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DIFFERENCE B/W PROKARYOTIC & EUKARYOTIC DNA free strands according to pairing rule.

REPLICATION • The pairing rule has 5 postulates

• The circ.DNA molecules of the PK cell undergoes • i) A pairs up with U or T
replication in the cytoplasm itself which can • ii) G pairs up with C
undergo Theta- model of replication • iii) T pairs up with A
• The Lin. DNA molecule of the EK cell undergoes • iv) C pairs up with G
replication inside the nucleoplasm during S-phase of • v) Addition starts from 3' end of Old strand &
Interphase. proceeds towards 5' end always ( In other words it
• During replication the 2 strands of DNA separate & starts from 5' end of new strand & proceeds towards
act as template for construction of a new strand on 3' end)
them, as a result 2 DNA molecules are produced • Step 4: As we consider a Y-shaped replication fork ,
• During replication free nucleotides which are on 1 of the strands construction of new strand
activated by Phosphorylase enzyme into becomes highly difficult bcoz of the 5th rule i.e on “A”
Triphosphate form come to the proximity of the old while on strand “B” construction of new strand is
parent strand according to Pairing rule & get paired very easy
up • On strand A, the new strand is formed in fragments
• The pairing is very fast in PK(2000 bps /sec) but slow after a small distance of unwinding is accomplished
in EK(only 100-200 bps/sec) & these goes on till the unwinding is completed.
• Replication starts from a special sequence called ori • On strand A, for the formation of each Okazaki
(200-250 bps) inside the DNA molecule. fragment , a RNA primer has to be constructed first.
• Prokaryotic DNA has only 1 ori where replication • While on strand B , RNA primer has to be constructed
starts only once.
• Whereas Eukaryotic DNA has many ori where • Step 5: Later on the RNA primers are detached & new
replication starts simultaneously or with small time DNA nucleotides are substituted & the Okazaki
gaps. fragments are joined to form the complete strand
• Later all the DNA fragments get joined by Ligases • Here the new strand formed on A is called
discontinuous strand & that formed on B is called
• Step 1: Phosphorylation of true nucleotides in • Step 6: At the end of replication a process called
cytoplasm into triphosphate proof reading takes place which is conducted in 3' to
• This process is also called as activation /excitation 5' direction of new strand for making it perfect. This
of nucleotides after which they enter the nucleus. is also called as major repair.
• Step 2: From the ori, the 2 strands of DNA starts
• Step 3: The activated nucleotide gets arranged on the To be discussed in class

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