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The Giver

This book has 23 chapters.

Jonas is the main character, he is twelve years old and he has a sister named Sally.
During the Ceremony of twelve he remembered the most important moments of his
life, when he rode by bicycle …… and he told us about his best friends named Asher
and Fiona.
Jonas is a special boy, he is different from the others gays. He has light eyes, he
doesn’t remember his dreams and he is wise, brave, intelligent, with courage…..,
finally in the Ceremony of twelve he is named the follower of Giver
Thus, he has to learn with him the secrets and the knowledge of the community.
During his training, he discovers a lot of new sensations that only the Giver and his
apprentice can have such as: fear, culture, literature , he and the Receiver are only
ones with access to the books …. this new knowledge will change his thoughts.

Chapter one
Frightened: aterrorizado
Sickening: nauseabundo.
Squinting: Bizca; entrecerrando los ojos.
Sleek: elegante
A blur: mancha
The blast: la explosión.
Supplies: suministros.
The unloading: la descarga.
The rasping voice: la voz rasposa.
Dewelling: vivienda.
Crew: tripulación / brigada
Trembled: tembló
Misread: leer mal
Noticed: observó, observado
Released: liberado/a
Grin statement: declaración de sonrisa
overwhelming: abrumadora
scolded (me): me regañó
clumsy: torpe
aside: a parte
brief: breve
Hung: colgada hang:colgar
mix up: mezclar
barely: apenas
grinning: haciendo muecas
dashed: punteado
anthem: himno
hatchery: criadero

One ritual, the evening telling of feelings.

Chapter 2
Rules: All children received their bicycles at Nine, they were not allowed to ride
bicycles before then.

Nodded: asintió
to be aware of: ser conscientes de
Unlike: diferente a
Unlike his father: A diferencia de su padre.
Envy: envidia
Jonas is worried about his best friend Asher ( they will always be friends despite
the Elders.
“Each December brings such changes”
The Ceremony for the Ones was always noisy and fun.
The Ceremony of Twelve was the last of Ceremonies and the most important.
His father is happy, because his sister Sally is one of the favorites.

Chapter 3
Almost every citizen had dark eyes, Jonas was an exception.
The mirrors are forbidden in the Community.
Chastise: castigar
Unstrapping: desatar
Peering: mirando
unwrapped: desenvuelta
Sharply: bruscamente
Glanced at (it): echó un vistazo/ lo miró
Giggled: se rió
Reluctantly: de mala gana
tummy: barriguita
Guess: adivinar
Birthmothers: madres maternas
ribbons: cintas
tied: bien atados/as
Remorse: remordimiento
Bewildered: remordimiento
Effortless: sin esfuerzo
Badge: insignia
Newchild: Gabriel

Chapter 4
Jonas remembered, he had become an Eight.
Fiona: a good student, quiet, polite and she had a sense of fun.
Roberto was a very intelligent man.

Nearby: cercano
Strokes: trazos
Frowned: frunció el ceño.
To be fond of: ser aficionado a

Chapter 5
Usually, at the morning ritual when the family members told their dreams, Jonas
normally didn’t dream. But this morning was different…
Jonas' parents explained to him that his feelings are the same as theirs , when they
are the same age.
Asher takes a pill every day in the morning.

Rows: filas
Damp: húmeda
Murky: turbios ( recuerdos)
Stirrings: agitación
Slipped: resbaló split: resbalón
Upon waking: al despertar
Grasp: sujetar
We were gone: nos fuimos

Chapter 6
hold: mantener
fidgeted: inquieto
Braids: trenzas
Dangling: colgada
Neatly: pulcramente
Grinned: sonrió
Wails: lamentos
Attentive: atenta

Eight years: get your front- buttoned jacket.

First very visible symbol of growing up
Nine years: bicycle, would be the powerful emblem of moving gradually out - into the
Community away from the protective family unit.
Jonas twelve: Lily hopes Jonas gets a pilot.
Ceremony. it meant two days holidays from work ( for the parents)

Plea: petición
Pledged: prometido/ a
Pledge: Promesa
Elsewhere: en otra parte
Released: liberado
Beaming: radiante
Poked: pinchado/ a

Fiona’s new brother had been named Bruno.

Loss of a child: Pérdida de un niño/a
First was CALEB.
The Caleb family has another son Roberto.
● Eight: jacket with smaller buttons, for the first time pockets.
● Nine: bicycle
● Ten: hair
● Eleven: clothes
● Twelve: job

Ten: Females lose their braids at males' short hair.

Eleven: no meaningful changes, there was new clothing: long trousers for the males
with a specially shaped pocket for the small calculator. Females undergarments.

Braids: trenzas
Dutifully: obedientemente
Undergarments: ropa interior
Jona’s mother was more intelligent than his father.

Chapter 7
Misbehavior: mal comportamiento.
Mischief: travesura
Unworthy: indigno
Chucked: reírse entre dientes

The initial speech at the Ceremony of Twelve was made by the Chief Elder ( a
woman); the leader of the Community who is elected every ten years.

Fiona is elected as caretaker of the Old. Because she has caretaking skills.
Asher when he was a toddler he had pronunciation problems. His assignment is
Assistant Director of Recreation.
Jonas's number is the next, but his number is not pronounced.
At this moment he gets nervous and worried.
Finally, he has been selected to be the next “Receiver of Memory”, it’s the most
important job in the Community.

Dwell: residir
Hasty/ hastily: apresurada/o, apresuradamente.
Fade away: desvanecerse.

Chapter 8
Jonas was identified as a possible Receiver many years ago. The last was a
He has shown all the qualities that a Receiver must have:
● Intelligence
● Integrity
● Courage / Brave
● Wisdom (wise)
● Capacity to see beyond

Despair: desesperación
Mercy: misericordia

Chapter 9
Boredom: aburrimiento (bored)
Muttered: murmuró
Relish: saborear

Now Jonas has new rules ( page 68) the number 8 said that he may lie.
From toddler the children had been educated to not lie.

Mindless: imbécil mindlessly: sin pensar

Dismayed: consternado
Starled: estrellado
Awkwardness: torpeza
Swallowed: tragado

Chapter 10
Buzzer: zumbador, timbre
Locks: cerraduras.
insure: asegurar
Unlike: diferente a
Sturdy: robusto

I have a good deal: tengo un buen trato.

I have a good deal of time left: Me queda mucho tiempo.
The Receiver ( The Giver) is the person who will pass him on all the information.

Chapter 11
To be aware of: ser consciente de
Sled: trineo
Glee: alegría
To tug it forward from: para tirar de él hacia adelante desde…

Chapter 12
Fretful: displicente, desapacible
Shed: cobertizo
leftovers: sobras
Jonas can see the colors. “Fiona has red hair”
Jonas sees people have dark brown skin, others are light.
Jonas and the Receiver are the only ones with access to the books. He doesn’t
share the book with his family.
Sameness: igualdad
Relinquished: renunciado
Dare: atrevimiento

Days went by: pararon los días

“I want to wake up in the morning and decide things.”
Meaningless: sin sentido
Harsh: dura
Shield: escudo

Chapter 14
Stepper: más empinado
Beneath: debajo
Forward: adelante
Skittered: resbaló
Steer: dirigir
Sideways: oblicua, de costado, lateral
Begged: regó to beg: rogar
Limping: cojeando
Meadow: prado
Unfed: no alimentado

GABRIEL a new baby ( this year) in the dwelling’s Jonas. Gabriel sleeps with Jonas,
because he doesn't sleep well, his nights are restless.
In a hurry: con prisa
Dismay: consternación
Crib: cuna
Restlessness: inquietud

Chapter 15
Dull: tediosa
Sleeve: manga
Be sent away: ser enviado lejos
drenched: empapada
Ease: facilitar
Thud: ruido sordo
Overwhelmed: abrumada

Chapter 16
scraped knees: rodillas raspadas
burden: carga
bearings: aspectos

Jonas learns the idea of grandparents.

Hesitated: dudó
“I am left” me quedo
Wisp: fragmento
Blurted out: soltó
Better arranged: mejor arreglado
Grasping: agarrando
Outlawed: fuera de la ley, proscrita
Flushed: enrojecida
Embarrassment: vergüenza
Rehearsed: ensayada
Awkward: incómodo/a
Chuckle: risa
Meaningless: sin sentido
Meaningful: significativa, con sentido
Smoothly: suavemente; adecuadamente
whole heartedly: con entusiasmo
Whispered: susurró
Crawling: arrastrándose, gateando
Giggling: riendo
Pull up: levantarse to stand up ( levantarse para ponerse de pie)
Upgraded: actualizada

He was taken away: Se lo llevaron.

Two months away…….. dentro de dos meses // a dos meses vista// a dos meses de
Sleeping Room: dormitorio
Sound sleep: sueño profundo
Sound asleep: profundamente dormido
Dinness: censa
Damp lawn: césped húmedo
Rainfall: lluvia
Window panes: cristales de las ventanas

Chapter 17
Turn in: entregar
Bushes: arbustos
Gurgled: gorgoteo
Fist: puño
Fury: furia
Shallow: poco profunda
Welled up: brotó
Grief: dolor
Strewn: esparcido
Misbehaved: se portó mal
Comfy: cómoda

Chapter 18
Hammered: martilleado
Release: liberar
Rosemary: Before Jonas the Receiver was Rosemary, a woman very intelligent, self
possessed ( dueña de sí misma) eager (ansiosa) to learn.
He can’t get through the training.
She would prefer to inject herself.

Deal with: tratar con

Worth: valor
It’s worth it: vale la pena.
Requested release: liberación solicitada

Chapter 19
Jona’s father is releasing a new child; a twin.
He has to select one and release the other one.
Cradling: plataforma.
Twins are males.
A vein: vena
Limp: cojear
Numbly: aturdido
Shove: empujón
Glimpse: vistazo
Ripping: excelente
Wretched: miserable

Chapter 20
Sobbed: sollozó
Pounded: golpeada
Huddled: acurrucado
Wept: lloró
Weeping: llanto
Spat: escupió
Wetness: humedad
Shuddering: temblando
Family unit: unidad familiar
Rueful: triste
Hateful: odioso/ a
Rubbed: frotado/a
Puzzled: perpleja
Sorrow: tristeza
Robe: túnica
Barely: apenas

Once you're gone: Una vez que te hayas ido.

If you get away: si te escapas.
If you get beyond: si te vas más allá.
If you get elsewhere: si tu llegas a otro lugar.
.. to bear the burden themselves: llevar la carga ellos mismos.
Acquire some wisdom: adquirir algo de sabiduría

Jonas thinks that there is a girl named Katherine who could be the new Receiver, but
she is too young; she is only six.

By then: Para entonces

Chastise: castigar
Solace: consuelo
Chant: cantar
Fade away: desvanecerse
Plea: petición
Chapter 21

I would work: podría funcionar.

Flee: huir
Soothing: calmante, relajante
Ease and deeper: facilitar, aliviar y profundizar.
Willing: dispuesto
Relied on: confiado en
Numb: entumecidas
At dawn: en la madrugada
Stir: remover
Nutted bumpy meadow: prado lleno de baches
Twigs: leña húmeda
And the endless: y las interminables
Hone in on: concentrarse en
Ruts: surcos
Shiver: temblar

Chapter 22
He was aware: estaba enterada, era consciente
Chubby: regordeta
Awed: asombrada
Starve: morir de hambre
After countless tries: después de incontables intentos
Gullies: barrancos
Misusing: mal uso
Choice: elección

Jonas and Gabriel saw the rainfall for the first time.
He could live a life hungry for feelings, for color, for love. For Gabriel there
would have been no life at all ( en absoluto). So there was not really a choice.
(No hubo elección / opción).

Jonas and Gabriel are in a dire situation, now the landscape has changed, it is
wilder, there aren't cultivated fields.
dire: extrema
barrier: barrera

Chapter 23
Blur: difuminar
Dimly: tenuemente
Blurred: borroso
Whiteness: blancura
In this terrible situation the snow starts to drop. It is the first time for them.
Dusk: oscuridad
Tear Stains: manchas de lágrimas
Wearly: cansada
Hold onto: aferrarse
to glow: brillar
Briskly: enérgicamente
Held: retenida
Downwards: hacia abajo
Crew: tripulación
Barely: apenas
Unlike: diferente
Nearby: cercano
To be fond of: ser aficionado a

The community where Jonas lives is idyllic. It is a world without conflicts, without
unemployment, without injustices but without choice. It is a Community without
danger, music, color, art, books…. All the people obey, all the people are equal.
Jonas learns little by little that the feelings are the true power. Thus he gets away
with Gabriel.

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