Policy and Procedures

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Learner Assessm

Develop and implemen
policies and procedures for su
Precision Group (Australia)
Level 13, 269 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley 4006
Email: info@precisiongroup.com.au
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© 2020 Precision Group (Australia)

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)

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Date Summary of modifications Version

27 August 2020 Version 1 final produced following assessment validation. 1.0

Table of Contents
Assessment Delivery..............................................................................................................................5
Learner Information..............................................................................................................................6
Steps for Learners..................................................................................................................................8
Resources Required for Assessment......................................................................................................9
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links.......................................................................................11
Assessment Agreement.......................................................................................................................12
Assessment Tasks................................................................................................................................14
Practical Assessment..................................................................................................................16
Your State/Territory................................................................................................................17
Workplace Project Assessment...............................................................................................18
Project Overview.....................................................................................................................18
Task 1: Policy Scope Statement..............................................................................................20
Task 2: Sustainability Policy and Procedures..........................................................................22
Task 3: Workplace Sustainability Policy Presentation............................................................24
Task 4: Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan.................................................................25
Task 5: Resource Acquisition Log............................................................................................26
Task 6: Sustainability Policy Communication Plan.................................................................28
Task 7: Implement Policy and Track for Improvements.........................................................30
Task 8: Policy Implementation Outcomes..............................................................................32
Task 9: Modify Sustainability Policy.......................................................................................34
Assessment Workbook Checklist.........................................................................................................36
Assessment Workbook Checklist................................................................................................37
Learner Assessment Pack
Assessment Delivery
Learner Information
This Learner Assessment Pack is designed for you to complete the assessment for BSBSUS511 - Develop and
implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1). It may refer to your own
workplace/organisation, or to a simulated business provided by your assessor.
The assessment tasks include Practical Assessment, where you need to demonstrate your skills required in the
unit. It is recommended that you complete the Practical Assessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you
don’t have access to a real workplace, you can complete the assessment in a simulated environment where
resources and conditions similar to a workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior
to commencing with the assessment.

Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of four parts:

Assessment Delivery
Learner Information
Steps for Learner
Assessment Agreement
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks, including:
 Practical Assessment
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject, have thoroughly
read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirements and the expectations of the
industry to which the assessment is related.
Assessments are designed to be completed using your industry/organisation, but your Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) may assist you by contextualising the unit to be completed in a simulated workplace
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by your assessor.
Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a video recording of the
practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence. Verification from at least one third-
party signatory, and preferably two or more witnesses is required to confirm your demonstration of these
practical knowledge and skills. These witnesses would usually be your current or recent supervisors, or your
The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulated environment, or a mix
of both, as instructed by your assessor. To contextualise this assessment to your industry/organisation, you may
be asked by your assessor to provide additional information based on your industry/organisation.
Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult with your assessor.
Records of all aspects of the assessment must be kept in your Learner Assessment Pack
Steps for Learners
Your Learner Assessment Pack:
1. Upon receiving your Learner Assessment Pack, discuss with your assessor the expectations and
requirements of this assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of one or two work
referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.
Discuss with your assessor if you intend to undertake the practical assessment tasks based on your
employing organisation, in a simulated business, or in a mix of both.
2. Your Learner Assessment Pack is where you will get the task information. Complete each task as
instructed using either your own workplace, or using a simulated business, as discussed with your
3. After you complete your assessment, gather and submit your evidence documents as detailed in the
task(s) in the timeframe agreed with your assessor.
Your assessor will advise you if there are any further steps for you to take to satisfactorily complete this
Resources Required for Assessment
To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:
 Computer with internet and email access and a working web browser
 Installed software: MS Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader
 A workplace, or a simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o Relevant information that the learner requires to plan the scope and objectives of the workplace
sustainability policy, such as:
 Federal and/or state/territory legislation, regulation, or best practice related to
environmental protection and corporate sustainability actions
 Sustainability initiatives based on industry or workplace standards, guidelines, and
 Corporate sustainability goals
o Organisation’s processes for developing policies and procedures

o Resource where the workplace/organisation’s policies and procedures can be accessed, such as:

 Staff handbook
 Company website/intranet site
o People, including:

 At least three relevant stakeholders from the organisation who will be involved
throughout the development, implementation, and monitoring process of the workplace
sustainability policy to be developed
These can be individuals or groups directly impacted by the policy the learner will
At least two internal stakeholders from the organisation, and at least one external
stakeholder must be involved in the consultation.
 All key stakeholders impacted by the sustainability policy and procedures
o Opportunity to:

 develop, present, and implement new sustainability policy and procedures in the
 modify improvements in the sustainability policy and procedures in the
Modification can be done to the policy and procedures to be developed for the Workplace
Project Task, or to existing sustainability policy and procedures in the
o Supplementary materials/resources to support the presentation of the new policies and
procedures, such as:
 PowerPoint presentation
 Handouts
 Copy of updated staff handbook
o All resources that you will require to implement the sustainability policy and procedures in the
workplace (Workplace Project Task 5)
o At least two recording systems that will be used to monitor the implementation of the
sustainability policy
These can be existing within your workplace/organisation, or you can develop them based on the
requirements of the policy you will develop.
o Relevant reports that will be accessed to track the recording systems, e.g. electricity or water
bill, purchase receipts
o Tools/resources used by the workplace/organisation to communicate outcomes of policy
implementation to key personnel and stakeholders
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links
Throughout this workbook, you will be asked to access specific pages from the simulated business, Bounce
Fitness. Links to these pages are formatted in Blue Text.
To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users while clicking on these links. For Mac users, directly click
the link.
The simulated business, Bounce Fitness, can be accessed by going to
Login to Bounce Fitness using the username and password provided by your Registered Training Organisation
Assessment Agreement
Discuss and accomplish this section with your assessor before commencing then sign the
confirmation at the end of this Agreement.

Please tick at least one of the following for each section: 

Delivery Method

Classroom 

Small Group 

One-on-One 

Online 

Other (please describe) 

Assessment Pathway (for Practical Assessment)

Learner’s Organisation (Pre-assessment meeting conducted) 

Simulated Workplace Environment (Contextualised by RTO) 

Assessment Conditions

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are
typical of those in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:

Corporate sustainability legislation, regulations, standards and codes 

Organisational documentation on sustainability and sustainable practices. 

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and
training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

I confirm that the activities and assessment completed as part of this unit are my own work, and comply with
all relevant copyright and plagiarism rules.
I understand that if there is any doubt of the authenticity of any piece of my assessment, I can be orally
examined, and the signatory of evidence records may be contacted.

Learner’s name       Mohsin

Learner’s signature       Mohsin Date


Assessor’s name Amy

Assessor’s signature Amy Date 8-7-2022

End of Assessment Agreement

Learner Assessment Pack
Assessment Tasks
Complete all tasks in this assessment as instructed. If you have questions, consult with your assessor.

Contextualisation of Assessments by RTOs

Contextualisation is the process of modifying assessment tools to make learning more meaningful for your
learners and their employers.
Precision Group (Australia) recommends that your RTO contextualise the assessment tools to suit particular
industry requirements and specific organisational requirements before using them. Contextualisation must retain
the integrity of the assessment and the outcome of the unit of competency.
Practical Assessment
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an environment with
conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to develop and
implement workplace sustainability policies and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
1. Workplace Project Assessment
A series of written practical tests assessing the learner’s practical knowledge and skills underpinning
of the unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace documents or similar as
evidence of competent performance.
2. Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant to the unit of
competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by the assessor.
 All signatures/initials in your submissions, including yours, must be handwritten and dated.
Submissions with signatures/initials must be scanned.
 The supervisor/observer who completes and signs your evidence submissions must provide their
real name, contact number, and email address for your assessor’s reference.
 Should you encounter issue or concerns regarding your assessment, contact your assessor.
Your State/Territory

Some tasks in this Practical Assessment require you to refer to corporate sustainability legislation and
regulations applicable to the state/territory where the workplace policy and procedures you will develop
and implement for this practical assessment is based or located in.
For your assessor’s reference, indicate below which state/territory your workplace/organisation is based or
located in by ticking the box that corresponds to your answer.
When completing these tasks, refer to the corporate sustainability legislation and regulations applicable to
the state/territory you ticked below.

The state/territory where your workplace/organisation is based or located in.

 Australian Capital Territory  South Australia

 New South Wales  Tasmania

 Northern Territory  Victoria

 Queensland  Western Australia

Workplace Project Assessment
Project Overview

This workplace project assessment requires you to develop at least one sustainability policy and
procedures in your workplace, and implement it on at least one occasion.
This assessment is divided into nine tasks:
 Task 1: Policy Scope Statement
 Task 2: Sustainability Policy and Procedures
 Task 3: Workplace Sustainability Policy Presentation
 Task 4: Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan
 Task 5: Resource Acquisition Log
 Task 6: Sustainability Policy Communication Plan
 Task 7: Implement Policy and Track for Improvements
 Task 8: Policy Implementation Outcomes
 Task 9: Modify Sustainability Policy
This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an environment with
conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being
observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including instructions and
guidance for satisfactorily completing them.
You are required to:
 Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
 Scope workplace and compliance requirements to plan for the development of a workplace
sustainability policy.
 Develop at least one sustainability policy and procedures in the workplace.
 Present and implement the developed sustainability policy and procedures in the workplace on at
least one occasion.
 Monitor the implementation of the workplace sustainability policy using appropriate recording
 Identify trends in the implementation of the workplace sustainability policy to support continuous
improvement processes.
 Modify sustainability policy and procedures to include areas of improvement.

Resources Required for Assessment

Resources you need to access to complete the project assessment are outlined in the Resources Required
for Assessment section of this workbook, and in the corresponding Assessor’s Checklist and/or Observation
Form of each task.
Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task. They will organise the
resources required for this assessment.
IMPORTANT: Additional workplace resources may be required upon the contextualisation of this

Forms and Templates

Generic forms and templates are provided in the project tasks, unless otherwise specified. These can be
accessed from the following link:
BSBSUS511 Forms and Templates
If you are currently in a workplace, use similar workplace templates and forms used by your organisation to
complete each assessment task. Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor first to ensure that the
forms/templates you will use from your organisation cover all criteria required by each assessment task.
Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.
Task 1: Policy Scope Statement


This task will require you to write a policy scope statement that you will use to develop a sustainability policy
for your workplace/organisation.
Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Policy Scope Statement
template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
To complete this task, you must:
 Obtain information that you need to identify the scope and objectives of the workplace sustainability
policy you will develop.
This will require you to access and research information relevant to sustainability, including:
o Federal and/or state/territory legislation, regulation, or best practice related to
environmental protection and corporate sustainability actions
o Sustainability initiatives based on industry or workplace standards, guidelines, and
o Corporate sustainability goals, such as:

 Minimising resource use

 Resource efficiency
 Waste minimisation/waste reduction
 Consult with at least three relevant stakeholders of the organisation to gain their input in the
development of the workplace sustainability policy.
Relevant stakeholders can be individuals or groups directly impacted by the policy you will develop.
They must be involved throughout the development, implementation and monitoring process of the
workplace sustainability policy you will develop.
 Analyse the information gathered from your research and consultation with stakeholders to plan the
scope and the objectives of the workplace sustainability policy you will develop.
 Write a policy scope statement for the workplace sustainability policy and procedures you will
develop for this assessment.
Review Workplace Project Task 1 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your
workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that
apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Policy Scope Statement template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the completed policy scope statement to your assessor. Include any supplementary
documents/sources used to create the policy scope statement, such as:
 Organisational documents such as business plans or similar, with relevant objectives and practices for
 Printed or online sources relevant to sustainability issues, practices, or requirements, including
government websites
You must also submit evidence of communication/consultation with at least three relevant stakeholders of
the organisation on their input about the workplace sustainability policy.
Evidence must be at least one of the following:
 Email correspondence
 Meeting minutes
 Video recording of the meeting conducted with the stakeholders

Learner Name Mohsin

Workplace/Organization Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

Date Prepared 5-7-2022

Proposed Policy Title Sustainability Policy Scope Statement

To attain social and environmental benefits, Bounce Fitness can incorporate the
Reason for Policy sustainability into their processes of decision making that can reap the financial
Development advantages significantly and attract more interest from the sponsors and
investors and that is the key for the long-term profitability.

The policy is tothe management
gain systems
the capability widely meet
to equitably used which includes
the vital the sustainability
are TQM or Total Quality Management, ISO 50001:2011
and needs of human of the present without compromising the future management system, ISO
Policy Statement 9001:2008,
generation ability ISO 14001:2004,
to meet EMAS or Eco
their expectations andManagement and Audit
needs by protection andScheme.
Organizational System preserving
Sustainability would be often defined to meet
the natural resources and ecosystem of area. the present need without
compromising the future generation ability to meet theirs. It also includes three
The policy refers to the protection, development and use of the resources at
main pillar i.e. Social, Environmental and Economic and these are informally
Purpose of Policy the rate and in the manner which enable or allow the people to meet their
referred to profit, planet and people.
current and provide future generation needs.
Organizational procedures would be defined, protecting, developing and using
The policy will be implemented within the timeframe of 2 months.
the resources at the rate in which people can meet their current or existing needs
Organizational Procedures
Target Timeframes while provide the future generation needs. The policy would be comprised for
three key section i.e. Wastes Disposal, Resources Usage and Measurement of
The resources required for the implementation of the policy are:
The different issues of sustainability faced in the organization procedures or
 system
Windand those includes:
 Wood
Sustainability Issue/s in the  Advancing
Resources Required for  Wave energy andand Sunimproving
or Water circular economy.
Organizational  Action of government
Implementation The given are
System/Procedures  the renewable
Change in the resources
climate which can be used again and again and
they support maximum sustainability.
Social justice However,
in the transition there may be non-renewable
of climate
resources but
 Action influence over the Sustainablewould
eventually those may run out so that not be sustainable
development goals. for
the long-term i.e. coal, oil and gas and other fossil fuels.

The total cost for the implementation of the policy is 50,000AUD.

Cost of Implementation

The stakeholders need to be consulted are: Employees, Shareholders,

Customers, Managers, Executive, Boards and Communities with the vested
interest in the development plan and strategies of company. All of them would
be affected by the sustainability effort of company and those effort can mainly
Stakeholders to Consult effect the society in form of global environment as whole.
CSR is considered as the legislative sustainability context that means using this company can
Relevant Corporate incorporate, human, social and environmental development concerns into the planning and
Sustainability Legislation action to make sure that all operations would be beneficial and ethical for stated and society
or community.

Jurisdiction  Federal  State/territory-based

Legislative Requirements

Outline requirements under the legislation identified as applicable to the policy you will develop. Add more rows as

a. There is need to promoted integrated and strategic management.

b. Use and adoption of the coastal environment in sustainable way ecologically for economic, social and culture
wellbeing of Melbourne

c. Protection of environment process and operation based on 1997 act.


The climate change act 2008 should make Melbourne the first state in the Australia to have
the bind framework in long-term legally to cut out the emissions of carbon. Also, it set out
Relevant Sustainability
the commitment for the state Government to reduce Co2 emission to zero by 2050. This act
mainly introduce the carbon budgets concept.

Jurisdiction  Federal  State/territory-based

Regulatory Requirements

Outline requirements under the regulations identified as applicable to the policy you will develop. Add more rows as
a. Sustainable quality for the products and its production

b. Acquire certification or status of sustainability

c. Preventing pollution and reduce wastes


Log all sources of information accessed to plan each of the policies you will develop. At least
two of the sources logged must be based on a written source.

a. Organizational documents

b. Website and data repository

c. Existing company and workplace policies and procedures.

Task 2: Sustainability Policy and Procedures


This task will require you to develop at least one workplace sustainability policy and procedures. This must be
based on the policy scope statement you completed from Workplace Project Task 2.
You are also required to implement the new policy into the workplace/organisation’s wider organisational
policies and procedures.
Use your workplace/organisation’s standard policies and procedures template to complete this task, or use
the generic Policy and Procedures template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review and analyse the information obtained from your research and consultation from the relevant
stakeholders of the organisation.
 Develop the sustainability policy and procedures according to your organisation’s processes for
developing policies and procedures.
Organisation’s processes will include:
o Using your organisation’s standard template and format, where possible

o Conducting consultations with relevant stakeholders at various stages of policy writing

o Tracking changes following insights from consultations

o Seeking approvals prior to finalising the policy and procedures document

Consult with your workplace supervisor and your assessor first to assist you in identifying these
The workplace sustainability policy you will develop must include the following:
o Scope and objectives established from the policy scope statement

o Activities to be undertaken by all stakeholders of the organisation in the implementation of

the sustainability policy and procedures
o Continuous improvement processes and recording systems to be used for monitoring the
policy implementation
 Implement the new sustainability policy and procedures document into the wider organisational
policies and procedures through any of the following:
o Adding the new policy and procedures into the workplace/organisation’s staff handbook

o Publishing the new policy and procedures into the workplace/organisation’s company
website/intranet site
Review Workplace Project Task 2 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your
workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that
apply to this task. Otherwise, use the generic Policy and Procedures template provided at the Bounce Fitness
Submit the following to your assessor:
 Workplace sustainability policy and procedures document
 At least one of the following as evidence of implementing the new policy and procedures into the
wider organisational policies and procedures
o Copy of the updated staff handbook

o Link/copy of policy posted on the organisation’s website/intranet site

Submit copies of at least two organisation processes you referred to develop the policies and procedures as
supplementary evidence. Evidence can include:
 Staff handbook
 Documented copy of the organisation’s departmental processes, e.g. published in the company
website or intranet site

Learner Name Mohsn

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

Date Prepared 5-7-2022

Policy Information
Policy Number/ Reference
(If applicable)

Policy Title Reduction on wastage

Date Approved 5-7-2022

Date of Policy 1-7-2022


Version No. and History V1.1

Date of Next Review 8-7-2022

Approval Authority Amy

Legislative and Regulatory Context

Outline all legislation and regulations relevant to the policy you are developing.
▪ Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

▪ Environmental Protection Act 1994

▪ Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001

Policy Statement

In recent months, there has been an increase in the usage of disposables; as a result, a new strategy will be
enacted to reduce this use.

Scope of the Policy

 Reusable things will take the place of disposable items like glasses.
 Separation of waste will be implemented.

 Bring your own water bottle, shaker to gym if you can

Purpose of the Policy

Reduce the amount of recyclable waste generated in the workplace.

Definition of Terms

List and define terms, acronyms, or jargons used in this policy and procedures which your target audience
needs to clarify, e.g. ‘Waste minimisation refers to processes and practices aimed at reducing the waste
produced by the organisation.’
▪ The use of fewer disposable items will help to limit waste accumulation.

▪ Separation of waste will aid in the recycling process.

▪ Reducing the use of these products will benefit both the environment and the company's
bottom line.


Outline and define the roles of key personnel involved in the implementation of this policy, including their
specific responsibilities.
[Role of key personnel]

Replace single-use items with ones that can be used multiple times. But do not be responsible for cross
[Outline of responsibilities]

The person in charge of replacements must compile a list of all throwaway items that can be replaced.
Update the list of what will be purchased; while many products can be replaced, this will not be possible right
away; therefore, the products will continue to circulate in the company, but in smaller quantities; therefore, it
is critical that they be included in the purchase list, but in smaller quantities.
Outline the activities that your organisation will undertake to implement the policy. If there’s more than one set
of procedures, organise them into headings.

Finding a balance between how much disposable is used and how much is spent on it in the workplace A list of
possible replacements for the products in question
Inspire all employees to work together on changes and show them how they can make a difference by making
tiny changes on a daily basis.


Provide details of how your organisation will measure the success of your policy implementation. Indicate the
key performance indicators corresponding to the goals and objectives of the policy, e.g. 30% reduction in paper
use per year.
We will attempt to cut this number by at least 40% after evaluating how many disposables are present in the
workplace and how many go to the garbage after being used only once.
After a month has passed since the changes, we will conduct a fresh poll of the new data and compare the

In this section:

▪ Outline the recording systems you will use to track the successful implementation of your
organization’s policy;
▪ Identify the key personnel from the organization responsible for monitoring each recording system;
▪ Describe how each recording system will be used, and the frequency when each system will be used
to monitor the implementation.
Include in this section any relevant reports that your organization will use to track the performance of the
policy implementation.


Outline the procedures on Administration

how your organisation will monitorare
Meetings thealways
registered;ofasthe policyof
a result to identify
trends, outcomes and areas for improvements in the policy.
Meeting minutes these modifications, replacement registrations will
Taking responsibility from the responsible team be applied as well.
based on the reports requested
Budget documents Finance By balancing your expenditures
utilizing comparative graphics
Records on product Procurement They are assisting in the reduction of expenses
purchases by providing a summary of expenses and how
not to acquire these products.

Outline potential reasons that could trigger a need for change/modification in this policy.

In recent years, it has been recognized all around the world how our actions have impacted the environment.
As a result, numerous changes must be made so that the problem does not only exist at our homes, but also in
our workplaces. Because production methods generate the most waste, we examined the relevance of making
such changes, focusing on the usage of disposables that can be replaced by reusable items.

Outline how the outcomes of the policy implementation will be communicated to external and internal
stakeholders of the organisation. Include in your outline the target timeframes for reporting.
Meetings, meeting minutes, meeting records, emails, and notifications
Fortnight report generation for all the stakeholders
Emails and phone calls
Learner Assessment Pack

Task 3: Workplace Sustainability Policy Presentation


Your assessor will observe you as you present to key stakeholders the sustainability policy and procedures you developed for the
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
 Discuss all information covered in the new sustainability policy and procedures to key stakeholders of the workplace/organisation, including:
o Implementation processes

o Continuous improvement processes

 Clarify understanding of key stakeholders about the new policy through listening and questioning
Review Workplace Project Task 3 – Observation Form before starting this task. This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to
satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
After completing this task, submit any of the following written presentation materials that you used to discuss the sustainability policy and procedures:
 PowerPoint presentation
 Handouts
 Copy of updated staff handbook
 Link/copy of posts on the organisation’s website/intranet site

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)
34 Learner Assessment Pack Produced 27 August 2020
© Precision Group (Australia)
Learner Assessment Pack

It is recommended to have your assessor review first the presentation material will you used before presenting with the key stakeholders to ensure that
all information is covered.

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)
Learner Assessment Pack Produced 27 August 2020
© Precision Group (Australia)
Learner Assessment Pack

Task 4: Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan


This task will require you to develop an implementation plan that the organisation will use to carry out at least one activity from the new workplace
sustainability policy and procedures.
Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the generic Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan template provided at
the Bounce Fitness site.
To complete this task, you must:
 Identify the following in the implementation plan:
o At least one activity to be undertaken from the general procedures of the policy and procedures you developed

o Key personnel responsible for the implementation of this activity

This includes the individual identified in the policy and procedures document whom you will be working with to monitor implementation
of the policy in the workplace.
o Resources required to implement the activity, including where to access or obtain each resource

o Target timeframes for implementation

o Target outcome after implementation

Leave the ‘Status Update’ column and the ‘Areas of Improvement’ section blank. These will be accomplished during the implementation of the
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 Confirm participation of the key personnel involved in the implementation of these action items, for the purpose of this assessment.
Review Workplace Project Task 4 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to
ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the generic Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan template
provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the partially completed sustainability policy implementation plan to your assessor.


Learner Name Mohsin

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

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State/Territory perth

Target Timeframes
Activ Resources Required
Personnel for Target Outcomes After
ity Status Update
Responsible Include where to obtain Implementation Implementation
Include specific tasks on or access the resource.
how to undertake this

Separate trash cans Administration Meetings All garbage from the Environmental advantages are In progress
for plastic, glass, company is separated. greater
paper, and organics

Meetings to discuss Manager Meetings It quickly improves after At least a 20% reduction in In progress
the performance of the first month of trash production is
modifications in the modifications. required.
company's trash

Disposable utensils All Staff Meeting Reduction of garbage At least a 20% reduction in In progress
should be replaced with the amount of garbage
reusable product. produced.

Areas of Improvement

Identify areas of improvement in the policy based on the actual outcomes of the implementation.
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i. Effective communication during the process of policy consultation among stakeholders

ii. Staff should be trained more on professional documents and procedures

iii. Periodic review should include comments from external stakeholders

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Task 5: Resource Acquisition Log


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This task will require you to prepare a resource acquisition log that you will use to obtain or access all resources you will use to implement the
sustainability policy in your workplace/organisation.
This task can be completed before or during the policy implementation in Workplace Project Task 7.
Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Resource Acquisition Log provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
To complete this task, you must:
 Outline all resources required to implement the activity from the sustainability policy
Refer to the Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan from Workplace Project Task 4.
 Obtain/access each resource required. In the resource acquisition log, describe how you obtained/accessed each resource. Specify the date
when each resource was obtained/acquired.
 Prepare supplementary evidence to demonstrate how and when you obtained/accessed each resource.
For example, if your workplace/organisation purchased new materials/resources to implement the policy, you must submit copies of purchase
receipts showing dates within the implementation date, or email correspondences confirming that you arranged for these new
materials/resources to be purchased.
 Have your supervisor/assessor sign off the resource acquisition log to confirm that you obtained/accessed each resource.

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Learner Name Mohsin

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

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Resource Required
How Resource was Supervisor/Assessor
Refer to list of resources outlined in the Date Evidence Submitted
Obtained/Accessed Sign of
Implementation Plan.
i. Separate trash cans for plastic, Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records
glass, paper, and organics
i. Use reusable utensils instead Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records
of disposable ones.
ii. Light sensors which turn off Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records
the lights.

Supervisor/Assessor Declaration

By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner source the resources outlined in this log, to be used for the implementation of the sustainability policy
and procedures within the workplace/organisation.

I confirm that the information recorded on this form is true and accurately reflects the learner’s submission for this task.

Supervisor/Assessor’s signature
Job role/Position in the
Supervisor/Assessor’s name

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Date signed

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Review Workplace Project Task 5 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to
ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the generic Resource Acquisition Log provided at the Bounce
Fitness site.
Submit the completed resource acquisition log to your assessor.
In addition, you must submit evidence to demonstrate how and when you obtained/accessed each resource, as reflected in your responses in the
resource acquisition log.

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Task 6: Sustainability Policy Communication Plan


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This task requires you to create a communication plan that will be used to support the implementation of the new policy in the workplace. This will be
used with the sustainability policy implementation plan from Workplace Project Task 4.
Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the generic Communication Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness
To complete this task, you must:
 Identify the following in the communication plan:
o At least one activity to be undertaken as identified in the implementation plan

o Stakeholders (individuals or groups) affected by the implementation of the selected activity

This must be based on the scope of the policy.

o Key personnel responsible for the implementation of this activity

o Information to be communicated to stakeholders to successfully implement the activity

o Communication method to be used

o Frequency of communication

Leave the ‘Status Update’ column blank. This will be accomplished during the implementation of the activity.
 Consult with the key personnel to confirm details of the implementation plan and the draft communication plan.

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Review Workplace Project Task 6 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to
ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the generic Communication Plan template provided at the
Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the partially completed communication plan to your assessor.
You must also submit evidence of consultation with the key personnel to confirm details of the implementation plan and the draft communication plan.
Evidence must be at least one of the following:
 Email correspondence
 Meeting minutes
 Video recording of the meeting conducted with the key personnel

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Learner Name Mohsin

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

Information to be
Personnel Communicated
Action Items Affected Stakeholders Method to be Used Frequency Status Update
Responsible Include specific details on
what you will communicate.

Meeting with Administration, Managers How will the changes be Meetings, emails, Monthly In progress
those managers, implemented, and how and records
responsible for finance can everyone work
implementation together to ensure that
everything goes as

Disposable things such Administration, Managers How will the changes be Meetings, emails, Weekly In progress
as cups are replaced. managers, implemented, and how and records
finance can everyone work
together to ensure that
everything goes as

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)
Learner Assessment Pack Produced 27 August 2020
© Precision Group (Australia)
Learner Assessment Pack

Placement of smart Administration and Administrative How will the changes be Meetings, emails and Monthly In progress
lights Finance manager implemented, and how can records
everyone work together to
ensure that everything goes
as planned?

Task 7: Implement Policy and Track for Improvements


This task requires you to:

 Implement the sustainability policy in your workplace based on your implementation plan; and
 Monitor areas of improvement from the policy using established recording systems.
You must also accomplish here the implementation plan and communication plan completed in the previous tasks.
To complete this task, you must:
 Prepare at least two recording systems that you will use for this task.
Recordings systems to be used can be:
o Existing from your workplace/organisation

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o Documents or templates you will create as identified in your sustainability policy and procedures document from Workplace Project
Task 2.
 Communicate action items to key personnel involved in the policy implementation.
 Implement the sustainability activity identified in your implementation plan.
 Use the recording systems created to monitor at least two instances when the sustainability activity was implemented.
Each recording system must show dates/timelines when the activity was implemented and monitored.
 Record the following in information as part of tracking improvements:
o Result of the implementation done against the target KPI in the implementation plan

o Areas of improvement in the policy based on the actual outcomes of the implementation.

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Review Workplace Project Task 7 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this
Submit the following to your assessor:
 At least two recording systems used to monitor implementation
 Sustainability policy implementation plan with status update
 Communication plan with status update
In addition, you must submit the following as evidence of implementation of the sustainability policy in your workplace. This can include:
 Evidence of communication/consultation to key personnel and/or stakeholders
 Relevant reports accessed to track the logs with the recording systems (e.g. electricity or water bill, purchase receipts)
 Copies of instructions provided to relevant stakeholders on how to implement the specific action item (e.g. instructions for recycling office
Evidence you will submit must be relevant to the sustainability activity implemented.

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Record system for Record system for Record system for Result of the
communicating Implement the monitoring implementation
action plan sustainability done
Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings
Emails Generating reports Analyzing the Analysis of KPIs
implementation KPIs. with

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Task 8: Policy Implementation Outcomes


This task requires you to communicate outcomes of sustainability policy implementation to key personnel and stakeholders.
Prior to commencing this task:
 You must have completed Workplace Project Task 7; or
 Your organisation currently implements a sustainability policy and procedures other than the policy you developed for this project assessment.
To complete this task, you must:
 Access and review the completed implementation plan and communication plan from Workplace Project Task 7.
If you will complete this task based on your workplace/organisation’s sustainability policy and procedures, access similar documents
demonstrating outcomes of policy implementation.
 Identify at least two trends from the outcomes that require immediate action
Trends are patterns that generally appear in the recorded data/information. These can be qualitative or quantitative data, and can be identified
by reviewing the recording systems and relevant reports used to track the policy’s KPIs.
 Communicate the outcomes of the policy implementation, and its trends to the following:
o Key personnel identified in the policy and procedures

o At least two key stakeholders of the policy and procedures

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In your communication, describe the potential action required as part of the continuous improvement process.

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Review Workplace Project Task 8 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit evidence of communication to the key personnel and stakeholders to your assessor. This includes at least one of the following:
 Email correspondence
 Meeting minutes
 Video recording of meeting conducted with the key personnel and/or stakeholders
 Link to the company website or intranet site where outcomes and trends are posted*
 Business newsletters*
 Podcasts or video recordings discussing these outcomes and trends*
*Supplementary evidence to demonstrate that these were forwarded to the key personnel and stakeholders must be submitted.
If you are communicating outcomes and trends based on an existing workplace sustainability policy and procedures from your organisation, you must
submit copies of documents used to identify the outcomes and trends.

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Target Target
Personnel Timeframes for Outcomes Timeframes for Outcomes
Action that are focused Affected Stakeholders
Responsible Implementati After Implementa
Implementation .
on tion

Separate trash Administration, Managers All garbage from Environmental All garbage from the Separate trash cans
cans for plastic, managers, the company is advantages are company is for plastic, glass,
glass, paper, and finance separated. greater separated. paper, and organics
can be used again

Disposable things such Administration, Managers It quickly improves At least a 20% It quickly improves Use reusable
as cups are replaced. managers, after the first reduction in trash after the first month utensils instead of
finance month of production is of modifications. disposable ones.

Placement of smart Administration and Administrative Reduction of Budget At least a 20% Reduction of Budget Light sensors which
lights Finance manager reduction in the turn off the lights
amount of garbage

Policy Implementation Outcomes

Learner Name Mohsin

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)
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© Precision Group (Australia)
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Workplace/Organization Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

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Task 9: Modify Sustainability Policy


This task requires you to modify at least two areas of improvement in the workplace sustainability policy.
Prior to commencing this task, you must:
 Have completed Workplace Project Task 2; or
 Have access to your organisation/workplace’s sustainability policy and procedures other than the policy you developed for this assessment.
This must be the same policy and procedures accessed to complete Workplace Project Task 7.
To complete this task, you must:
 Access and review the workplace sustainability policy that you have.
 Identify at least two areas of improvement in the policy.
o If you’re referring to the policy and procedures from this project assessment, you can base your areas of improvement on any of the
 Triggers for continuous improvement identified in the policy and procedures document completed
 Areas of improvement identified from Workplace Project Task 7
o If you’re referring to the policy and procedures from your own workplace, you can base your areas of improvement on any of the

BSBSUS511 - Develop and implement workplace policies and procedures for sustainability (Release 1)
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 Areas of improvement identified from Workplace Project Task 7
 Any other areas you find from the policy and procedures that require modification
 Modify the section in the sustainability policy and procedures document based on your findings. Outline the modifications done using the
version control section of your policy and procedures document.

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Review Workplace Project Task 9 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit the modified sustainability policy and procedures to your assessor.
If you are modifying the policy and procedures from your own workplace/organisation, submit a copy of the existing policy and procedures document as
supplementary evidence.

Modify sustainable Policy

Learner Name Mohsin

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

State/Territory Perth

Resource Required
How Resource was Supervisor/Assessor
Refer to list of resources outlined in the Date Evidence Submitted
Obtained/Accessed Sign of
Implementation Plan.

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© Precision Group (Australia)
Learner Assessment Pack

i. Separate trash cans for plastic, glass, Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records
paper, and organics
i. Use reusable utensils instead of Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records
disposable ones.
ii. Light sensors which turn off the Through the designated supplier 5-7-2022 Records

Policy Statement

In recent months, there has been an increase in the usage of disposables; as a result, a new strategy will be enacted to reduce this use.

Scope of the Policy

 Reusable things will take the place of disposable items like glasses.

 Separation of waste will be implemented.

 Bring your own water bottle, shaker to gym if you can

Purpose of the Policy

Reduce the amount of recyclable waste generated in the workplace.

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Definition of Terms

List and define terms, acronyms, or jargons used in this policy and procedures which your target audience needs to clarify, e.g. ‘Waste minimisation refers to processes and
practices aimed at reducing the waste produced by the organisation.’
▪ The use of fewer disposable items will help to limit waste accumulation.
▪ Separation of waste will aid in the recycling process.

▪ Reducing the use of these products will benefit both the environment and the company's bottom line.

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Assessment Workbook Checklist

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Assessment Workbook Checklist

Your assessor will review your submissions against the checklist below. This section is to be completed by your assessor.

The learner has completed the Practical Assessments in this workbook and has submitted all the required evidence: 

Workplace Project Assessment

Task 1: Policy Scope Statement

Policy scope statement 

Evidence of consultation evidence of communication/consultation with at least two relevant stakeholders 

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 2: Sustainability Policy and Procedures

Sustainability policy and procedures document 

Evidence of policy implementation into the wider organisational policies and procedures 

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Specify evidence submitted:      

Copies of at least two organisation processes you referred to develop the policies and procedures 

Specify evidence submitted:


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Task 3: Workplace Sustainability Policy Presentation

At least one presentation material 

Specify evidence submitted:      

Video recording of the presentation 

Only if direct observation is not possible.

Task 4: Sustainability Policy Implementation Plan

Partially completed sustainability policy implementation plan 

a. ‘Status Update’ column left blank. 

b. ‘Areas of Improvement’ section left blank 

Task 5: Resource Acquisition Log

Resource Acquisition Log 

Evidence of resource acquisition 

Specify evidence submitted per resource:


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Task 6: Sustainability Policy Communication Plan

Partially completed communication plan 

‘Status Update’ column left blank.

Evidence of consultation evidence of consultation with key personnel 

Specify evidence submitted:      

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Task 7: Implement Policy and Track for Improvements

At least two recording systems used to monitor implementation 

Specify evidence submitted:


Sustainability policy implementation plan with status update 

Communication plan with status update 

Evidence of sustainability policy implementation 

Specify all evidence submitted:      

Task 8: Policy Implementation Outcomes

Evidence of communication to the key personnel and stakeholders 

Specify all evidence submitted:      

Copies of documents used to identify the outcomes and trends 

Only if learner is completing the task based on an existing sustainability policy implemented in their

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Task 9: Modify Sustainability Policy

Modified workplace sustainability policy and procedures 

Copy of the existing policy and procedures document 

Only if learner modified the existing sustainability policy and procedures in their workplace/organisation.

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