3-8-21 FLSmidth FailureReport - Erdenet 12x10 MillMAX SAG Mill Discharge Rev 1

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March 10th, 2021

Failure Analysis Report

Equipment: FLSmidth KREBS® millMAX 12x10 SAG Mill Discharge Pump
Description of the Problem: Premature Casing Failure

To: Erdenet Mining Corporation

From: FLSmidth Tucson Operations – Krebs® Products Team

Pump History

Two millMAX 12x10 pumps were supplied to Erdenet Mining Corporation in 2020 and were in-
stalled in December, 2020 on SAG Mill Discharge, Cyclone Feed duty. Expected life of the pump
was to be 2500 hours, but a small hole developed after 1560 hours, opposite to the casing
cutwater. A picture of the pump referenced in this report is shown below:

Image 1: millMAX 12x10 SAG Mill Discharge Pump

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Piping Arrangement and Layout:

Image 2 shows the 12x10 pump with top vertical position, discharging via increaser to a 325mm
(300mm ID) pipe; then horizontal pipe to a vertical pipe shown in image 3; then flange con-
nected to a 500mm high, 425mm OD (400mm ID) pipe shown in Image 4; then reduced to an
18” OD (15.25” inside rubber) pipe terminating at the feed header of the cyclone cluster shown
in Image 5.

Image 2: 325mm Section of Discharge Pipingl

Image 3: Vertical Piping towards Cyclone Cluster

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Image 4: 400mm ID Section

Image 5: 390mm ID Cyclone Feed Pipe

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Data Investigation

To determine the root cause of this casing failure, FLSmidth Tucson Operations analyzed
various information provided to us:
1. Photos showing wear characteristics
2. Feed sump
3. Discharge piping size and layout
4. Pump duty conditions
5. Solids PSD
6. Settling velocity
7. Flow velocity
8. Real-time data during operation of the pump.

Using this information, we were able to form a conclusion as to what caused this failure at
1560 hours. We will also provide recommendations to prevent future pump failures.

Duty Conditions / Selection Basis

Below are the design duty conditions and 12x10 millMAX performance curve

Duty Conditions:

Slurry SG 1.501

Solid SG 2.7

Wt. % Solids 53%

Volumetric Concentration 29%

D50 Particle Size 230 - 260 µm

Figure 1: 12x10 millMAX Performance Curve w/ Duty Conditions Plotted

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The PSD shown in Figure 2 was provided by Erdenet, which was from SAG Mill discharge sampling
and we understand, labeled:
• Total (solids size)
• Overflow
• Sand (underflow)
• Powder produced

The PSD used in the Krebs cyclone simulation is shown in Figure 3. Since the O/F PSD from
Erdenet sampling matched with the Krebs overflow simulation PSD, we estimated that the actual
feed PSD would match closely with our cyclone simulation and could also estimate the D50
particle size

Figure 2: Particle Size Distribution provided to FLSmidth

Figure 3: Particle Size Distribution from R2604 Simulation

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Data Trends

Operating data from 12/3/2020 to 2/12/2020 was provided to FLSmidth. Averages over this
time-period are shown in the table below:

Pump Sump
% VFD Amp Draw Availability Solids Concentration RPM Level
40.22% 294.12 0.92 52.87% 595 1.3m

Minimal outliers were observed in the data set, indicating the averages well represent the true
operating conditions of the millMAX 12x10 over this time-period.

Data Trend Analysis

The lack of outliers in the data set indicates that the casing failure was not due to a sudden
change in operating conditions, such as running the pump dry.

The pump was consistently operating where site had set it to, without issue.

Note that solids concentration has increased from 45% w/w where the pump was originally
sized, to 52.87%. An increase in solids will increase the overall wear that the pump experi-

Wear profile and thickness

Image 6 below shows the location of the casing failure on a general pump diagram. Actual
pump is on a top vertical discharge position. A pinhole appeared opposite to the cutwater,
closest to point D on the diagram.

Image 6: General Pump Location Diagram

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The actual pinhole in the casing and the wear surrounding the failure is shown in Images 7
and 8 below.

Image 8: Close-Up of Pinhole Failure

Image 7: Pinhole Casing Failure and Surrounding Wear

Wear Analysis

Images 7 and 8 above show a cratering of wear around where the pinhole appeared. The
thickness in this crater and at the hole was measured to be 2.4mm. For the millMAX 12x10,
minimum casing thickness before replacement is recommended is 10mm. 2.4mm is far below
the minimum 10mm indicating significant wear occurred at this crater.

In Image 7 and 8, ample coarse solids can be seen in the casing. A build-up of coarse solids
in a pump casing may lead to an increase in wear, as we suspect happened here.

Discharge Piping Analysis

Referring to the piping arrangement and layout section with photos, at a flow of 910 cu.m/hr,
slurry velocity is 3.57 m/s in the 300mm ID discharge piping, which is well above the mini-
mum settling velocity of 2.47 m/s.

However, at the 500mm section of 425mm OD pipe with ID of 400mm, slurry velocity drops
to 2.01 m/s, which is well below the 2.86 m/s settling velocity for this pipe. This indicates
solids will retreat down the pipe in this section.

In the last section of 18” OD cyclone feed pipe with ID of 390mm (inside rubber), slurry
velocity is 2.13 m/s while settling velocity is 2.81 m/s and so, solids are settling here too.

The horizontal section of 300mm pipe is also not ideal, as it contributes to solids settling.

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Probable Cause of Casing Failure

FLSmidth believes the root cause of this millMAX 12x10 casing failure was a significant de-
crease in slurry velocity in the discharge piping of this pump.

We suspect that coarse solids are retreating through the discharge pipe, back into the casing
of the pump and recirculating. Over time, these coarse solids built up and wore down the
casing, until the referenced hole formed.

Recommended Corrective Action

As an immediate solution, FLSmidth recommends making changes to the current discharge

piping installed. Firstly, the 300mm ID piping should be extended for the full length of the
discharge line. By eliminating the 400mm ID section and reducing the 390mm ID cyclone
feed pipe with the same 300mm pipe, the issue of solids settling will disappear. This is because
pipeline slurry velocity will always be greater than the settling velocity of solids.

It would also be helpful to change the horizontal section of pipe, with long sweeps so that
solids will not settle in this section.

One short term solution would be to upgrade the millMAX 12x10 casing and wear ring to
Kreballoy 9. It is a stronger, harder material more resistant to abrasion and coarse solids

FLSmidth also recommends upgrading the millMAX 12x10 to a UMD 12x10 with tungsten
carbide wear ring. The UMD (Ultimate Mill Discharge) centrifugal slurry pump features a
heavy-duty design that can handle the most abrasive applications. The materials used for the
suction liner and wear ring are increased to ensure maximum wear life in this application.

The sizing of the UMD 12x10 wet end for this application can be seen below.

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Figure 4: UMD 12x10 Performance Curve

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Ultimate Mill Discharge
 Large clearances reduce turbulence
within the casing
 Increased liner diameters protect
the casing wall from impacts of fine
 A deep bed of slurry protects the
periphery of the casing from im-
pacts of large solids

Standard Applications:
 Mill Discharge
 Other highly abrasive applications
 Higher flow applications

Large casing clearance reduces

velocity and turbulence near
the walls increasing service life.

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