Children With Near-Fatal Asthma: The Use of Inhaled Volatile Anesthetics and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

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Volume 35, Number 4, 2022

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ped.2022.0126 BRIEF REPORT

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Children with Near-Fatal Asthma:

The Use of Inhaled Volatile Anesthetics
and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Chasity M. Custer, MD,1 Erika R. O’Neil, MD,2 Janaki Paskaradevan, MD,3

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Brian J. Rissmiller, MD,2 and Maria C. Gazzaneo, MD2,3

Background and Purpose: The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been described for
near-fatal asthma that continues to be refractory despite maximal medical therapy.
Methods: Patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit at Texas Children’s Hospital from 2012 to 2020
with the diagnosis of asthma who were supported on ECMO or isoflurane were included in the study. Patient
demographics, medication usage, and complications were compared between the case group (ECMO, n = 12)
and the control group (isoflurane only, n = 8).
Results: All patients survived to discharge. ECMO patients received shorter durations of albuterol (12 versus
104 h, P = 0.0002) and terbutaline (13.3 versus 31.5 h, P = 0.0250). There were no differences in complication
rates between the 2 groups.
Conclusion: ECMO is a reasonable and safe support method for patients with near-fatal asthma and may lead to
less bronchodilator medication exposure when compared with inhaled volatile anesthetic use.

Keywords: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, status asthmaticus, social determinants of health, intensive
care units, pediatric

Introduction mechanical ventilation. Isoflurane has become more preva-

lent in pediatrics compared with other inhaled anesthetics
due to its safety profile.8 Yet despite maximal medical ther-
A sthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of
childhood affecting an estimated 6.2 million individu-
als under the age of 18 in the United States. It remains the
apy, some cases of NFA will have persistent hypercapnic
respiratory acidosis.
most common cause of hospitalization and emergency In these situations, the use of extracorporeal membrane
department visits in children with rates highest among Afri- oxygenation (ECMO) has been described to support patients
can Americans. In 2020, 204 pediatric deaths were attrib- with NFA.9–14 ECMO provides temporary cardiorespiratory
uted to asthma in the United States.1,2 support, which allows lung rest and time for airway smooth
Near-fatal asthma (NFA) is a life-threatening condition muscle relaxation and inflammation to reverse. It also pro-
of acute respiratory failure and the most severe survivable vides the ability to perform aggressive airway clearance and
clinical presentation of status asthmaticus. In addition to an avenue for controlled bronchoscopy. ECMO support for
first-line therapies such as bronchodilators and systemic cor- asthmatics in case reports and small retrospective studies
ticosteroids, it often requires mechanical ventilation with report high survival rates.9–14
inhaled volatile anesthetics and paralysis with neuromuscu- Although the National Institutes of Health have devel-
lar blockade.3–7 Inhaled anesthetics have direct and indirect oped classification and therapy guidelines to address asthma,
bronchodilator effects and provide sedation to facilitate these guidelines do not address management options for

Departments of 1Pediatrics, 2Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, and 3Pulmonology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.


children with asthma severe enough to require admission Statistical analyses were carried out using JMP (version
to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).15 We aimed to 14; SAS, Cary, NC). Dichotomous variables were ana-
describe demographics, medical management, and outcomes lyzed using Fisher’s exact or Pearson’s chi-square tests and
of children who received inhaled volatile anesthetics or expressed as exact numbers with percentages. Continuous
ECMO for the management of NFA. variables were analyzed with Student’s t-test if normally dis-
tributed or Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test for non-normally
distributed continuous variables and are expressed as median
with 25th–75th interquartile ranges (IQRs). Statistical signifi-
We conducted a retrospective review of children, ages cance was defined as a P value <0.05. Significant associations
18 years or less, with NFA admitted to the PICU at Texas are reported in odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals.
Children’s Hospital between 2012 and 2020. Patients were
included if they had an admission diagnosis of asthma and Results
received inhaled volatile anesthetics or ECMO. This study
was approved by Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) IRB A total of 20 patients with NFA were admitted to the
(approval #H-39153, Date: 4/20/2018 Original title: Life PICU and supported with either inhaled volatile anesthet-
threatening asthma management in the PICU). Informed ics or ECMO (Table 1). Males (60%), African Americans
consent was waived and all procedures were followed in (52%), and patients with Medicaid insurance (45%) were
accordance with the ethical standards of BCM IRB and the over-represented in this patient population. The majority of
Helsinki Declaration of 1975. patients had a previous diagnosis of asthma (80%), 50% of
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Data were collected from the electronic medical record patients had a diagnosis of severe asthma and had been
(EMR), including demographic information, pre-ECMO prescribed controller medications before this admission
comorbidities including asthma severity, pre-ECMO respi- (Supplementary Data, Table 3). Almost all patients (90%)
ratory and hemodynamic support, and pre-ECMO bio- were discharged with controller medications.
chemical, ventilation, and hemodynamic data. Asthma Eight patients received inhaled volatile anesthetics only,
therapies (albuterol, ipratropium bromide, terbutaline, sys- whereas 12 patients received ECMO support. Nine patients
temic corticosteroids, and magnesium sulfate) used before received isoflurane and ECMO and were analyzed in the
and while on ECMO were included. Type and duration of ECMO cohort (Table 1). All patients supported on ECMO
inhaled volatile anesthetics were included. ECMO-specific received venovenous support and were cannulated with a
variables were collected to include mode, duration of ECMO, dual-lumen cannula in the right internal jugular vein (Sup-
cannula type, and size and any complications sustained plementary Data, Table 4). Median duration of ECMO was
while on ECMO. Social determinants of health and financial 71 [46.9–126.9] h. Patients who received ECMO were more
concerns were obtained from social work notes found in the likely to have a higher oxygenation index (24.2 versus 9.95,
EMR. Missing data were excluded from analysis. P = 0.0022) compared with patients who only required inha-
Our primary outcome was survival to hospital discharge. led volatile anesthetics (Supplementary Data, Table 5).
Secondary outcomes included hospital length of stay, ICU When comparing patients who received ECMO to
length of stay, duration of invasive mechanical ventilation, those who received only inhaled volatile anesthetics, ECMO
exposure to medications, and complications. patients received shorter durations of albuterol (12 versus

Table 1. Characteristics of Intubated Asthmatics Supported with Inhaled Volatile Anesthetics

(Isoflurane, ISO) and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
All patients (n = 20) ECMO (n = 12) ISO only (n = 8)
Characteristics No. (%) or median-IQR P
Male 12 (60%) 7 (58%) 5 (63%) 1.0000
Age (years) 5.5 [2–9] 7.5 [3.3–11] 2 [1–7.5] 0.0325
Weight (kg) 24.4 [12.6–32.5] 27.9 [17.4–36.4] 11.9 [10.8–26.0] 0.0136
Black, non-Hispanic 10 (50%) 8 (67%) 2 (25%) 0.1698
Medicaid or no insurance 12 (60%) 9 (75%) 3 (38%) 0.1675
Financial concerns 10 (50%) 7 (58%) 3 (38%) 0.6499
History of severe asthma 10 (50%) 6 (50%) 4 (50%) 1.0000
Controller medication use 10 (50%) 6 (50%) 4 (50%) 1.0000
Inpatient parameters No. (%) or median-IQR P
Infectious trigger identified 13 (65%) 9 (75%) 4 (50%) 0.2508
Viral infection 11 (85%) 8 (89%) 3 (75%) 1.0000
ICU length of stay (days) 7 [6–10.8] 7.5 [6–14.3] 7 [6–8] 0.4355
Hospital length of stay (days) 10 [8–14.8] 12 [8.0–25] 9.5 [7.25–10] 0.2127
Discharged home 20 (100%) 10 (83%) 8 (100%) —
Discharged with controller medications 18 (90%) 8 (89%) 8 (100%) 1.0000
Readmission within 30 days 0 0 0 —
Values in bold represent statistically significant findings P £ 0.05.
IQR, interquartile range; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Table 2. Medication Usage of Intubated Asthmatics Supported with Inhaled Volatile Anesthetics
(Isoflurane, ISO) and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
All patients (n = 20) ECMO (n = 12) ISO only (n = 8)
Medications No. (%) or median-IQR P
Continuous albuterol 20 (100%) 12 (100%) 8 (100%) —
Duration of continuous albuterol (hours) 27.3 [10.5–92.5] 12 [8.3–24.8] 104 [47.5–132.8] 0.0002
Terbutaline 19 (95%) 11 (92%) 8 (100%) 1.000
Duration of terbutaline (hours) 23.5 [4.8–33.3] 13.3 [4.0–25.3] 31.5 [24–112.5] 0.0250
Steroids 20 (100%) 12 (100%) 8 (100%) —
Ipratropium bromide 20 (100%) 12 (100%) 8 (100%) —
Magnesium 20 (100%) 12 (100%) 8 (100%) —
Subcutaneous epinephrine 6 (30%) 4 (33%) 2 (25%) 1.000
Ketamine 15 (75%) 9 (75%) 6 (75%) 1.0000
Isoflurane 17 (85%) 9 (75%) 8 (100%) 0.2421
Isoflurane duration (hours) 10.4 [5.1–39.1] 5.7 [1.1–11.7] 29 [13.5–51.5] 0.0166
Neuromuscular blockade 16 (80%) 10 (83%) 6 (75%) 1.0000
Values in bold represent statistically significant findings P £ 0.05.
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104 h, P = 0.0002) and terbutaline (13.3 versus 31.5 h, parameters, or oxygen index values; indicating the severity
P = 0.0250) (Table 2). There were no significant differences of illness in both groups was similar. All patients with
in invasive mechanical ventilation parameters or duration NFA admitted to the PICU received albuterol, ipratropium
between the 2 groups. PICU length of stay (7.5 versus 7 days, bromide, magnesium sulfate, and methylprednisolone, and most
P = 0.4255) and hospital length of stay were not significantly received inhaled volatile anesthetics before initiation of ECMO.
different between the groups (12 versus 9.5 days, P = 0.2127). Interestingly, when compared with the isoflurane-only
All patients were discharged home and there were no group, patients who were supported on ECMO received
readmissions within 30 days. A total of 6 complications oc- less exposure to albuterol, terbutaline, and isoflurane, and
curred in the ECMO group: neurological (1), arrhythmias (4), potentially the side effects associated with bronchodilatory
and pneumomediastinum with bronchoscopy (1). One com- medications. Myocardial toxicity from beta 2-agonist expo-
plication was reported for the isoflurane group: bleeding (1). sure has been reported, in particular in patients with hyper-
There was no statistically significant difference in complica- carbia and hypoxemia and with the use of older generation
tions between the 2 cohorts (Supplementary Data, Table 5). beta-agonists.17 Limiting exposure to these medications in
NFA may be beneficial; however, future research is required.
Discussion Finally, racial and socioeconomic disparities in asthma
outcomes have been well documented in previous litera-
Overall, our study showed high survival for children ture. Black Americans are 3 times more likely to die from
with NFA with minimal complications during their treat- asthma.18–20 In this study, the patient population was reflec-
ment course. Patients supported on ECMO received less tive of this national trend, with 50% of patients enrolled
cumulative bronchodilator medication exposure. In addition, identifying as Black Americans. Lack of consistent health
this study highlighted the socioeconomic factors present in insurance has been shown to result in higher rate of emer-
the most severe asthmatics. gency department visits, higher rate of hospitalizations,
All patients survived and there were no statistically and a higher mortality rate.18,21,22 Of the patients in this
significant complications identified between the cohorts. study, 45% had Medicaid and 15% of patients lacked
Similar to previous studies, our data demonstrated that insurance. Fifty percent of patients had a prior diagnosis of
ECMO support for asthmatics is safe.11–14 The most com- asthma and 3 patients reported being prescribed a control-
monly reported complication in our study was arrhythmia, ler medication but not having access to their inhaler. These
which occurred at the time of cannulation. We suspect this results highlight the need for better and more consistent
is related to the insertion of a wire near a myocardium that access to care, for better community outreach programs, and
is overstimulated with beta-agonist exposure rather than a for a higher focus on social determinants of health in the
direct effect of the beta-agonist medication given that these outpatient and hospital setting.
arrhythmias were not sustained postcannulation. Cardiac Our descriptive study is limited by its retrospective
complications have been reported with ECMO use, and pre- nature and small numbers of children with NFA. In addition,
viously, no difference was noted in cannulation techniques some patients received isoflurane and were supported with
between dual-site versus single-site double lumen.16 How- ECMO; given the small numbers we could not analyze these
ever, cannulation technique for asthmatics may be an area of groups separately and those patients were included in the
future research. ECMO only cohort. Finally, given limitations in our EMR we
Although a descriptive study, we examined differences in were not able to capture vasoactive medication information.
medical therapy while on ECMO support for NFA. At our
institution there is no protocol for escalation of therapy Conclusion
regarding anesthetics usage or ECMO support for near-fatal
asthma. Upon review, there were no statistically significant With appropriate treatment, children with NFA have
differences in mechanical ventilator parameters, blood gas high survival. ECMO is a reasonable and safe support

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