KX t3610

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ervice ivianual and Technical Guide Telephone Equipment KX-T3610 EASA-PHONE CORDLESSPHONE (Model KX-T9610R) (Model KX-T9610H) m SPECIFICATIONS Gonerat Modulation FM, 5kiz Deviation Frequency Stability: +225kHz Dial Type Tone (OTMF)Pulso Reda! Lat led number each time the Rectal buton is pressed Pause: 3.5 soconds por pause Baco Unit (OCTS6IOH) Portable Unit (eX TESTOR) Power Source: "AG adaptor KX-A2T or KX-ATO (DG 12 V) Bultin rechargeable Ni-Ca battory (KXASEA) (Recsivor Section) Receiving Frequency: 1 channel within 49. to 49.9 MH 1 channel within 46 to 46.9 MHz ‘Agjacont Channel Rejection: 4008 40a Sonstviy AV for 20.48 SN 2 V for 20 68 SN (ransmitor Section) Transmitting Frequency: 1 channel within 46 6 to 46.9 MHz 1 channel within 49.6 o 49.9 MHz sacks! 0G IN, Telophone Line ‘antonna: Telescopic erractable Rubber Flexible Speaker: "(8.8 em) Ceramic Receiver Unit he" (8 om) coramic ype Merophone: Condensar Microphone Condensor Merophone Dimensions (Hx W xD) 2ge'a sae" 11%g0%2 ial” (60x76.296 mm) (290:61555 mm) Weight: 055 bs. (2509) O52 bs. (2359) Design and spocications are eubject to change witout notice. Panasonic wy DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS = Remove the P.C, Board oo Hil, Fig. 4 L— @ Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fet.No, | Procedure | Shown In Fig— To remove Remove—. 1 1 2 Lower Cabinat Serows (916) Aye 2 12 3 Printed CreuitBoars | Remove te PC. Board 3 4 34 Fear Cabinet 4 5 Serow (26x10) or 5 38 6 Printed Circuit Boars | Screws (26x10) (ors Open the caver by inserting a erewatver in the slot and iwist Io pry the bation caver ol, soe Fig. & CPU DATA KX-T3610H (Base Unit) IC3 MN15S1KDA1 ROM sk byte (@ bt) e RAM: 64xa bit - Power Supply Voltage: 35V~60V ido Clock Frequency: 3.992 MHz no —o ne sot = Fig. 7 Pn Pn Be] ax | weston — | ogeal | Lopear {RE | mak | deseroton | Lage | Logeal 1 | ver |vernas-eov 1 | cone 2 | teon [ton on | orf | 46 | cove 3 | Ovpara | Data Ou paar | oata‘o: | 17 | cove + | Sat | souien Wign | tow | 18 | cove $ | ‘Dara coumousinos | oam'r: | ono" | 19 | CALA I yon sua & | rae |g Sora input | Notusea | “Usee | 20 | Cauca |) Monto poaly 7 | Gnme | rary Condton rout} “Charge, |Noncrage| 21 | cHRa fg, z Crare 21 | CHAS” cageinuseteo | ore | ON 8 | cau — | Pave Swen 2 | Pus [Puceou waco | ereak to | Bri” | norusea ze | mure | Lne mute mae | 1 | cooe as | St 12 | cooe 28 | osce | cokou 18 | Gooe 2 | osct | Gockin ta | cove 2 | ves |Veswov CPU DATA KX-T3610R (Portable Unit) IC3 PAVISSA1340M Ml tga ne slelek, g Sp Fig. 8 me Mark Description Logical’ | Logical’ | O° Mark Description Logical H | Logical L: | 1 Secu Code ° +__[26 | BaTTLOW _| Bator Low input [Batory Low 2 Security Coe ° + [6 Not Usod 2 Security Code o | 1 [27 Not Used ‘ PPS Option 12s Gon) [95m Coma) 28 | MIOAXMUTE| Mic RK Muto On of 5 | SQUELCH | Elect Fold High | tow | 20 | TKPOW | TX Power ‘of On | AKDATA | AKOata 1 0) 30 Not Used 7 Namal | Srobe Out | 31 | purer ouput ‘eve | Normal 8 Normal | Srobe Ou | 32 | 2A ‘etwo | Normal ° Srobe Out Normal | skobe Out | 39 ) Normal 10 Normal | sxobe Out | 34 pre Loupet Normal o 1 Not Used 35 Normal o 12 | Stay, Playback Ouiput__[Deineoowaen] Standby | 36 Normal 8 Nomal_|_ Koyin | 87 Normal 14 Nemal_| Key n_| 36 Normal 1 16 Keylnou Nomal_|~Koyin | 98 DIME H Opa T Normal 16 Nomal_| Key ln] 40 Normal 7 Not Used, at] Ves. Tvss-0v_ 8 Not Used 2 [hot Used 19 | veo 3 [Not Used 20 [ex Gieckin a | TalvBatery Low LED On ai [x Glock Out 45 | TKOATA | TX Data 7 ° 22 | RESET __| Reset Normal | _Rosot | 46 Charge input____|Non Gharga | Charge 23 [ino ‘avaton Puiso | Active | Normal_| 47 “Tone Pulse Pua Ce | Tor om 24 [AKPOW | AX Power Ot On| 8 Security Code ° 1 ADJUSTMENTS (KX-T3610H) ML TRANSMITTER ADJUSTMENTS }(A) Frequency Adjustment (8) Power Adjustment Required Equipments #®5.5.G, (Signal Generator) Connection of Equipments This diagram shows the connection of equipmants required for (A) and (B). Unnecessary equipment(s) can be eliminated # not required. (Flow Solder Side View) Froquency Counter swt (A) Frequency Adjustment (8) Power Adjustment Fig. 9 Required Eaubments Conditions Procedure SSG. (1) Setthe Code Solectorto read “A”. | (1) Set SW1 to OFF. RFVTVM | (2) Connect the AC Adaptor (KX-A27 or | (2) Adjust T2 and L7 (in hat order) for maximum output on Frequency KXA10) plug into DC IN Jack and RF VTVM. Counter the other end into a power outlet @) Set SW1 10 ON. (AC 120 V, 60 H2). (4) Adjust L4 so thatthe reading of the frequency Counter (8) Sot the poweriringer switch to ON is that of the target frequency. (Target frequency is CY) and set the tak on/otf switch to ON specified according to the color of X2 crystal.) of the KX-T3610R, GH] _X2Frequency | Target Frequency 2 | 15.543.MHz(RED) | 46.690 MHiz1200 Hz 5 | 15.576MHz (GAN) | 46.730 MHz+200 Hz 8 | 15.623 MHz (GRY) | 46.870 MHz#200 Hz 9 | 15.643 MHz (WHT) | 46.990 MH#z+200 Hz 10_| 15.656 MHz (BLK) _| 46.970 MHz#200 Hz ®)| ssa. (1) Set SW1 t0 OFF. RFVTVM | Samoas (A) @) Tum 72 clockwise, sot power to peak value for 100-155 mVrms on RF VIVM reading ll RECEIVER ADJUSTMENT (A) RF Adjustment Roqulred Equipments (A)_RF Adjustment *5.S.G._eLoop Simulator AF VTVM. RF VTVM RF VIVM. Connection of Equipments ‘This diagram shows the connection of equipments required for (A) Unnecessary equipment(s) can be eliminated if not required. (Flow Solder Side View) (A) RE Adjustment (A) RE Adjustment — ssc 40MHz Fig. 10 1 Required rocedure Equipments Conditions Procedi 88.G. (1) Setthe Code Selector to read “A”. |(1) Apply a 60 dBy output (modulation frequency 1 KHz, AFVTVM | (2) Connect the AC Adaptor (KX-A27 or| dav. 3 kHz) from S.S.G. RF VTVM KXA10) plug into DC IN Jack and maximum (by AF VTVM) Loop the other ond into a power outlet | (2) Apply a DC 48 V from Tel Jack by Loop Simulator {AC 120 V, 60 Hz), ‘Simulator, and adjust L3 from maximum output betwoon T-R (by AF VTVM).. rn) (8) Apply a 50 dBy (unmodulated) output from the S.S.G., (@) Setthe powertinger switch to and then adjust T1, T4 and L2 (in that oder) for | “ON” and sot the talk onvoff switch maximum output on RF VTVM (for 455 kH2).. | 10 “ON" of the KX-T3610R, (4) Apply a 130 du output (unmodulated) trom the S.S.. ‘and set the talk on/otf switch to *OFF"of the KX-T3610R. Notes: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (kK 1 2 1 3 1 4 L 5 L 6 1 i ‘St: Page Switch 'S2: Code Selector switch sot tothe “A” position ial features important for protocton from fire and eloctcal DC voltage measurements are taken with an electronic ‘shock hazards. volimetor rom the negative voltage fine. ‘When servicing tis escontial that only manuiacture's specified ‘STANDBY positon parts bo used forthe eriical components inthe shaded areas of ‘ho schomatc > DIAGRAM (KX-T3610H) 6 7 8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (K: Notes: 1, St Volume Selector Switch in “HIGH” position 2. S2: PoworlRingor Switch in “OFF” postion. 3, S3: Tone/Pulee Selector Switch in “TONE” poston, 4, S101: Code Solectarin “A position, )IAGRAM (KX-T3610R) 6 L z L 8 2 10 1 4 L 12 1 electronic voltmetor This achematle dlagram may be modified at ‘any time with the development of new technology. ADJUSTMENT (KX-T3610R) (A) Battery Low Adjustment (B) Transmit Frequency Adjustment (C) Teamsmit Output Adjustment (0) Recaption Sensitivity Adjustment | *RF VIVM (0) Reception Sensitivity Required Equipments #8.8.G. (Signal Generator) ‘Frequency Counter Connection of Equipments This diagram shows the connection of equipments. required for (A) through (0). Unnecessary equipment(s) can be eliminated it not required. (Flow Solder Side View) Cl | -—_ on re ssa Facsenay (8) Transmit requir + s Hae ay son] Counter” Adjusinent ane) 5 eNaIny seve | © Zarentovna Fig. 14 ereauiad condone Procedure SSG. (1) Apply a DC 3.9 V power supply. (1) Apply a DC 3.61 V power supply. (2) Sotthe PowerRingor Sich to"ON" | 2) Agus VAI oo that to Battery "Low" indicator st (3) Setthe Tak ONOFF Swich to Mminates at 3.81. ‘ON “ (4) Settho Vowume Selecorto "NORMAL", (©) Setthe $5.6. frequency 101 ki, 38 kizdev. ‘Same as (A) (1) Match the transmit crystal (K2) and the terget frequency, Counter and thon use Lato make the ajustmenttothaterget irequeney CH | Tranam Grystal (2) | _Torget Frequency ® 2 | 16.615 MHz (RED) “49.845 MHz2200 Hz 5 | sesosmiz (GRN) | 49.675 M2220 He 8 | tecamite aR) | 49,800 miizs200 He 9 | 16.663 MHz (WHT) — | 49.990 MHz#200 Hz 40 _| 16.656 MHz (BLK) 49.970 MHz+200 Hz (© [pevivw | Sameas(a) (0) jst TS and L7 for maximum output on RF VIVM sa Sane a) (i) Match the rocopion aystal Xt) andihe SSG. RFVTWM ‘frequency below, and then adjust L3 for the maximum upat by 60 dB input (OH [Reception Grstal (Xt > 2 | 46175 WRz (RED) (0) 5 | 46.275 MHz (GRN) 8 | 46.415 MHz (GRY) 9 | 46.475 MHz (WHT) 40 _|46.515 MHz (BLK) ‘Same as (A) (1) Apply to 40 dBy (unmodulated) input, adjust L1, T1, T3 and Ta (nthat order) for maximum ouipt at TP on ie VV OPERATIONS Receiving Be sure the POWER/RINGER switch on the Portable unit is Set to "ON". (The TALK/BATT LOW. indicator ight is of) When the portable unit is on the cradle (Automatic talk mode) When the telephone rings, lit the portable unit and speak to the caling party ‘You can tak without pressing the TALK ONOFF bution The TALKIBATT LOW indicatr lights. ‘¢When you are finished, replace the portable unit on the cradie. ‘When the portable unit is not on the cradle When the telephone rings, press TALK ON/ OFF to set the unit to ‘ALK ON" mode. ‘The TALKIBATT LOW incsator bgt, When you are finished, press TALK ON/OFF. ‘The TALKIBATT LOW indcater is of Dialing Be sure the POWERIRINGER switch on the Portable units set to "ON". (The TALKIBATT LOW indicator ligt is of Pross TALK ON/OFF to sot the unit to "TALK ON’ mode. ‘The TALK'BATT LOW sncsatorigh's Dial the telephone number. Before initial use, or if the Multi Indicator blinks and/or the unit does not work, change the portable unit for about 10 hours. ™ CPU OPERATION 1 TEL MODE Operation] Potabie | Poratie Bare Unt | Portable cou trode) Unt | unt F889) “Cart | unoaLt | CHARGE CPL ae [stanoey] Tax | own | Receter ve a z KON wpe [ourpara i a “© SL t a t ‘SINDATA tc = RING i 7 7 CHARGE L # ENC — Wel Used) —| CALL KEY, a z 0" % Breas —- - 4 — 2 rs | fre] GO0E ~ 5 es a 16 — 7 - a ie RCALL c T cnn | [20-W. GALL r t Ta a |e 21 LED (GHARGE) H cm H H i [ze LED UWUSE) x t c H t f2a_PULSE t oI t c t [24- MUTE, [25 RESET fas osce = === fev osc; = == fae-vss t t T c c w CABINET AND ELECTRICAL PARTS LOCATION (KX-T3610H) 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 L 6 L Ke XTW3+S16P 2 xTW3+S10P CABINET AND ELECTRICAL PARTS LOCATION (KX-T3610R) 2 1 4 L 5 L 6 L 8 XTW26+10F 9 XTW26+8F EPLECEWERT PERTSTRST TTS IE TaN E DARED = ode T9604 ows: Be PTO SSISNE | CRYSTAL SEIT + Psrsedcxeus soa assembly win mark|NLA) sn longer avalabie air x Pavoxsseaane | Crystal, :56cakeer : producton assorinaatonst he comple ee 2 Povex:sesons | Crystal s5.csove@ : 2 moeriat elon, ps pavevseaanez |crysraL.agiawe 1 Comoran gerne ty the & mark spec characterises iment sy. ‘en epiacrg ary ct nese comgonerte use ony mandates sect os pa 3. The S mar nscale cervee sancate pats are may ae’ Yom prosuclan cate SHER «RESISTORS & CAPACITORS Unies omenrsesoecies ay VOTO | SHO PEGE T [Alessio aren ofr) kico009 M90 s Posszaznw | SWTCH.COvE SELECTOR 1 ‘Aveasactors rein MICRO FARADS| uF } Psi “Type AWatage ol Ress cs a ae Eno Cesen — lenGwwiatOuce | ERS ust Resor or PORE [RR OO TEL a7 PoRD aren _[eRoMetl tim [ERE Comer Resistor nae TESTA 7 7H TS ROTATOR pe & Vonage Casacir ye Tr POONA [COC 7 Ear Senn Conant ECCOECRSECBYPOCES’ Coram iz pouane cou. 3 Ecos svat JECOE ECOVIECOG : Foyser ts fruca2ss Te TRANSFORMER, 1 Pocuv.en JECEAECSZ elecrne, Le pausree con. : coms Mea JECOP: Fowpesiiene Iu PLAN co. 1 Tar ts Povazuessk [con : is 7 FOS ORE ts rovaznsay — [oor + ECOW Tyo8 Lio feceprcaoca [COL 1 TED 05 Sov FIP OT war cy fetePrasca [COL 1 aavoow J noov — asoy [ta soy | sosnsov ey Povczmassk | cou 1 aeasov | 22000 was fic ae |W sav 1 POLarA feo ' resco assy _|reasasv | aa sow r2 povsras ‘cot 1 3 oer, | TransroRuER a) ¢ ir fevrevoop §— {cou : TTS PRT Fan Nare ESET ra] | eevee §— {cou : TTEGHATEDORCOTS, TRRSSTORS EOOOE OTHERS ao TT 7 eo |snsstaoe © se POU CRISS] OFAETETER T ct pourceiey | pHoTOELECTAGTAANsDUCER A] + Jor suse TaansisToRSt + | free ovmeez? _ |pHOTOELECTAIG TRANSDUCER Al 3 jos | asczazs HTRANSSTORG! + |fast: — [Povonveacoar_ | SURGE ABSORBER cs lor ascrvees TRANSISTORS) : los fasoreera HTaANsiSTORS! : joo fasecar HTaansisTORst) : SET PARTS lazs laser HTRANSSTORS! 1 ice ascrrees TeansiSTORS! se POVIRTSGTOFN [UPFC CRGNET T loze — ascrreos TRANSISTORS! a [kes Pomei2. uctat PARTS. a lozs— fascrreos TeaNsiSTOR'S} 1 {fe porFieaz? — |Lowencasiner + Jaze faseaor Teans'STORS} a les Poweaar RANGER : lo2s—fascrzees Transistors! a lke jposcesiz | puTTON, ace : lozs—fasasaas Transistors} alt [fs xeaPcxi7oee [ROD ANTENNA 1 lor fsa ODEs) 1 oo sacs ODEs 1 ELECTRICAL PARTS jo: rovorsvees [Goes : ios saree DICo=: 5) + [ie POPSET] PE BORO AEST OAT T oe sssras BIcD= =) t oxo sears DIcce's + os seers: Dicce's + D7 Junzzene ted : D's |rcvosseess —_oicoeis af vs ravosseees © orooeis, alo p20 ravosseses | orooe,sh, Bla joe: ravosseaes © orcoeist ala ose | sss JOE'S) : aI Pore SR T ba povexestaone [crystal egazoutie : xi frovoxsauTone — JGavstal ea.7skete 1 1 ovexessasn: | cavstar easosie 1 x povexassisus — [cavstat esis 1 pe rovexisseave —cavstat issuaunie : 2 roverissrane — cavstat ssreutie + a ra Tae] Fans a ho fe TESTOR: EADS ETERS ra eros — Jaro ary emnsenom — | zak re enpszriezs aoe nr Jenosornoe | 00K rs Jeroscrases osx ave Jeroen ewe rs erosennm foxx aco Jenosoren — aan rr enoszturce rea fret enosorece — faa re enoserures toe fee enosorvtee | too ps empserssos roe © Jaa eRDseom [300 Jaro [enoserse: eso fries fenoserusey 200 Jan fenoserres rsx rs feroserurce | te raz fenosore: seo rae fenoserures | te ras fenoserwen [220 |na? | eansorsnos | sue rai fenosoress: eso se eroszraecr | azo ras Jenosorsece [22x ras eRoszreas eek rar Jenosore2e ax — |rrco fenosetize — ax ras fenosonen [270 Jao |enosznuers zx ros fenoserises | sex eposztusee | 1a0« fear fenoszrses sox Eroszture | os |enpsztanse — |osoe eroszturoe | ra0K ras Jeroszturoe — fsoo« enosetumee — |aak ao Jennszturze | 2208 erosztuses | 160K pax Jerosrnnss ise arse Jennsornea |i pio enosennse aso dans? |enosermar — |aao res emoszrass eas aso |enpszrsrox | rook a ree Jenosarser er frizo Jenosoture fax 4 pr Jeaoserarcs rox fara enpsorases | S00 prs feaoserasra are a |arze Jenosorvios | took pre fenosernss [tse ros fenosarsioz | te CRPROTOR ICBC [So TT RORUCTCTTMOoT ics acscanxc |sap cas | pacecrcioawy oar ice faccuaznc Jz — |cas |pacacrmrora [too les fraceciurax Jee esr |racscinssan |seP lcs Jeccacrciosy for fom | pacacreraay fact lor |ccacicrasnv Joo: Jess fraceoraane. | 22° lcs fecearaunoy roo ess Jpocacuaanc 22° lcs Jecro:cromp fos oss fecaczazanr oe a, lei fecroxciomo fos fom eceateusro |r lc Jecroicromo fos jest fecemiavzr — |220 lore Jacacrozranx Joo Jem |eceaoaurr | 270 lors Jcceciinoms Joo: Jom ecearcxsieo fro low feceenenie 3 jcc: |rocacrcroay Joo: lors Jecrorcreen> fos csr |ccecsvizons |2a0° ois ecrorcrosxo fox eso fecescicreary foo: low fecrorcromm Jos foro fecearvurer froo lore feceassanio fs cron Jecrorciem fos Jors frccactireaa Jaco: — |ciee |racsocieamn Jeo: Jez fracacriroms Joo: cio feceamun 1 lexi Jeceansanco fro Joros Jeceanuies fio lex Jecroicesao Joos ores ecroressaxo fooss lox feceniaoro | jero7 Jracacicroawy foot jose fecrorearomn Joosr crea |pacacraarna [azar jcx — |racecicroamy |oct REPLACEMENT PARTS TET TATE Pan TRTNGAS EOE Te oo xTAE10A Ne ba PONCRTEREIRE | CAYSTAT TERETE T Pare cecu soar assemsy wih mark (NLR) no engor avaiable ater ne Povcxreesene [CRYSTAL 1 eseweer 1 2 Impatient ant mtoe ‘Components sanied oy ma A. mark soe characters impart or sae ‘nen epie"g ary 0 ese comsorars, use any maniacs rpetibes pat Tr a. The Sma neeates serves stanears pars ane May sie om prosucton pars rr ESOT [SATE WOLNE T Js. 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[roemiaxrce — froox TRPRETTORS or SET ERR ITTRE oT ico feccuvmmeme Joo fess fpocuvicssaup Jose jos fracuvinons foo: — |eas fpocuvicssauo Jooss ice feccuvsnrcane face joss fpocuvmoxe Joon les feccuiiaxnc Jz esr | pocuvimnaas ooo. los feccuinssnc foo — |esa |pocuvmuroxe [err jor |racuvmioma Joo. 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