Leadership Styles Video by Gavin Hardiman

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Gavin Hardiman


Business management

Leadership styles video added 1/6/23

I chose Autocratic leadership because I am a strong leader that can lead people in the right
direction if everything goes well. Here are a few examples of when autocratic leadership might be
appropriate: In emergency situations: When there is a crisis or emergency, it is important to make quick
decisions to address the situation. An autocratic leader can make decisions quickly and effectively in
these situations. When the leader has a high level of expertise: If the leader has a high level of expertise
in the subject matter, it might be more efficient for them to make decisions without consulting the
team. When the team is new or inexperienced: When a team is new or lacks experience, an autocratic
leader can provide guidance and direction to help them get up to speed.

Autocratic leadership, often known as authoritarian leadership, is a type of leadership that

emphasizes individual authority over all decisions with limited involvement from group members.
Autocratic leaders usually make decisions based on their own ideas and judgements, and they rarely
take suggestions from their followers. Autocratic leadership entails total, dictatorial control of a group.
the key features of authoritarian leadership. Allows for little or no input from group members and
requires leaders to make nearly all choices and Allows leaders to impose their own work techniques and
processes. It Leaves the group with the impression that they are not trusted with critical choices or
responsibilities. Also has the tendency to generate extremely ordered and inflexible surroundings and
Discourages originality and unconventional thinking while Establishing regulations that are usually well-
defined and articulated. The autocratic style has a bad connotation. When abused or applied to the
wrong groups or situations, it surely may be. Autocratic leadership, on the other hand, can be
advantageous situations, such as when decisions must be taken swiftly without discussing with many
people. Some projects need great leadership in order to be completed swiftly and efficiently. When the
leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group, the autocratic leadership style can result in
quick and effective judgments. The autocratic leadership style can be beneficial in the following
situations. While autocratic leadership can be useful at times, it can also be harmful in a variety of
situations. People who abuse authoritarian leadership styles are frequently perceived as domineering,
dominating, and dictatorial. This can occasionally lead to animosity among group members. Group
members may feel as if they have no voice or say in how things are done, which may be especially
troublesome when skilled and talented members of a team feel as if their expertise and contributions
are being disregarded. Some of the most typical issues with authoritarian leadership.


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