is also a good
example of system. The convolution of Low pass filter is shown below
Figure 8: Convolution of low pass filter
A9. The pressure sensor is implemented in the boiler installed in the Bannari Amman Sugars for controlling
the pressure. The output of the sensor during the startup of the plant and following consecutive days
are represented in terms of graph (note the outputs of the sensors are scaled down to volts)

Figure 9: output of the sensor

UNIT II Questions
B1 A Bridge circuit used in a temperature measurement of a boiler consist of RLC component is used
to balance the inductance of the reactive load employed in a process industry. Suddenly at time t=0, the
resistance R2 gets disconnected from the circuit due to some transient operation. The resistance of the
network is assumed as resistance R1 = 5 Ω, resistance R2 = 2 Ω, Inductance L = 1 H, and capacitance
C = 1/6 F

Figure 10: Bridge Circuit

B2 The Low pass filters are used in communication channels in order to filter the high frequency noises.
The filter shall be used to examine amplitude and phase of a complex valued frequency response. The
input signal given to the filter is in the form of time domain representation.

Figure11: Low Pass Filter

B3 The Laplace transforms is usually used to simplify a differential equation into a simple and solvable
algebra problem. Even when the algebra becomes a little complex, it is still easier to solve than solving
a differential equation. The flowchart shows will describe the conversion procedure from time domain to
Laplace domain.
Figure 12: Flow chart of a Laplace transform
B4 The function generator produces the triangular waveform for differentiator circuit. The Function
generator can able to produce the signal in Particular frequency and amplitude as input to any type of
circuit. The figure13 shows the picture of triangular Waveform in the time domain representation.

Figure 13: Triangular wave

Region of Convergence (ROC) in S plane of the Laplace transformation is the most important in
determining the stability of a signal. This region of convergence can be used for find the causal nature
of the signals. The figure 14 shows the ROC of the signal in the frequency domain.
Figure 14: Region of Convergence
B6. Causal systems are the systems which depends upon the present and past inputs. Our mobile phone is
a causal system because it rings only for the current call but it cannot ring for a call that may happen
tomorrow. The figure 14 shows the simple black box representation of a mobile Phone.

Figure 15: Black Box representation of a mobile phone

B7. The Induction Motor installed in a sewage treatment plant shows the ROC for the Exponential voltage
suddenly Increases. The figure 16 shows the output waveform of the Induction motor.

Figure 16: output waveform

B8. The music composed by a music bang is given in the form of time domain representation. The output
representation of the music is given as

B9. Cruise control is a feature that helps reduce such fatigue drivers would feel while driving a long
distance. If the velocity of the car is given by V dis(t)=100u(t) and the velocity can be increased from 0
to 100. The block diagram of the car is shown below
Figure 17: Block diagram of car

C1 A Person had an Injury in the leg and the doctor has suggested some physiotherapy exercises. After
some time, the doctor suggested Arun to take Gait Analysis to analyze the changes in the movement of
the leg. The gait analysis shows the Waveform as in the Figure 18.

Figure 18: Waveform of Gait Analysis

C2 The sampling process of a signal by the radio transmitter at Radio Center for Digitization purpose is
shown in the figure
Figure 19: Sampling Process of analog to Digital Signal.

C3 A Wind Turbine is installed in Tirupur for wind power Generation. Anemometer is used to measure the
speed of the wind which is a vital parameter for the power generation. A sampling system is installed in
the turbine in order to find the average velocity of the wind in intervals of one hour duration.

Figure 20: Graph of wind speed across the anemometer

C4 The output of a speech processing system in a speech therapy center is needed to be reconstructed
and up sampled. The output of the speech signal is shown in the figure.
Figure 21: Output of a speech processing system

C5 The digital oscilloscope used in the signal processig lab has aliasing error as shown in the
figure.The Aliasing occurs when an oscilloscope does not sample the signal fast enough to
construct an accurate waveform record.

Figure 22: Aliasing Error

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