2020 Aoime2

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2020 AOIME Solution Manual


June 7, 2020

§1 Introduction
The 2020 AOIME was the first ever online AMC-hosted competition, featuring the same style as AIME and having
the same problems as what would have been the 2020 AIME II. The following is a list of solutions to the problems
from this contest, which hopefully prove to be sufficiently elegant to the reader’s tastes.

§2 Solutions.
Problem 1
Find the number of ordered pairs of positive integers (m, n) such that m2 n = 2020 .

Solution. Note that the restriction m | 2010 is necessary, otherwise m2 - 2020 . However, any such m also works, since
we know that m2 = n is an integer. Therefore, we count the number of divisors of the number 2010 = 220 510 , and it is
well known by prime factorization that the number of divisors is the product (20+1)(10+1) = 200+30+1 = 231 .

Problem 2
Let P be a point chosen uniformly at random in the interior of the unit square with vertices at (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1),

and (0, 1). The probability that the slope of the line determined by P and the point 58 , 38 is greater than 12 can be
written as n, where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.


5 3
8 8

Solution. We can graph the region of success, and it turns out to consist of two trapezoids: one with vertices
(0, 0), 58 , 0 , 85 , 38 , 0, 16
and another with vertices (1, 1), 58 , 1 , 58 , 38 , 1, 16
. Adding the areas over the area
of the square yields 128 =⇒ 171 .

Problem 3
The value of x that satisfies log2x 320 = log2x+3 32020 can be written as n, where m and n are relatively prime positive
integers. Find m + n.

20 ln 3 2020 ln 3
Solution. The given condition is equivalent to x ln 2 = (x+3) ln 2 . From here, we may cancel the logarithms and cross
multiply, yielding 20x + 60 = 2020x =⇒ x = 100 =⇒ 103 .

Problem 4
Triangles 4ABC and 4A0 B 0 C 0 lie in the coordinate plane with vertices A(0, 0), B(0, 12), C(16, 0), A0 (24, 18),
B 0 (36, 18), and C 0 (24, 2). A rotation of m degrees clockwise around the point (x, y ), where 0 < m < 180, will
transform 4ABC to 4A0 B 0 C 0 . Find m + x + y .

A’ B’


−5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


Solution. Note that the two triangles are congruent. Therefore, the distance from (x, y ) to C, A is the same to
C 0 , A0 , respectively. Clearly, m = 90, and now this means (x, y ) lies on the perpendicular bisectors of AA0 , CC 0 . If we
write the equations for these lines and solve for the intersection, the point (x, y ) = (21, −3). Thus, the answer is
90 + 21 − 3 = 108 .

Problem 5
For each positive integer n, let f (n) be the sum of the digits in the base-four representation of n and let g(n) be the
sum of the digits in the base-eight representation of f (n). For example, f (2020) = f (133210four ) = 10 = 12eight ,
and g(2020) = the digit sum of 12eight = 3. Let N be the least value of n such that the base-sixteen representation
of g(n) cannot be expressed using only the digits 0 through 9. Find the remainder when N is divided by 1000.

Solution. Note that the smallest output of g(n) that cannot be written using the digits 0 to 9 in base 16 is 1010 .
This means f (n) ≥ 378 = 3110 , which is the smallest number that has digit sum 10 in base 8. Now, we note that this

bounds n ≥ 133333333334 = 410 + 3 49 + 48 + · · · + 41 + 40 , and in fact this value of n does work. Hence, it is the
least such value. Now, notice that

410 + 3 49 + 48 + · · · + 41 + 40 = 2 · 410 − 1 ≡ 2 · 576 − 1 ≡ 151 (mod 1000).

Problem 6
Define a sequence recursively by t1 = 20, t2 = 21, and
5tn−1 + 1
tn =

for all n ≥ 3. Then t2020 can be written as qp , where p and q are relatively prime positive integers. Find p + q.

Solution. If we expand t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 , t7 in terms of t1 , t2 , we note that the sequence is periodic with period 5. Therefore,
t2020 = t5 , which may easily be computed to be 525 =⇒ 626 .

Problem 7
Two congruent right circular cones each with base radius 3 and height 8 have axes of symmetry that intersect at
right angles at a point in the interior of the cones a distance 3 from the base of each cone. A sphere with radius r
lies inside both cones. The maximum possible value for r 2 is n, where m and n are relatively prime positive integers.
Find m + n.

Solution. We will view the figure in two dimensions:





We note that AJIH has an inscribed circle by Pitot’s Theorem, and hence the radius of this inscribed circle is the
radius of the sphere we wish to find. Now, we know that the center of this circle lies on the internal angle bisectors of
pairs of lines in {AJ, JI, IH, HA}. That means that the center lies on the intersection of DB and EG. (For those of
you doing coordinates with the origin at A with axes AB, AE, that means the center is at (3, 3).) Now, it’s not hard
to get the final answer of √15 =⇒ 298 by similar triangles or Pythagorean Theorem.

Problem 8
Define a sequence of functions recursively by f1 (x) = |x − 1| and fn (x) = fn−1 (|x − n|) for integers n > 1. Find the
least value of n such that the sum of the zeros of fn exceeds 500,000.
Solution. I claim that the sum for k is k 2 + 1 , where the set of roots is every other integer between
(k−2)(k−1) k(k+1)
1− 2 and 2 , inclusive. If we define the set of roots for function fk to be Sk , we just solve each of
|x − k| = r ∈ Sk−1 and this result follows easily by induction. (For the motivation of this statement, simply bash out
a few of Sk and the pattern should be clear.)

Now, we just solve k k(k−1)
2 + 1 > 500000. Note that the left side is approximately k 3 /2, which makes us want

to set k = 3 500000 · 2 = 100. Noting that 100 is too small and that k = 101 satisfies this inequality, we are


Problem 9
While watching a show, Ayako, Billy, Carlos, Dahlia, Ehuang, and Frank sat in that order in a row of six chairs.
During the break, they went to the kitchen for a snack. When they came back, they sat on those six chairs in such
a way that if two of them sat next to each other before the break, then they did not sit next to each other after the
break. Find the number of possible seating orders they could have chosen after the break.

Solution. We will bash. If we list out all possibilities where the first person is A, then we will get 12 such arrangements.
Symmetrically, starting with F also gives 12 such arrangements. Similarly, B, E both have 15, C, D both have 18, and
we sum 2(12 + 15 + 18) = 090 .

Problem 10
Find the sum of all positive integers n such that when 13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + n3 is divided by n + 5, the remainder is 17.

Solution. We wish to find

=⇒ (n(n + 1))2 ≡ 68 (mod n + 5), n + 5 > 17

=⇒ (−5 · −4)2 ≡ 68 (mod n + 5), n + 5 > 17

=⇒ n + 5 | 332, n + 5 > 17

And now, we can find values 78, 161, 327 for n. However, 327 does not work, but the other two do work. So, we sum
78 + 161 = 239 .

Problem 11
Let P (x) = x 2 − 3x − 7, and let Q(x) and R(x) be two quadratic polynomials also with the coefficient of x 2 equal
to 1. David computes each of the three sums P + Q, P + R, and Q + R and is surprised to find that each pair of
these sums has a common root, and these three common roots are distinct. If Q(0) = 2, then R(0) = , where m
and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

Solution. Let P + Q, Q + R have shared root q, Q + R, R + P have shared root r , and the last pair having shared
root p. We will now set Q(x) = x 2 + ax + 2, and R(x) = x 2 + bx + c. We wish to find c, and now we compute
P + Q, Q + R, R + P .
P + Q = 2x 2 + (a − 3)x − 5 = 2(x − p)(x − q)

Q + R = 2x 2 + (a + b)x + (2 + c) = 2(x − q)(x − r )

R + P = 2x 2 + (b − 3)x + (c − 7) = 2(x − r )(x − p)

3−a 3−b −a−b 3
From here, we equate coefficients. This means p + q = 2 ,p +r = 2 ,q + r = 2 =⇒ p = 2. Now,
pq = 2 =⇒ q = − 53 . Finally, we know that pr = c−7
2 , qr = c+2
2 =⇒ c = 52
19 = R(0) =⇒ 071 .


Problem 12
Let m and n be odd integers greater than 1. An m × n rectangle is made up of unit squares where the squares in
the top row are numbered left to right with the integers 1 through n, those in the second row are numbered left to
right with the integers n + 1 through 2n, and so on. Square 200 is in the top row, and square 2000 is in the bottom
row. Find the number of ordered pairs (m, n) of odd integers greater than 1 with the property that, in the m × n
rectangle, the line through the centers of squares 200 and 2000 intersects the interior of square 1099.

Solution. The conditions in the problem allow us to take 1099 on row 2 , 200 on row 1, and 2000 on row 2. Now,
we note that in order for 2000 to lie on the bottom row we must have mn > 2000 and (m − 1)n < 2000. Also,
n > 200 for 200 to lie on the first row. Furthermore, it is clear that the center of box 1100 must lie on the line in
the problem. This means that m must take a value between 3 and 10, inclusive, and since m is odd we can consider
m = 3, 5, 7, 9.
Case 1. m = 3 In this case, we draw the diagram:

x x x

1099 1010

We see that if the slope of this line exceeds 1 or vertical, then 1099 does not lie on the line. This is equivalent
to 2000 − 200 being ≤ 2 away from a multiple of n. From the eariler bounding we get n ∈ {667, 669, . . . , 999}. To
check for numbers close to a multiple of n, we just look at numbers close to 1800/i , i ∈ 1, 2, . . . . One such number
is 899 and another is 901, so we subtract 2 from the count to get 165 total in this case.

Case 2. m = 5 Similar to above, we bound n ∈ {401, 403, . . . , 499}. Now, we see that the numbers n = 449, 451
are close to 1800/4 and are less than or equal to 4 away from a multiple of n, so we get a count of 50 − 2 = 48 in
this case.

Similarly completing the final two cases, we get a total count of 165 + 48 + (24 − 2) + (14 − 1) = 248 .

Problem 13
Convex pentagon ABCDE has side lengths AB = 5, BC = CD = DE = 6, and EA = 7. Moreover, the pentagon
has an inscribed circle (a circle tangent to each side of the pentagon). Find the area of ABCDE.


D0 C0
E0 I


Solution. Let I be the incenter, and A0 B 0 C 0 D0 E 0 the points of tangency on CD,DE, EA,AB,BC, respectively. It is not
difficult to find AD0 = AC 0 = 3, BD0 = BE 0 = A0 D = DB 0 = 2, CE 0 = CA0 = EB 0 = EC 0 = 4 by setting equations
and using the fact that tangents from a point are equal. Now, we notice that ∠D0 IE 0 = ∠A0 IB 0 , which follows easily
from congruency. Also, ∠C 0 IB 0 = ∠E 0 IA0 . However, IA bisects ∠D0 IC 0 , and from the aforementioned angle equalities
we get that A, I, A0 is collinear.

We will now proceed by trigonometry. We wish to find a radius of the incircle r such that
3 2 4
arctan + 2 arctan + 2 arctan = π.
r r r
However, we are motivated by the fact that 2 arctan 21 = arctan 43 to set r = 4 where 2
r = 1
2, so that arctan 43 +
arctan 43 = π/2. Noting that 2 arctan 44 = π/2, we have that the incircle has radius 4. Our final area is therefore given
by 4 · (5 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 7)/2 = 060 .

Problem 14
For real number x let bxc be the greatest integer less than or equal to x, and define {x} = x −bxc to be the fractional
part of x. For example, {3} = 0 and {4.56} = 0.56. Define f (x) = x{x}, and let N be the number of real-valued
solutions to the equation f (f (f (x))) = 17 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2020. Find the remainder when N is divided by 1000.

Solution. For this problem, we note that f is decreasing, so we just ignore any solutions to f that exceed 2020. We
begin by showing the following result.

Lemma. The solutions to f (x) = k, m ≤ k < m + 1 for integer m are rm , rm+1 , . . . , r2019 with i ≤ ri < i + 1.

Proof. Trivial.

It is clear that the roots of f (x) = a, a > 0 are not integers. Thus, the solution set for this equation is
r17 , r18 , . . . , r2019 as defined before. Now, to find the solution set for f (f (x)) = 17, we need f (x) = ri , i ∈ 17..2019.


Invoking our lemma again, our solution set now contains one number in the interval (17, 18), two in (18, 19), etc.
It is easy to show that everything in the solution set is pairwise distinct. Now, we invoke the lemma once again for
f (f (f (x))) = 17 and we get a final count of 1 solution in (17, 18), 3 solutions for (18, 19), 6 solutions for (19, 20),
etc. Thus, it suffices to compute
X 3
n(n + 1) X n(n + 1)
≡ ≡ 010 (mod 1000).
2 n=1

Problem 15
Let 4ABC be an acute scalene triangle with circumcircle ω. The tangents to ω at B and C intersect at T . Let
X and Y be the projections of T onto lines AB and AC, respectively. Suppose BT = CT = 16, BC = 22, and
T X 2 + T Y 2 + XY 2 = 1143. Find XY 2 .

Solution. Define M to be the midpoint of BC. We claim that MXT Y is a prallelogram.



We proceed with angle chase. We know that AT is the A-symmedian of triangle 4ABC, so AT, AM are isogonal
with respect to ∠XAY . However, AXT Y is clearly cyclic. Now, we note XBMT and Y CMT cyclic as well. Now, it
is easy to chase

∠ABM = ∠XT M, π = ∠ACB + ∠BCT + ∠T CY = ∠ACB + ∠BAC + ∠T CY


=⇒ ∠MT Y = ∠T CY = ∠ABC = ∠ABM.

Hence, MY k XT and similarly XM k T Y . Now, we know that the parallelogram’s diagonals mutually bisect each
other, so call this intersection point P . Now, we write Stewart’s on 4XT Y with respect to T P :

+ T P 2 XY = (XT 2 + Y T 2 )
4 2

3 15
But, by Pythagorean Theorem we can compute T P = P M = 2 . Now, we substitute XT 2 +Y T 2 = 1143−XY 2 ,
and we may solve for XY , resulting in a final answer of 717 .

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