Komplexe Gliederung Matthäus

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The Person of the King: the Early Life and Ministry of Jesus - The Incarnation and Preparation (First
Narrative 1:1-4:11)

1. The Advent of the King - 1:1 - 2:23 (Incarnation of the King)

1.1. The Royal Genealogy of Jesus Christ - 1:1-17
1.2. The Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus Christ to Joseph - 1:18-25 (First Fulfillment)
1.3. The Birth of Christ in Bethlehem; the Search of the Magi - 2:1-12 (Second Fulfillment)
1.4. Joseph takes Jesus and Mary to Egypt – 2:13-15 (Third Fulfillment)
1.5. The Attempt of Herod to Kill the Infant King - 2:16-18 (Fourth Fulfillment)
1.6. The Return and Settling of Joseph in Israel - 2:19-23 (Fifth Fulfillment)

2. The Announcer of the King and his new Kingdom - 3:1-12 (Preparation for the King)
2.1. The Man: Description of John - 3:1-4
2.2. The Mission: Preparation for the King - 3:3
2.3. The Ministry: Bring People to Repentance - 3:5-6
2.4. The Message: Judgment and the Coming King - 3:7-12

3. The Approval of the King - 3:13 - 4:11 (Preparation of the King)

3.1. The Baptism of Jesus - 3:13-17
3.2. The Temptation of Jesus - 4:1-11

II. The Precepts of the King: The Sermon on the Mount - The Declaration of the Principles of the King (First
Discourse - 4:12-7:29)

1. The Background for the Sermon - 4:12-25

1.1. Jesus Goes to Capernaum (fulfilled prophecy) - 4:12-16
1.2. Jesus Begins His preaching ministry - 4:17
1.3. Jesus Calls His First Disciples - 4:18-22
1.4. Jesus Ministers in Galilee - 4:23-25

2. The Sermon on the Mount 5:1-7:29 (First Discourse) - The Principles of the King
2.1. Jesus’ Teaching on the Subjects of the Kingdom - 5:1-16
2.1.1.The Beatitudes:Character of the Righteous - 5:1-12
2.1.2.The Similitudes: Influence of the Righteous - 5:13-16
2.2. Jesus’ Teaching on the Law of the Kingdom - 5:17-48
2.2.1.Christ’s Relationship to the Law - 5:17-20
2.2.2.The Law and Murder - 5:21-26
2.2.3.The Law and Adultery - 5:27-30
2.2.4.The Law and Divorce - 5:31-32
2.2.5.The Law and Oaths - 5:33-36
2.2.6.The Law and Retaliation - 5:37-42
2.2.7.The Law and Love - 5:43-48
2.3. Jesus’ Teaching on the Life of the Kingdom - 6:1 - 7:12
2.3.1.Giving - 6:1-4
2.3.2.Prayer - 6:5-15
2.3.3.Fasting - 6:16-18
2.3.4.Money - 6:19-24
2.3.5.Anxiety- 6:25-34
2.3.6.Judgment and Hypocrisy - 7:1-6

2.3.7.Prayer - 7:7-11
2.3.8.Golden Rule - 7:12
2.4. Jesus’ Teaching on the Way of the Kingdom - 7:13-29
2.4.1. Two Ways - 7:13-14
2.4.2. False Prophets - 7:15-20
2.4.3. Obedience - 7:21-29

III. The Power of the King: the Miracles and Mission of Christ (Second Narrative and Discourse 8-10)

1. The Demonstration of the King's Power - 8:1 - 9:34

1.1. The King’s Miracles of Healing - 8:1-17
1.1.1. Power over Death: A Leprous Man Healed - 8:1-5
1.1.2. Power over Distance: A Centurion's Servant Healed - 8:6-13
1.1.3. Power over Disease: A Disciple's Mother Healed - 8:14-15
1.1.4. Power over Demons: Possessed People Healed - 8:16-17
1.2. The Cost of Following the King - 8:18-22
1.3. The King’s Miracles of Authority - 8:23 - 9:8
1.3.1. The Sea is Subject to Him: Tempest is Stilled - 8:23-27
1.3.2. Satan is Subject to Him: Devils Cast into Swine - 8:28-34
1.3.3. Sin is Subject to Him: A Paralytic is Forgiven and Healed - 9:1-8D 1 34
1.4. The King Calls Matthew - 9:9-13
1.5. The New Wine of the Kingdom - 9:14-17
1.6. The King’s Miracles of Restoration - 9:18-34
1.6.1. Life is Restored: Jairus' Daughter Raised - 9:18-19; 23-26
1.6.2. Health is Restored: Hemorrhaging Woman Healed - 9:20-22
1.6.3. Sight is Restored: Two Blind Men Healed - 9:27-31
1.6.4. Speech is Restored: Dumb Demoniac Delivered - 9:32-34

2. The Delegation of the Kings Power - 9:35 - 11:1 (Second Discourse)

2.1. The Need for Labourers - 9:36-38
2.2. The Master's Men - 10:1-4
2.3. The Commissioning of the Twelve - 10:5-15
2.4. The Instruction of the Twelve: Persecution - 10:16-31
2.5. The Instruction of the Twelve: Sacrifice - 10:32-39
2.6. The Instruction of the Twelve: Reward - 10:40-42

IV. The Parables of the King: Rejection and Revelation (Third Narrative and Discourse 11-13)

1. The Beginnings of Rejection - 11:2-30

1.1. The Rejection of John the Baptist: Imprisonment/Inquiry - 11:2-6
1.2. The Validation of John the Baptist - 11:7-15
1.3. The Rejection of the Present Generation - 11:16-19
1.4. The Rejection of Certain Cities - 11:20-27
1.5. An Invitation to Come to Jesus - 11:28-30

2. The Rejection of the King by the Pharisees - 12:1-50

2.1. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Sabbath Observance - 12:1-9
2.2. The Challenge to the Pharisees: Righteousness - 12:10-13
2.3. The Rejection from the Pharisees; Ministry to the Gentiles - 12:14-21
2.4. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Casting out Devils - 12:22-30
2.5. The Challenge to the Pharisees: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost - 12:31-37
2.6. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Asking for a Sign - 12:38-42

2.7. The Activity of Demons - 12:43-45

2.8. The True Brothers: Those Who Do His Will - 12:46-52

3. The Parables of the Kingdom - 13:1-52 (Third Discourse)

3.1. Parables Spoken to the Multitude - 13:1-35
3.1.1.The Parable of the Soils/Digression #1 - 13:1-23 Parable of the Soil – 13:1-9 Reason for Parables: Fulfilled Prophecy - 13:10-17 Parable of the Soils Explained - 13:18-23
3.1.2.The Parable of the Wheat and Tares - 13:24-30
3.1.3.The Parable of the Mustard Seed - 13:31-32
3.1.4.The Parable of the Leaven/Digression #2 - 13:33-43 Parable of the Leaven – 13:33 Reason for Parables: Fulfilled Prophecy - 13:34-35 Parable of the Wheat and Tares Explained - 13:36-43
3.2. Parables Spoken to the Disciples - 13:44-53
3.2.1.The Parable of the Treasure in the Field - 13:44
3.2.2.The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price - 13:45-46
3.2.3.The Parable of the Dragnet - 13:47-52
3.2.4.The Parable of the Householder - 13:51-53
3.3. The Rejection of Jesus by His Brothers - 13:54-58

V. The Progressive Rejection of the King: Miracles & Responses (Fourth Narrative and Discourse - 14:1 -

1. The Murder of John the Baptist - 14:1-12

2. The King’s Miracles of Power - 14:13-36

2.1. Creative Power: The Feeding of Five Thousand - 14:13-21
2.2. Controlling Power: The Lord Walking On Water - 14:22-33
2.3. Cleansing Power: The Healing of Many in Gennesaret - 14:34-46

3. The Rejection by the Scribes and Pharisees - 15:1-20

3.1. Jesus Confronts Pharisaic Hypocrisy - 15:1-9
3.2. Depravity Comes From Within - 15:10-20

4. The King’s Miracles of Compassion - 15:21-39

4.1. Compassion on the Gentile: A Canaanite Woman Healed - 15:21-28
4.2. Compassion on the Multitudes: Healing and Feeding - 15:29-39

5. The Rejection from the Pharisees and Sadducees - 16:1-12

5.1. The Seeking for a Sign - 16:1-4
5.2. Jesus Warns His Disciples of the Leaven (False Doctrine) of the Pharisees - 16:5-12

6. The Revelation to the Disciples - 16:13 - 17:13

6.1. Peter's True Confession of the King - 16:13-20
6.2. Jesus Foretells His Passion the First Time - 16:21-23
6.3. The Cost of Following the King - 16:24-28
6.4. Jesus is Transfigured before Peter, James, and John - 17:1-13

7. The Instruction to the Disciples - 17:14 - 18:35 (Fourth Discourse)

7.1. Instruction about Faith in Ministry - 17:14-21

7.2. Jesus Foretells His Passion the Second Time - 17:22-23
7.3. Instruction about Paying Tribute - 17:24-27
7.4. Instruction about Humility: Example of Child-likeness - 18:1-5
7.5. Instruction about Offenses - 18:6-9
7.6. Instruction about Salvation: Parable of the Lost Sheep - 18:10-14
7.7. Instruction about Reconciliation - 18:15-20
7.8. Instruction about Forgiveness - 18:21-35

VI. The Presentation of the King: Entry & Controversy in Jerusalem (Fifth Narrative and Discourse -

1. Various Questions and Answers - 19:1-20:28

1.1. Jesus goes to Judea - 19:1-2
1.2. Jesus' Answer to the Pharisees on Divorce - 19:2-9
1.3. Jesus' Answer to the Disciples on Celibacy and Marriage - 19:19-12
1.4. Jesus Receives the Children - 19:13-15
1.5. Jesus' Answer to the Rich Young Ruler on Eternal Life - 19:16-22
1.6. Jesus' Answer to the Disciples on Riches and Rewards - 19:23-30
1.7. The Parable of the Laborers - 20:1-16
1.8. Jesus Foretells His Passion the Third Time - 20:17-20
1.9. Jesus' Answer to the Wife of Zebedee (on Servant-hood) - 20:21-29

2. The Recognition of the King - 20:29-34

2.1. Two Blind Men Recognize and are Healed by the King - 20:29-34

3. The Triumphant Entry of the King - 21:1-17

3.1. The Disciples Retrieve the Colt for the King - 21:1-7
3.2. The People Prepare the Path for the King - 21:1-11

4. The Controversy of the King - 21:12-22:46

4.1. The Causes for the Controversy - 21:12-22
4.1.1. Jesus Cleanses the Temple - 21:12-16
4.1.2.Jesus Curses the Fig Tree - 21:17-22
4.1.3.The Answers of the King in Question - 21:23 - 22:14’ Authority is Questioned by the Chief Priests - 21:23-27 Parable of the Two Sons - 21:28-32 Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen - 21:33-46 Parable of the Marriage Supper - 22:1-14
4.2. The Attempts to Trap the King in His Teaching - 22:15-46
4.2.1.The Herodians: Regarding Political Issues (Paying Tribute) - 22:16-22
4.2.2.The Sadducess: Regarding Theological Issues (Resurrection) - 22:23-33
4.2.3.The Pharisees: Regarding Legal Issues (The Greatest Commandments) -22:34-40
4.2.4.The King Challenges the Pharisees - 22:41-46

5. Judgment Now and Later (The Fifth Discourse - 23:1-25:46)

5.1. The King's Rejection of the Nation (Judgment Now) - 23:1-39
5.1.1.The King Warns Against the Pharisees' Hypocrisy - 23:1-12
5.1.2.The King Reproves the Pharisees: Eight "Woes"- 23:13-36
5.1.3.The King’s Lament Over Jerusalem - 23:37-39
5.2. The Prophecies from the King (Judgment Later) - 24:1 - 25:46
5.2.1.Prophecies About His Coming: Signs and Seasons - 24:1-50 Disciples Two Questions: "When" and "What" - 24:3 Great Tribulation Foretold (What) - 24:1-34 Signs of the King's Coming (When) - 24:35-50
5.2.2.Parables About His Coming: Readiness and Faithfulness - 25:1-30 Parable of the Ten Virgins: Be Ready - 25:1-13 Parable of the Talents: Be Faithful - 25:14-30
5.2.3.The Final Judgment Described - 25:31-40

VII. The Passion of the King: Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ (The Final Narrative - 26-28)

1. The Preparation for the Passion of the King - 26:1-35

1.1. The Preparation of the People for Conspiracy - 26:1-5
1.2. The Preparation of the Body of Christ for Burial - 26:6-13
1.3. The Preparation of Judas Iscariot for Betrayal; Passover - 26:14-19
1.4. The Preparation of the Disciples for Mourning: the Last Supper - 26:20-30
1.5. The Preparation of Peter for Denial - 26:31-35
1.6. The Preparation of Jesus for the Passion: Gethsemane - 26:36-46

2. The Betrayal and Trial of the King - 26:47- 27:25

2.1. The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas - 26:47-56
2.2. The Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas - 26:56-68
2.3. The Denial of Christ by Peter - 26:69-75
2.4. The Crucifixion of Jesus Planned - 27:1-2
2.5. The Remorse and Suicide of Judas - 27:3-10
2.6. The Trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate - 27:11-12
2.7. The Exchange of Barabbas for Jesus – 27:13-23
2.8. The Delivering of Jesus to be Crucified by Pilate – 27;24-26

3. The Crucifixion and Burial of the King - 27:26-66

3.1. The Scourging and Mocking of Jesus - 27:26-33
3.2. The Crucifixion of Jesus - 27:34-49
3.3. The Death and Burial of Jesus - 27:50-61
3.4. The Sealing of the Tomb - 27:62-66

4. The Resurrection and Appearance of the King - 28:1-20

4.1. The Resurrection is Announced by an Angel - 28:1-8
4.2. The Appearance of Jesus to the Women - 28:9-10
4.3. The Conspiracy to Cover the Resurrection - 28:11-15
4.4. The Appearance of Jesus to His Disciples – 28:16-17
4.5. Jesus Gives the Great Commission - 28:18-20

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