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University Of Technology

.Biomedical Engineering Dept

Electricity Laboratory
Semester 2

Experimental Title: The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope


Group – -

Supervised By

2021 1443

The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

The cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) is a common laboratory instrument
that provides accurate time and amplitude measurements of voltage
signals over a wide range of frequencies.

 To study functional use of a cathode ray oscilloscope.

1. Dual beam oscilloscope
2. D.C. power supply
3. Function generator
4. Resistance box
5. Capacitance box
6. Inductance box
7. Connecting wires

The oscilloscope is an electronic device that shows the trace of an input
signal wave form on the fluorescent screen. It consists of 2 parts:
1. An electron emitter.
2. Electrodes used to focus the beam produced on a specific spot the
The horizontal axis on the oscilloscope represents the time axis and the
vertical axis represents the amplitude axis.
Voltage Measurement:
The oscilloscope is used to measure the amplitude of an applied voltage.
There will be a formation of a wave shape that will be obtained on the
screen. The amplitude calculated from Amplitude = Vertical Deflection x
Vertical Sensitivity.
Frequency Measurements
The signal whose frequency is to be measured can be applied to the y
amplifier alone then from the wave shape obtained on the screen the
time period for the cycle can be measured fig 1 .1 and the frequency
calculated from
time period(T )

Phase Measurements
The oscilloscope can be used for measuring the phase shift between two
signals in one of the following two ways:
1. If one voltage is applied to the ch1 and the other to the ch2 then the
phase shift Θ can be obtained by measuring t and T using the
following relation fig 1.2
t Θ
T 360

2. By using ch1 & ch2 an ellipse will be obtained Thus Θ will be known if
A & B are measured fig 1.3
−1 B
A. Measure frequency:
1. Set a function generator at a sine wave of V =V p sin (ωt +Θ) where
Vp = 5 Volt, ω = 2πF, F = 50……1000 Hz, Θ = 0
2. connect the function generator to the channel A of the oscilloscope
then record Signal period T (s).
3. Calculate the measured frequency Ḟ (Hz) and compare it with Signal
frequency F (Hz).
4. Plot a table with three columns and record the results on it.

B. Measure phase shift:

Set two function generators at a sine wave with
Generator 1 Generator 2
V =V p 1 sin (ωt) V =V p 2 sin (ωt+ Θ)
V p 1=10 volts F=100 Hz −π π
V p 2=10 volts , F=100 Hz , Θ= ……
2 2
T = time scale × number of squares occupied by the wave
= (10)(10-3)(2) = 0.02s
1 1
F = T = 0.02 =50 Hz


50.0  0.02000 50
 100.0 0.01000 100
 200.0 0.00500 200
300.0 0.00333 300
 400.0 0.00250 400
500.0 0.00200 500
599.8  0.00167 600
704.2  0.00142 700
800.0 0.00125 800
 900.9  0.00111 900
 1000  0.00100 1000

t 2.5 ×10−3 −π
Θ = T × 360
Θ= ×360 °=90 °=
0.01 2

Θ̇ T Θ
−1.51 -2.419 × 10 -3
- 1.01 -1.613 × 10-3 −π
0.91 1.452 × 10-3 π
1.62 2.581 × 10-3 π

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