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We are really advocates of just getting as happy as you can be which takes care of everything. Even if
you don't have reason to be happy make it up. Fantasize it. Make a decision that you're going to be
happy one way or another—no matter what. No matter what, I'm going to be happy! If I have to
ignore everybody; if I have to never watch television again; if I have to never pick up a newspaper
again, I'm going to be happy. If I never have to see that person's face again, I'm going to be happy. If
I have to see that person's face, I'm going to find something to see in that person's face that makes
me happy. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to be happy."Abraham quotes 

We attract lovers from our level of energy. Take the time to raise your vibration & attract from a
higher vibration. If you want to live happily ever after learn to manage your emotions & Make joy the
most important experience. "It's ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a
blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative
partner and then try to get happy from that negative place."Abraham quotes 

“It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with
your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current
situation, you then release your resistance to the improvements that are waiting for you. But if you
rail against the injustices of your current situation, you hold yourself in vibrational alignment with
what YOU DO NOT WANT, and you cannot then move in the direction of improvement. It defies
Law.”Abraham quotes 


“You cannot continue to focus upon unpleasant thoughts without keeping the thoughts active within
you and therefore holding yourself out of alignment with the solutions and relationships that you really
do desire. In short, you just cannot get to where you want to be by pointing at the evidence of that
which is unwanted. It defies Law….
Many argue that unpleasant things would not be active in their Vibration if other people had not
behaved in a way that caused the activation. And while we acknowledge that it is certainly easier to
feel good when you are around good-feeling people, we would never go so far as to say that the
behavior of others is responsible for the way you feel, because you have the power to focus, and
therefore attract, despite the behavior of others in your environment.”Abraham quotes 


"Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but
the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there."Abraham quotes "The
Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "


“We want you to remember that while you are focused here in this Leading Edge physical experience,
you also have an Eternal, non-physical, older, wiser part of you that exists in the Vortex and is always
available to you.
This Vibrational Relationship between the physical you and the non-physical you is significant for these
important reasons:”
1. The emotions that you feel (your Emotional Guidance System) are because of the relationship
between the physical you and the non-physical you.
2. As you reach for new thoughts to get back into the Vortex, you have the benefit of the stable
knowledge of your Non-Physical counterpart.
3. As you reach for new thoughts to get back into the Vortex, you have the benefit of the confidence
that your Non-Physical counterpart is always in the Vortex waiting for you to come into alignment
4. Every other relationship you have (that is with other people, with animals, with your own body,
with money, with concepts and ideas, with life itself) is profoundly affected by this all important
relationship between you and You.
5. Everything you are wanting, your deepest desires, are in the Vortex waiting for you. When you are
feeling relaxed, calm and happy, that is the evidence that the non-physical and physical parts of you
are in alignment. That is when the magic happens! Abraham quotes 

Fall in love with nature & all of life. Your life transforms when you look for things to love. You see the
beauty of a flower, a child, a smile, a cloud & life gives you more to love. Celebrate love of life & your
life transforms into a life of love. "Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in
love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling
the majority of their attention, so they're holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff
they've been wanting all along can now zoom in." Abraham quotes 

Become one who is happy with that which you are and with that which you have - while at the same
time being eager for more. That is the optimal creative vantage point. To stand on the brink of what is
coming, feeling eager, optimistic anticipation - with no feeling of impatience, doubt, or unworthiness
hindering the receiving of it…" Abraham quotes 


Choose to feel love & joy as much as possible. Your dreams are manifested from these higher
energies.LH "By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very
best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of
attraction -- which means you are creating your own reality." Abraham quotes 


"Relative to our children or any children with whom we would interact, our one dominant intention
would be to give them a conscious understanding of how powerful and important and valuable and
perfect they are. Every word that would come out of our mouths would be a word that would be
offered with the desire to help this individual know that they are powerful. It would be a word of
empowerment." Abraham quotes 

When your activated thoughts are general and not very focused, those early vibrations are still very
small and do not yet have much attraction power or pulling power, so to speak. And so, in these early
stages, you would not likely see any manifested evidence of your attention to the subject. But even
though you do not yet see the evidence, the attraction of other thoughts that are a vibrational match
to these is occurring.
In other words, the thought is becoming stronger; its pulling power is getting stronger, and other
similar thought vibrations are joining it. And, as the thought gains momentum, you now begin to get
an emotional reading on how well this growing thought-vibration is matching the Energy of your
Source. If it matches who you are, your good-feeling emotions indicate that. If it does not match who
you are, your bad-feeling emotions indicate that.
For example, when you were little, your grandmother may have said to you, “You are such a
wonderful child. I love you so very much. You will have a fulfilling and happy life. You have so many
talents, and the world will benefit by your presence.” These words felt good because they were a
vibrational match to what was at the very core of you.
But when someone says to you, “You are bad. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have
displeased me. You are inappropriate,” these words feel awful because your attention to them has
caused you to become vibrationally different from who you really are and what you really know.
The way you feel is a clear and accurate indication of your alignment, or misalignment, with your
Source Energy. In other words, your emotions let you know if you are allowing, or if you are in a
current state of resistance to, your connection with Source." Abraham Quotes 


"Everyone who turns up in your life-from the people you call friends and lovers, to the
people you call enemies and strangers-comes in response to your Vibration. You not only
invite the person, but you also invite the personality traits of the person.

Many people have a difficult time accepting this as they think that many of the unwanted
characteristics of the people in their lives and they argue that they would never have asked
for something so unwanted to come into their experience…..We know that many of the
relationships and experiences that you have attracted, you would not have deliberately
attracted if you had been doing it on purpose, but much of your attraction is not done by
deliberate intent, but rather by default.

It is important to understand that you get what you think about, whether you want it or
not. And chronic thoughts about unwanted things invite or ask for matching experiences,
every time. The Law of Attraction makes it so.""~Abraham 


"Someone has said, "the Universe has imagined it even better than you have." And we like
to add to that: The Universe got all of its information about what you like from you, and it
has remembered every piece of it and has put it together in perfect formation. And so, the
things that are on their way to you are so much better than you even know that you want.
And as you allow them, the essence all of these things that the Universe knows that you are
wanting make their way to you and appear in perfect timing for you." Abraham Quotes 

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