The Bourbon News., February 22, 1918, Page 7

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PACT Wffjm

K ffl I r
a IT 1 1 M
PERUNA in Your Hcifce
A housewife must give the first aid in colcis, cougnsand
ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often
iiiniii.u uuiUuu
Try This! All Dandruff Disappear:,
and Hair Stops Coming Out.
. W.

saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led

her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should Surely try a "Danderine Hair BOTH
Motor Equipment
..have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs and COMMITTEEMEN Clanse" if you wish to immediately
colds, and that it is always to her
, double the beauty of your hair. Just
moisten a cloth with Danderine ani
Corner Fifth and Pleasant Streets, Paris, K I
draw it carefully through your hair,
Mrs.Georfie Parker,
419 Water SuMea-ash- a.
Wis., writes:
The Family Red Cross With Institutes, uiwang one smaii strand at a time;
,ir$'i(EU SJ& "We have used Pe- this will cleanse the hair of dust,
runa in our family Handbook and Bulletins,
I- - "laWR4" ja for a number of
years, aud have Safeguafd Teaches Civilian Relief
dirt or any excessive oil in a few
minutes you will be amazed. You
found it a perfectly
reliable medicine.
It soon rids the sys-
tem of any traces
of a cold, and pre-
The experience of one
woman, given herewith, is
Forces How to Aid Folks
"Back Home."
hair will be wavy, fluffy and abund
ant and possess an incomparable
softness, lustre and luxuriance.
vents serious con-
sequences. typical of thousands of let- Besides beautifying the hair, one
"I began using it ters that reach the Peruna application of Danderine dissolves
for catarrh, which Company from grateful , tEDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the fifth every particle of dandruff; invigor-
I suffered with a
manv ubon
tfnnri friends who have found their
and last of a series of five articles writ ates the scalp, stopping itching and TO FIGURE ON
but had not been very serious until recently. ten by Mr. Fieser on American Red Cross
Since I have taken Peruna the dropping in my homes incom Home Service work in Ohio, Indiana and falling hair.
throat has 'discontinued, and my head and nose plete, and their Kentucky. Danderine is to the hair what fresh
are not so stopped up in the morning. I am
pleased with the results, and shall continue to family safety in showers of rain and snushine are to
use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh.
'I heartily recommend it as an honest medicine."
Wbatit does for her it is ready to do for you.
danger without
By James L. Fieser,
Director, Civilian Relief, Lake
sion, American Red Cross.
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them.
Its exhiliarating, stimulating and
Spring Painting
Colds and Catarrh Organizing and training 30,000
properties cause the
hair to grow long, strong and beau-
The great weight of testimony that has accumu- Home Service committeemen to aid tiful. AND
lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the families of enlisted men is the most You can surely have pretty, soft,
market proves it, beyond question, to be the reliable family rem
edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, stupendous and pretentious task, be- lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you
coughs, grip and derangements of the digestive organs. This
proof is published from time to time and many families have
ing undertaken by the American Red will spend a few cents for a small
bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at Papering '
profited by it.
Kmeaberyon oi obtain PERUNA. It UMet fom far yew cwraakace. Cany it
witiyoa ud be fortified ajiiat saddea attacks.
The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio fear
Cross within our own borders.
This statement is made without
of contradiction.
any drug store or toilet counter and
try it as directed. (adv)

Even were there established social THE MARCH AMERICAN MAGA

agencies in every community from ZINE. CALL US OVER
which men have been drawn for active Everyone interested in the war. Home Phone 399
CURIOUS CONTROVERSY AS TO was born there. Men fond of study
took it upon themselves to search service, this Red Cross duty would be every father and mother who has a
the records of the Civil Register, hardly less difficult, because with the boy in the service, will be grateful
THE NEWS is in receipt of a let- with the result that they discovered war have come new problems which for the message of cheer that is given
ter from Prof. G. Brittain Lyttle, the authentic
guages Department of the Barbour-Till- e, Edison. (The Greek letter Y when
Ky., College, in which he tells standing alone in Spanish is the con-
account of the birth must be solved, and efficiently too, if in the March American Magazine by
Professor of the English, and Lan- of a boy, christened Tomas Alva Y the good name of the Red Cross is to Surgeon-Gener- Surgeon-Gener- Gorgas and Private
be held aloft and the minds of our in an interview what the chances
Alva Y Edison fighting folk set at ease about the are of getting hurt or killed in this
Gorgas tells

of making a translation from the junction 'and.'
original in a Spanish newspaper, El means to indicate the surnames of welfare of their loved ones "back war, and his facts are indeed cheer-
Heraldo, of New York, regarding a father and mother, putting as in oth- home." ing. Private Peat, the famous
curious controversy that has arisen. er languages the mother's nani3 To school willing Home Service
soldier-lecture-r, tells in a wonderful
first, equivalent articles "Why We Come Smiling Out

The Right Number

lately regarding the birthplace or and is to Alva Edi with no previous social train- of Hell." His story is inspiring and
Thomas Edison. son in English. Old people still workers
ing as well as keep professional com- thrilling.
THE NEWS appreciates the com- - living in Zacatecas declare they -

plimentary references made to it in knew the parents of a boy thus munity workers abreast with new de- The lecture of Frederick W. Tay-
Prof. Lyttle's letter, which is re- christened. The father, they say, velopments, the Red Cross war coun- lor, the father of Scientific
produced below: was a native of the capital of cil established in the Lake division ment, and the man whose work on When you go out to make a call in personlyou always
"BARBOURSVILLE, KY., Zacatecas, and all his life devoted Home Service institutes at Indianapo- $50,000,000
steel alone has been worth between assure yourself of the right address.
himself to mining; the mother was and $100,000,000 a
"February 19, 1918. ancestry, lis, Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleve year to the machine industry of the In making--a telephone call it saves a lot of time and
"Editor BOURBON NEWS, of English and had long re-
sided with her parents in Zacatecas. land, each identified with a strong- - country, is printed for the first time bother to be sure of the number.
"Paris, Kentucky, affiliated with in this issue. It is called "Not for
"Dear Sir: Some kind and thought- Soon after 1850, the parents of Edi- university and each the Genius But for the Average The absolutely sure way is to first consult the tele-pho- ne

ful friend of mine about Paris, has son disappeared from Zacatecas healthy social agencies.
"How I Cured Myself of Be- directory not trusting to memory and then
been forwarding to my address here without anyone knowing where they Thirty-fiv- e counties were represent- Man." li sten carefully when the operator repeats back to you
occasionally, a copy of your inter- had gone. It was presumed they had ed by fifty-ai- students at the first ing Too Sensitive" is the story of a
esting newspaper, THE BOURBON gone to live in the neighboring re-
series of institutes, each institute last- having a sensitive who almost ruined his life by the number, correcting her if she is wrong.
nature; "Why J
NEWS, which I have learned to public of the United States, particu- ing six weeks. A second series has Deciding Things Quickly"
greatly appreciate and I have to con- larly as gold was discovered the pre- Just opened. In addition, chapter Believe in
tribute herewith to its bright and vious year in Alta, California, at- courses of information are to be es is by Al H. Woods,
manager; "Ripley's Recipe" is an ar-
the theatrical Paris Dome Telephone S Telegraph Go.
attractive columns, if acceptable, the tracting the attention of Mexican tablished in cities of 25,000 popula-
accompanying translation of a story miners. When he was taken away tion and over. ticle on E. P. Ripley, the famous (Incorporated)
was probably railroad president; "The Joy of the
of the nativity of Thomas A. Edison, from Zacatecas the boy There is no guess work about Red an inspiring article by Edna J. J. VEATCH, W. H. CANNON ,
which, should it eventually prove only one or two years of age In Cross Home Service. Job" is
correct, could but be an additional the Encyplopedia Brittanica, in Ferber about how she works and District Manager. Iaal Manager.
Workers are being trained to help cit; how sheJoves to write; and "When
testimony to the truth of the vener 'Who Is Wtio In America,' and other lzens gain all sorts of information. If a My Boy Comes" is an anonymous ar-
able adage, 'Truth Is Stranger Than works which have relation to the family has not heard from a son in ticle by a father who wants to enlist
Fiction.' prominent men of the United States, the service, if the allotment and al-
entitled. it is stated that the famous inventor lowance check is delayed or wrong but who is held back by the ap- 5
"The translation is proaching birth of an heir.
'Curious Controversy About Edison." was born at Milan, Ohio, in the year In amount, if a boy is reported missing, The fiction this month contains
in 1847, and that in the books of the
It appears in the original Spa-nis-
last week's El Heraldo, of New York, Civil
without signature. The lines in par- birth is recorded. Despite this
Registry of that county his
if any one of hundreds of possibilities
occur, the Home Service
be alert to his or her responsibilities.
worker must stories
by William
Hall, Bruce
Dudley Pelley,
Barton, Ber- twin Bros. Department Store
parent authenticity as to the country tha Rich, and other n well-know-

enthesis in explanation of the use of To show that there are "hundreds writers. The Interesting People is Severn!) ana main St$. Paris, Kentucky
the greek letter 'Y' in Spanish are of his birth the Zacatecans insist of possibilities" for this service, the fully up to its usually high stand
mine. Without other knowledge upon holding Edison to be a son of American Red Cross has prepared ard, and the Family Money and con-
on the subject I'm inclined to be- their State, without bothering them- or its committeemen a handbook con- test results hold many things of in-
his having changed his
lieve the story of the Zacatecans,

name of Edison, who were of

selves about
because in former times I had ac- nationality under circumstances of tions which these committeemen have
quaintances in California by the which they are ignorant.
"Our informants declare they are
going to look diligently for the Fe De
taining correct answers to 260 ques- terest and worth.
already been asked.
Forty-nin- e answers to questions on
m m m
Spanish descent.
"Yours very truly, , Baptismo, or record of his baptism,
army and navy service, running from
the composition of the fighting forces hy local applications, as they cannot Just What You Have Been Waiting For
"G. BRITTAIN LYTTLE." which probably they will find in one to explaining what must be done to reach the diseased portion of the
of the churches of the city of Zac- assist the family of a man who has
a Good While.
ear. There is only one way to cure
"CURIOUS CONTROVERSY ABOUT atecas, and gather all the data possi- entered the service under an assumed catarrhal deafness, and that is by
EDISON. ble with the purpose of preparing
pamphlet tending to demonstrate
"A newspaper says the famous that the inventor is a native of
a name, are given in this handbook.
Eighty-si- x

compensation and
points on the soldier's and deafness is caused by. an inflamed
remedy. Catarrhal Ladies' Hats All Good

wizard was born in Mexico, but was Zacatecas." (Translated from the Bailor's allowance are explained. The condition of the mucous lining of
brought very young to live in the war risk insurance the eustachian tube. When this

the celebrated inventor, Thomas

Spanish of El Heraldo of New York
United States. In Mexico a curious for THE BOURBON NEWS by Prof. latter
controversy has arisen as to where G. Brittain Lyttle, of Barbours- - a Home snap"
ville, Ky.)
t "soft
in itself is so large a task that tube is inflamed you have a rumbl-
Service worker, anticipating ing
might be driven to
cover if there were no handbook or when
sound or imperfect hearing, and
it is entirely closed, deafness
result.. Unless the inflamma-
Alva Edison reallv first saw the
light, al thought it is known that
fe P3 1SS
Institute course to lessen his perplexi-
ty. It is down in black and white tion can be
is the
ro'lucad and this tubs To close them out. Plenty to choose
Edison is classed as a citizen and TRY "CASCARETS" POR
how the insurance is written and for restored to its normal condition, from. All of them go at this
native of the United States because
his biographers say so, and because
IE SICK OR BILIOUS whom, how premiums are paid and Many cases of deafness are caused
by whom. Six points of information
hearing will be destroyed forever. bis offering
is an inflamed
he himself undoubtedly knows this. To-nigh-
t! Your Bowels and are provided to cover insurance for by catarrh,of which mucous surfaces.
In a certain part of Mexico there Stop Headache, Colds, Sour crews of merchant vessels and trans- condition the
Medicine acts
exists the belief that Edison was
born in Zacatecas, a city of that rer
public, and the citizens have taken
Stomach. ports.
American Red Cross Home Service
the blood on the mucous
of the system.
Get a box now.
10-ce- nt
for families of enlisted men fighting surfaces
it upon themselves to give counte- Turn the rascals out the head- tor our allies causes twenty-nin- e ques Wp. will eive One Hundred Dol
nance to this version. The newspaper ache, biliousness, indigestion, the tions to be answered in the hand- lars for any case of Catarrhal Deaf-
of Mexico, received lately in New-Yor-
sick, sour stomach and bad colds book. ness that cannot be cured by Hall's
El Excelsior brings infor- turn them out and keep
to-nig- ht
All this is supplemented by eighty-nin- e
Catarrh Medicine. Circulars free.
mation upon the subject, and, as a them out with Cascarets. Druggists, 75c.
statements giving information on All F. J. CHENEY, & CO.,
reproduce it
The Bourbon Laundry
matter of curiosity, we Millions of men and women take a the status of families of discharged,
here, viz: Certainly the basis of this Cascaret now and then and never men, deserters, and alien enemy fami- Toledo, Ohio.
supposition is the fact that the first know the misery caused by a lazv lies and explaining relationship of
name of the famous man of science liver. cloKsed bowels, or an upset the Red Cross to other relief societies
is clearly Spanish, purely Castil-lia- stomach. n.
juid the operation of the Red Cross
Don't put in another day of dis- - bureaus of camp service and com-
"Apropos of late accounts from the tress. Let Cascarets cleanse your munication. BARBER SHOP West 5 Street
United States of the new discoveries stomach; remove the sour, ferment- Despite the fact that this handbook
Telephone No. 4.
of Thomas Alba Edison, discussion ing food; take the excess bile from has just been issued, new and puz- Attention to
tmew has arisen touching the place your liver and carry out all the con- zling questions are arising with such Prompt and Courteous
of nativity of the wonderful inven- stipated waste matter and poison in rapidity that the bureau of civilian Patrons.
tor, with strong evidence of its b-i-

the bowels. Then you will feel relief of the Lake division, is plan-

Satisfaction is Oor
Mexico. Many years ago this great. ning an informational service to keep HOT AND COLD BATHS.
question was extensively discussed, A Cascaret straightens Its Home Service workers in 350 chap-

and Edison personally denied that you out by ,morning. They worK ters in step with the pro- fast-movin- g

he was born in Mexico,. Now while you
search of the archives of the Civil any drug store means a clear head,
sleep. A box from10-ce-

War (regardless of the Tuscania

Professional Cards. TAPWrJSP' JVfch." With all the latest "im- -
Hegister discloses that a birth standd sweet stomach and clean, healthy calamity and a few scattering casual- IjfX J provements in laundry
recorded in the city of Zacatecas. liver and bowel action for months. ties) war and Red Cross Home Serv- rrl'li; --
r&SS S&1 &d appliances and expert
which is believed to be that of Edi Children love Cascarets because they ice are still in their infancy, but al-
son. The circumstance that the never gripe or sicken.
Tecord with the date of birth cor-
(adv) ready some 3,000 families of Ohio, In-
diana and Kentucky enlisted and se-
igT helpers we are prepared

, -
to do work inferior to

nunc, diiu auiiuit jruui

responds in every detail with that Her Ideal. lective service men are under the ROOMs'401-402- . ..
published in the encyclopedias and We heard a young woman say care of Red Cross Home Service


the biographies of the inventor leads that her ideal man is one who workers. L 1
to the belief that this birth record is smart enough to make money and Picture the immensity of the task
is assuredly that of Edison, the foolish enough to spend it Boston when the "American offensive"
great scientist.
"The Civil Register Record.
Red Cross Home Service will bo
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Bourbon Laundry,
"Prominent Zacatecans arriving Shut your eyes now and see if you . ready. It is democracy's brotherhood
recently in the city of New York can get a vision of what your pantry a action.
ROOMS 403-40- 4.
Paris Kentucky.
acLcsure .us that in Zacatecas exists and cellar should look like about y FIRST NAT'L BANK BUILDING.
the firmest conviction that Edison next November. Then work to it. ' PHONE 136.
' i .. .

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jm!. T 'FHfc-T- '
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