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GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Choose one (1) case study to analyze. Respond to the questions in no more than
three (3) sentences, unless necessary.

Case Study: Two (2) Angry Supervisors

Jean is a supervisor of the graveyard shift in XYZ Hotel who is quite energetic and believes in getting things
done no matter what. He has a strong personality that sometimes intimidates his subordinates. One evening,
he had a heated argument with the mid-shift supervisor Luis about the tasks of their respective teams. Upon
arriving at the workstation, Jean yelled at Luis saying, “Luis! You have a very inefficient and lazy team! What
kind of job are you doing every time you’re in charge? You better control your team of mediocre staff.”

Luis was astounded by the sudden confrontation and asked Jean what the problem was.

Jean snarled at Luis and said, “You know what I’m talking about. Your team of idiots and misfits left another
mess again for my team that we now have to handle. We can’t do our jobs if you won’t do yours!”

Luis yelled back at Jean and said, “Everybody in this hotel knows that your team is the laziest. They don’t do
anything aside from watching videos on YouTube, chatting and horsing around, leaving their workstations, and
hiding in the pantry area to slack off!”

Both started to yell slurs and profanity at each other. They resorted to belittling and throwing insults and mean

1. What is/are the conflict/s present in the scenario?
2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?
3. Explain how the two (2) supervisors tried to resolve the conflict.
4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and explain why.
5. What better approach could have been applied to resolve the conflict?

1. Given the above case study, your group is required to do the following:
a. Answer the questions legibly and clearly.
b. Analyze the case and give appropriate solution/s to the conflict/s present.
2. Answer the questions on a separate document and upload it via Dropbox in 12 Activity 1 – ARG under
the same module.
3. You will be graded according to the rubric below.


Provided insightful and accurate answers to the questions with examples mentioned 15
Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of ideas 5

Lifted and modified from:

Lebedun, J. (1998). Managing workplace conflict. Retrieved from on January 7, 2019

12 Activity 1 – ARG *Property of STI

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Case Study: The New Workmate

It is a busy day at the airport. Joe and Maria are eating lunch. Suddenly, Maria sighed. Joe noticed the gesture
right away and asked her what’s the matter.

Maria responded, “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just that this new ground services agent who came in a few days ago.”

Joe asked again, “Are you talking about Brad?”

Maria answered, “Yes, he’s driving me crazy since he came in. The airport duty manager asked me to teach
him the job, but he’s having a hard time catching up on the tasks which are very simple and straightforward.
He’s been stressing me out the past couple of days. It’s already affecting my work.”

“Have you discussed this with him?” Joe asked again.

“Well, not really. He’s actually a nice guy, and I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings”, Maria said. “Maybe the
duty manager will notice his ineffectiveness and decide what to do with him. Besides, I was only tasked to
teach him the day to day operations and I’ve already done my part”.

1. What is/are the conflict/s present in the scenario?
2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?
3. Explain how Maria tried to resolve the conflict.
4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and explain why.
5. What better approach could have been applied to resolve the conflict?

1. Given the above case study, your group is required to do the following:
a. Answer the questions legibly and clearly.
b. Analyze the case and give your appropriate solution.
2. Answer the questions on a separate document and upload it via Dropbox in 12 Activity 1 – ARG under
the same module.
3. You will be graded according to the rubric below.

Provided insightful and accurate answers to the questions with examples mentioned 15
Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of ideas 5

Lifted and modified from:

Lebedun, J. (1998). Managing workplace conflict. Retrieved from on January 07, 2019

12 Activity 1 – ARG *Property of STI

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Case Study: The Budget

Victor and Gina were asked to serve on the Budget Committee because ABC Travel Agency started to plan the
budget for the next year. A certain amount was being discussed as to which department it should be given.
Victor explains to the committee that the amount should be given to his department for them to accomplish
their goals. He goes a step further by citing the inefficiencies of each department, including Gina’s. He then
continues by stating that his department is the one who will use the funds responsibly.

Gina, in response, started to protest and defended her department. “My department needs funds as well in
order for us to accomplish our goals,” she clapped back. However, it was clear that the committee members
are leaning towards the decision of giving the budget to Victor’s department. She gave up and remained silent
throughout the meeting, not even bothering to raise a hand when the committee votes.

During the rest of the meeting, Gina glared at Victor and started to plot something that will hinder the
efficiency of Victor’s department.

1. What is/are the conflict/s present in the scenario?
2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?
3. Explain how Gina tried to resolve the conflict.
4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and explain why.
5. What better approach could have been applied to resolve the conflict?

1. Given the above case study, your group is required to do the following:
a. Answer the questions legibly and clearly.
b. Analyze the case and give your appropriate solution.
2. Answer the questions on a separate document and upload it via Dropbox in 12 Activity 1 – ARG under
the same module.
2. You will be graded according to the rubric below.

Provided insightful and accurate answers to the questions with examples mentioned 15
Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of ideas 5

Lifted and modified from:

Lebedun, J. (1998). Managing Workplace Conflict. Retrieved from on January 07, 2019

12 Activity 1 – ARG *Property of STI

Page 3 of 4

Case Study: The Alpha Employee

Johnny is a long-time travel agent for SRP Travel Agency. Everyone in the company admires his years of
experience in the field and contribution to the company’s success. He always updates himself with the latest
trends in travel and tourism, and his opinions are always well informed and backed by solid facts.

However, when Johnny expresses his opinions, he always thinks he is right and wouldn’t admit that he might
be wrong. He doesn’t accept opinions from people under him because he considers them inexperienced. He
insists that he is right all the time.

He resorts to phrases such as, “I have read the latest news about the industry, and it’s very obvious that you
did not…” when making a point during meetings and brainstorming. He believes that his experience puts him
above all others and does not hesitate to humiliate others just to prove something.

Because of this, the junior employees are always hesitant to express their opinions and ideas during meetings.
They end up quitting as they feel zero chances of growth within the company and feel overwhelmed by
Johnny’s presence and attitude.

1. What is/are the conflict/s present in the scenario?
2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?
3. Explain how Johnny tried to resolve the conflict.
4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and explain why.
5. What approach/es can be applied to resolve the conflict?

1. Given the above case study, your group is required to do the following:
a. Answer the questions legibly and clearly.
b. Analyze the case and give your appropriate solution.
2. Answer the questions on a separate document and upload it via Dropbox in 12 Activity 1 – ARG under
the same module.
2. You will be graded according to the rubric below.

Provided insightful and accurate answers to the questions with examples mentioned 15
Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of ideas 5

Lifted and modified from:

Lebedun, J. (1998). Managing workplace conflict. Retrieved from on January 07, 2019

12 Activity 1 – ARG *Property of STI

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