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Strategic Human Resource

Management of Vivo

School Of Business and Economics

Course: Human Resource Management ( MGT 351 )
Section: 08
Semester : Fall 2022
Report On
Vivo Communication Technology Co.Ltd

Date Of Submission: 22 December, 2022

Prepared for
Quazi Tafsirul Islam (QTI )
Senior Lecturer
Name ID
Farah Lubaba 2021478630
Fardin Islam 2112413630
Md.Abu Bakar Siddik 2112316630
Md. Touhid Islam 2111739630
Md. Fahim Tazoar 2122307630
Meher Nigar 2122200630
Mohammad Sultan 2131131630
Sifat Nayeem Apan
Department of Management
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Strategic Human Resource
Management of Vivo
Group: 02

Strategic Human Resource

Management of Vivo

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Strategic Human Resource
Management of Vivo

Executive Summary: This report was created as a requirement for the MGT351 course at North-South
University for the Fall 2022 semester in order to learn more about Vivo's HR management process. This paper
examines the many levels on which the Vivo HR department operates. This report mainly focuses on how Vivo
manages their human resource department. And what is the contribution of human resource managers behind their
success and by following what they have been able to bring success is discussed.The report clearly states what
Vivo currently follows in their current human resource management system. They use both internal and external
recruitment methods for their employee recruitment. They also carry out their recruitment process through their
website, social media platforms and various types of news media.Apart from this, after the recruitment of
employees, their skills are tested through various types of assessment. Employees are evaluated depending on
which skills they have the most. Serves as a recruiting resource for the company’s hiring process The selection
process uses written exams, semi-structured interviews, and analytical case studies to gauge a candidate’s
situational awareness.During orientation, their current HR makes an effort to put employees at ease, engage with
them, and make sure they are aware of their culture, laws, and regulations. Vivo use on the job training is very
effectively in training employees.Their HR department closely monitors any following training. Employee
Feedback, Divisional feedback, experience based feedback are used as a performance based appraisal technique by
their line manager, Supervisor, peers and subordinate.In this report we have also discussed about vivo’s employee
benefits and their compensation structure. Their benefits and incentives structure is quite different compared to
other companies. But they use them very effectively.Another thing we were able to discover through interviewing
is that they pay a lot of attention to improving leadership and accountability skills through employee engagement
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Management of Vivo
and job rotation.Vivo’s KPI does not increase every year like others. Their PAY increases and decreases each
month based on the employee’s performance. Depending on the KPI they reward the employees with a certain
amount every month. So that employees are more motivated and can focus more on work and those who are
performing poorly can keep themselves updated by watching the performance of their colleagues.Finally from this
report we have given some recommendations like if they make some changes in their recruitment, selection
process, training and their compensation structure also benefits it would be much better for them and for the

Table of Contents
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………... 3

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 5

Methodology………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Background Information……………………………………………………………… 6

Culture of Interpersonal Relationship………………………………………………… 8

Findings……………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Recruitment and Selection Process …………………………………………………… 9

Employee Selection and Interview……………………………………………………. 10

Training and Development …………………………………………………………….11

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Management of Vivo
Performance Management System and Appraisal……………………………………...12

Employee Benefits…………………………………………………………………….. 13

Compensation Structure………………………………………………………………..14

Implication of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)…………………… 15

Recommendations…………………………………………………………………….. 16

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….. 17

Reference………………………….…………………………………………………... 18

The report mainly focuses on the Human Resource practices of Vivo Communication Technology Co Ltd. Vivo is
one of the largest smartphone-selling brands in Bangladesh. Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd operates
with many departments and it has a wide range of designations throughout the departments for different jobs.
Every department has its citation. Therefore the role of HRM of this company is very much significant. Human
Resource Management (HRM) decides the number of employee Vivo need to operate at full potential to achieve
the company. Hence Vivo’s human resource department handles the recruitment and selection process, including
training and development, benefits and incentives, etc. Vivo needs to choose the difficult way with a long vision
and mission. Vivo had an impressive market for a year, And its business growth has been substantial. This is only
possible with their great corporate strategy, employee teamwork, and team management.

The main goal of this report is to identify and examine Vivo’s strategic human resources practices and
management. In this report, we will discuss how Vivo human resource management has managed its talent and
technical strength to grow as the largest mobile-selling brand in Bangladesh

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The following procedures were utilized to collect data for this report and analysis of this report

Because this research is solely qualitative. The following are the data’s sources:

Primary Source:

1. Virtual online interview Interview.

2. Notes during the interview.

Secondary Source:

1. Company Website and Facebook Pages.

2. Personal resources provided by the HR manager.

To conclude this research, we had a virtual online interview with MR. Akib Hasan Raad. (Human Resources
Manager ) who assisted us by providing information on Vivo’s HR procedure. So we arrange a meeting for got
chance to sit with the Human resource manager of Vivo Bangladesh to collect most of the information smoothly.
We have tried as much as possible to collect every information about Vivo.We conduct a descriptive exploratory
research as this report does not contain any numerical or statistical data and is based only on observations, personal
interviews and previous articles. While conducting the interview we tried to note every informative point which
helped us a lot in writing the report.

As secondary sources we have used company website and some previous reports. Although we were not able to get
enough information from the internet because of the company’s culture and HR practices. We used the sequential
interview method while conducting the interview because our course instructor arranged the report structure wise
in the guidelines. And since we had seven member’s in our group and each member shared what questions to ask in
the interview, it falls under the panel interview or board interview. So, we have used board interview method very
efficient To build a company first of all the need for planning, leading, and organizing processes. Even the main
goal of a company is to advance the company according to the goal and achieve improvement. In addition to
establishing an owner’s business goals, there are some external ideas about how to run a company. How a manager
should lead an employee, he keeps his ability. Keeping all those things, Vivo company reached its main goal. Even
according to the demand of the consumers, the company has included new features in various devices.

Background information about the company

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Management of Vivo
Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company. Vivo Company was
Founded in 2009, by Founder Shen Yu. President Chief Executive Officer China is trading in all countries. This
technology is currently occupying the top position. Vivo company has made various electronic devices apart from
mobiles. Mobile TV started the journey with other devices. In 2017, the journey of the Vivo company in
Bangladesh began, at the time of Vivo’s journey, consumers did not reach the consumers as a demand. As usual,
the quality of his mobile began to improve. Then after 6 months, it spread all over Bangladesh and other countries.
China trades its technology with different countries, this company trades with 12 countries. Vivo’s main goal was
to improve the company. Their main target was not to increase sales, but mainly to increase the value of the
profitability index. Currently, Vivo had stopped launching some new phones. The new launch phone came to
market in October 2022. The biggest thing is that Vivo, Realme, and Oppo and OnePlus these brands of devices are
one in China but they have different offices in BD. There is consumer demand for Android phones without the
Apple brand. Accordingly, Vivo is taking first place in the current market. With a new touch of modernity, the
quality-level devices have brought a premium quality look, and various new features.


 To consumers provide quality products and superior service.

 To employees create and maintain a harmonious respectful work environment.
 To business partners create fair, equal cooperative platforms with mutual benefits
 To shareholders, Render has above-average returns on investment.

Vision: To become a healthier, longer-lasting global corporation.

Company Organoram

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Management of Vivo

Culture of Interpersonal Relationship / Team Leadership

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Vivo’s organizational culture is somewhat unique to different organizations. The way of life here is significantly
adaptable than in other organizational societies. A warm use of representatives motivates work. Additionally, this
organization zeros in more on the activity, not on the arrangement. Every worker is permitted their place as per
their opportunity.
Relational relationship alludes to everybody cooperating in the organization. There will be a sort of good
connection between the representative and the proprietor and the work will be done appropriately, it falls into a
worldwide relationship. For a positive work environment climate, individuals need to treat each other emphatically.
The part of worldwide relations in the Vivo organization is good because the representatives have been working in
that organization for quite a while. A solid and earnest relationship should be visible in their work, so might this
relationship at any point be viewed as sure. Vivo organization the primary objective is to offer better types of
assistance agreeing than the selection of customers. The deals cost in their organization is around 10 lakh 30,000
takas. If a businessperson offers higher support to the buyer, the retailer will get more benefits. Regardless of
whether the work is gotten along nicely, the award will be more concerning it. Other than if their deals increment
more in the main seven-day stretch of the month, even after quite a while it diminishes after the fifteenth. Pay is
paid after the fifteenth of the month. Rewards are given during any unique day or strict festival. Aside from unique
days, this organization additionally gives rewards if the exhibition is great. The relational relationship is positive
among every one of the individuals from the Vivo organization. Through their usefulness, they have had the option
to accomplish a more elevated level by keeping up with quality and keeping up with their social standards. In vivo
organizations as per their way of life from significant level to low even out. The individuals who are working at an
undeniable level are the MD, Senior supervisor, and Top of the Division. Underneath the Top of the Division,
Showcasing, and HR board representatives are working. Their group administration implies that the people who
are on the Head of Division board lead the various divisions independently as a group as opposed to the group. One
pioneer notices dealing with whether the gathering individuals can accomplish the work appropriately as indicated
by the work technique or not.
The principal foundation of the organization and the social or group administration of the relational relations are
completely featured by the data focused on the Vivo organization. About their business, about the obligations of
the representatives, pretty much everything’s limits are composed. Since its beginning in 2017 in our country, Vivo
organization has been pushing ahead by keeping up with the work style standards and customer needs according to
its central mission. Vivo is as of now making a lot of names about numerous well-known brands of Android
organizations. Alongside that, new plan highlights are being refreshed in vivo as per customer interest, which is
likewise expanding purchaser purchasing interest.

Current HR
Systems for managing and advancing traditional HR objectives as well as current HR tasks are known as HR
systems. They make it possible for management and HR experts to allocate resources and time more
effectively.Vivo in their current human resource strategy always focuses on their manpower so that there is never
any shortage. If an employee quits or is expected to quit, the company keeps their initial backup. And in steps three
to four, pre-interviews are conducted with the candidates, and written exams are completed first. Then if an
employee leaves the company they call the new job vacancy candidates for final interview. The only reason HR
department employers follow this strategy is to ensure that their company never has a shortage of manpower. Also,
they make a pre-plan in advance to pay the first month salary to the new recruit candidates so that the new
employees get their salary between 5th and 7th of the month. As a result their new recruit candidates are very

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focused on their work and never feel demotivated. And getting their salaries on time makes the candidates very
dedicated towards their work.


Recruitment and selection process

Forecast The need and demand every company has a specific workforce Planning and recruiting.vivos demand id
Based on plan. For example, if this month’s phone sales are 1k pieces then next month’s target is 1.5k pieces. To
achieve this target company fulfill his needs.There are some patterns that tell us the time when the employees
resign from the company. In most cases the employee resigns after the ramadan and the employee stops resigning
six months before the ramadan


Vivo forecasts the supply of inside candidates by using Forecasting the personal need within the company.If one
of the employees resigns from its post the company checks that the person has the requirements of the job. If the
company feels that hiring from inside of the company would be better . Then the company builds a candidate pool
by recruiting internal candidates. Then the company checks their employees that have the same qualification for
that job by computerized skills inventories.they see if there are any possible replacement candidates by using
position replacement card. The company records the present performance of inside candidates for the most
important position. If the qualifications match the company, the interviewer asks that employee how much salary
he wants for doing two jobs at the same time then if the organization can afford it then the company hires the
employee for that particular job . In this way the company can save money because it is costly to recruit and hire
employees. Hiring and training can cost a lot . By hiring from inside the organization also there is less training and
orientation required and it is more safe then hiring outside of the company because they do not have exact
information about the external source.


If one of the employee want to resign he or she have to inform the department head one month before resigning
then each head of the department receive a form for recruiting external candidate if the head of the department
agree then they opens up opportunities for new people with special skills that the company needed to accomplish

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their goal and success. The company recruit through job portals, social media like Facebook bd jobs, Linkedin ,
newspapers and Employee referrals are few examples of external recruitment sources.

Employee selection
Vivo takes the interview with some tests for example, for brand promotion or sales they have some question set
that includes IQ tests. For other types of jobs candidates’ assessments specific to the technical skills are taken.


If the company wants to recruit an employee from the management information system the company will take
some excel tests.the vivo have a format of excel questions combination of basic and advance questions if the
candidate can answer by applying excel formula then the company evaluates them by their performance. Also if the
company wants to hire a HR the candidate should have a minimum knowledge of excel and PowerPoint. If the
company wants to hire a business development employee the company asks the candidate to give a presentation .
The company selects a topic for the candidate then asks him to give a presentation on a selected date .


The interviewer asks the candidate a Situational question when the company gives the candidate a hypothetical
scenario to see how the candidate reacts in the given situation . The interviewer asks job related questions based on
previous jobs.


The format of the interview depends on both structured and unstructured questions. For example they ask the
candidate the good and bad side of him and ask them about their achievements, past job related questions. The
interviewer doesn’t want to give any kind of stress to the candidate because the candidate can make mistakes even
in simple answers. When it happens the organization asks the candidate to visit the company and ask them what
their observations were about the company . They also ask some situational questions to the candidate for example
what if Vivo wants to increase five shops . So which location would be better for increasing sales and why.
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In vivo interview is administered for selecting employees through a panel . They do not conduct mass interviews
because they cannot properly verify everyone at the same time. It has the possibility of taking the wrong wrong.


Before the final interview the company checks the background of the candidates. For example, companies manage
candidates’ previous HR or senior executives number for their background employment check. If the failed to
manage the number then the use references provided by the candidate as a source for investigation

Training and Development

Vivo considers employee development and training to be of utmost importance. They give them access to a variety
of training programs, a solid path for their professional advancement, and enough room to enhance their skill
set.Vivo is a corporation that promotes lifelong learning in a multicultural atmosphere with respect and dedication.
The HR department carefully pinpoints issue areas and implements particular training that appears to be necessary
for the workers already employed by the company or for those who have just been hired. A human resources
manager who establishes training objectives clearly is part of the systematic process. After then, the manager
chooses appropriate internal trainers to deliver training. The manager and his team then decide on training
techniques that are effective for training. The final and most crucial step is the evaluation of the training’s results,
which are shown through employee and organizational performance. Well-designed and well-planned training
efforts that aim to strengthen weak areas and develop skills fill the gaps. Vivo encourages people to learn through
real job experience since it “strengthens their skill set and also prepares them for future accomplishments.

Simulated The company also uses computer-based training to teach its staff. Additionally, to close the culture gap,
employees receive brief training about the company’s culture when they are hired. The department tests the new
employees IQ on a monthly basis and also administers tests on their attitudes toward learning and growth. For the
purpose of creating and implementing training programs, the HR department is constantly in touch with various
organizational departments. After the arrival of the new employees at Vivo, they undergo a 4-day special training
which is headed by the company’s training director. Vivo uses a slogan during their training, “work smart not
hard”. Instead of always assigning employees to positions that only fit their educational background and Field.

It is necessary to identify the employees’ deficiencies in order to undertake a training need analysis. Vivo
accomplishes this in three ways:

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Employee feedback- When employees join the company and after joining, they may adjust well to the company
culture and work and fail to establish work relationships with previous training. Then they are re- trained from the
company according to their needs.

Divisional head Feedback– The Divisional Head keeps planning for his division. Certain jobs under that division
require specific skills and employees are assigned jobs depending on those skills.

Competency mapping- Line managers fix in advance what skills may be required for their specific task.
Depending on that skill, employees are assigned a rating based on when they perform the job. Particular skills are
required of employees for particular tasks. Training is primarily conducted through digital platforms such as
LinkedIn. As a result, employees get a complete understanding of their own skills and performance.

New Employee Training

New staff are given a mont after Oonboarding. The hiring process includes new employee training since it informs
newcomers about the company’s values, objectives, and goals as well as how to succeed in their specific roles.
Vivo takes their new employees once in a while from their line managers in them to get a complete idea of the
department’s work so that they are aware of their work..

Implementing the training program of Vivo

Management can deploy and assess the training program after Vivo designs and develops it. Implementation refers
to the actual delivery of the training utilizing one or more teaching strategies. Vivo uses the following training
implementation methods-

1. On the job training program

2. Informal learning
3. Team training
4. Internet based training.

Management Development Program

To teach leadership and accountability, Vivo uses on-the-job management development programs like job rotation
and enrichment. When necessary, technical programs are also provided. Consequently, it is regarded as a dynamic
system training program that improve employees workforce.
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Organizational Change

The “Organizational Change and Employee Experience Team” is a cultural team that implements organizational
reforms and engages the public to raise awareness. New authoritative changes are carried out through preparing
and training and are built up through conduct. Employees are always resistant to changes in culture due to the
adaptations required to accept new skills.

Performance Management System and Appraisal

Evaluation of an employee's performance in relation to their performance standard is known as performance
appraisal. In order to increase efficiency in achieving the company’s strategic goal, enforce individual
accountability, track and evaluate individual and organizational performance outcomes, departments must involve
their staff members both as individuals and as members of a group. This is done through the use of performance
management systems (PMS).

In addition to setting goals, managers provide feedback to employees twice during the functional year regarding
their performance. Vivo never spends more than two years on their performance applicators. During these two
years they can understand the performance status of the employees very well. The The first is the mid-year review
meeting, which takes place six months after the goal is set. During mid-year feedback sessions, the line manager
gives the staff input. The final one, known as the end-year feedback Session, occurs at the year's conclusion.

Performance Appraisal is mainly done for employee mistakes. After recruiting employees in a company, after
training the employees, when they create various problems in work or fail to work, efforts are made to solve their
problems. Viivo follows this procedure so that any prejudice in the direct supervisor's evaluation can be rectified.
Peers and managers here conduct evaluations. Vivo uses a special software called “DingTalk”. By using this
software, the sales team can easily understand the performance status of their current employees.


This kind of assessment specifies the qualities needed for the position and asks the source to rank the applicant on
each quality, such dependability and originality.They give scores to their employees based on their KPI, from a 1
to 5 score range


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VIVO also refers to this technique as “relative performance.” As for the paired comparison method, Vivo carried
out this method with employees from two departments within their company. For example, if two employees of
two departments are rated depending on their skills and their overall skills, then it is natural that there will be
differences between them and this method is called paired comparison method. But to find out the difference
between two in the same department, there may not be much difference to be found, in which case getting five out
of five is very normal for performance appraisal.


Vivo prioritize experience in their performance appraisal. In this case, the more experience of the officers, the more
the company will be favoring for them. Vivo also evaluates their employees based on their performance and skills.
In this case, employees with more experience and skills will be valued more.




Vivo’s financial benefits includes salary, eid bonus, performance bonus and a payout to the family of an
employee if he or she dies during his working period to the company. And performance bonus is mainly given if
any employee can meet his given target or on the basis of his performance in the company. Also if an employee
works for more than 5 years continuously to the company, vivo gives a profit share to the employee.

If any employee of vivo has to be admitted to the hospital for more than 2 months , then Vivo gives the employee a
health insurance. Vivo also provides a card to the employees, by showing which the employee and his family can
get 15% discount in “Labaid Hospital.” Besides these, Vivo also provides 50% of maternity expense of the
company’s employee.


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It mainly covers all those facilities that are given to an employee of an company by not involving cash. Vivo also
provides such services to the employees. They provides lunch to all of the employees and also provides transport to
the managers of the company.

It mainly refers to compensate with the employee about some benefits that will be provided by the company to the
employee if anything happens in future.In that case, Vivo provides an amount to the family of an dead employee if
he/she works for the company more than one year.

Compensation Structure of Vivo

Organization like Vivo compensation and benefits are important, it encourages the employees to focus on their
work. Company gives proper incentives, compensation and recognition to their employees to build their job
confident. Also, the company use job enrichment process to give the employees more training and increase their
wages. This allows the employees to gain more knowledge about the company’s objectives. This enhances the skill
of the employees. The more the employee has job knowledge and skill it effects the salary more. That’s why all
employees of the company are always busy with their work and try to improve themselves. Vivo uses direct and
indirect financial payments. The second direct payment option is to pay for performance.For example peace work
as compensation to the amount of productions the water turns out. Sales commissions tie pay to sales. The
company is much more concern about the compensation of the employees. So, the company pays the salary,
allowances, 2 Eid bonuses, profit share, But Vivo does not provide any retirement compensation benefits to their

Implecation of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

SHRM stands for proactive employee management in a business or organization. In addition to the standard human
resource functions like hiring, firing, and payroll, strategic human resource management entails collaborating with
employees to increase retention, enhance the workplace environment, and optimize the benefits of employment for
both the business and the employee. The process of creating a company’s strategic goals, analyzing its competitive
environment, and developing a plan of action and resource allocation is known as strategic management.

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Vivo’s vision statement, which reads in part, serves as the foundation for its strategy “to take up a stronger, more
durable global organization.” According to the HR manager at Vivo, “ir bridges the cultural divide by providing
equal training chances for both its foreign and local employees and by appreciating its diverse staff.” Because its
workplace culture entirely hinges on innovation and creativity, it offers all of its employees a positive work
environment where employees from various backgrounds and ethnicities are encouraged to participate in decision-
making. However, stayed true to its strategy and encouraged employees to work from home. Vivo is reportedly one
of the few mobile businesses that works on employee incentives as well and is known to award bonuses to top

One of Vivo’s advantages is its emphasis on research and development. Vivo is an innovative company that
produces high-quality phones and sells them for reasonable prices. The “people in moderate income groups looking
for features” are another segment of Vivo’s target market. Vivo believes in putting growth and expansion strategies
into action because even if it is already present in 350 cities and 7 abroad countries, there are still others that it
needs to enter. However, Vivo should also concentrate on expanding the number of nations where its products are

However, Vivo still needs to improve brand recognition and introduce premium smartphones that directly compete
with those made by Apple and Samsung.

In conclusion, Vivo’s HR department ensures that its initiatives are in line with the company’s purpose and vision
statements by fostering a productive workplace environment.

The link between a company’s human resources and its plans, objectives, and goals is known as strategic human
resource management. Strategic human resource management has the following objectives:

 Promote innovation, adaptability, and competitive advantage.

 Make your organization’s culture meet its goals.
 Boost operational efficiency.

One thing Vivo tries to maintain in strategic human resource management is to maintain a relationship between
employees and employers. If they need any type of employee inside the company, then they do different types of
recruitment and in completing this recruitment, they verify the candidate through the recruitment process. One
thing Vivo tries to maintain in strategic human resource management is to maintain a relationship between
employees and employers. If they need any type of employee inside the company, then they do different types of
recruitment and in completing this recruitment, they verify the candidate through the recruitment process. It is very

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important to use this method even if the company is to gain various types of competitive advantage. Strategic
Human Resource Management is also needed to align the company’s HR practices and cultural issues.

Vivo boasts high-end smartphones that compete directly with Apple and Samsung.Vivo needs to tweak its image
and work on targeting more customers who don’t just focus on cost.There are huge untapped markets in the US and
Europe.They should connect with large local and national distribution channels. They have the ability to create
future discoveries and research by leveraging technological progress.A road to improvement regardless of current
economic conditions.


Bangladesh’s business world lacks work-life balance. The ecology makes work-life balance challenging. This
makes it difficult for employees, especially those with children, to spend enough time with their families. After
Covid, the work-from-home period breached the line between office and home work, causing more individuals to
take their work home and businesses to demand this from their employees. The HR department should evaluate and
analyze jobs better so they can be structured to promote work-life balance.

Provide Equal Opportunity

Every HR manager should focus on talent acquisition. Vivo prioritizes training current employees to fill vacant
positions rather than hiring new Employees from outside. Although this has many benefits, such as reducing
recruiting and training costs and using employees familiar with the workplace culture, it would only be fair if
outside candidates got equal opportunities as well. Vivo can provide existing and outside applicants equal


Vivo can do scenario interviews. Putting the applicant in a hypothetical circumstance will assist them learn how
they approach difficulties.

Vivo started business in People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 2017 Dec, it’s a Chinese whole. It launched its
product in 2017 in capital of Bangladesh. It’s facing a tricky competition with competitors as a result of it’s new in
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People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Therefore during this competition single selling policy isn’t sensible for any
company.In People’s Republic of Bangladesh without delay ATL is a smaller amount effective than BTL therefore
VIVO ought to invest its selling investment in BTL,by putting in place it’s workplace, store in business place for
higher result . ATL could also be less effective however whole mental object of ATL may be not a decent plan as a
result of it will produce a bigger whole awareness among folks.We have already apprehend that, whole awareness
encompasses a important role with client base,so vivo ought to invest its cash for numerous forms of promotion
like- medium, banner, Tv publicity, leaflet etc . Though it’s a china based mostly} phone however in distinction to
alternative china based sensible phones it give higher quality and electronic equipment. This sensible phone gain
quality by providing fun bit OS and transistor options. This encourages people to improve their overall job
performance and contributes to the organization’s plan. Vivo is also focused on its apprenticeship program in
order to produce future leaders by providing them with extensive training and growth possibilities. Overall, Vivo
Bangladesh appears to be a fantastic company with a lot of potential.

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1. Dessler, G. (no date) Vivo global electronics technician salaries in Dhaka | glassdoor. Available at:
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5. Vivo support – user guides, faqs, service center, system update: Vivo india (no date) Support – User
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6. Dessler, G. (no date) Training and development in HRM its meaning definition, needs & importance,
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