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Habit 1: Be proactive

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

— Dr. Stephen R. Covey
To be proactive means to take responsibility for your choices and behaviors. Habit 1: be proactive is
the key to all of the other habits; that’s why it comes first.

Proactive people don’t wait around for things they want, they make an effort to take the right set of
actions and get what they want. They don’t blame circumstances or conditions. They have the right
mindset, plan ahead and take initiative. That’s why they are often the highest achievers. Reactive
people, on the other hand are often affected by their physical environment. They find external
sources to blame for their behavior.

A proactive person uses proactive language—I can, I will, I prefer, etc. the opposite to reactive person
uses reactive language—I can’t, I have to, if only. they believe that they are not responsible for what
they say and do—they have no choice.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
“People are working harder than ever, but because they lack clarity and vision, they aren’t
getting very far. They, in essence, are pushing a rope with all of their might.”
— Dr. Stephen R. Covey
Habit 2 suggests that, in everything we do, we should begin with the end in mind. Start with a clear
destination or vision. That way, we can make sure the steps we're taking are in the right direction.
Begin with the End in Mind is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a
mental creation, followed by a physical creation.

One of the best ways to incorporate Habit 2 into your life is to develop a Personal Mission Statement.
It focuses on what you want to be and do. It is your plan for success. It reaffirms who you are, puts
your goals in focus, and moves your ideas into the real world. Your mission statement makes you the
leader of your own life.

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Sharpen the saw means having a balanced program for growing and renewing yourself in these four
ways: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Sharpen the Saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits. You increase
your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. Without this renewal, the body
becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish.

Practical side:
Intro: Steve Paul Jobs was a world changing person. Because of his talents, Steve Jobs has
produced many of the world’s most successful and famous electronic products on the market


In the beginning, Steve Jobs wanted to start a company. So, with a high school friend, they made a
company called “Apple”. They worked on their company in his parents’ garage; until he was forced
from the place he was creating it. Even in the worst times, Steve Jobs persisted by returning in
1997. He never gave up. Instead, he was being proactive and saved his company.

Oral: Because of this, it shows that Steve Jobs is persistent in being proactive.


Steve Jobs from the beginning wanted to start a career at an early state. Because of starting a
company and knowing what his career was going to be, their company that they started in a small
garage became one of the most valuable technology companies in the world.

Oral:This shows Steve Job knows what he wants to do and begins with the end in mind.

Habit 5:

Steve Jobs did not Seek first to Understand Then to be Understood because he didn't really
like to get his ideas based on other people's ideas, he like to get his ideas for his products.
He also liked it more when others listened to his ideas.


Instead of not taking care of his health and body, he was sharpening the saw, and he tried to take
care of his health and body first instead of his job.

Oral: Steve Jobs sharpens the saw by taking care of his health while being busy with his company.

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