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 September 27, 2019


Should You wear Red Coral?

Check as per your
Lagna/Ascendant Blue
Emerald Yellow

Ruby Red Coral Diamond

Hessonite Opal Pearl


Red Coral the gemstone of Mars which signifies vigor , courage , boosting energy,
Cat's Eye Zircon Rudraksha
independent nature , leadership. It helps in overcoming all sorts of fear , increases self
esteem and self confidence.

Red Coral diverts all sorts of accidents and helps the wearer to escape from evil eye.
In today’s blog, we will discuss the suitability of Red Coral for people born in various
Lagna Ascendants with complete analysis CATEGORIES

2020 Horoscope (13)

Blue Sapphire (4)
Check the collection top quality Italian Red Coral
Diamond (1)
  Emerald (2)
Who should wear Red Coral – Analysis for Each Lagna /
Gems Testing Laboratory (1)
Gemstones (9)

Ascendant / Lagna Ruling Planet Should you wear Red Coral Nizam Jewellery Exhibition 2019 (1)

Opal (2)
Aries Mars Yes
Red Coral (3)
Taurus Venus No
ruby (2)
Gemini Mercury No
Rudraksha (4)

Cancer Moon Yes Special Offer (1)

Leo Sun No
Uncategorized (31)

Valentine's Day 2019 Exclusive Gift (1)

Virgo Mercury No
Yellow Sapphire (3)
Libra Venus No

Scorpio Mars Yes

Sagittarius Jupiter Yes Astrology

Capricorn Saturn No Consultation 
Aquarius Saturn No
Pisces Jupiter Yes
INR 1100/-
CALL 9125034444
*Note: For final Decision, always get your horoscope analyzed by an experienced

Can Aries /Mesha wear Red Coral – (मेष)

Ruling Planet – Mars
Red Coral is life stone of Aries. Mars rules 2 houses i.e. 1st and 8th which is very
auspicious.  As it is of 1st House Lord it is helpful in enhancing your personality,
increases will power, provide leadership and all round happiness. If planet Mars is in
ascendant with Jupiter then it is Raj Yog Karaka.

However, Red Coral gemstone is very hot in nature as its ruler in Mars so persons
having health problems like hypertension, high blood pressure then consult Astrologer
before wearing.  Persons who are sportsman with Aries Ascendant must wear Red

Check Natural & Certified Moonga (Red Coral)

Can Taurus / Vrisha wear Red Coral – (वृषभ)

Ruling Planet – Venus

In Taurus Ascendant Mars rules 2 houses which are evil in nature i.e 7 house which is
efficient marak i.e. prime killer and 12 house the house of expenses. So you are not
advised to wear Red Coral in any condition. Besides Mars has not cordial relation with
Venus the Ascendant lord of Taurus sign also.  In particular diseases you can wear
Red Coral However you must consult qualified Astrologer before wearing Red Coral.

Among Navratna stones, your lucky stone is Diamond. You can go for wearing its
substitutes viz. Natural Zircon / Opal Gemstone.

Can Gemini / Mithun wear Red Coral – (मिथुन)

Ruling Planet – Mercury

Natives of Gemini Ascendant / sign should never wear Red Coral . Mars rules 2 houses
i.e. 6th house and 11 house so wearing Red Coral is not advised . Also , Mars has not
good relation with planet Mercury your birth chart ruler. However if 6th house lord
(Mars) is in   6th, 8th or 12th house then it gives vipreeta harsh yoga i.e. such a native
will have all facilities in his life and happiness is confirmed. In such planetary
conditions, in some cases, Red Coral can be helpful for you. But make sure to consult
astrologer before wearing Red Coral .

Being a Gemini Ascendant, rather than Red Coral, You can go for Emerald after Astro

Can Cancer / Kark wear Red Coral – (कर्क )

Ruling Planet – Moon

A person of Cancer Ascendant can wear Red Coral as Mars rules two favorable
houses 5th house and 10 House. If the placement of Mars is quite well in your
horoscope then wearing Red Coral will confer sound health , excellence in studies and
giving elevation in your Profession. If your Ascendant lord Moon is with Mars & is in 5th
house or 10 house  then it confers Lakshmi Yoga . Such a person will roll in money ,
born in wealthy family. If Mars seated with Jupiter in 1st , 5th , 10th and 11th house, it
will create “Guru Bhauma Yoga”. And wearing Red Coral will increase the benefits of“
Guru Bhauma Yoga” achieving success , happiness , peace and increased wealth.

Can Leo / Simha wear Red Coral – (सिंह)

Ruling Planet – Sun

Those with Leo Ascendant wear Red Coral if Mar is in 4th House of land and assets.
Also if Mars is in 9th house then only can wear Red Coral . As per vedic Astrology Rules
, planet Mars is Badakh karaka for Leo Ascendant i.e. wearing Red Coral will obstruct
your progress in every sense. But If your lagna lord Sun is with Jupiter then it bestows
powerful auspicious Raj Yoga. Among all 9 gemstones your favourable gemstones is

Ruby and Yellow Sapphire.  In General cases, Leo Ascendant should not wear Red

Can Virgo / Kanya wear Red Coral – (कन्या)

Ruling Planet – Mercury

Native of Virgo Ascendant should not wear Red Coral as Mars rules 2 evil houses i.e.
3rd and 8th house . Besides your Ascendant lord Mercury has not good relation with
Mars. However , if Mars is placed in 3rd , 8th , 12th house then it gives vipreeta harsh
yoga i.e. such a native will have all facilities in his life and happiness is confirmed. So
consult a competent Astrologer before wearing Red Coral.

Can Libra / Tula wear Red Coral – (तुला)

Ruling Planet – Venus

An individual with Libra Ascendant is not profitable by wearing Red Coral. As it is

known astrologically , Mars rules 2 houses ie 2nd house of Speech , right eye , family
but this house is death inflicting i.e. Marak and 7th house of Marriage , business
partnership but this 7 house is bringing Kendra adhipati dosha , besides this is also
Marak house means by giving marriage , good business in partnership , and Mars by
giving Epicurean food for foody people can cause troubles like fever , diabetes , food
poisoning etc. Therefore , Libra ascendant people are advised to refrain from wearing
Red Coral. Prior consultation with competent astrologer is needed.

Can Scorpio / Vrishchika wear Red Coral – (वृश्चिक)

Ruling Planet – Mars

Red Coral for Scorpio Ascendant is most auspicious gemstone for giving sound health
(Raksha Kavach), good personality , good judgement . Planet Mars is the ascendant
lord of 1st house and 6th house of maternal family and competitions , jobs etc.
Although 6th house is trik bhav i.e dushst sthana but Mars rules 1st house ie Kendra
and its is also Trikona. If planet Mars is seated in 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , 9th , 10 , 11th house
or conjunct with its friendly planet like Jupiter , Moon and Sun in particular degrees
then it causes highest Raj karak as Mars here is Raj Yog Karak. On this ground ,
wearing Red Coral is most suitable for Scorpio Ascendant.

Can Sagittarius / Dhanu wear Red Coral – (धनु)

Ruling Planet – Jupiter

For Sagittarious Ascendant wearing Red Coral is most auspicious because planet
Mars is 5th  house lord which is trikon Lakshmi sthan . So by wearing Red Coral an
individual will be blessed with good health , sound knowledge , good spiritual
understanding , increase in wealth etc. Another important house in 11th house the
house of all profits and elder Brother.  Apart from this Jupiter and Mars conjunction
causes Guru Bhauma yoga as well as Jupiter and Mars are most friendly planet . On
this ground , wearing Red Coral is most auspicious. Prior consultation with competent
astrologer in needed.

Can Capricon / Makar wear Red Coral – (मकर)

Ruling Planet – Saturn

Individuals with Capricon Ascendant are not advised to wear Red Coral  because
Planet Saturn is not having good equations with Mars . Here Mars rules two houses 4th
house of Mother , Vehicles , property and 11th house of all profits and elder brother.
However if Mars is conjunct with Jupiter or Moon is its 4th house and 11th house or
Mars is placed in Capricorn in its exaltation i.e. in 28 degree in 1st House , 4th house ,
10th house , 11th house then the result is Raj Yog . Mara conjunct with Moon and
Jupiter is given houses causes  Maha Raj Yogas . Prior consultation with Astrologer is
needed before wearing Red Coral

Can Aquarius / Kumbha wear Red Coral – (कुं भ)

Ruling Planet – Saturn

Natives of Aquarious ascendant should never wear Red Coral . Reason being your
Ascendant lord Saturn is not in good equation with Mars . However , If Mars is placed
in its 3rd house or in its 10th house only then in particular Mars Anterdasha period you
can wear Red Coral but in special condition only. If Mar is conjuct with Moon or Jupiter
in 3rd , 6th , 10th and 11th house then you can benefit from Red Coral. Prior consultation
with Astrologer is needed before wearing Red Coral.

Can Pisces / Meena wear Red Coral – (मीन)
Ruling Planet – Jupiter

For Pieces ascendant planet, Mars and its stone Red Coral is most auspicious . So if
Mars is individually placed or conjunct or aspected by its friendly planets Moon ,
Jupiter and Sun in particular degrees then it causes Adhi Yoga , Raj Yoga for Pieces
Ascendant . By wearing Red Coral wealth is increased , fortune bhagya is amplified.  If
Planet Jupiter is conjunct with Mars causing Guru Bhauma Yuga in your Horoscope
then for all round happiness , success , good luck , increase in wealth ,  Red Coral is
most suitable gemstone . Prior consultation with Astrologer is needed before wearing
Red Coral.

How to wear Red Coral

Preferable Metals to wear Red Coral are Gold , silver , Copper & Asthadhatu. Red Coral
for Aries (Mesh)Ascendant should be in triangular shape and for Scorpio ascendant
Red Coral should be in oval shape or capsule shape. For other Ascendants as per their
choice. Weight  of Red Coral should not be less than 6 Ratti in general.

On auspicious Tuesday (Shukla Paksha) after morning bath in red or orange clothes ,
light a diya in front of your Kuldevata or  God , Goddess of your choice after that Ring
of Red Coral should be washed by raw milk , holy Ganga water and Basil leaves should
be kept in that bowl. Properly chant “Om Aum Angarkaya Namah” (ॐ अं अंगारकाय नमः)
for 9,18,108 times and in front of Ram Darbar with Hanumaan ji read Hanumaan
Chalisa or Hanumaan Kavach then will full devotion wear this red Coral ring within 1
hour of Sunlight.

Health Benefits of Wearing Red Coral

It helps in overcoming skin related problems such as acne, boils, cuts, injuries.
It helps to purify blood.
It helps to recoup fast from bone injury, fractures etc.
A Red Coral if properly purified protects the wearer from black magic.
Wearing Red Coral in copper ring and red colour clothes cures constipation and
thereby clearing away stomach.
Red Coral cures nervousness in individual.
Red Coral is a cancer fighting gemstone. It is quite helpful in curing blood Cancer.
Red Coral is helpful in curing bone cancer
It is help is curing mouth cancer.
Red Coral is worn especially in breast cancer.
Red Coral cures breathing troubles.
Red Coral is worn in kidney trouble.
Red Coral naturally worn in menstrual disorder and painful delivery.
Red Coral is very helpful in curing nerve diseases, gallstones, hernia, asthma,
meningitis, appendicitis, scostoca, diabetes, paralysis, rickets, pthysis pleurisy
and gouts in various body parts.

For Precise Gemstone Suggestion as per your Horoscope, Kindly book

consultation with our astrologer.

 September 27, 2019  Team MyRatna  Gemstones, Red Coral

 Can aries wear red coral, can cancer wear red coral, moonga benefits for aries, moonga benefits for cancer,
who should wear moonga, who should wear red coral

40 Comments on “Should You wear Red Coral?

Check as per your Lagna/Ascendant”

Carrone Evon
March 9, 2021 at 2:38 pm

Would like to know with Birthday July 29, 1953 2:02 am. Chicago, Illinois can I wear Coral necklace?
Thank You


Team MyRatna
March 11, 2021 at 9:00 am

Hi Carrone, if you are looking to wear Red Coral with an intention of receiving benefits as per
Astrological relevance based on birth details then no. For more info you can connect
(call/wattsapp) : +91-9808024444.


Vaibhav Bonde
March 15, 2021 at 7:09 am

My birthday is on 27 April 1996 6:15 pm. Will you prefer me to wear coral ring?


Team MyRatna
March 15, 2021 at 9:04 am

Namaste Vaibhav Ji, as per you Birth details the Red Coral is not the Gem for you. For
detailed analysis and more info you can share your Place of Birth and Mother’s Name at :


November 22, 2021 at 3:04 pm

7 December 1982 should I wear coral ?


Team MyRatna
November 27, 2021 at 11:02 am

Ms Aditi, to confirm your query to know the suitability of Red Coral for you,
kindly connect at +91 – 9808024444


March 19, 2021 at 8:27 am

hi sir I am mallayya

my birthday is on 30th September 1990 6:30 pm. can I wear red coral


Team MyRatna
March 19, 2021 at 9:14 am

Hi Mallaya, you can share your Place of Birth to know the proceedings of your


April 29, 2021 at 2:37 pm

Birth date 29/06/1982.10.35pm suggest a gem stone for career

and marriage


Team MyRatna
April 30, 2021 at 7:31 am

Hi Deepak ji, for marriage you can go for the Gem of Venus which can
also assist you in career. As per the analysis you have a number of
career paths that belong to different areas and to know the specific
Gem respectively that can progress you along your life you can connect
at +9808024444.


March 31, 2021 at 9:18 am

I was born on 27th july 1989 in Anand,Gujarat at 15:27. Please suggest the
gemstone with ratti and its metal. Thank you.


Team MyRatna
April 8, 2021 at 8:54 am

Usha Ji, as per the analysis of your natal chart the Gemstone most
suitable is Yellow Sapphire. To know more about you connect at : +91-


June 6, 2021 at 1:17 pm

I was born on 11th April, 1985 at 9.13 PM at Sambalpur, Odisha. Can I wear
Red Coral?


Team MyRatna
June 7, 2021 at 12:20 pm

Rashmi Ji, you can wear Red Coral but at the right time. To know more
you can connect at : +91-9808024444


July 8, 2021 at 12:41 pm

Hi, I was born on 31st jan 2001, 9:45 am , sumerpur – Rajasthan, can I wear a
red coral


Team MyRatna
July 9, 2021 at 8:10 am

Aditya ji, as per the primary analysis of your charts you have two
beneficial Gemstones : one is Red Coral(मूंगा). There are time specific
benefits for you. To know more you can connect at : +91-9808024444


August 12, 2021 at 4:35 pm date of birth is 19 April 1996..time is 7.10 am

Should I wear red coral?


Team MyRatna
August 13, 2021 at 7:51 am

Hello, kindly share your Full Name and Place of Birth for the same or
connect at +91-9808024444 (call/whatsapp).


August 13, 2021 at 6:15 pm

My name is Prerana. I am from Goa. Date of birth is 19 April

1996. Time of birth is 7.11 am. Should I wear red coral?


Team MyRatna
August 14, 2021 at 9:46 am
Prerana ji, Red Coral is surely favourable for you. However
it is important to know for which purpose you would like
to wear your lucky Gem. For more info you can connect at
+91 – 9808024444


August 20, 2021 at 4:05 am

My date of birth is 05-08-1987.

Time- 11:55am

New delhi

Should I wear a triangular red coral ?


Team MyRatna
August 21, 2021 at 7:29 am

Namaste, kindly note that Red Coral is not favourable for

you. There are certain unfulfilled points in your charts. For
more info you can connect at +91 – 9808024444


Krish Mitra
August 24, 2021 at 10:42 pm

Hi I am Krish, D.O.B – 25.09.1985, time 12:05 pm , Place- Siliguri,


I was wondering if you could tell me which stone is

recommended for me for career and owning my own house/Flat
as my Sun and Mercury is in 10th house aspected by jupiter from
2nd house. Jupiter is in Capricorn. Saturn in 12th house and
Mars and Venus in 9th house. Moon in 2nd house with jupiter
and rahu in 5th house and Ketu in 11th house.

Thank you Kindly Krish…


Team MyRatna
August 25, 2021 at 12:43 pm

Namaste Krish Mitra Ji, in regards to your concerns,

Yellow Sapphire is the Gemstone. Even so there are
certain points for consideration. You can connect at +91
– 9808024444


Bristi Sonowal
August 26, 2021 at 1:43 pm


My name is Bristi Sonowal.

Birthdate: 1st May 1995

Time : 9:45am (approx)

Place: Digboi,Assam

I am suffering from health issues .Someone said me to wear Red


Is it advisable?


Team MyRatna
August 30, 2021 at 7:56 am

Ms Bristi, your health issues can be easily resolved by
right decision making and with the combination of Two –
faced Rudraksha along with Red Coral. For more info
about relationships and career you can connect at +91 –


Janga Sridhar
August 28, 2021 at 9:26 pm


My date of birth is 22-09-1954

Born in Mumbai.

At 13-41 ( afternoon)

Mars is in Sagittarius in ascendant.

Can I wear Coral ?

Thanks and kind regards

Janga Sridhar


Team MyRatna
August 30, 2021 at 8:15 am

Mr Janga, it is to be considered that the Rahu influence is

there on periodical basis ; you can accompany Eight –
faced Rudraksha with Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire.
Certain discovered concerns are to be addressed prior to
wearing the Gemstone. You can connect at +91 –



Syed Nizam
September 5, 2021 at 8:59 pm

Hello sir My date of birth is 18 July 1995 and place of birth

banglore can i wear coral


Team MyRatna
September 7, 2021 at 8:25 am

Kindly share your Time of Birth, if available.


B Swati
October 14, 2021 at 6:37 am

Hi , I am Swati. I was born on 6th December 1985, Place of Birth:

Ranchi, Jharkhand, Time of Birth: 13:20 PM. Can I wear red coral
stone ? Mars is placed in 8th house with ketu .


Team MyRatna
October 14, 2021 at 9:48 am

Swati Ji, the placement of Mars as if you ascertain

regarding moon sign can provide various location in
respective charts. The phases of Mars are favourable
with respect to your purpose of wearing which you can
share here +91 – 9808024444 to know the right
Gemstone for you. However if you have not worn Yellow
Sapphire yet you can go for Red Coral before January 28,


October 22, 2021 at 5:01 am

date of birth: november 3 rd 1981. time of birth: 7:20 am.

Place of birth:Ongole

i had a failed marriage.

planning for second mrg.

can i wear red coral to get it done quickly??


Team MyRatna
October 22, 2021 at 8:26 am
Padmaja ji, there is a lesson to pass for you to understand
the event happened which led you to find out your own
destiny in terms of certain karmas. The Gemstones which
are favourable for you as of now are Garnet and Pearl.
You can connect at +91 – 9808024444 for insights.


Debajit Sarma
November 15, 2021 at 6:15 pm

Debajit Sarma.

DoB 31.5.1979

10.42 am.

Guwahati Assam India.

Will red coral suit me?


Team MyRatna
November 16, 2021 at 10:26 am

Mr Debajit, Red Coral is suitable for your health,

confidence and relationships. The set of benefits can be
received if you wear only Red Coral or with a combination
of favourable Gemstone as per the planetary phases in
your charts. For more info you can connect at +91 –


November 28, 2021 at 8:19 pm


28 may 1991




Which stone I can wear for my career, wealth and health,early



Team MyRatna
November 29, 2021 at 11:48 am

Bittu Ji, to fulfill your above wishes you can proceed with
the Gem of Venus : Diamond / White Sapphire / Opal.


November 29, 2021 at 2:27 pm

Can I wear red coral ??

Nilam gemstone not suit me.bad dream problem


Team MyRatna
November 30, 2021 at 10:57 am

Not astrologically


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