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Bioenergetic QB

Choose the correct answer:

1. The effect of 2, 4 dinitrophenol is to:
A. Raise the respiratory quotient
B. Lower the respiratory quotient
C. Decrease the W gradient across the mitochondrial membrane
D. Lower the basal metabolic rate
E. Cause obesity
2. In oxidative phosphorylation, the oxidation of one NADHH+ to NAD produces how many
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
3. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation implies that:
A. The ATPase activity of mitochondria is abolished
B. The mitochondria stop to oxidize succinate
C. ATP formation stops but respiration continues
D. ATP formation continues but respiration stops
E. Cellular activities stop
4. Cytochromes are:
A. Riboflavin-containing nucleotides
B. Pyridine nucleotides
C. Iron-porphyrin proteins
D. Malate containing flavoproteins
E. Peroxidation
5. Which of the following can serve as an inhibitor of electron transport?
A. Antimycin A
B. Puromycin
C. Actinomycin
D. Malonate
E. Transhydrogenase
6. Cytochrome oxidase contains:
A. Cobalt
B. Zinc
C. Magnesium
D. Selenium
E. Copper
7. In substrate level phosphorylation
A. The substrate reacts to form a product containing a high energy bond
B. ATP synthesis is linked to dissipation of a proton gradient
C. High energy Intermediate compounds cannot be isolated
D. Oxidation of one molecule of substrate is linked to synthesis of more than one ATP molecule
E. Mitochondria participate, but not cytosol
8.Which cytochrome is involved in direct reduction of oxygen?
A. Cytochrome a,
B. Cytochrome b5
C. Cytochrome c1
D. Cytochrome d
E. Cytochrome oxidase

True or false
Oxidative phosphorylation:
9. Is the formation of ATP in association with oxidative processes.
10. Is the formation of ATP by ATP synthase present in the inner mitochondria! membrane.
11. Is said to be "uncoupled" when substrate and not ADP is phosphorylated.
12. Is said to be "uncoupled" when electron transport proceeds without formation of ATP.
13. Is stimulated by calcium ions.
The chemiosmotic hypothesis involves
14. A membrane impermeable to proton.
15. Electron transport by the respiratory chain pumps protons out of the mitochondria.
16. Proton flow into the mitochondria depends on the presence of ADP and Pi.
17. ATPase activity is reversible.
18. Only proton transport is strictly regulated, other positively charged ions can diffuse freely
across the mitochondria' membrane.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18

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