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January 20232020

First Chronicles

The Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Evanston UCC

Minister’s Message Desk

From the Minister’s Upcoming Events(whose children’s messages are so elegantly
Sarah Petersen
January has always been a special month for
The month of July has certainly flown by. I’ve been busy Sunday, me, and not done),January
and Miko Fentanes (who weaves all the video
8, 10 a.m.
just because it’s my birthday month (hint-hint, it’s the
meeting with committees and individual members on Epiphany Worship,soSunday
pieces together SchoolAnd
beautifully). resumes
to all the volunteers
26th). I appreciate the way January inaugurates a fresh
Zoom or by phone. It’s been great to meet folks and who have
Sunday, stepped
January 15, 11 in to read scripture, share announce-
start. It means a new calendar to hang on the wall. It’s a
learn about many aspects of First
chance to look forward and hope fervently for an evenCongregational Church. ments, and
Congregational sing
You may know that liturgy means
I’m impressed by all the work that’s being done by so (see Reparations Proposal
“the work of the people.” onWhat
page 3)
is true during normal
better year to come.
before wepeople to further
look ahead, I want thetowork
look of the And
back. timesJanuary
church Sunday, is even15,
truer in these times of pandemic. If you
3 p.m.
and care for one another in these
January allows for that too. The Roman god Janus, fromdifficult times. I have Martin
have Luther
ideas King
or Jr.
feedbackInterfaith Community
you would like to share, please
a strong
which sense takes
January that we are pulling
its name, is the together
god of the as doors,
a church. Worship
feel free to do so. We are all learningofasGod
Service, Faith Temple Church we go forward.
gates,Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find informa-
and transitions, the god of the in-between. On in Christ, 1932 Dewey Avenue
I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to
tion about coinagesomeJanus of theis pictured
things we with
areone face looking
undertaking as a Monday,
join me January 16, 11 a.m.
in a “Coffee Klatch” on Thursday, August 6, at
forward and one looking back.
church. I’m excited about the new Anti-Racism Task Interfaith Action of Evanston
2 p.m. This will be an informal Walktime
for Warmth
to check in with
So before we look ahead to 2023,
Force that will be working to help us better understand let’s take a minute (beginning at First United Methodist Church,
one another and engage is casual conversation. Join
to lookofback
issues raceand appreciate
in this time, to theidentify
year thatwayswas.we as a 516theChurch
gathering at
The year 2022 witnessed a return to regular, in- Saturday,
January 11meeting
a.m. ID is 822 2717 3405.
church can address systemic racism, and to take action
person Sunday worship. Sunday School and church Merna Johnson Memorial Service
that will join with others to seek justice in our world. Everyone will need to bring their own coffee! Sorry
programs resumed in their fullness, and the choir was
as good as task force
ever! Weiscelebrated
looking ahead to plan for us to Sunday,
the Resurrection I can’tFebruary
11 a.m.
re-gather Annual I am always eagerMeeting
Congregational to connect with folks. If you
with a boldasEaster
a church community.
service and heralded The theterm re-gathering,
birth of
rather with
Christ thanareopening, has beenand
ten-piece orchestra chosen deliberately,
a church aglow are in need of pastoral care or just someone to talk to,
with lightFirst
and Congregational
life. It was a veryhas good never
year,been we are This please feel free to email me or call. I’m happy to speak
and closed.
wise to islook
back and at policies and procedures
give thanks to God. that will by phone or to set up a Zoom chat.
allow us and our guest organizations to make use of the Blessings and Peace,
As we look ahead, we do so with confidence that
God goes on
buildings in abefore
way that us. In
is 2023 the church
responsible and hassafe.anWe are Tim
opportunity to strike a powerful blow
all looking forward to a day when we can resume in- for justice
through our participation
person worship. The taskinforce the Evanston
is lookingInterfaith
at a myriad of
Reparations Program. We will be working
concerns that will go into a sensible and well-thought- together to
chart a new path for the congregation as we “Become
out plan. The foremost concern is our responsibility to
the Church.” And I am anticipating new members
care for one another, especially those among us who are
coming into our community, bringing fresh legs and
new vulnerable.
into our midst.
So join this the January
leadership babyof in
Fellowship whatCommittee,
a group is looking ahead to Rally Day on Sunday, Epiphany, Star Words, and Start of New
and looking ahead to what will be. As Lin Bremer, the
XRT D.J. and Webestarefriend
looking for whole
in the creative for this Sunday School Session on January 8
opportunity to alive!”
celebrate Come to 10 a.m. worship on January 8 as we celebrate
“It’s great to be Seeouryoulife
soon…together as a church
the arrival of the three magi on Epiphany and focus
and kick
Grace off the new church year. Rally Sunday can
and Peace,
on the guiding stars in our lives. Children will receive
offer usJasona time to renew our commitments and perhaps their Star Words during the Children’s Message before
become involved in new ways. heading to a new session of Sunday School. Adults
It looks like online worship will continue for the will receive their Star Words during the service of
foreseeable future. I am very grateful to everyone who communion. Come celebrate and ponder your guiding
works so hard to make our virtual worship a meaningful light for 2023. Stay after worship to help the Worship,
and inspiring experience. It’s surprising how much extra Music, and Arts Board de-decorate the sanctuary for a
effort is required to put together a weekly streaming fresh new year.
broadcast. Many thanks to David Lornson (for provid- 1
ing and coordinating the music that is so uplifting), Our new church sign!
Honor Martin Luther King’s Legacy
Join First Congregational Church
of Evanston to express God’s love
in action, compassion, and justice
on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
weekend at these Evanston events.

Sunday, January 15
First Congregational Church of Evanston
10 a.m. Worship
11 a.m. Congregational Vote on Reparations
Make your voice heard in this important and historic
moment as we vote on First Congregational Church’s In the new year, Pastor Jason will be preparing
reparations down payment (see Reparations Proposal profiles for each one of our new members to share with
on next page), to be dedicated this afternoon. the congregation in the weekly email so that you might
get to know more about them and find common
interests. But in the meantime, be sure to give them
a warm First Congregational Church welcome!
The short and sweet service closed on a joyful note
celebrating our bonds as the Body of Christ:
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

In Memoriam: Merna Johnson

December 31, 1934–December 27, 2022
Longtime member Merna Johnson
was with her family over the holi-
days but grew weak after returning
Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, 1932 Dewey Avenue to Evanston. Just short of her 88th
3 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Community birthday, she passed away quickly
Worship Service on December 27.
Join faith communities across Evanston to celebrate Merna grew up on a farm in Iowa and did not have
Dr. King’s legacy and dedicate our collective reparations an easy childhood. However, she found delight in music
payments to the work of reconciliation and repair. and learning and become an expert trombonist. She
married Donald Boom, a high school classmate, and
Monday, January 16 they had several children. Although they later separated
Beginning at First United Methodist Church, 516 Church Street after Don came out to her as gay, they remained close,
11 a.m. Interfaith Action of Evanston Walk for Warmth and Merna developed deep compassion and concern
Help raise awareness and funds to fight homelessness for the LGBTQ community.
in our community. Register here to walk with the First Merna was a world traveler and backpacked through
Congregational group, donate, or learn more. Europe for five months in the late 1970s. A multi-
talented woman, she learned computer science and
Four New Members Join in December used those skills to direct information technology for
On Sunday, December 11, the Advent Sunday of the national offices of the United Methodist Church.
Joy, the church rejoiced as we welcomed four new A lifelong Christian and a dedicated churchwoman,
members into the faith and family of First Congre- Merna played the organ and had a deep appreciation
gational Church. Our new members are (from left) for choral music. After she joined First Congregational
Doug Irwin, Tom Snider, Eda Uca, and Ashley King. Church in the late 1990s, she served on the Worship,
They come from many different places and bring Music, and Arts Board and regularly baked cookies and
diverse gifts to our community. Our new members made coffee for the choir. Hospitality and concern for
are educators and activists, communicators and others were core values for Merna.
committed church folk. They will bring new insight A memorial service will take place at First Congre-
to our congregation and enrich our lives together. gational Church at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 28.
Subject to Congregational Vote on January 15

First Congregational Church of Evanston Reparations Proposal


The movement for reparations for Black Americans derives from an understanding that the legacy of
slavery and the endurance of racism demand repair. Our faith traditions call on us to right historical
wrongs and to correct current inequities in the spirit of truth and justice.

Last year, the Evanston Interfaith Clergy and Leaders launched an effort to secure reparations
payments from churches, synagogues and other faith communities. The payments will be directed to
The Evanston Reparations Community Fund, which is managed by the Evanston Community
Foundation and administered by the Black-led Reparations Stakeholder Authority of Evanston, a
501(c)3 non-profit organization.

This Fund, which is distinct from the City of Evanston reparations program, will distribute grants to
organizations in the Black community to provide economic development and educational
opportunities and to address disparities in health care, housing and public safety.

Beginning last summer, First Congregational Church of Evanston began an intentional process of
discernment to consider how we might participate in this program. Through prayer and preaching,
study and discussion, we have been led by the Spirit to use money from our endowment, including a
portion of the bequest of Corene McCollum, to contribute to this effort.


Whereas, slavery was an abomination and a grave sin against humanity, and;

Whereas, systemic racism continues to produce great inequities in our society, and;

Whereas, congregations and people who have benefited from unjust systems can work toward
reconciliation through reparations to Black communities, and;

Whereas, our faith calls us to act with compassion and justice to repair harm, and;

Whereas, the Evanston Community Reparations Fund is well positioned to receive and employ funds
for the betterment of Evanston’s Black community and the reduction of racial inequities, and;

Whereas, First Congregational Church of Evanston is in receipt of a $2.3 million bequest from the
estate of Corene McCollum,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the First Congregational Church of Evanston will pay $250,000 to the
Evanston Reparations Community Fund in 2023 and will pledge an additional $50,000/year for five
additional years.
January 15, 2023

Christmas Pageant Stars
Our 2022 Christmas Pageant, “God of Great and
Small,” took us from the stars to the nativity scene and
back to modern day to remind us that our small actions
add up to make a big difference. Many, many thanks to
all the children, parents, families, friends, and staff who
went above and beyond to continue our holiday pageant
tradition. You all were stars and gave us a fresh and
meaningful look at an old story. Keep shining!

Christmas Party Brought Holiday Spirit
All ages gathered on December 3 to exchange cookies, drink
cocoa, make crafts, assemble wreaths, and delight in our
community while enjoying a backdrop of jazzy carols.

4 5
Celebrating at the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
The sanctuary was filled with warmth, music, and light at the
return of our in-person Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

January Birthdays • Connor Armstrong • Elizabeth Armstrong • Daisy Bagley • John Bezaitis
Michael Colton • Jason Coulter • Elena Daniels • Georgia Evans • Miko Fentanes • Mary Greene
Doug Irwin • Ashley King • Linda Krei • Ron Kucirko • Joan Lindsey • Mahdia Lynn • Messiah McMillan
John Metz • Miranda Metz • Christopher Panek • Joseph Roberts • Zoe Snider • Catherine Watkins

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