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Unit 7: : Strategic Organisation Structure

1. Write short note on “Organisation is strategy or structure’.

Strategy is how your organization goes about its work is its strategy (vs. your strategic plan
document). This includes the plans that set out how your organization will use its major resources
to meet specific goals. Structure is the way the pieces of your organization fit together to meet a
common goal.
Strategy and structure are two independent elements in business that are somewhat co-
dependent. The strategy – which is created often – determines the structural elements associated
with the business. Some businesses also use the inverse and shape strategy, which is based on
structure. Combining these forces effectively leads to a cohesive business model that functions to
achieve common goals.

2. Which factors influence the organisational design?

The following five factors are the most common: size,

life cycle,
and technology.

3. What are the major structural alternatives?

1.Traditional hierarchy
2.Flatter structures
3.Flat structures

4. What is hybrid structure?

A hybrid structure is a framework that employsmultiple reporting structures in the

organisation. A hybrid form of organization, for example, is created by combining functional
and product structures. Employees are required to work on many projects and report to
multiple managers under a hybrid organisational structure.
An engineer working on a project should, in an ideal world, report to his project manager. In
the hybrid management structure, however, the engineer may be invited to work on another
project for a limited time if a need develops, resulting in a situation in which he reports to
both project managers.

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