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Nursing Leadership

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Nursing leadership entails the act of influencing others in order to enhance the quality of services being
provided. Appropriate leadership in nursing includes having a clear vision and working in an environment that
motivates and empowers its staff. Leadership in nursing is determined basing on the interactive process in which
the followers are always motivated and supported to achieve a specific set of goals. Research has detailed that it
is integral for all nurses to establish an efficient leadership role for them to offer high-quality care while at the
same time ensuring that they deliver safe patient care. For effective leadership to be attained, every nurse should
ensure that they support cooperation in terms of nursing education programs and the healthcare organization
(Bender, 2016).
Currently, many healthcare organizations are undergoing numerous complex challenges, especially in the
provision of quality, safe and cost-effective care. However, the field of nursing and healthcare, in general, has
been undergoing many changes. The onset of technology has however brought significant improvement within
the sector. It is thus imperative for nurse leaders to ensure that they engage in evidence-based practice through
research to ensure that healthcare is improved. Leaders are always challenged within their work environment,
therefore, effective leadership should be critical thinkers, good communicators, uphold integrity, dedicated in
their work and respect even their subordinates (Hudson, 2017).
Nurse educator: Leadership role tool 
Nurse educators play a significant role in the course of strengthening other nurses and also acting as role
models. Additionally, they are also responsible for offering leadership services that are required in the while
putting into action evidence-based practice (EBP). Their key roles entail designing, implementing, assessing and
re-evaluating the academic programs for nurses (Grassley & Lambe 2015). 
Basing on the educator role tool, numerous responsibilities are accorded when one assumes this
leadership position. Basing on the scenario provided of my receptor, he is the backbone of every unit. Their role
entailed ensuring that all the nurses meet their educational needs as standardized by the hospital. As a nurse
leader, one is expected to incorporate clinical skills and the urge for teaching in order to ensure that the nurse
workforce is up to date especially in matters pertaining to nurse education (Godshall, Wilson & CHSE 2016).
 Usually, nurse educators work both in teaching settings and even practice settings. They are the backbone
of mentoring the present and even future workforce in nursing. Therefore, their roles are often associated with
leadership. Since they have a lot of workloads, at times they engage other nurses to help them disseminate their
knowledge. As a result, they at times delegated some of their responsibilities to other nurses. For instance, my
preceptor at times delegated the duty of teaching to other nurses. Here, nurses were expected to teach one another
of the different things that should be done while attending to patients in specific units. 

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