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Questions for Evaluation s of Masters / Mates

1. Variation is 3 deg. West, Deviation is 2 deg. East Beacon bearing 234 Deg. Compass,
What is true bearing?
3g W - variation
2g E - deviation
Comp Error -1gW
True Ber 234-1=233

2. What is a Top mark of cardinal buoy to East of shoal?

3. What specific gravity of sea water?


4. What meant by “fresh water allowance “

Mast be allowing 1.00025

5. South Safaniyah 11/00 hrs 29June 2004 , you have a drft of 4.3 m, sounding of 6.2 m. ,
What is overall depth of water under keel ?
6,2 +1,69 =7
UKC =3,53

6. What defines an overtaking vessel ?

135 dg behind

7. What action you will take at night if you approaching pipe lay barge ?
------ 4-6 sec

8. What fog signal for towing vessel?

------ - -

9. What fog signal for vessel making way thru water?


10. Who decides on board a vessel if operation is safe to carry out or not?

11. What is meant by TPC (Tonnage Per Centimeter) immersion? погружение

Avery 100 tons load -Haw mach centimeters increasing draft

12. What is signified by one short blast on the whistle?


13. Point out the following chart symbols:

a) Drying Height
b) 10 meter counter
c) Sub sea power cable
d) Exposed rock (stone / boulder)

14. What is a GHA & Declination of the Celestial body?

Greenwich meridian
Selection Equator
15. How many feet is 6.9 meters ?
6,9 multiply 3,282 = 22,6458

16. What depth of water at West Pier spit Buoy at 10.00 hrs on 29 December 2004?
Look ARAMCO tight Table 4,7+0,72=5,42m

17. Who do you call & on what channel before entering to any Oil field?
GOSP & field service

18. What is meant by expression “Baking” when applied to wind?

True wind deviation changed antilock wise N h sphere opposite S h sphere

19. What kind of vessel exhibits red lights in a vertical line?

Vessel considerate by Draft

20. Name 5 methods of indicating distress ?

May Day , sos ,radiotel , WHF , flag , sound

21. Name of instance пример were a power driver vessel dos not give way to sail ?
W In narrow channel

22. Describe you action on being down wind of a platform from where H2S is escaping ?
1 alarm 2 Ass personel inside accommodation 3 communicate GOSP F/service
4crew with EEBD cast off platform 5 maneuver upside wind

23.What is free Surface Effect ?

were Center Gravity goes upwards GM reduced

24. What color are cardinal buoys ?

Yellow white black

23. What is the fog signal for vessel at anchor ?

Less 100m = - ---------- -
More 100m =

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